| |||
В этой статье описываются новые таксоны ископаемых растений , описание которых запланировано на 2020 год, а также другие значимые открытия и события, связанные с палеоботаникой , которые запланированы на 2020 год.
Имя | Новинка | Статус | Авторы | Возраст | Тип местности | Расположение | Примечания | Изображения |
Лимнобиофиллум ножчатый [1] | Sp. нояб. | Действительный | Лоу, Су и Син в работе Лоу и др. | Поздний олигоцен | Представитель семейства ароидных . |
Имя | Новинка | Статус | Авторы | Возраст | Тип местности | Расположение | Примечания | Изображения |
Sp. нояб. | Действительный | На, Бланшар и Ван | Средний эоцен | Представитель семейства аралиевых . |
Имя | Новинка | Статус | Авторы | Возраст | Тип местности | Расположение | Примечания | Изображения |
Echimonocolpites chicxulubensis [3] | Sp. нояб. | Действительный | Смит и др. | Пыльца цветкового растения, вероятно, из семейства арековых . | ||||
Sp. нояб. | В печати | Хан, Хазра и Бера в Хан и др. | Поздний мел ( маастрихт ) - палеоцен ( датский ярус ) | Окаменевший стебель пальмы подсемейства Ceroxyloideae . | ||||
Sp. нояб. | Действительный | Хан, Рой и Бера в Хан и др. | Поздний мел ( маастрихт ) - палеоцен ( датский ярус ) | Окаменевший стебель пальмы . | ||||
Sp. нояб. | Действительный | Гринвуд и Конран | ||||||
Sabalites karondiensis [7] | Sp. нояб. | В печати | Рой, Хазра и Хан в Roy et al. | Поздний мел-палеоцен (поздний маастрихт - ранний датский ярус ) | Деканские межтрапповые пласты | Пальмовая ветвь. | ||
Spinizonolpites riochiquensis [8] | Sp. нояб. | Действительный | Валлати и Де Соса Томас в Валлати, Де Соса Томас и Казаль | Поздний мел ( маастрихт ) | Член Arecaceae, описанный на основе ископаемых пыльцевых зерен. Анонсирован в 2019 году; окончательная версия статьи, дающая ему название, была опубликована в 2020 году. |
Имя | Новинка | Статус | Авторы | Возраст | Тип местности | Расположение | Примечания | Изображения |
Пахисандра европейская [9] | Sp. нояб. | Действительный | Квачек, Теодоридис и Денк | Вид пахизандры . Анонсирован в 2019 году; окончательная версия статьи, дающая ему название, была опубликована в 2020 году. |
Имя | Новинка | Статус | Авторы | Возраст | Тип местности | Расположение | Примечания | Изображения |
Гомфрениполлис Гарсия [10] | Sp. нояб. | Действительный | Рабелу Лейте, Феррейра да Силва-Каминья и Д'Аполито | миоцен | Бассейн Солимоэнса | Пыльца цветкового растения, возможно, произведенная представителями семейства Amaranthaceae . Анонсирован в 2020 году; окончательная версия статьи, дающая ему название, была опубликована в 2021 году. |
Имя | Новинка | Статус | Авторы | Возраст | Тип местности | Расположение | Примечания | Изображения |
Саркандраксилон [11] | Ген. и зр. нов. | Действительный | Пипо, Иглесиас и Боднар | Поздний мел (ранний–средний кампан ) | Член семейства Chloranthaceae . Род включает новый вид S. sanjosense . |
Имя | Новинка | Статус | Авторы | Возраст | Тип местности | Расположение | Примечания | Изображения |
Амерсинии малотоненсис [12] | Sp. нояб. | Действительный | Хюгеле и Манчестер | Ранний палеоцен | ||||
Лангтония парва [12] | Sp. нояб. | Действительный | Хюгеле и Манчестер | Ранний палеоцен | Формация Денвер | Представитель семейства Мастиксиевые. | ||
Мастиксикарпум худи [12] | Sp. нояб. | Действительный | Хюгеле и Манчестер | Ранний палеоцен | Формация Денвер | Представитель семейства Мастиксиевые. | ||
Нисса гергоей [13] | Sp. нояб. | Действительный | Хабли | Тупело . | ||||
Нисса герджи [13] | Sp. нояб. | Действительный | Хабли | миоцен | Тупело. | |||
Платикратер Ильинского [14] | Sp. нояб. | В печати | Денк и др. | Поздний олигоцен | ||||
Портналлиа александри [12] | Sp. нояб. | Действительный | Хюгеле и Манчестер | Ранний палеоцен | Формация Денвер | Представитель семейства Мастиксиевые. |
Имя | Новинка | Статус | Авторы | Возраст | Тип местности | Расположение | Примечания | Изображения |
Стафилея Вудвортенская [15] | Sp. нояб. | В печати | Чжу и Манчестер | Олигоцен | Формирование Ренова | Соединенные Штаты ( Монтана ) | Вид рода Staphylea . |
Имя | Новинка | Статус | Авторы | Возраст | Тип местности | Расположение | Примечания | Изображения |
Кориарипитес гуди [16] | Sp. нояб. | Действительный | Барреда, Палаццези и Теллерия в Реннере и др. | Поздний мел ( кампан – ранний маастрихт ) | Формация Лопес де Бертодано | Пыльцевые зерна похожи на зерна современных представителей рода Coriaria . | ||
Echitriporites jolyi [10] | Sp. нояб. | Действительный | Рабелу Лейте, Феррейра да Силва-Каминья и Д'Аполито | миоцен | Бассейн Солимоэнса | Пыльца, производимая представителями рода Cayaponia . Анонсирован в 2020 году; окончательная версия статьи, давшая ему название, была опубликована в 2021 году. |
Имя | Новинка | Статус | Авторы | Возраст | Тип местности | Расположение | Примечания | Изображения |
Andrewsiocarpon puryearensis [2] | Sp. нояб. | Действительный | На, Бланшар и Ван | Средний эоцен | Формирование Кокфилда | Представитель семейства Theaceae . | ||
Анубискарпон [17] | Ген. и зр. нов. | Действительный | Смит и Манчестер | Средний эоцен | Член семейства Theaceae. Род включает новый вид A. andersonae . |
Имя | Новинка | Статус | Авторы | Возраст | Тип местности | Расположение | Примечания | Изображения |
Cercis zekuensis [18] | Sp. нояб. | Действительный | Ли и др. | Ранний миоцен | Вид Cercis . Анонсирован в 2020 году; окончательная версия статьи, давшая ему название, была опубликована в 2021 году. | |||
Гледичия плиоценовая [9] | Sp. нояб. | Действительный | Квачек, Теодоридис и Денк | Вид Gleditsia . Анонсирован в 2019 году; окончательная версия статьи, дающая ему название, была опубликована в 2020 году. | ||||
Menendoxylon lutzi [19] | Sp. нояб. | В печати | Баез и Крисафулли | миоцен | Чикимил | Аргентина | Ископаемая древесина представителя семейства бобовых . | |
Parkiidites marileae [10] | Sp. нояб. | Действительный | Рабелу Лейте, Феррейра да Силва-Каминья и Д'Аполито | миоцен | Бассейн Солимоэнса | Пыльца, производимая представителями рода Parkia . Анонсирован в 2020 году; окончательная версия статьи, давшая ему название, была опубликована в 2021 году. | ||
Приория Мартинезиорум [20] | Sp. нояб. | Действительный | Родригес-Рейес и Эстрада-Руис | Олигоцен-миоцен | Формирование Сантьяго | Разновидность Приории . | ||
Псиластефанокольпориты деоливерае [10] | Sp. нояб. | Действительный | Рабелу Лейте, Феррейра да Силва-Каминья и Д'Аполито | миоцен | Бассейн Солимоэнса | Пыльца, производимая представителями семейства Polygalaceae . Анонсирован в 2020 году; окончательная версия статьи, дающая ему название, была опубликована в 2021 году. | ||
Псиластефанокольпорит эндопоратус [10] | Sp. нояб. | Действительный | Рабелу Лейте, Феррейра да Силва-Каминья и Д'Аполито | миоцен | Бассейн Солимоэнса | Анонсирован в 2020 году; окончательная версия статьи с его названием была опубликована в 2021 году. | ||
