Среди основных нидерландских художников можно отметить Кампена, ван Эйка, Рогира ван дер Вейдена , Дирика Боутса , Петруса Кристуса , Ганса Мемлинга , Гуго ван дер Гуса и Иеронима Босха . Эти художники добились значительных успехов в естественном изображении и иллюзионизме , и их работы обычно характеризуются сложной иконографией . Их сюжетами обычно являются религиозные сцены или небольшие портреты, а повествовательная живопись или мифологические сюжеты встречаются относительно редко. Пейзаж часто подробно описывается, но до начала XVI века он отодвигается на второй план. Расписанные работы, как правило, написаны маслом на панели, либо как отдельные работы, либо как более сложные переносные или стационарные алтарные образы в форме диптихов , триптихов или полиптихов . Этот период также известен своей скульптурой, гобеленами , иллюминированными рукописями , витражами и резными ретабло . ( Полная статья... )
Три сцены легенды о Чудесном Таинстве в витражах собора Святых Михаила и Гудюлы в Брюсселе работы Жана-Батиста Капронье (ок. 1870). Вклад Капронье (1814–1891) способствовал возрождению витражной живописи.
The Belgian franc was the currency of the Kingdom of Belgium from 1832 until 2002, when the euro was introduced. The Belgian mint was innovative, and in 1860, the country became the first to introduce coins made of cupronickel. A few years later, in 1865, Belgium formed the Latin Monetary Union with France, Switzerland and Italy (Greece joined the system later), which facilitated trade between the countries by setting standards by which gold and silver currency could be minted and exchanged.
An early 20th-century sail wagon, used in the sport of land sailing, in Brooklyn, New York. Land sailing is the act of moving across land in a wheeled vehicle powered by wind through the use of a sail. Although land yachts have existed since Ancient Egypt, the modern sport was born in Belgium in 1898.
Averbode Abbey, founded about 1134–35 by Count Arnold II of Loon, is a Premonstratensian monastery situated in the Archdiocese of Mechelen-Brussels in Belgium. The abbey reached its peak in the 16th and 17th centuries, though over the past hundred years it has been in a state of decline.
Poeke Castle is a castle near Poeke, Belgium. Standing on 56 hectares of park, the castle is surrounded by water and is accessible through bridges at the front and rear of the building.
A photochrom from the late 19th century showing two peddlers selling milk from a dogcart near Brussels, Belgium. Dog-drawn carts were prohibited in Great Britain in the early 1900s on animal welfare grounds, but some still exist in France and Belgium. The modern-day sport of carting involves large dogs pulling carts.
Portrait of Henriette Mayer van den Bergh, an oil painting on canvas completed by the Belgian painter Jozef Van Lerius (1823–1876) in 1857. Van Lerius, a student of Gustaf Wappers, was a teacher at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp from age 31. He was known primarily for his mythological and biblical scenes, as well as his portraits and genre pictures. The subject, Henriette Mayer van den Bergh, was the mother of the art collector Fritz Mayer van den Bergh; after his death, she founded the Museum Mayer van den Bergh in Antwerp to house his collection.
A self-portrait of Louis-Marie Autissier (1772–1830), a French-born Belgian portrait miniature painter. He is considered the founder of the Belgian school of miniature painting in the nineteenth century. Born at Vannes, in Brittany, he joined the French Revolutionary Army at Rennes in 1791. On leaving the army in 1795, Autissier went to Paris and trained his art by studying paintings at the Louvre. In 1796 he settled in Brussels, but continued to divide his time between Belgium, the Netherlands, and France. Although he enjoyed great success in his career, serving as court painter to Louis Napoleon, French King of the Netherlands, and later to Willem I, Autissier died penniless.
Pyrotechnicsstunt exhibition by "Giant Auto Rodéo", a Belgianstunt performer group. Stunt performers typically perform stunts for films or television programs. Stunts are sometimes rigged so that they look dangerous while still having safety mechanisms, but often they are as dangerous as they appear to be.
Averbode Abbey is a Premonstratensian abbey in Averbode, in the municipality of Scherpenheuvel-Zichem, Belgium. The abbey was founded about 1134, suppressed in 1797, and re-established in 1834. The church is a synthesis of Baroque and Gothic architecture, with Renaissance ornamental details, and dominates the monastery complex; it was built between 1664 and 1672, to a design by the Antwerp architect Jan Van den Eynde II. This view of the church's interior shows the chancel, with the choir in the foreground and the sanctuary in the background.
... что Леона Стайнена назвали одним из величайших бельгийских архитекторов XX века?
... что название франко-бельгийского комикса «Ганс» было изменено в Польше из-за сохраняющейся неприязни к Германии?
... что для участия в Женском конгрессе в Гааге в 1915 году Эжени Амер и бельгийские делегаты ехали на машине, были обысканы, прошли пешком два часа и сели на поезд?
Image 19Первый паровоз бельгийского производства, «Бельгиец» ( « Le Belge » ), построенный в 1835 году (из « Истории Бельгии »)
Image 20Немецкие солдаты осматривают брошенный бельгийский танк Т13 , 1940 г. (из «Истории Бельгии »)
Image 21Южная часть Нижних земель с епископскими городами и аббатствами ок. 7 века. Аббатства были началом более крупных деревень и даже некоторых городов, которые изменили ландшафт. (из Истории Бельгии )
Image 23Карта, показывающая территорию Западной Германии, оккупированную бельгийскими войсками после Второй мировой войны, известную как FBA-BSD (из «Истории Бельгии» ).