Ханаока Сейшу | |
Рожденный | 23 октября 1760 г. [2] |
Умер | 21 ноября 1835 г. (75 лет) Япония |
Национальность | японский |
Гражданство | Япония |
Альма-матер | Киото , Япония |
Известный | первым провел операцию под общим наркозом |
Научная карьера | |
Поля | Медицина , хирургия |
Учреждения | Япония |
Научные консультанты | Нангай Ёсимасу (1750-1813) [1] |
Ханаока Сэйсю (華岡 青洲, 23 октября 1760 г. — 21 ноября 1835 г.) был японским хирургом периода Эдо , владевшим знаниями китайской травяной медицины , а также западных хирургических методов, которым он научился через Рангаку (дословно «голландское обучение» и в более широком смысле «западное обучение»). Говорят, что Ханаока был первым, кто проводил операции с использованием общего наркоза .
Ханаока изучал медицину в Киото и стал практикующим врачом в префектуре Вакаяма, расположенной недалеко от Осаки, где он родился. Сэйсю Ханаока изучал традиционную японскую медицину, а также импортированную из Голландии европейскую хирургию. Из-за политики самоизоляции страны Сакоку [3] в то время в Японию было разрешено ввозить лишь несколько иностранных медицинских текстов. Это ограничило знакомство Ханаока и других японских врачей с западными медицинскими разработками.
Возможно, самый известный японский хирург периода Эдо, Ханаока был известен тем, что объединил голландскую и японскую хирургию и внедрил в Японию современные хирургические методы. [4] Ханаока успешно оперировал гидроцеле , анальный свищ и даже выполнил некоторые виды пластической хирургии . Он был первым хирургом в мире, который использовал общую анестезию в хирургии и который осмелился оперировать рак груди и ротоглотки , удалять некротизированную кость и проводить ампутации конечностей в Японии. [4]
Хуа То (華佗, ок. 145-220 н. э.) был китайским хирургом II века н. э. Согласно « Записям о трех королевствах» (ок. 270 н. э.) и « Книге поздней Хань» (ок. 430 н. э.), Хуа То проводил операции под общим наркозом, используя формулу, которую он разработал, смешивая вино со смесью травяных экстрактов , которую он называл мафейсан (麻沸散). [5] Сообщается, что Хуа То использовал мафейсан для выполнения даже серьезных операций, таких как резекция гангренозного кишечника . [5] [6] [7] Перед операцией он вводил пероральное анестезирующее зелье , вероятно , растворенное в вине, чтобы вызвать состояние бессознательного состояния и частичной нервно-мышечной блокады . [5]
Точный состав мафейсана, как и все клинические знания Хуа То, был утерян, когда он сжег свои рукописи, незадолго до своей смерти. [8] Состав анестезирующего порошка не упоминается ни в « Записях о трех царствах» , ни в «Книге поздней Хань» . Поскольку конфуцианское учение считало тело священным , а хирургия считалась формой телесного увечья, хирургия настоятельно не одобрялась в Древнем Китае . Из-за этого, несмотря на сообщаемый успех Хуа То с общей анестезией, практика хирургии в Древнем Китае прекратилась с его смертью. [5]
Название mafeisan объединяет ma (麻, что означает «конопля, кольпит , онемение или покалывание »), fei (沸, что означает « кипение или пузырение») и san (散, что означает «разбивать или рассеивать», или «лекарство в виде порошка»). Поэтому слово mafeisan , вероятно, означает что-то вроде «вареный порошок конопли». Многие синологи и ученые традиционной китайской медицины гадали о составе порошка mafeisan Хуа То, но точные компоненты до сих пор остаются неясными. Считается, что его формула содержала некоторую комбинацию: [5] [8] [9] [10]
Others have suggested the potion may have also contained hashish,[6] bhang,[7] shang-luh,[11] or opium.[12] Victor H. Mair wrote that mafei "appears to be a transcription of some Indo-European word related to "morphine"."[13] Some authors believe that Hua Tuo may have discovered surgical analgesia by acupuncture, and that mafeisan either had nothing to do with or was simply an adjunct to his strategy for anesthesia.[14] Many physicians have attempted to re-create the same formulation based on historical records but none have achieved the same clinical efficacy as Hua Tuo's. In any event, Hua Tuo's formula did not appear to be effective for major operations.[13][15]
Hanaoka was intrigued when he learned about Hua Tuo's mafeisan potion. Beginning in about 1785, Hanaoka embarked on a quest to re-create a compound that would have pharmacologic properties similar to Hua Tuo's mafeisan.[2] His wife, who participated in his experiments as a volunteer, lost her sight due to adverse side effects. After years of research and experimentation, he finally developed a formula which he named tsūsensan (also known as mafutsu-san). Like that of Hua Tuo, this compound was composed of extracts of several different plants, including:[16][17][18]
Some sources claim that Angelica archangelica (often referred to as garden angelica, holy ghost, or wild celery) was also an ingredient.
