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<ref name=JHHJ-asw>{{cite book|last = Halliday |first = James |coauthors = Johnson, Hugh |title = The Art and Science of Wine | publisher = Mitchell Beazley Ltd. |date= 1992 |isbn = 9781554072477 | pages= xx }}</ref>
Вина и крепкие напитки – понимание стиля и качества
<ref name=WSET-usq>{{cite book|last = WSET |title = Вина и крепкие спиртные напитки – понимание стиля и качества | издатель = Wine & Spirit Education Trust |date= 2011 |isbn = 9781905819157 | pages= xx }}</ref>
Спутник вина
<ref name=FP-ctw>{{cite encyclopedia|редактор = Прайал, Фрэнк |соавторы = Джордж, Розмари, М.У.; Эдвардс, Майкл |энциклопедия = The Companion to Wine |издатель = Mirabel Books | |дата = 1992 |isbn= 1873901011 |страницы = xx }}</ref>
История вина
<ref name=HWA-how>{{cite book|last = Allen |first = H. Warner |title = История вина |year = 1961 |publisher = Horizon Press |pages = xx}}</ref>
Дионис: Социальная история виноградной лозы
<ref name=EH-dio>{{cite book|last = Hyams |first = Edward |title = Dionysus: A Social History of the Wine Vine |year = 1965 |publisher = Thames and Hudson |pages = xx}}</ref>
История вина
<ref name=HJ-sow>{{cite book|last = Johnson |first = Hugh |title = The Story of Wine |year = 1989 |publisher = Mitchell Beazley |isbn = 085533696X |pages = xx}}</ref>
<ref name=HJ-waw>{{cite book|last = Johnson |first = Hugh |title = The World Atlas of Wine | publisher = Mitchell Beazley Ltd. |date= 1971 |isbn = 0855330023 | pages= xx }}</ref>
<ref name=HJ/JR-waw>{{cite book|last = Johnson |first = Hugh |coauthors = Robinson, Jancis |title = The World Atlas of Wine |edition = 5th |year = 2005 |publisher = Mitchell Beazley |isbn = 9781845333010 |pages = xx }}</ref>
Винный атлас Оза Кларка
<ref name=OC-wa>{{cite book|last = Clarke |first = Oz |title = Oz Clarke's Wine Atlas |edition = 2nd | publisher = Websters International Publishers |date= 2002 |isbn = 9780151009138 | pages= xx }}</ref>
Всемирный атлас пива
<ref name=TWSB-wab>{{cite book|last = Webb |first = Tim |coauthors = Beaumont, Stehen |title = The World Atlas of Beer | publisher = Mitchell Beazley Ltd. |date= 2012 |isbn = 9781845336332 | pages= xx }}</ref>
Книга французских вин
<ref name=PMS-bfw>{{cite book|last = Shand |first = P. Morton |editor = Ray, Cyril |title = A Book of French Wines |edition = 3rd |year = 1964 |publisher = Penguin Books |pages= xx }}</ref>
Всемирная энциклопедия шампанского и игристого вина
<ref name=TS-wecsw>{{cite book|last = Stevenson |first = Tom |title = World Encyclopedia of Champagne & Sparkling Wine |year = 1998 |publisher = Absolute Press |isbn = 9781899791989 |pages = xx }}</ref>
Вина Бордо
<ref name=EPR-wb>{{cite book|last = Penning-Rowsell |first = Edmund |title = The Wines of Bordeaux |publisher = The International Wine and Food Publishing Company |date = 1969 |isbn= 0140468668 |pages = xx }}</ref>
<ref name=CC-wb>{{cite book|last = Coates |first = Clive |title = The Wines of Burgundy |publisher = University of California Press |date = 2008 |isbn= 9780520250505 |pages = xx }}</ref>