Striatopollis grahamii [3] | Sp. нояб. | Действительный | Смит и др. | Эоцен (Ипр) | Пыльца двудольного растения , вероятно, из семейства бобовых . |
Имя | Новинка | Статус | Авторы | Возраст | Тип местности | Расположение | Примечания | Изображения |
Ольха чайбуланская [21] | Sp. нояб. | Действительный | Аверьянова и Син | Ольха . | ||||
Ягоды хайнанские [22] | Sp. нояб. | Действительный | Лю и Цзинь в Лю, Сун и Цзинь | Формация Чанчан | Представитель семейства Буковые . | |||
Гвоздь асимметричный [23] | Sp. нояб. | В печати | Сюэ и Цзя в работе Сюэ и др. | Ранний миоцен | Магуан | Вид рода Carpinus . | ||
Гвоздь симметричный [23] | Sp. нояб. | В печати | Сюэ и Цзя в работе Сюэ и др. | Ранний миоцен | Бассейн Магуан | Вид Carpinus | ||
Carya pipecreekensis [24] | Sp. нояб. | В печати | Свайнхарт и Фарлоу | Поздний неоген | Гикори . | |||
Castaneophyllum hainanensis [22] | Sp. нояб. | Действительный | Лю и Цзинь в Лю, Сун и Цзинь | эоцен | Формация Чанчан | Представитель семейства буковых. | ||
Кастанеофиллум ланцетный [22] | Sp. нояб. | Действительный | Лю и Цзинь в Лю, Сун и Цзинь | эоцен | Формация Чанчан | Представитель семейства буковых. | ||
Кастанопсис болгарский [25] | Sp. нояб. | Действительный | Манцука, Иванов и Бозуков | Поздний миоцен–ранний плиоцен (поздний мессинийский –ранний занклийский ) | Покровник | Болгария | Вид Castanopsis . Анонсирован в 2020 году; окончательная версия статьи, давшая ему название, была опубликована в 2021 году. | |
Литокарпус чанчангенский [22] | Sp. нояб. | Действительный | Лю и Цзинь в Лю, Сун и Цзинь | эоцен | Формация Чанчан | Вид литокарпуса . | ||
Дуб Борисова [21] | Sp. нояб. | Действительный | Аверьянова и Син | Дуб . | ||||
Дуб чанчангенский [22] | Sp. нояб. | Действительный | Лю и Цзинь в Лю, Сун и Цзинь | эоцен | Формация Чанчан | Дуб. | ||
Дуб палеоаргиротриха [22] | Sp. нояб. | Действительный | Лю и Цзинь в Лю, Сун и Цзинь | эоцен | Формация Чанчан | Дуб. | ||
Дуб палеогипаргирея [22] | Sp. нояб. | Действительный | Лю и Цзинь в Лю, Сун и Цзинь | эоцен | Формация Чанчан | Дуб. | ||
Дуб палеоламеллоза [22] | Sp. нояб. | Действительный | Лю и Цзинь в Лю, Сун и Цзинь | эоцен | Формация Чанчан | Дуб. |
Имя | Новинка | Статус | Авторы | Возраст | Тип местности | Расположение | Примечания | Изображения |
Эвкоммия сафери [9] | Sp. нояб. | Действительный | Квачек, Теодоридис и Денк | Вид Eucommia . Анонсирован в 2019 году; окончательная версия статьи, дающая ему название, была опубликована в 2020 году. |
Имя | Новинка | Статус | Авторы | Возраст | Тип местности | Расположение | Примечания | Изображения |
Асклепиадоспермум [26] | Ген. и 2 сп. нояб. | Действительный | Дель Рио и др. | Ранний эоцен | Формация Нюбао | Род асклепиадовых Apocynaceae . | ||
Margocolporites carinae [10] | Sp. нояб. | Действительный | Рабелу Лейте, Феррейра да Силва-Каминья и Д'Аполито | миоцен | Бассейн Солимоэнса | Пыльца, производимая представителями рода Rauvolfia . Анонсирован в 2020 году; окончательная версия статьи, давшая ему название, была опубликована в 2021 году. |
Имя | Новинка | Статус | Авторы | Возраст | Тип местности | Расположение | Примечания | Изображения |
Иодес эллиптический [27] | Sp. нояб. | В печати | Дель Рио и др. | Ранний олигоцен | Бассейн Вэньшань | Представитель семейства Икациновые . | ||
Иодес пассикийский [28] | Sp. нояб. | Действительный | Дель Рио и Де Франчески | Ранний эоцен | Представитель семейства Икациновые. | |||
Манчестерия [29] | Ген. и зр. нов. | В печати | Шталл и Розефельдс в работе Розефельдс и др. | Кайнозой (средний миоцен или, что более вероятно, средний эоцен) | Член семейства Icacinaceae. Род включает новый вид M. australis . | |||
Пиренадант Симонса [30] | Sp. нояб. | Действительный | Сталл и др. | Ранний олигоцен | Вид Pyrenacantha . |
Имя | Новинка | Статус | Авторы | Возраст | Тип местности | Расположение | Примечания | Изображения |
Echitricolpites cruziae [10] | Sp. нояб. | Действительный | Рабелу Лейте, Феррейра да Силва-Каминья и Д'Аполито | миоцен | Бассейн Солимоэнса | Pollen produced by members of the genus Aegiphila. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | ||
Multiareolites? reticulatus[10] | Sp. nov | Valid | Rabelo Leite, Ferreira da Silva-Caminha & D'Apolito | Miocene | Solimões Basin | Pollen produced by members of the family Acanthaceae. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | ||
Retistephanocolpites curvimuratus[10] | Sp. nov | Valid | Rabelo Leite, Ferreira da Silva-Caminha & D'Apolito | Miocene | Solimões Basin | Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | ||
Retistephanocolpites pardoi[10] | Sp. nov | Valid | Rabelo Leite, Ferreira da Silva-Caminha & D'Apolito | Miocene | Solimões Basin | Pollen of a flowering plant, possibly produced by members of the genus Amphilophium. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. |
Name | Novelty | Status | Authors | Age | Type locality | Location | Notes | Images |
Actinodaphnoxylon[31] | Gen. et sp. nov | In press | Akkemik et al. | A member of the family Lauraceae. Genus includes new species A. zileensis. | ||||
Mezilaurinoxylon oleiferum[32] | Sp. nov | Valid | Ruiz, Brea & Pujana in Ruiz et al. | A member of the family Lauraceae. Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming it is scheduled to be published in 2020. | ||||
Patagonoxylon[32] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Ruiz, Brea & Pujana in Ruiz et al. | A member of Laurales of uncertain phylogenetic placement. Genus includes new species P. scalariforme. Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming it is scheduled to be published in 2020. | ||||
Thymolepis[33] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Chambers & Poinar | Possibly an early representative of Monimiaceae. Genus includes new species T. toxandra. | ||||
Valviloculus[34] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Poinar et al. | Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) | Burmese amber | Possibly a member of Laurales related to the families Monimiaceae and Atherospermataceae. Genus includes new species V. pleristaminis. |
Name | Novelty | Status | Authors | Age | Type locality | Location | Notes | Images |
Smilax fujianensis[35] | Sp. nov | Valid | Dong et al. | Middle Miocene | A species of Smilax. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | |||
Smilax zhangpuensis[35] | Sp. nov | Valid | Dong et al. | Middle Miocene | A species of Smilax. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. |
Name | Novelty | Status | Authors | Age | Type locality | Location | Notes | Images |
Magnolia nanningensis[36] | Sp. nov | Valid | Huang et al. | Late Oligocene | Nanning Basin | A species of Magnolia. | ||
