Список исполнительных действий Франклина Д. Рузвельта

Президенты Соединенных Штатов могут предпринимать различные виды исполнительных действий .

Исполнительные указы издаются, чтобы помочь должностным лицам и агентствам исполнительной власти управлять операциями в рамках самого федерального правительства . [1] Президентские меморандумы тесно связаны и имеют силу закона для исполнительной власти, но, как правило, считаются менее престижными. Президентские меморандумы не имеют установленного процесса выпуска, и в отличие от исполнительных указов они не нумеруются. Президентское определение — это определение, результатом которого является официальная политика или позиция исполнительной власти правительства Соединенных Штатов . [2] Президентская прокламация — это заявление, выпущенное президентом по вопросу государственной политики, выпущенное в соответствии с особыми полномочиями, предоставленными президенту Конгрессом, и, как правило, по вопросу, представляющему широкий интерес. [3] Административные приказы — это подписанные документы, такие как уведомления, письма и приказы, которые могут быть выпущены для проведения административных операций федерального правительства. [4] [5] Также может быть выпущено президентское уведомление или президентский указ о секвестре . [6] [7]

Ниже перечислены указы президента с номерами 6071–9537 и президентские прокламации, подписанные президентом США Франклином Д. Рузвельтом (1933–1945). Он издал 3721 указ. [8] Его указы также перечислены в Wikisource вместе с его президентскими прокламациями.