<ref name=NB-bv>{{cite book|last = Belfrage |first = Nicolas |title = Barolo to Valpolicalla: Вина Северной Италии |publisher = Mitchell Beazley |date = 1999 |isbn= 9781840008012 |pages = xx }}</ref>
Брунелло в Зибиббо
<ref name=NB-bz>{{cite book|last = Belfrage |first = Nicolas |title = Brunello to Zibibbo: Вина Тосканы, Центральной и Южной Италии |publisher = Mitchell Beazley | |date = 2001 |isbn= 9780571195169 |pages = xx }}</ref>
Вина Испании
<ref name=JRe-ws>{{cite book|last = Read |first = Jan |title = The Wines of Spain |edition = 2nd |year = 1986 |publisher = Faber & Faber | isbn= 057114621X |pages= xx }}</ref>
Вина Испании
<ref name=JJ-ws>{{cite book|last = Jeffs |first = Julian |title = The Wines of Spain |year = 2005 |publisher = Octopus | isbn= 9781845336240 |pages= xx }}</ref>
Вина Риохи
<ref name=JRa-wr>{{cite book|last = Radford |first = John |title = The Wines of Rioja |year = 2004 |publisher = Mitchell Beazley | isbn= 9781840009408 |pages= xx }}</ref>
<ref name=PLJB-smm>{{цитировать книгу|последняя = Лием |первая = Питер |соавтор= Баркин, Хесус |название = Шерри, Мансанилья и Монтилья |издатель = Манутиус |год = 2012 | isbn= 9780985981501 |pages= xx }}</ref>
Порт и Дору
<ref name=RM-pad>{{cite book|last = Mayson |first = Richard |title = Port and the Douro |publisher = Infinite Ideas | |date = 2013 |isbn= 9781908984173 |pages = xx }}</ref>
Вина Калифорнии
<ref name=SB-woc>{{cite book|last = Brook |first = Stephen |title = The Wines of California |publisher = Faber and Faber | |date = 1999 |isbn= 9780571190300 |pages = xx }}</ref>
Вина Южной Америки
<ref name=MW-wosa>{{cite book|last = Waldin |first = Monty |title = Wines of South America |publisher = Mitchell Beazley | |date = 2003 |isbn= 9781840006094 |pages = xx }}</ref>
Заметки о погребной книге
<ref name=GS-ncb>{{cite book|last = Saintsbury |first = George |title = Notes on a Cellar-Book |publisher = Macmillan and co. |year = 1920 |pages = xx }}</ref>
<ref name=AS-dr>{{cite book|last = Simon |first = André |title = Drink |publisher = Burke Publishing Co.| edition = 1st | year = 1948 }}</ref>
Книга о вине у камина
<ref name=AB-fbw>{{cite book|last = Bespaloff |first = Alexis |title = The Fireside Book of Wine |publisher = Simon & Schuster |date = 1977 | isbn= 0671224662 |pages = xx }}</ref>
Книга вина New York Times
<ref name=NYTBoW>{{cite book|редактор = Голдберг, Говард Г. |название = The New York Times Book of Wine |издатель = Sterling Epicure |дата = 2012 | isbn= 9781402781841 |страницы = xx }}</ref>
Разговор о вине
<ref name=FJP-wt>{{cite book|last = Prial |first = Frank J. |title = Wine Talk |year = 1978 |publisher = Times Books |isbn = 0812907930 |pages = xx}}
<ref name=FJP-d>{{cite book|last = Prial |first = Frank J. |title = Decantations |year = 2001 |publisher = St. Martin's Press |isbn = 9780312284435 |pages = xx}}
<ref name=KL-awr>{{cite book|last = Линч |first = Кермит |title = Приключения на винном пути |publisher = The Noonday Press |date = 1995 | isbn= 9780374522667 |pages = xx }}</ref>
Понимание вина
<ref name=MK-msw>{{cite book|last = Kramer |first = Matt |title = Making Sense of Wine |publisher = Running Press |date = 1989 | isbn= 9780726420209 |pages = xx }}</ref>