Magnolia waltheri[9] | Sp. nov | Valid | Kvaček, Teodoridis & Denk | A species of Magnolia. Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2020. | ||||
Melloniflora[37] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Friis, Crane & Pedersen | A relative of extant early-diverging members of the Magnoliales. Genus includes new species M. virginiensis. |
Name | Novelty | Status | Authors | Age | Type locality | Location | Notes | Images |
Salix palaeofutura[38] | Sp. nov | Valid | Narita et al. | Bifuka Formation | A willow. |
Name | Novelty | Status | Authors | Age | Type locality | Location | Notes | Images |
Bastardioxylon[19] | Gen. et sp. nov | In press | Baez & Crisafulli | Miocene | Chiquimil | Argentina | Fossil wood of a member of the family Malvaceae. Genus includes new species B. antiqua. | |
Dipterocarpus dindoriensis[39] | Sp. nov | Valid | Khan, Spicer & Bera in Khan et al. | Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) | Deccan Intertrappean Beds | India | A species of Dipterocarpus. | |
Echiperiporites germeraadii[10] | Sp. nov | Valid | Rabelo Leite, Ferreira da Silva-Caminha & D'Apolito | Miocene | Solimões Basin | Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | ||
Echiperiporites jaramilloi[10] | Sp. nov | Valid | Rabelo Leite, Ferreira da Silva-Caminha & D'Apolito | Miocene | Solimões Basin | Pollen produced by members of the genus Hibiscus. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | ||
Echiperiporites titanicus[10] | Sp. nov | Valid | Rabelo Leite, Ferreira da Silva-Caminha & D'Apolito | Miocene | Solimões Basin | Pollen produced by members of the genus Malachra. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | ||
Retistephanocolporites elizabeteae[10] | Sp. nov | Valid | Rabelo Leite, Ferreira da Silva-Caminha & D'Apolito | Miocene | Solimões Basin | Pollen produced by members of the genus Ceiba. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | ||
Veraguasoxylon[20] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Rodríguez-Reyes & Estrada-Ruiz | Oligocene-Miocene | Santiago Formation | A member of the family Malvaceae. Genus includes new species V. panamense. |
Name | Novelty | Status | Authors | Age | Type locality | Location | Notes | Images |
Eucalyptus xoshemium[40] | Sp. nov | Valid | Gandolfo & Zamaloa in Zamaloa, Gandolfo & Nixon | A species of Eucalyptus. | ||||
Mangroveoxylon[41] | Gen. et comb. nov | In press | Moya & Brea | Late Miocene? | A member of the family Combretaceae; a new genus for "Menendoxylon" areniensis Lutz (1979). | |||
Myrceugenellites grandiporosum[32] | Sp. nov | Valid | Ruiz, Brea & Pujana in Ruiz et al. | A member of the family Myrtaceae. Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming it is scheduled to be published in 2020. | ||||
Primotrapa[42] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Li & Li in Li et al. | Hannuoba | A member of Trapoideae. Genus includes new species P. weichangensis, as well as "Carpolithus" pomelii Saporta (1878) and "Hemitrapa" alpina Su & Zhou in Su et al. (2018). |
Name | Novelty | Status | Authors | Age | Type locality | Location | Notes | Images |
Praenymphaeapollenites[43] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Barrón, Peris & Labandeira in Peris et al. | Pollen of a member of Nymphaeaceae. |
Name | Novelty | Status | Authors | Age | Type locality | Location | Notes | Images |
Cunoniantha[44] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Jud & Gandolfo | A member of the family Cunoniaceae. Genus includes new species C. bicarpellata. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | ||||
Elaeocarpus nanningensis[45] | Sp. nov | In press | Liu et al. | Late Oligocene | Yongning Formation | A species of Elaeocarpus. | ||
Elaeocarpus prelacunosus[45] | Sp. nov | In press | Liu et al. | Late Miocene | Foluo Formation | A species of Elaeocarpus. | ||
Elaeocarpus preprunifolioides[45] | Sp. nov | In press | Liu et al. | Late Miocene | Foluo Formation | A species of Elaeocarpus. | ||
Elaeocarpus prerugosus[45] | Sp. nov | In press | Liu et al. | Late Miocene | Foluo Formation | A species of Elaeocarpus. | ||
Elaeocarpus preserratus[45] | Sp. nov | In press | Liu et al. | Late Miocene | Foluo Formation | A species of Elaeocarpus. | ||
Elaeocarpus presikkimensis[45] | Sp. nov | In press | Liu et al. | Miocene | Erzitang Formation | A species of Elaeocarpus. |
Name | Novelty | Status | Authors | Age | Type locality | Location | Notes | Images |
Monoporopollenites scabratus[10] | Sp. nov | Valid | Rabelo Leite, Ferreira da Silva-Caminha & D'Apolito | Miocene | Solimões Basin | Pollen produced by members of the family Poaceae. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | ||
Rhizomatites[46] | Gen. et sp. nov | In press | Robledo & Anzótegui in Robledo et al. | Miocene-Pliocene | A member of Cyperaceae. Genus includes new species R. cyperoides. |
Name | Novelty | Status | Authors | Age | Type locality | Location | Notes | Images |
Banksia microphylla[47] | Sp. nov | Valid | Carpenter in Carpenter & Milne | Late Eocene | A species of Banksia. | |||
Sp. nov | Valid | Milne in Carpenter & Milne | Late Eocene | A Banksia-like pollen. | ||||
Platanus emryi[48] | Sp. nov | Valid | Huegele, Spielbauer & Manchester | A species of Platanus. |
Name | Novelty | Status | Authors | Age | Type locality | Location | Notes | Images |
Cissampelos defranceschii[49] | Sp. nov | Valid | Del Rio & Su in Del Rio et al. | Middle Eocene | Niubao Formation | A species of Cissampelos. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | ||
Clematis csabae[13] | Sp. nov | Valid | Hably | Miocene | A species of Clematis. | |||
Diploclisia praeaffinis[50] | Sp. nov | Valid | Jia et al. | Late Miocene | A member of the family Menispermaceae. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | |||
Menispermites bangorensis[49] | Sp. nov | Valid | Huang in Del Rio et al. | Middle Eocene | Niubao Formation | A member of the family Menispermaceae. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | ||
Menispermites haominae[49] | Sp. nov | Valid | Huang in Del Rio et al. | Middle Eocene | Niubao Formation | A member of the family Menispermaceae. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | ||
Menispermites tibetica[49] | Sp. nov | Valid | Huang in Del Rio et al. | Middle Eocene | Niubao Formation | A member of the family Menispermaceae. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | ||
Paleoorbicarpum[51] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Han et al. | Sanshui Basin | A member of the family Menispermaceae. Genus includes new species P. parvum. | |||
