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Остров Салли ( валлийский : Ynys Sili ) — небольшой приливный остров площадью 14,5 акров (5,9 га) у деревни Суонбридж в долине Гламорган , Уэльс. Он расположен в 400 м (440 ярдах) от северного побережья Бристольского залива , на полпути между городами Пенарт и Барри и в 10 км (6 миль) к югу от валлийской столицы Кардиффа . Он является частью прихода Салли , в честь которого он и назван, и зарегистрирован как объект особого научного интереса . Остров Салли — один из 43 не соединенных мостом приливных островов, до которых можно добраться пешком с материковой части Великобритании . [1]
Доступ к острову возможен пешком во время отлива от парковки паба Captain's Wife . Каменистая дамба, соединяющая остров с материком, обнажается примерно на 3 часа по обе стороны отлива, оставшуюся часть дня остров отрезан от материка. Таблица приливов и отливов показывает, когда безопасно переходить.
В XIII веке остров был базой для Альфредо де Мариско, [ нужна цитата ] нормандского пирата, известного среди местных жителей как Ночной Ястреб. В средние века остров был хорошо известен своей причастностью к местной контрабандной торговле.
Есть свидетельства того, что остров часто посещали и римляне , и викинги . Также есть археологические свидетельства остатков саксонского многовалового мысового форта, занимающего восточную часть острова, на вершине которого находится курган бронзового века . Некоторые предполагают, что это была вооруженная крепость, но, скорее всего, это была защищенная резиденция и фермерское хозяйство.
Свонбридж и набережная, защищенная островом Салли, использовались в качестве торговой гавани и порта в течение нескольких сотен лет, хотя сегодня нет никаких признаков этого. Грузы прибывали и отправлялись по дороге St Mary's Well Bay Road, которая сейчас перекрыта для сквозного движения, по пути на традиционный рынок в Кантон- Кросс в Кардиффе. Еще в начале 1970-х годов железные швартовные кольца гавани все еще можно было увидеть на восточном конце залива.
During the 16th century several historical records show that the trader masters were supposed to pay an import duty to local officials, but many attempted to avoid the payments by smuggling the cargoes ashore. In 1569 court records show that the harbour official seized contraband consisting of 28,000 lb (13,000 kg) of cheese and eighty barrels of butter arriving illegally at Swanbridge. In 1658 the harbour was being used as a landing place for illegal immigrants, described at the time as "undesirables".
A small fleet of fishing vessels were located at Swanbridge harbour and it is likely that the row of cottages, that were converted during 1976 and 1977 into the Captain's Wife pub, were the traditional homes of the local fishermen and their families.
Owing to the tricky tides and narrow access, many ships have sunk in the vicinity of the island. Several sources record that the famous Antarctic survey vessel, the SY Scotia, was wrecked on the island during 18 January 1916. Local children from as far away as Barry went to Swanbridge with sacks to collect coal spilled on the foreshore from the wreck, over several weeks. There is a skeleton of a wreck still visible on the island's north foreshore facing Swanbridge, but this vessel's keel is too short to have been the Scotia.
The survey ship that the oceanographer William Speirs Bruce used on the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition, 1902–04, was originally a sealer named Hekla, built in Norway in 1872. In 1889 the Norwegian skipper Ragnvald Knudsen explored the northeast coast of Greenland between latitudes 74° and 75°, and in 1891–92 the ship was used by the Danish naval officer, Lieutenant C. Ryder, to explore the inner recesses of Scoresby Sund, finally visiting Angmagssalik.
In 1902, renamed Survey Yacht Scotia and captained by Tam Robertson from Peterhead, she sailed to the Weddell Sea under the leadership of Bruce. The southern winter of 1903 was spent at Laurie Island in the South Orkney Islands, and in March–April 1904 the party discovered 150 miles (240 km) of previously unknown coastline of the Antarctic continent, reaching a farthest south of 74°01′S, 22°00′W. An extensive programme of marine survey and biological research was carried out. Back in the UK, Bruce sold the ship, and she returned to sealing, based in Dundee until appointed to be the first international North Atlantic ice patrol ship after the tragedy of RMS Titanic. The Great War caused her to become a freighter in the English Channel area until she caught fire and was burnt out on Sully Island.
From 1890 until the end of the 1960s, Swanbridge was connected northward to Penarth and Cardiff and westward to Barry and the South Wales Valleys by an extension of the Taff Vale Railway line. The coastal spur was closed under the Beeching cuts in 1968. Swanbridge railway station near the main Lavernock Road junction was closed and is now overgrown with weeds and brambles. The redundant rail track bed has mostly been sold into private ownership and built on, with any unsold stretches being overgrown and impassable as far as the Fort Road bridge at Lavernock. Between Lavernock and Penarth the track bed is a rural greenway and cycle track.
When the rail link arrived at the start of the 20th century, the bays of Swanbridge, St Mary's Well and Lavernock became popular summer time destination for day trippers from Cardiff, Penarth and the South Wales Valleys, particularly at weekends and on bank holidays. For nearly a hundred years there was a busy and profitable cafe and ice cream parlour, located at the St Mary's Well Bay end of the Swanbridge carpark, that was closed and demolished around 1970 when the through road was blocked off to traffic.
Watercolour artist Thomas Frederick Worrall, who lived in Barry from 1913, painted many views of the island.
The noted British biologist Brian J. Ford used to live and write at Swanbridge and explored Sully Island frequently. He also carried out extensive ecological studies, while surveying and mapping both the island and the foreshore. Ford recorded many plants unusual for the area, including the bee orchid, the marine spleenwort and the adder's tongue fern.
The island once supported a vast colony of rabbits. When the disease myxomatosis arrived in Britain during 1953, the mainland population of rabbits was quickly decimated. Mostly because of its remoteness from the mainland the Sully Island, rabbits survived for many years until the disease finally arrived on the island, some suspect through human agency. From time to time new rabbit colonies set up home on Sully Island, but at nowhere near the early 1950s levels.
The waters around Sully Island are fished for species such as cod, whiting, pouting, dogfish, conger eel and bass.
Any trees that grew on the island have been long cut down and even scrubby bushes struggle to gain a foothold on the sandy and loamy surface. Most of the island is covered with a coarse grass. A damp central depression on the island supports a reed bed about 0.5 ha (1.2 acres) in extent.
The sea cliff exposures of Sully Island provide an excellent insight into the environment of the area in Triassic times, approximately 200 million years ago. Red mudstones, sandstones and breccias (rocks made from angular pebbles) indicate that this area was a beach situated on the margin between steep semi-desert land and a large shallow lake or marine lagoon. These Triassic rocks were deposited on top of much older Carboniferous Limestone which can be seen at the base of the cliffs.[2]
In 1985 the Vale of Glamorgan Council refused an application for outline planning permission for a Health and Holiday Hydro facility on Sully Island.[3]
В июле 2011 года остров был выставлен на продажу фирмой местных дипломированных геодезистов Cooke & Arkwright. Остров рекламировался как включающий 14,5 акров (59 000 м 2 ). Первоначальная ориентировочная цена в 1,25 миллиона фунтов стерлингов была снижена до всего лишь 95 000 фунтов стерлингов из-за отсутствия интереса. Кампания низовых организаций «Спасите остров Салли» попыталась поднять цену покупки, но потерпела неудачу. Однако в последнюю минуту вмешался таинственный покупатель с предложением, значительно превышающим ориентировочную цену. Покупатель, моряк, внес вклад в низовую кампанию и пообещал сохранить остров открытым для публики. [4] [5]
51°23′42″N 3°11′50″W / 51.395°N 3.19725°W / 51.395; -3.19725