Мэтт Крамер о вине
<ref name=MK-mkow>{{cite book|last = Kramer |first = Matt |title = Matt Kramer on Wine |publisher = Sterling Epicure |date = 2010 | isbn= 9781402771644 |pages = xx }}</ref>
Чтение между винами
<ref name=TT-rbw>{{cite book|last = Theise |first = Terry |title = Reading Between the Wines |publisher = University of California Press |date = 2010 | isbn= 9780520265332 |pages = xx }}</ref>
Битва за вино и любовь
<ref name=AF-tbfwal>{{cite book|last = Feiring |first = Alice |title = Битва за вино и любовь |publisher = Harcourt, Inc. |date = 2008 | isbn= 9780151012862 |pages = xx }}</ref>
Голое вино
<ref name=AF-nw>{{cite book|last = Feiring |first = Alice |title = Naked Wine |publisher = Da Capo Press |date = 2011 | isbn= 9780306819537 |pages = xx }}</ref>
Логика дегустаторов вин
<ref name=PS-wtl>{{cite book|last = Simon |first = Pat |title = Wine-Tasters' Logic |publisher = Faber and Faber |date = 2000 | isbn= 9780571202874 |pages = xx }}</ref>
<ref name=TC-wp>{{cite book|last = Colman |first = Tyler |title = Wine Politics |publisher = University of California Press |date = 2008 | isbn= 9780520255210 |pages = xx }}</ref>
Год вина
<ref name=TC-yow>{{cite book|last = Colman |first = Tyler |title = A Year of Wine |publisher = Simon and Schuster |date = 2008 | isbn= 9781416948155 |pages = xx }}</ref>
<ref name=JG-sow>{{cite book|last = Goode |first = Jamie |title = The Science of Wine |publisher = University of California Press |date = 2005 | isbn= 9780520248007 |pages = xx }}</ref>
Настоящее вино
<ref name=JGSH-aw>{{cite book|last = Goode |first = Jamie |coauthors= Harrop, Sam |title = Authentic Wine |publisher = University of California Press |date = 2011 | isbn= 9780520265639 |pages = xx }}</ref>
Виноградник в моем стакане
<ref name=GA-avimg>{{cite book|last = Эшер |first = Джеральд |title = Виноградник в моем стакане |publisher = Издательство Калифорнийского университета |date = 2011 | isbn= 9780520270336 |pages = xx }}</ref>
<ref name=SH-bww>{{cite book|last = Hieronymus |first = Stan |title = Brewing with Wheat |publisher = Brewers Publications |date = 2010 | isbn= 9780937381953 |pages = xx }}</ref>
100 сортов бельгийского пива, которые стоит попробовать, прежде чем умереть
<ref name=TWJP-100bb>{{cite book|last = Уэбб |first = Тим |coauthors = Паттин, Йорис |title = 100 сортов бельгийского пива, которые стоит попробовать, прежде чем умереть | publisher = Camra Books |date= 2010 |isbn = 9781852492489 | pages= xx }}</ref>
Вино для чайников
<ref name=WFD>{{cite book|last = Ewing-Mulligan |first = Mary |coauthors = McCarthy, Ed |title = Wine for Dummies |publisher = Wiley Publishing, Inc. |edition = 4th |date = 2006 |isbn= 9780470045794 |pages = xx }}</ref>
Руководство покупателя вина от Parker's
<ref name=RP-wbg08>{{cite book|last = Parker |first = Robert M., Jr. |date = 2008 |title= Руководство покупателя вина Паркера |publisher = Simon and Schuster |pages= xx |isbn= 9780743271998 }}</ref>
<ref name=plat>{{cite book|редактор = Ван Зил, Филип |название = Platter's South African Wines |издание = 29-е |год = 2009 |издатель = Ньюсом Макдауэлл |isbn = 9780958450676 |страницы= xx }}