Stephania bangorensis[49] | Sp. nov | Valid | Del Rio & Su in Del Rio et al. | Middle Eocene | Niubao Formation | A species of Stephania. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | ||
Stephania geniculata[51] | Sp. nov | Valid | Han et al. | Sanshui Basin | A species of Stephania | |||
Stephania ornamenta[51] | Sp. nov | Valid | Han et al. | Sanshui Basin | A species of Stephania | |||
Stephania shuangxingii[49] | Sp. nov | Valid | Del Rio & Su in Del Rio et al. | Middle Eocene | Niubao Formation | A species of Stephania. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. |
Name | Novelty | Status | Authors | Age | Type locality | Location | Notes | Images |
Berhamniphyllum junrongii[52] | Sp. nov | Valid | Zhou, Wang & Huang in Zhou et al. | Late Eocene | Markam Basin | A member of the family Rhamnaceae | ||
Crataegus pentagynoides[9] | Sp. nov | Valid | Kvaček, Teodoridis & Denk | A species of Crataegus. Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2020. | ||||
Hemiptelea kryshtofovichii[21] | Sp. nov | Valid | Averyanova & Xing | A member of the family Ulmaceae. | ||||
Scabrastephanoporites[3] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Smith et al. | Eocene (Ypresian) | Pollen of an eudicot, probably a member of the family Ulmaceae or Cannabaceae. Genus includes new species S. variabilis. |
Name | Novelty | Status | Authors | Age | Type locality | Location | Notes | Images |
Acer dombeyopsis[9] | Sp. nov | Valid | Kvaček, Teodoridis & Denk | A maple. Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2020. | ||||
Acer viburnoides[9] | Sp. nov | Valid | Kvaček, Teodoridis & Denk | A maple. Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2020. | ||||
Acer vitiforme[9] | Sp. nov | Valid | Kvaček, Teodoridis & Denk | A maple. Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2020. | ||||
Brosipollis reticulatus[3] | Sp. nov | Valid | Smith et al. | Eocene (Ypresian) | Pollen of a flowering plant, probably a member of the family Burseraceae. | |||
Choerospondias fujianensis[53] | Sp. nov | In press | Wang et al. | Miocene | A species of Choerospondias. | |||
Llanodelacruzoxylon[54] | Gen. et sp. nov | Rodríguez-Reyes, Estrada-Ruiz & Gasson | Oligocene–Miocene | Santiago Formation | Panama | A member of the family Anacardiaceae. Genus includes new species L. sandovalii. | ||
Manchestercarpa[55] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Atkinson | A member of the family Meliaceae described on the basis of a fossil fruit. Genus includes new species M. vancouverensis. | ||||
Parametopioxylon[56] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Franco et al. | A member of the family Anacardiaceae described on the basis of fossil wood. Genus includes new species P. crystalliferum. | ||||
Psilastephanocolporites hammenii[3] | Sp. nov | Valid | Smith et al. | Eocene (Ypresian) | Pollen of a flowering plant, probably a member of the family Meliaceae | |||
Quinquala[57] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Manchester & Disney in Manchester, Disney & Pham | A fossil fruit with affinities with the Rutaceae. Genus includes new species Q. obovata. | ||||
Rousea cavitata[10] | Sp. nov | Valid | Rabelo Leite, Ferreira da Silva-Caminha & D'Apolito | Miocene | Solimões Basin | Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. |
Name | Novelty | Status | Authors | Age | Type locality | Location | Notes | Images |
Corylopsis grisea[58] | Sp. nov | Valid | Quirk & Hermsen | Early Pliocene | A species of Corylopsis. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | |||
Itea polyneura[59] | Sp. nov | In press | Huang & Tian in Tian et al. | Huazhige Formation | A species of Itea. | |||
Protoaltingia[60] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Scharfstein, Stockey & Rothwell | A member of the family Altingiaceae. Genus includes new species P. comoxense. |
Name | Novelty | Status | Authors | Age | Type locality | Location | Notes | Images |
Physalis hunickenii[61] | Sp. nov | Valid | Deanna, Wilf & Gandolfo | Early Eocene | A species of Physalis. |
Name | Novelty | Status | Authors | Age | Type locality | Location | Notes | Images |
Eotrochion[62] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Manchester, Kvaček & Judd | A member of the family Trochodendraceae. Genus includes new species E. polystylum. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | ||||
Gen. et comb. nov | Valid | Manchester, Kvaček & Judd | A Trochodendraceae; a new genus for "Concavistylon" wehrii Manchester et al. (2018). Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | |||||
Trochodendron infernense[62] | Sp. nov | Valid | Manchester, Kvaček & Judd | Paleocene | A species of Trochodendron. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. |
Name | Novelty | Status | Authors | Age | Type locality | Location | Notes | Images |
Yua jiangxiensis[63] | Sp. nov | Valid | He & Wang | Toupi Formation | A species of Yua. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. |
Name | Novelty | Status | Authors | Age | Type locality | Location | Notes | Images |
Aextoxicoxylon kawasianus[64] | Sp. nov | Valid | Vera et al. | Puntudo Chico Formation | A fossil dicot wood | |||
Atlantocarpus[65] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Friis, Crane & Pedersen | An early flowering plant, possibly related to the group Austrobaileyales. Genus includes new species A. virginiensis. | ||||
Carpolithes gergoei[13] | Sp. nov | Valid | Hably & Erdei in Hably | Miocene | A fossil fruit of a flowering plant of uncertain phylogenetic placement. | |||
Catanthus[66] | Gen. et sp. nov | In press | Friis, Crane & Pedersen | An early flowering plant. Genus includes new species C. dolichostemon. | ||||
Cavilignum[67] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Siegert & Hermsen | Early Pliocene | A flowering plant of uncertain phylogenetic placement, described on the basis of fossil endocarps. Genus includes new species C. pratchettii. | |||
Chainandra[68] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Poinar & Chambers | Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) | Burmese amber | Genus includes new species C. zeugostylus. | ||
Cichoreacidites? flammulatus[10] | Sp. nov | Valid | Rabelo Leite, Ferreira da Silva-Caminha & D'Apolito | Miocene | Solimões Basin | Pollen of a flowering plant. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | ||
Crotonoidaepollenites echinatus[10] | Sp. nov | Valid | Rabelo Leite, Ferreira da Silva-Caminha & D'Apolito | Miocene | Solimões Basin | Pollen of a flowering plant. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | ||
Cyathitepala[69] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Poinar & Chambers | Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) | Burmese amber | Genus includes new species C. papillosa. | ||
