Лубху, Лалитпур

Деревня муниципалитета Махалакшми в провинции Багмати, Непал
Суварна Чхатрапур (सुवर्ण छत्रपुर)
Муниципалитет деревни Махалакшми
Храм Махалакшми-Махабхайрав в Лубху
Храм Махалакшми-Махабхайрав в Лубху
Лубху находится в Непале.
Расположение в Непале
Координаты: 27°38′N 85°23′E / 27.633°N 85.383°E / 27.633; 85.383
Страна   Непал
ПровинцияПровинция Багмати
Отделение/я7 и 8
 • Общий10,374
Часовой поясUTC+5:45 ( время Непала )
Почтовый индекс
Код города01

Лубху ( непал бхаса : लुभू) — это место, которое является частью муниципалитета Махалакшми в провинции Багмати в центральном Непале . Лубху — это пригородное неварское поселение, расположенное в семи километрах к востоку от Катманду в северной части Лалитпура, Непал.


There are interesting folklores explaining how Lubhu, which in Newari means “Golden Plate” got its name.

In ancient time, Lubhu was hit by disease. Ganga Maharani, the ruler of the city, sold her golden plate and resettles the city. So, the city was called Lubhu which means Golden Plate.[citation needed]

God Bhairav laid under golden umbrella to save the people from disease. The place was then called ‘Subarna Chhatrapur’ but was called ‘Lubhu’, which means the same in Newari.[citation needed]


The settlement in the 730 acres of land of Lubhu is mostly populated by an ethnic Newari community of mainly Shresthas, Maharjans, Rajthala and Gubhaju in the main town area and Brahmin and chhetri in the outskirts.[citation needed]


Lubhu is a major textile-production area producing locally made garments. Lubhu is a major source of garments of many Nepalese cloth industries and tourist areas like Thamel. A majority of households have their own small to large scale factories to produce such garments. While some still have the traditional wooden hand looms, many residents own textile factories with electric looms.[citation needed]

Agriculture is also a major occupation.


  • Карта муниципалитетов округа Лалитпур ООН
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