Reportedly the mixture was ground to a paste, boiled in water, and administered as a drink. After 2 to 4 hours the patient would become insensitive to pain and then lapse into unconsciousness. Depending on the dosage, they might remain unconscious for 6–24 hours. The active ingredients in tsūsensan were scopolamine, hyoscyamine, atropine, aconitine and angelicotoxin. When consumed in sufficient quantity, tsūsensan produced a state of general anesthesia and skeletal muscle paralysis.[18]
Shutei Nakagawa (1773–1850), a close friend of Hanaoka, wrote a small pamphlet entitled "Mayaku-ko" ("narcotic powder") in 1796. Although the original manuscript was lost in a fire in 1867, this brochure described the current state of Hanaoka's research on general anesthesia.[19]
Once perfected, Hanaoka began to administer his new sedative drink to induce a state of consciousness equivalent to or approximating that of modern general anesthesia to his patients. Kan Aiya (藍屋勘) was a 60-year-old woman whose family was beset by breast cancer - Kan being the last of her kin alive. On 13 October 1804, Hanaoka performed a partial mastectomy for breast cancer on Kan Aiya, using tsūsensan as a general anesthetic. This is regarded today by some as the first reliable documentation of an operation to be performed under general anesthesia.[2][17][20][21] Nearly forty years would pass before Crawford Long used general anesthesia in Jefferson, Georgia.[22]
Hanaoka's success in performing this painless operation soon became widely known, and patients began to arrive from all parts of Japan. Hanaoka went on to perform many operations using tsūsensan, including resection of malignant tumors, extraction of bladder stones, and extremity amputations. Before his death in 1835, Hanaoka performed more than 150 operations for breast cancer.[2][21][23][24] He also devised and modified surgical instruments, and trained and educated many students, using his own philosophy for medical management. Hanaoka attracted many students, and his surgical techniques became known as the Hanaoka method.[2]
Hanaoka wrote the following works. None of these were printed books. Rather (as was the custom in Japan at that time), they were all handwritten manuscripts which were later reproduced by his students for their personal use.[4]
The surgical teachings of Hanaoka were also preserved in a series of eight handwritten books by unnamed pupils, but known to us by the following titles: Shoka shinsho, Shoka sagen, Kinso yojutsu, Kinso kuju, Geka chakuyo, Choso benmei, Nyuiganben, and Koho benran. No dates are known for any of these writings. Since Hanaoka himself made only manuscript copies and none were ever published, it is doubtful if many copies of his surgical writings are now extant.[4]
Though some of his patients are said to have benefited from Hanaoka's work, it apparently had no impact upon the development of general anesthesia in the rest of the world. The national isolation policy of the Tokugawa shogunate prevented Hanaoka's achievements from being publicized until after the isolation ended in 1854. By that time, different techniques for general anesthesia had already been independently developed by American and European scientists and physicians. The Japan Society of Anesthesiologists however has incorporated a representation of the Korean morning glory flower in their logo in honor of Hanaoka's pioneering work.
Hanaoka's house has been preserved in his hometown (Naga-cho, Kinokawa, Wakayama). It has various interactive exhibits in both Japanese and English. It is adjacent to a nursing college, and many locally trained doctors and nurses pay homage to Hanaoka and his works.[citation needed]
The Japanese author Sawako Ariyoshi wrote a novel entitled The Doctor's Wife (Japanese 華岡青洲の妻), based on the actual life of Hanaoka Seishū mixed with a fictional conflict between his mother and his wife. The novel was subsequently filmed as a 1967 movie directed by Yasuzo Masumura, Hanaoka Seishū no tsuma (aka "The Wife of Seishu Hanaoka").
If a disease seemed beyond the reach of needles and cautery, he operated, giving his patients a dose of hashish which rendered them unconscious.
The well-attested fact that Hua T'o made use of an anaesthetic for surgical operations over 1,600 years before Sir James Simpson certainly places him to our eyes on a pinnacle of fame....
Pien Chiao (ca. 300 BC) used general anesthesia for surgical procedures. It is recorded that he gave two men, named "Lu" and "Chao", a toxic drink which rendered them unconscious for three days, during which time he performed a gastrotomy upon them
Giving up the gun Noel Perrin.