Dasykothon[70] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Poinar & Chambers | A flowering plant of uncertain phylogenetic placement, possibly a member of Laurales. Genus includes new species D. leptomiscus. | ||||
Dinganthus[71] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Liu et al. | A eudicot of uncertain phylogenetic placement. Genus includes new species D. pentamera. | ||||
Echistephanoporites annulatus[10] | Sp. nov | Valid | Rabelo Leite, Ferreira da Silva-Caminha & D'Apolito | Miocene | Solimões Basin | Pollen of a flowering plant. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | ||
Eofructus[72] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Han & Wang | An infructescence including a central axis and five fruits resembling Liaoningfructus. Genus includes new species E. liutiaogouensis. | ||||
Foveotricolporites crassus[10] | Sp. nov | Valid | Rabelo Leite, Ferreira da Silva-Caminha & D'Apolito | Miocene | Solimões Basin | Pollen of a flowering plant. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | ||
Inaperturopollenites microechinatus[10] | Sp. nov | Valid | Rabelo Leite, Ferreira da Silva-Caminha & D'Apolito | Miocene | Solimões Basin | Pollen of a flowering plant. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | ||
Ladakhipollenites carmoi[10] | Sp. nov | Valid | Rabelo Leite, Ferreira da Silva-Caminha & D'Apolito | Miocene | Solimões Basin | Pollen of a flowering plant. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | ||
Lambertiflora[65] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Friis, Crane & Pedersen | Early Cretaceous (Albian) | Potomac Group | An early flowering plant, possibly related to the group Austrobaileyales. Genus includes new species L. elegans. | ||
Malvacipolloides diversus[10] | Sp. nov | Valid | Rabelo Leite, Ferreira da Silva-Caminha & D'Apolito | Miocene | Solimões Basin | Pollen of a flowering plant. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | ||
Malvacipolloides echibaculatus[10] | Sp. nov | Valid | Rabelo Leite, Ferreira da Silva-Caminha & D'Apolito | Miocene | Solimões Basin | Pollen of a flowering plant. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | ||
Malvacipolloides romeroae[10] | Sp. nov | Valid | Rabelo Leite, Ferreira da Silva-Caminha & D'Apolito | Miocene | Solimões Basin | Pollen of a flowering plant. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | ||
Menatanthus[73] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Uhl, Paudayal & El Atfy in Uhl et al. | A eudicot of uncertain phylogenetic placement. Genus includes new species M mosbruggeri. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | ||||
Mugideiriflora[65] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Friis, Crane & Pedersen | Early Cretaceous (Aptian-early Albian) | Almargem Formation | An early flowering plant, possibly related to the group Austrobaileyales. Genus includes new species M. portugallica. | ||
Phantophlebia[74] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Poinar & Chambers | Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) | Burmese amber | A flowering plant of uncertain phylogenetic placement, possibly related to myrsinoid members of the family Primulaceae. Genus includes new species P. dicycla. | ||
Platanites willigeri[75] | Sp. nov | Valid | Halamski & Kvaček in Halamski et al. | Czerna Formation | Trifoliolate platanoid leaves. | |||
Psilaperiporites delicatus[10] | Sp. nov | Valid | Rabelo Leite, Ferreira da Silva-Caminha & D'Apolito | Miocene | Solimões Basin | Pollen of a flowering plant. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | ||
Psilaperiporites lunaris[10] | Sp. nov | Valid | Rabelo Leite, Ferreira da Silva-Caminha & D'Apolito | Miocene | Solimões Basin | Pollen of a flowering plant. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | ||
Ranunculacidites reticulatus[10] | Sp. nov | Valid | Rabelo Leite, Ferreira da Silva-Caminha & D'Apolito | Miocene | Solimões Basin | Pollen of a flowering plant. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | ||
Rasenganus[76] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Xing & Gu | A possible epizoochorous fruit. Genus includes new species R. auricularus. | ||||
Retibrevitricolpites microreticulatus[10] | Sp. nov | Valid | Rabelo Leite, Ferreira da Silva-Caminha & D'Apolito | Miocene | Solimões Basin | Pollen of a flowering plant. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | ||
Retibrevitricolporites costaporus[10] | Sp. nov | Valid | Rabelo Leite, Ferreira da Silva-Caminha & D'Apolito | Miocene | Solimões Basin | Pollen of a flowering plant. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | ||
Retibrevitricolporites? toigoae[10] | Sp. nov | Valid | Rabelo Leite, Ferreira da Silva-Caminha & D'Apolito | Miocene | Solimões Basin | Pollen of a flowering plant. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | ||
Retipollenites solimoensis[10] | Sp. nov | Valid | Rabelo Leite, Ferreira da Silva-Caminha & D'Apolito | Miocene | Solimões Basin | Pollen of a flowering plant. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | ||
Retitriporites crassoreticulatus[10] | Sp. nov | Valid | Rabelo Leite, Ferreira da Silva-Caminha & D'Apolito | Miocene | Solimões Basin | Pollen of a flowering plant. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | ||
Rhoipites alfredii[10] | Sp. nov | Valid | Rabelo Leite, Ferreira da Silva-Caminha & D'Apolito | Miocene | Solimões Basin | Pollen of a flowering plant. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | ||
Singpuria[77] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Ramteke, Manchester & Nagrale in Ramteke et al. | Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) | Deccan Intertrappean Beds | A member of Pentapetalae of uncertain phylogenetic placement. Genus includes new species S. kapgatei. | ||
Sinoherba[78] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Liu & Wang in Liu, Chen & Wang | An early monocot. Genus includes new species S. ningchengensis. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | ||||
Varifructus[79] | Gen. et sp. nov | In press | Liu et al. | An early flowering plant. Genus includes new species V. lingyuanensis. | ||||
Wireroadia[80] | Gen. et sp. et comb. nov | Valid | Zhang et al. | A winged fruit of a eudicot of uncertain phylogenetic placement. Genus includes new species W. viccallii, as well as W. major (Hollick). |
Name | Novelty | Status | Authors | Age | Type locality | Location | Notes | Images |
Agathis ledongensis[81] | Sp. nov | Valid | Oskolski et al. | Qiutangling Formation | A species of Agathis | |||
Sp. nov | Valid | Gnaedinger & Zavattieri | Chihuido Formation | |||||
Araucaria cuneoi[83] | Sp. nov | Valid | Noll & Kunzmann | A species of Araucaria. | ||||
