Родни Л. Лоуман

Американский психолог, академический администратор и предприниматель

Родни Л. Лоуман (родился в 1949 году) — американский психолог, академический администратор и предприниматель, чьи основные вклады были в области оценки и консультирования по карьере, этических вопросов в промышленной и организационной психологии (психологии IO), интеграции клинической психологии и психологии IO и помощи в развитии области консалтинговой психологии . В исследовании наиболее плодовитых авторов Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research Лоуман был признан вторым по величине автором статей за период 1992–2007 гг. [1]

Новые направления в профессиональной этике

Обучение Лоумана как в промышленно-организационной (IO), так и в клинической психологии привело к интересу к этике. Область промышленной и организационной психологии (Общество промышленно-организационной психологии [SIOP]), хотя и тесно связана как с наукой, так и с практикой, не уделяла особого внимания этике в практике IO-психологии. Будучи председателем Комитета по профессиональным вопросам SIOP, Лоуман возглавил усилия по созданию первого этического сборника прецедентов SIOP, который с тех пор был расширен и опубликован в двух изданиях в совместной публикации APA и SIOP, The Ethical Practice of Psychology in Organizations . [2] Лоуман (как самостоятельно, так и с коллегами, такими как доктора Ричард Килбург и Стюарт Купер) провел большое количество программ профессиональной подготовки для психологов по применению этики в консалтинге и IO-психологии.

Вклад в развитие области консультативной психологии

Область консалтинговой психологии также была в центре внимания профессиональной работы Лоумана. Он возглавил и помог получить одобрение APA на набор руководящих принципов для обучения профессиональных психологов-консультантов на докторском и постдокторском уровнях. [3] В этих моделях обучения основное внимание уделяется обучению на индивидуальном, групповом и организационном уровнях. Он отредактировал книгу, которая помогла продвинуть консалтинговую психологию как дисциплину, Handbook of Organizational Consulting Psychology . [4] В 2011 году он был основным докладчиком на конференции Responsible and Ethical Leadership в Университете Йоханнесбурга, Южная Африка, и на конференции Consulting Psychology in Africa: Breaking New Ground, спонсируемой Университетом Южной Африки в Претории.

Вклад в научную литературу и редакционную деятельность в журналах

Beginning in 1989 ([5]) Lowman has written or edited 8 books and monographs, over 100 journal articles, and has made hundreds of professional presentations around the world, primarily at professional meetings and conferences. His areas of specialization include: career assessment [6] and counseling,[7] managed care in mental health,[8] ethics[9] and consulting psychology.[10]

He has also edited two psychology journals. He served as founding editor of The Psychologist-Manager Journal (Society of Psychologists in Management [SPIM], and currently serves as editor of the flagship journal of consulting psychology, Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research.

Recent publications include Lefkowitz & Lowman, 2010,[11] Lowman, 2011a,[12] Lowman, 2011a,[13] Lowman, 2011b[14] and Spetch, Howland and Lowman, 2011.[15]

Professional training

Lowman trained in Industrial-Organizational and Clinical Psychology at Michigan State University, (PhD, 1979) completing his clinical psychology internship at the Texas Research Institute of Mental Sciences (now housed in the University of Texas at Houston Medical School) in 1977–78. His postdoctoral work was done at the University of Rochester (New York) Medical School's Marriage and Family Clinic and at Washtenaw County Community Mental Health Center in Ann Arbor.

Leadership roles in universities, for-profit organizations and professional associations

In addition to his academic contributions, Lowman has also held numerous academic leadership positions, including service as department head (Louisiana Tech University), dean, provost/vice president for academic affairs and acting president (Alliant International U.) and president (Lake Superior State University). His administrative duties have mostly been in the context of start-ups and turnarounds. He also founded and led for seven years The Development Laboratories, a private consulting firm, and currently heads careertestingandcoachin.com, a private firm. He serves on the board of Leadership Worth Following, a management consulting firm based in Dallas.

Lowman has been actively involved in leadership roles in professional associations throughout his career, particularly in the APA, SCP and SPIM. In APA, he has served two terms on its governing board (APA Council), as chair of its Board of Professional Affairs (BPA) and Board of Convention Affairs (BCA), as a member of its Committee on Professional Practice and Standards (COPPS), and on its prestigious Ethics Committee and Committee on Psychological Tests and Assessments. He headed a committee advising Norman Anderson, the APA's chief executive officer. about strategic planning and an ad hoc committee on creating a values statement for the APA. His contributions were important in the creation of APA's mission statement and its first-ever vision statement. Lowman served as president of the Society of Consulting Psychology (2001) and of the Society of Psychologists in Management (1994). Currently he serves as research domain leader, an elected position in the Society of Consulting Psychology and as editor of its flagship journal.


Lowman received numerous awards and recognitions over the course of his career. He holds Fellowship Status in three divisions of APA: Clinical Psychology (Division 12), Consulting Psychology (Division 13), and I/O Psychology (Division 14). He was awarded the Richard Kilburg Service Award by the Society of Psychologists in Management and the Society of Consulting Psychology's Service Award. He also holds a diplomate in the American Board of Assessment Psychology. Lowman also currently serves as Distinguished Professor at Alliant International University in San Diego, CA USA and heads up its I-MERIT (multicultural/international) initiative there. From July - August, 2010 he also served as Visiting Distinguished Professor at Global City Innovative College and a distinguished lecturer at several universities including Polytechnic University of the Philippines, and St. Paul University, all in Manila, and at Palawan State University in Puerto Princesa, Philippines. He also served as a Distinguished Visiting Consultant at Profiles Asia International. He has been continuously listed in Who's Who in America for over 25 years.