Подпись Франклина Д. Рузвельта

Исполнительные распоряжения


Относительный номерАбсолютное Нет.Название/ОписаниеДата подписания
16071Назначение Августа А. Геннериха8 марта 1933 г.
26072Передача контроля и юрисдикции над некоторыми зданиями в Кристобале Военно-морскому ведомству8 марта 1933 г.
36073Правила, касающиеся деятельности банков10 марта 1933 г.
46074Внесение поправок в Правила государственной службы, касающиеся назначений13 марта 1933 г.
56075Резервирование определенных описанных земель в Колорадо в ожидании повторного обследования15 марта 1933 г.
66076Резервирование определенных описанных земель в Нью-Мексико в ожидании повторного обследования15 марта 1933 г.
76077Резервирование определенных описанных земель в Нью-Мексико в ожидании повторного обследования15 марта 1933 г.
86078Лифи Э. Диц назначен подписывать патенты на землю от имени президента18 марта 1933 г.
96079Хелен В. Маклеод назначена для подписания президентских патентов на землю в отсутствие штатного клерка18 марта 1933 г.
106080Разрешает назначение банковских консерваторов, если это необходимо, для защиты банковских активов18 марта 1933 г.
116081Резервирование определенных земель в Калифорнии для общественных кемпингов24 марта 1933 г.
126082Резервирование определенных описанных земель в Вайоминге в ожидании повторного обследования25 марта 1933 г.
136083Внесение изменений в Правила государственной службы, касающиеся должностей, освобожденных от экзамена25 марта 1933 г.
146084Объединение федеральных агентств фермерского кредитования27 марта 1933 г.
156085Объявление индекса стоимости жизни за шестимесячные периоды, заканчивающиеся 30 июня 1928 года и 31 декабря 1932 года28 марта 1933 г.
166086Создание заповедника дикой природы Рио-Гранде28 марта 1933 г.
176087Некоторые описанные земли в Колорадо изъяты в ожидании повторного обследования28 марта 1933 г.
186088Освобождение Гарри О. Бейли от обязательного выхода на пенсию по возрасту29 марта 1933 г.
196089Право на пенсии, части I, II и III31 марта 1933 г.
206090Даты вступления в силу назначений пенсий по инвалидности и в случае смерти; положения о подаче исков и рассмотрении исков в апелляционном порядке31 марта 1933 г.
216091Положение о ветеранах № 3: График оценки инвалидности31 марта 1933 г.
226092Положение о ветеранах № 431 марта 1933 г.
236093Положение о ветеранах № 531 марта 1933 г.
246094Положение о ветеранах № 6: Право на уход по месту жительства или в больнице, включая лечение31 марта 1933 г.
256095Положение о ветеранах № 7: Право на медицинскую помощь для ветеранов любой войны31 марта 1933 г.
266096Положение о ветеранах № 8: Ежегодно возобновляемое срочное страхование31 марта 1933 г.
276097Положение о ветеранах № 9: Оплата расходов на погребение умерших ветеранов войны31 марта 1933 г.
286098Положение о ветеранах № 10: Разные положения31 марта 1933 г.
296099Положение о ветеранах № 11: Раскрытие информации и предоставление копий записей31 марта 1933 г.
306100Положение о ветеранах № 12: Презумпция права на пенсии для ветеранов испанской войны и некоторых детей вдов, а также родителей, находящихся на иждивении умерших ветеранов мировой войны31 марта 1933 г.
316101Сокращение безработицы путем выполнения полезной общественной работы (создание Гражданского корпуса охраны природы)5 апреля 1933 г.
326102Запрет на накопление золотых монет, золотых слитков и золотых сертификатов5 апреля 1933 г.
336103Освобождение банковских служащих, работающих в чрезвычайных ситуациях, от правил государственной службы5 апреля 1933 г.
346104Перевод земель в Орегоне из национальных лесов Каскад и Сантьям в национальный лес Уилламетт6 апреля 1933 г.
356105Назначение мисс Джесси Б. Сондерс6 апреля 1933 г.
366106Освобождение Хью А. Моррисона и Дэвида Э. Робертса, Библиотека Конгресса, от обязательного выхода на пенсию по возрасту10 апреля 1933 г.
376106-АСокращение безработицы путем выполнения полезной общественной работы10 апреля 1933 г.
386107Освобождение Рубена Перри от обязательного выхода на пенсию по возрасту11 апреля 1933 г.
396108Отказ от положений Указа президента № 9 от 17 января 1873 года в отношении Рэймонда Моли12 апреля 1933 г.
406109Сокращение безработицы путем выполнения полезной общественной работы12 апреля 1933 г.
416110Изменение общественного водного резерва № 52, Невада15 апреля 1933 г.
426111О валютных операциях20 апреля 1933 г.
436112Частичная отмена изъятия определенных земель для прокладки линий электропередачи в Калифорнии и Неваде22 апреля 1933 г.
446113Изъятие земель для отвода под линию электропередачи, которая будет передавать электроэнергию от проекта Боулдер-Каньон в город Лос-Анджелес22 апреля 1933 г.
456114Назначение г-жи Мэй Кэрнс Эймон22 апреля 1933 г.
466115Пересмотр и кодификация законов о гражданстве Соединенных Штатов25 апреля 1933 г.
476116Общественный водный заповедник № 151; Калифорния29 апреля 1933 г.
486117Национальный лес Харни, Южная Дакота (добавлены земли)2 мая 1933 г.
496118Передача контроля над некоторыми землями военному министру (Аляска)2 мая 1933 г.
506119Изъятие государственных земель для повторного обследования (Калифорния)2 мая 1933 г.
516120Изъятие государственных земель для повторного обследования (Калифорния)2 мая 1933 г.
526121Частичная отмена изъятия государственных земель (Калифорния)2 мая 1933 г.
536122Изъятие государственных земель для повторного обследования (Колорадо)2 мая 1933 г.
546123Изъятие государственных земель для повторного обследования (Колорадо)2 мая 1933 г.
556124Изъятие государственных земель для повторного обследования (Колорадо)2 мая 1933 г.
566125Восстановление общественного водоснабжения № 75 (Монтана, Нью-Мексико, Вайоминг)2 мая 1933 г.
576126Администрация чрезвычайных работ по сохранению (создание офиса в округе Колумбия)8 мая 1933 г.
586127Возмещение расходов на поставки, предоставленные для аварийно-восстановительных работ8 мая 1933 г.
596128Поправка к Правилам, регулирующим судоходство в Панамском канале и прилегающих водах10 мая 1933 г.