Araucaria famii[84] | Sp. nov | Valid | Stockey & Rothwell | Late Cretaceous (Campanian) | A species of Araucaria. | |||
Araucaria fildesensis[85] | Sp. nov | Valid | Shi et al. | Fossil Hill Formation | A species of Araucaria | |||
Araucaria huncoensis[86] | Sp. nov | Valid | Rossetto-Harris in Rossetto-Harris et al. | Early Eocene | A species of Araucaria. | |||
Araucaria stockeyana[83] | Sp. nov | Valid | Noll & Kunzmann | Middle Jurassic | A species of Araucaria. | |||
Araucarites pachacuteci[87] | Sp. nov | In press | Martínez in Martínez et al. | Huancané Formation | A member of the family Araucariaceae | |||
Brachyoxylon zhouii[88] | Sp. nov | Valid | Jiang et al. | Guantou Formation | A conifer wood. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | |||
Brachyphyllum sattlerae[89] | Sp. nov | Valid | Batista et al. | Early Cretaceous (Aptian) | Crato Formation | Brazil | A member of the family Pinidae. | |
Callialastrobus[90] | Gen. et sp. nov | In press | Kvaček & Mendes | Early Cretaceous (late Aptian–early Albian) | Lusitanian Basin | A pollen cone of a member of Araucariaceae. Genus includes new species C. sousai. | ||
Cedrus anatolica[91] | Sp. nov | Valid | Akkemik | Early Miocene | Hançili Formation | A species of Cedrus. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | ||
Circoporoxylon tibetense[92] | Sp. nov | In press | Xia et al. | Xiali Formation | Possibly a member of the family Podocarpaceae. | |||
Comoxostrobus[93] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Stockey, Rothwell & Atkinson | Late Cretaceous (early Coniacian) | A member of the family Cupressaceae belonging to the subfamily Taiwanioideae. Genus includes new species C. rossii. | |||
Cupressinoxylon klimovii[94] | Nom. nov | Valid | Blokhina | A member of the family Cupressaceae; a replacement name for Cupressinoxylon biotoides Blokhina (1989). | ||||
Cupressinoxylon llantenesense[82] | Sp. nov | Valid | Gnaedinger & Zavattieri | Llantenes Formation | ||||
Cupressinoxylon manuelii[95] | Sp. nov | In press | Ríos-Santos, Cevallos-Ferriz & Pujana | Late Cretaceous (Campanian-Maastrichtian) | Cabullona Group | Mexico | ||
Ductoagathoxylon wangii[96] | Sp. nov | In press | Gou & Feng in Gou et al. | Middle Jurassic | Xishanyao Formation | A conifer stem. | ||
Friisia[97] | Gen. et sp. nov | In press | Mendes & Kvaček | Early Cretaceous (late Aptian – early Albian) | An ovuliferous cone of a member of the family Podocarpaceae. Genus includes new species F. lusitanica. | |||
Juniperoxylon acarcaea[98] | Sp. nov | In press | Akkemik | Early Miocene | Hançili Formation | A member of the family Cupressaceae. | ||
Lesbosoxylon kemaliyensis[99] | Sp. nov | Valid | Akkemik & Mantzouka in Akkemik, Mantzouka & Kıran Yıldırım | Divriği Formation | A member of the family Pinaceae. | |||
Marskea cuspidata[100] | Sp. nov | Valid | Frolov & Mashchuk | Prisayan Formation | A member of the family Taxaceae. | |||
Mukawastrobus[101] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Stockey, Nishida & Rothwell | Late Cretaceous (late Campanian—early Maastrichtian) | A member of the family Cupressaceae belonging to the subfamily Taiwanioideae. Genus includes new species M. satoi. | |||
Piceoxylon yumeniense[102] | Sp. nov | Valid | Zhou, Peng, Deng, Zhang & Yang in Zhou et al. | Early Cretaceous | Fossil wood of a member of the family Pinaceae. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | |||
Pinuxylon selmeierianum[103] | Sp. nov | Valid | Dolezych & Reinhardt | A member of the family Pinaceae described on the basis of fossil wood | ||||
Protophyllocladoxylon chijinense[102] | Sp. nov | Valid | Zhou, Peng, Deng, Zhang & Yang in Zhou et al. | Early Cretaceous | Xiagou Formation | Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | ||
Tsuga asiatica[104] | Sp. nov | Valid | Wu & Zhou in Wu et al. | Late Paleogene | A species of Tsuga. Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2020. |
Name | Novelty | Status | Authors | Age | Type locality | Location | Notes | Images |
Amyelon turpanense[105] | Sp. nov | In press | Shi, Yu & Sun | Permian (Lopingian) | Wutonggou | A root of a member of Cordaitales | ||
Androstrobus obovatus[106] | Sp. nov | In press | Bodnar et al. | Potrerillos Formation | A member of Cycadales. | |||
Araripestrobus[107] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Seyfullah, Roberts, Schmidt & Kunzmann in Seyfullah et al. | A seed plant belonging to the group Erdtmanithecales. Genus includes new species A. resinosus. | ||||
Archaeopetalanthus[108] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Naugolnykh | Listvjanskaya | A member of Pinophyta belonging to the group Vojnovskyales. Genus includes new species A. progressus. | |||
Battenispermum[109] | Gen. et sp. nov | In press | Mendes, Pedersen & Friis | A seed plant belonging to the informal grouping Bennettitales-Erdtmanithecales-Gnetales. Genus includes new species B. hirsutum. | ||||
Carpolithus volantus[110] | Sp. nov | Valid | Gómez et al. | A fossil seed, possibly produced by a member of Gnetales. | ||||
Ductolobatopitys[111] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Conceição & Crisafulli in Conceição et al. | Pedra de Fogo Formation | A gymnosperm described on the basis of fossil wood. Genus includes new species D. mussae. | |||
Filigigantopteris[112] | Gen. et 2 sp. nov | In press | Zhou et al. | Late Permian | Nayixiong Formation | A gigantopterid. Genus includes new species F. asymmetrica and F. dahaia. | ||
Ginkgo pediculata[113] | Sp. nov | In press | Deng, Yang & Zhou | Early Cretaceous | A species of Ginkgo. | |||
Jianchangia[114] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Yang, Wang & Ferguson | A member of Ephedraceae. Genus includes new species J. verticillata. | ||||
Johniphyllum[115] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Looy & Duijnstee | A member of Voltziales. Genus includes new species J. multinerve. | ||||
Jordaniopteris[116] | Gen. et comb. nov | Valid | Anderson in Anderson et al. | A seed fern. A new genus for "Dicroidium" irnensis Abu Hamad et al. (2008); genus also includes "Dicroidium" jordanensis Abu Hamad et al. (2008), "Dicroidium" robustum Kerp & Vörding (2008) and "Dicroidium" bandelii Abu Hamad et al. (2017). | ||||
Sp. nov | Valid | Conceição, Neregato & Iannuzzi in Conceição et al. | Permian (Cisuralian) | Pedra de Fogo Formation | A conifer described on the basis of fossil wood. | |||
Nilssonia mirovanae[117] | Sp. nov | Valid | Čepičková & Kvaček | Peruc-Korycany Formation | A cycad. | |||
Novaiorquepitys[118] | Gen. et sp. nov | In press | Conceição & Crisafulli in Conceição et al. | Permian (Cisuralian) | Pedra de Fogo Formation | A gymnosperm stem. Genus includes new species N. maranhensis Conceição, Neregato & Iannuzzi. | ||