Selected publications


Lowman, R. L. (Ed.) (2013). Internationalizing multiculturalism: Expanding professional competencies for a globalized world. Washington D.C.: American Psychological Association.

Lowman, R. L. (Ed.) (2006). The ethical practice of psychology in organizations (2nd Ed.). Washington D.C.: American Psychological Association & Society of Industrial/Organizational Psychology.

Lowman, R. L. (Ed.) (2002). Handbook of organizational consulting psychology. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Lowman, R. L. (Ed.) (1998). The ethical practice of psychology in organizations. Washington D.C.: American Psychological Association & Society of I-O Psychology.

Lowman, R. L., & Resnick, R. J. (Eds.) (1994). The mental health professional's guide to managed mental health care. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association

Lowman, R. L. (1993). Counseling and psychotherapy of work dysfunctions. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.

Lowman, R. L. (1991). The clinical practice of career assessment: Interests, abilities & personality. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.

Lowman, R. L. (1989). Pre-employment screening for psychopathology: A guide to professional practice. Sarasota, FL: Professional Resource Exchange.

Book Chapters:

Lefkowitz, J., & Lowman, R. L. (2010). Ethics of employee selection. In J. L. Farr, & N. Tippins (Eds.), Handbook of employee selection (pp. 571–590). New York: Psychology Press (Taylor & Francis).

Lowman, R. L., & Richardson, L. M. (2008). Assessment of psychopathology. In B. Bolton (Ed.), Handbook of measurement and evaluation in rehabilitation – 4th Edition (pp. 175–207). Austin, TX: pro-ed.

Lowman, R. L. (2007). Executive coaching: The road to Dodoville needs paving with more than good assumptions. In R. R. Kilburg & R. C. Diedrich (Eds.), The wisdom of coaching. Essential papers in consulting psychology for a world of change (pp. 73–78). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Lowman, R.L, Kantor, J., & Perloff, R. (2006). History of I-O psychology educational programs in the United States In L. L. Koppes (Ed.) Historical perspectives in industrial and organizational psychology (pp. 111–137). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.


  1. ^ Mahoney et al., 2008
  2. ^ Lowman, 2006
  3. ^ APA, 2007
  4. ^ Lowman, 2002
  5. ^ Lowman, 1989
  6. ^ Lowman, 1991
  7. ^ Lowman, 1993
  8. ^ Lowman & Resnick, 1994
  9. ^ Lowman, 2006
  10. ^ Lowman, 2002
  11. ^ Lefkowitz & Lowman, 2010
  12. ^ Lowman, 2011a
  13. ^ Lowman, 2011a
  14. ^ Lowman, 2011b
  15. ^ Spetch, Howland and Lowman, 2011


  • Ackerman, P. L., & Heggestad, E. D. (1997). Intelligence, personality, and interests: Evidence for overlapping traits. Psychological Bulletin, 121, 219–245.
  • American Psychological Association (2007). Guidelines for education and training at the doctoral and postdoctoral levels in consulting psychology/Organizational consulting psychology. American Psychologist, 62, 980–992.
  • Carson, A. D. (1998). The integration of interests, aptitudes and personality traits: A test of Lowman's matrix.Journal of Vocational Behavior,

Journal of Career Assessment,6),83-105.

  • Lefkowitz, J., & Lowman, R. L. (2010). Ethics of employee selection. In J. L. Farr,& N. Tippins (Eds.), Handbook of employee selection (pp. 571–590). New York: Psychology Press (Taylor & Francis).
  • Lowman, R. L. (1991). The clinical practice of career assessment: Interests, abilities & personality j9a. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.
  • Lowman, R. L. (1993a). Counseling and psychotherapy of work dysfunctions. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.
  • Lowman, R. L. (1993b). The inter-domain model of career assessment and counseling.Journal of Counseling & Development, 71, 549–554.
  • Lowman, R. L. (Ed.) (2002). Handbook of organizational consulting psychology. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.* Lowman, R. L. (Ed.) (2006).The ethical practice of psychology in organizations (2nd Ed.). Washington D.C.: American Psychological Association & Society of Industrial/Organizational Psychology.
  • Lowman, R. L. (Ed.) (2006).The ethical practice of psychology in organizations (2nd Ed.). Washington D.C.: American Psychological Association & Society of Industrial/Organizational Psychology.
  • Lowman, R. L. (2011a). A small world after all. In D. L. Anderson (Ed.),Cases and exercises in organization development & change (pp. 201–208). Los Angeles: Sage Publications.
  • Lowman, R. L. (2011b). Risking your job: On striving to be an ethical leader in difficult organizational circumstances In W. B. Johnson & G. P. Koocher (Eds.),Casebook on ethically challenging work settings in mental health and the behavioral sciences(pp. 215–222). New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Lowman, R. L., Williams, R. E., & Leeman, G. E. (1985). The structure and relationship of college women's primary abilities and vocational interests. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 27, 298–315.
  • Lowman, R. L., & Resnick, R. J. (Eds.) (1994). The mental health professional's guide to managed mental health care. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association
  • Лоуман, Р. Л. (1989). Предварительное обследование на психопатологию: руководство по профессиональной практике . Сарасота, Флорида: Биржа профессиональных ресурсов.
  • Махони, КТ, Бубольц, В. К. Младший, Сопер, Б., Доверспайк, Д. и Симоно, Б. Дж. (2008). Анализ контента журнала Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research (тома 44–59). Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 60, 246–258.
  • Spetch, A., Howland, A., & Lowman, RL (2011). Модели использования EAP и невыходы на работу сотрудников: результаты эмпирического трехлетнего лонгитюдного исследования в национальной канадской розничной корпорации. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 60 , 110–128.
  • siop.org
  • spim.org
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