Ovalocarpus butmanii[119] | Sp. nov | Valid | Naugolnykh & Linkevich | A member of Ginkgoales belonging to the family Cheirocladaceae. | ||||
Palaeocupressinoxylon[120] | Gen. et sp. nov | In press | Wan, Yang & Wang | Late Permian | Turpan–Hami Basin | A silicified gymnospermous fossil wood. Genus includes new species P. uniseriale. | ||
Phoenicopsis anadyrensis[121] | Sp. nov | Valid | Nosova in Zolina et al. | Late Cretaceous–Paleocene (Maastrichtian–Danian) | Rarytkin | A member of Czekanowskiales | ||
Pseudovoltzia sapflorensis[115] | Sp. nov | Valid | Looy & Duijnstee | A member of Voltziales | ||||
Pterostoma neehoffii[122] | Sp. nov | Valid | Conran et al. | Middle Miocene | A cycad | |||
Sp. nov | In press | Blomenkemper et al. | Late Permian | A pollen organ of a seed fern | ||||
Pteruchus lepidus[123] | Sp. nov | In press | Blomenkemper et al. | A pollen organ of a seed fern | ||||
Sp. nov | Valid | Hua & Sun in Hua et al. | Early Permian | A seed fossil. Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming was published in 2020. | ||||
Umaltolepis involuta[125] | Sp. nov | In press | Nosova | Angren Formation | ||||
Umaltolepis sogdianica[125] | Sp. nov | In press | Nosova | Middle Jurassic | Angren Formation | |||
Sp. nov | In press | Blomenkemper et al. | A cupulate structure of a seed fern | |||||
Wantus[115] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Looy & Duijnstee | A member of Voltziales. Genus includes new species W. acaulis. | ||||
Wudaeophyton[126] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Pšenička et al. | Early Permian | Taiyuan Formation | A small vine, most similar to pteridosperms from the group Callistophytales. Genus includes new species W. wangii. | ||
Yangopteris[127] | Gen. et comb. nov | In press | Zhou et al. | A seed fern; a new genus for "Alethopteris" ascendens Halle. | ||||
Yvyrapitys[118] | Gen. et sp. nov | In press | Conceição & Crisafulli in Conceição et al. | Permian (Cisuralian) | Pedra de Fogo Formation | A gymnosperm stem. Genus includes new species Y. novaiorquensis Conceição, Neregato & Iannuzzi. |
Name | Novelty | Status | Authors | Age | Type locality | Location | Notes | Images |
Annularia paisii[128] | Sp. nov | Valid | Correia et al. | |||||
Blasiites huolinhensis[129] | Sp. nov | In press | Li et al. | Huolinhe Formation | A liverwort belonging to the family Blasiaceae. | |||
Botryopteris multifolia[130] | Sp. nov | In press | He et al. | Permian (Lopingian) | Junlian Formation | A fern | ||
Birisia mandshurica[131] | Sp. nov | Valid | Golovneva, Grabovskiy & Zolina | Early Cretaceous (Albian) | Frentsevka Formation | A fern belonging to the family Dicksoniaceae. | ||
Calamites cambrensis[132] | Sp. nov | Valid | Thomas | |||||
Catenuporella[133] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Zhang et al. | Late Ordovician | Ordos Basin | A green alga belonging to the group Dasycladales. Genus includes new species C. gigantia. | ||
Charaxis spicatus[134] | emend. nov. | Valid | Pérez-Cano, Bover-Arnal et Martín-Closas in Pérez-Cano et al. | Barremian | Maestrat Basin | Thallus of Echinochara lazarii. Both taxa has been firstly found anatomically attached | ||
Chlamydomonas hanublikanus[135] | Sp. nov | Vršanská & Hinkelman | A species of Chlamydomonas | |||||
Circinites[46] | Gen. et sp. nov | In press | Robledo & Anzótegui in Robledo et al. | Miocene-Pliocene | A fern belonging to the family Pteridaceae. Genus includes new species C. pteridoides. | |||
Clavatisporites cenomaniana[136] | Sp. nov | Valid | Santamarina in Santamarina et al. | Spores of a member of Filicopsida of uncertain phylogenetic placement. Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming it is scheduled to be published in 2020. | ||||
Clavator calcitrapus var. jiangluoensis[134] | comb. nov | Valid | Pérez-Cano, Bover-Arnal et Martín-Closas in Pérez-Cano et al. | Barremian | Maestrat Basin | Clavatoracean species. | ||
Collarecodium? nezpercae[137] | Sp. nov | Valid | Bucur & Rigaud in Bucur et al. | Late Triassic (Norian) | United States ( Idaho) | A green alga belonging to the group Bryopsidales and possibly to the family Udoteaceae. | ||
Collarisporites minor[136] | Sp. nov | Valid | Santamarina in Santamarina et al. | Spores of a member of Filicopsida of uncertain phylogenetic placement. Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming it is scheduled to be published in 2020. | ||||
Sp. nov | Valid | Yuan & Sun in Yuan et al. | Xishanyao Formation | |||||
Dimicheleodendron[139] | Gen. et comb. nov | Valid | Thomas & Cleal | Carboniferous | A lycophyte; a new genus for "Lepidodendron" hickii. | |||
Drynaria diplosticha[140] | Sp. nov | Valid | Yu & Xie in Yu et al. | Late Miocene | Bangmai Formation | A fern belonging to the family Polypodiaceae. | ||
Echinochara lazarii[134] | comb. nov | Valid | Pérez-Cano, Bover-Arnal et Martín-Closas in Pérez-Cano et al. | Barremian | Maestrat Basin | A member of Clavatoraceans. | ||
Equicalastrobus pusillus[141] | Sp. nov | Valid | Zhang & Yan in Zhang et al. | Baojishan Basin | A member of Equisetales. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming was published in 2021. | |||
Equisetum yenbaiense[142] | Sp. nov | Valid | Aung et al. | Late Miocene | A species of Equisetum | |||
Equisetum yongpingense[142] | Sp. nov | Valid | Aung et al. | Late Pliocene | Sanying Formation | A species of Equisetum | ||
Filippoporella[143] | Gen. et sp. nov | In press | Sokač & Grgasović | Early Paleocene | Croatia | A green alga belonging to the group Dasycladales. Genus includes new species F. barattoloi. | ||
Frullania partita[144] | Sp. nov | Valid | Li et al. | |||||
Frullania vanae[145] | Sp. nov | Valid | Mamontov et al. | Eocene | A liverwort, a species of Frullania | |||
Gippslandites[146] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | McSweeney, Shimeta & Buckeridge | A member of Zosterophyllaceae. Genus includes new species G. minutus. | ||||
Gmujij[147] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Pfeiler & Tomescu | Devonian (Emsian) | Battery Point | Canada ( Quebec) | An early euphyllophyte. Genus includes new species G. tetraxylopteroides. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | |
Griphoporella minuta[137] | Sp. nov | Valid | Bucur & Peybernes in Bucur et al. | Late Triassic | Japan | A green alga belonging to the group Dasycladales and the family Triploporellaceae. | ||
Hansopteris[148] | Gen. et sp. nov | In press | Zhou et al. | Permian (Asselian) | China | An anachoropterid fern. Genus includes new species H. uncinatus. | ||
Holosporella magna[137] | Sp. nov | Valid | Bucur & Fucelli in Bucur et al. | Late Triassic (Norian) | United States ( Nevada) | A green alga belonging to the group Dasycladales and the family Triploporellaceae. | ||
Holosporella? rossanae[137] | Sp. nov | Valid | Bucur & Del Piero in Bucur et al. | Late Triassic (Norian) | Canada ( Yukon) | A green alga belonging to the group Dasycladales and the family Triploporellaceae. | ||
Inocladus[149] | Gen. et comb. nov | Valid | LoDuca et al. | An alga related to the group Bryopsidales. Genus includes "Buthotrephis" divaricata White (1901), "B." newlini White (1901), "B." lesquereuxi Grote & Pitt (1876) and "Chondrites" verus Ruedemann (1925). Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | ||||
Intermurella ordosensis[133] | Sp. nov | Valid | Zhang et al. | Late Ordovician | Ordos Basin | A green alga belonging to the group Dasycladales. | ||
Jurafructus[150] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Chen et al. | A plant of uncertain phylogenetic placement, possibly a flowering plant described on the basis of a probable fossil drupe. Genus includes new species J. daohugouensis. | ||||
Keraphyton[151] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Champreux, Meyer-Berthaud & Decombeix | Mandowa Mudstone Formation | A member of Iridopteridales of uncertain phylogenetic placement. Genus includes new species K. mawsoniae. | |||
Khasurtya[152] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Mamontov in Kopylov et al. | Early Cretaceous | A liverwort belonging to the group Marchantiidae. Genus includes new species K. ginkgoides. | |||
Sp. nov | Valid | Mosseichik | ||||||
Lobatannularia linjiaensis[154] | Sp. nov | Valid | Xu et al. | Linjia Formation | A member of Equisetales. | |||
Lygodium sanshuiense[155] | Sp. nov | Valid | Naugolnykh et al. | Buxin Formation | A species of Lygodium. Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2020. | |||
Sp. nov | Valid | Katagiri in Katagiri & Shinden | Late Cretaceous (Santonian) | Tamagawa Formation | A liverwort. | |||
Munieria martinclosasi[134] | comb. nov. | Valid | Pérez-Cano, Bover-Arnal et Martín-Closas in Pérez-Cano et al. | Barremian | Clavatoracean thallus. Formerly known as Charaxis martinclosasi | |||
Neoarthropitys[157] | Gen. et sp. nov | In press | Gnaedinger et al. | Middle Triassic | Quebrada de los Fósiles | Argentina | A member of Equisetales. Genus includes new species N. gondwanaensis. | |
Osmundacaulis asiatica[158] | Sp. nov | Valid | Cheng et al. | A member of the family Osmundaceae | ||||
Osmundacaulis sinica[158] | Sp. nov | Valid | Cheng et al. | A member of the family Osmundaceae | ||||
Ovoidites circumplicatus[159] | Sp. nov | Valid | Zavattieri, Gutiérrez & Monti | Quebrada de los Fósiles Formation | A green alga belonging to the group Zygnematales. | |||
Ovoidites tripartitus[159] | Sp. nov | Valid | Zavattieri, Gutiérrez & Monti | Middle Triassic | Quebrada de los Fósiles Formation | A green alga belonging to the group Zygnematales. | ||
Palaeostachya guanglongii[160] | Sp. nov | In press | Liu et al. | Permian (Asselian) | Taiyuan Formation | A member of the family Calamitaceae. | ||
Parazosterophyllum[146] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | McSweeney, Shimeta & Buckeridge | Late Silurian–early Devonian | A member of Zosterophyllaceae. Genus includes new species P. timsiae. | |||
Patruliuspora oregonica[137] | Sp. nov | Valid | Bucur & Rigaud in Bucur et al. | Late Triassic (Norian) | United States ( Oregon) | A green alga belonging to the group Dasycladales and the family Polyphysaceae. | ||
Patruliuspora pacifica[137] | Sp. nov | Valid | Bucur, Del Piero & Peyrotty in Bucur et al. | Late Triassic (Norian) | Canada ( Yukon) | A green alga belonging to the group Dasycladales and the family Polyphysaceae. | ||
Pellites hamiensis[161] | Sp. nov | Valid | Li et al. | Middle Jurassic | Xishanyao | China | A liverwort belonging to the family Pelliaceae. | |
Plenasium (Aurealcaulis) elegans[162] | Sp. nov | In press | Hiller et al. | Na Duong Formation | A member of Osmundaceae | |||
Pleuromeia shaolinii[163] | Sp. nov | Valid | Zhang & Wang in Zhang et al. | Linjia | ||||
Polycingulatisporites multiverrucata[136] | Sp. nov | Valid | Santamarina in Santamarina et al. | Spores of a member of Bryophyta of uncertain phylogenetic placement, possibly of sphagnaceous affinity. Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2020. | ||||
Polypodiisporites minutiverrucatus[10] | Sp. nov | Valid | Rabelo Leite, Ferreira da Silva-Caminha & D'Apolito | Miocene | Solimões Basin | Pteridophyte spore. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | ||
Polysporia baetica[164] | Sp. nov | In press | Álvarez-Vázquez, Bek & Drábková | Peñarroya-Belmez-Espiel Coalfield | A member of Isoetales | |||
Polystichum pacltovae[165] | Sp. nov | Valid | Kvaček in Kvaček & Teodoridis | A fern, a species of Polystichum | ||||
Proodontosoria[166] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Li et al. | A fern belonging to the family Lindsaeaceae. Genus includes new species P. myanmarensis. | ||||
Proterocladus antiquus[167] | Sp. nov | Valid | Tang et al. | Mesoproterozoic | Nanfen | An early siphonocladalean chlorophyte | ||
Psilatriletes cozzuolii[10] | Sp. nov | Valid | Rabelo Leite, Ferreira da Silva-Caminha & D'Apolito | Miocene | Solimões Basin | Pteridophyte spore. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021. | ||
Psilochara monevaensis[168] | Sp. nov | Valid | Sanjuan & Soulié-Märsche | Middle Miocene | A charophyte. | |||
Qianshouia[169] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Huang et al. | Late Devonian | Wutong Formation | A plant of uncertain phylogenetic placement, possibly a lycopsid or a sphenopsid. Genus includes new species Q. mira. | ||
Scolecopteris minuta[170] | Sp. nov | In press | Wan et al. | Early Permian | Taiyuan Formation | A fern belonging to the group Marattiales. | ||
Sp. nov | In press | D'Antonio, Boyce & Wang | ||||||
Sigillaria wudensis[171] | Sp. nov | In press | D'Antonio, Boyce & Wang | |||||
Sphaerochara miocenica[168] | Sp. nov | Valid | Sanjuan & Soulié-Märsche | A charophyte. | ||||
Thyrsopteris cretacea[172] | Sp. nov | Valid | Li et al. | A species of Thyrsopteris | ||||
Sp. nov | Valid | Feng in Feng et al. | Kayitou Formation | A member of the family Isoetaceae. | ||||
Tumidopteris astra[174] | Sp. nov | Valid | Naugolnykh | A fern belonging to the family Gleicheniaceae. | ||||
Ufadendron elongatum[175] | Sp. nov | Valid | Tang et al. | Late Permian | Linxi | A lycopsid belonging to the family Tomiodendraceae | ||
Uzhurodendron[176] | Gen. et sp. nov | Valid | Mosseichik & Filimonov | Bystrianskaya | A member of Lycopodiopsida. Genus includes new species U. asiaticum. | |||
Zeilleria fosteri[177] | Sp. nov | Valid | Thomas et al. | A fern |