606129Администрация чрезвычайных работ по сохранению (разрешает регистрацию 25 000 ветеранов)11 мая 1933 г.
616130Резервирование определенных земель для федеральных зданий (Аляска)11 мая 1933 г.
626131Сокращение безработицы путем выполнения полезных общественных работ (индейские резервации)12 мая 1933 г.
636131-АПомощь безработным путем выполнения полезной общественной работы (Приказ о том, чтобы поименованные военно-морские хирурги были прикреплены к военному министерству для работы в гражданском корпусе охраны природы)13 мая 1933 г.
646132Изъятие земли для армейской радиостанции (Аляска)15 мая 1933 г.
656133Назначение г-жи Элизабет Хортер15 мая 1933 г.
666134Поправка к Приложениям A и B, Правилам государственной службы, Должности в рамках Администрации фермерского кредита18 мая 1933 г.
676135Покупка земель национального лесного фонда (выделение 20 000 000 долларов министру сельского хозяйства)20 мая 1933 г.
686136Распространение действия Закона о помощи по безработице путем выполнения полезных общественных работ на окружные парки и столичные секции муниципальных парков20 мая 1933 г.
696137Отмена изъятия государственных земель до проведения повторного обследования (Аризона)22 мая 1933 г.
706138Отмена изъятия государственных земель до проведения повторного обследования (Калифорния)22 мая 1933 г.
716139Отмена изъятия государственных земель до проведения повторного обследования (Колорадо)22 мая 1933 г.
726140Отмена административного изъятия (Монтана)22 мая 1933 г.
736141Поправка к Приложению B Правил государственной службы23 мая 1933 г.
746142О внесении изменений в Указ президента № 5872 от 30 июня 1932 года с целью прекращения с 31 мая 1933 года освобождения Пикенса Нигла из Военно-морского департамента от обязательного выхода на пенсию по возрасту23 мая 1933 г.
756143Изъятие государственных земель для оказания помощи штату в выборе вариантов обмена (Нью-Мексико)23 мая 1933 г.
766144Поправка к Указу № 6129 от 11 мая 1933 года, озаглавленному «Управление чрезвычайными работами по сохранению» (25 000 ветеранов должны быть зачислены в соответствии с положениями Директора чрезвычайных работ по сохранению)24 мая 1933 г.
776145Объединение государственных учреждений25 мая 1933 г.
786146Освобождение Уолтера LG Перри от обязательного выхода на пенсию по возрасту26 мая 1933 г.
796147Экстренные работы по сохранению индейских резерваций (создание фонда в размере 5 875 500 долларов США, при условии реквизиции г-на Роберта Фехнера, директора)26 мая 1933 г.
806148Помощь безработным путем выполнения полезной общественной работы (Приказ о том, чтобы поименованные офицеры военно-морской медицинской и стоматологической служб были прикреплены к военному министерству для работы в гражданском корпусе охраны природы)31 мая 1933 г.
816149Отмена изъятия государственных земель до проведения повторного обследования (Нью-Мексико)31 мая 1933 г.
826150Отмена изъятия государственных земель до проведения повторного обследования (Нью-Мексико)31 мая 1933 г.
836151Отмена изъятия государственных земель до проведения повторного обследования (Нью-Мексико)1 июня 1933 г.
846152Изъятие государственных земель для классификации (Орегон)1 июня 1933 г.
856153Изъятие государственных земель для повторного обследования (Колорадо)3 июня 1933 г.
866154Отмена административного изъятия (Монтана)5 июня 1933 г.
876155Отмена изъятия государственных земель до проведения повторного обследования (Нью-Мексико)5 июня 1933 г.
886156Положение о ветеранах № 1(а): Право на пенсии6 июня 1933 г.
896157Положение о ветеранах № 3(a): График оценки инвалидности6 июня 1933 г.
906158Положение о ветеранах № 9(а): Оплата расходов на погребение умерших ветеранов войны6 июня 1933 г.
916159Положение о ветеранах № 10(a): Разные положения6 июня 1933 г.
926160Администрация чрезвычайных работ по консервации (настоящий приказ объединяет и изменяет исполнительные приказы № 6129, 6136 и 6147)7 июня 1933 г.
936161Сохранение и развитие природных ресурсов водосборного бассейна реки Теннесси8 июня 1933 г.
946162Строительство плотины Коув-Крик на реке Клинч (Управление долины Теннесси)8 июня 1933 г.
956163Отмена изъятия государственных земель до проведения повторного обследования (Колорадо)8 июня 1933 г.
966164Передача земли на армейской базе снабжения (Чарльстон, Южная Каролина)8 июня 1933 г.
976165Национальный лес Тонгасс — Аляска (некоторые земли исключены)10 июня 1933 г.
986166Организация исполнительных органов10 июня 1933 г.
996167Поправка к Положениям, регулирующим бухгалтерский учет загранслужбы9 июня 1933 г.
1006168Освобождение Уильяма А. Тейлора от обязательного выхода на пенсию по возрасту13 июня 1933 г.
1016169Помощь безработным путем выполнения полезной общественной работы (уорент-офицеры береговой охраны, численностью не более 170 человек, прикомандированные к военному министерству для несения службы в гражданском корпусе охраны природы)15 июня 1933 г.
1026170Помощник министра внутренних дел, уполномоченный исполнять обязанности министра15 июня 1933 г.
1036171Отмена изъятия государственных земель до проведения повторного обследования (Калифорния)15 июня 1933 г.
1046172Национальный лес Кэш - Юта (включая земли)15 июня 1933 г.
1056173Указ 6173 о Законе о национальном восстановлении16 июня 1933 г.
1066174Указ 6174 об Управлении общественных работ16 июня 1933 г.
1076175Рейтинги увольнения сотрудников департамента16 июня 1933 г.
1086176Пособие сельским перевозчикам на техническое обслуживание оборудования16 июня 1933 г.
1096177Отмена изъятия государственных земель до проведения повторного обследования (Арканзас)16 июня 1933 г.
1106178Национальный лес Карсон - Нью-Мексико (исключая земли)16 июня 1933 г.
1116179Изъятие государственных земель для повторного землепользования (Юта)16 июня 1933 г.
1126179-АОтмена назначения на секретные должности в Министерстве труда16 июня 1933 г.
1136179-БУпразднение Национального комитета по использованию древесины16 июня 1933 г.
1146179-СНазначение Саута Тримбла-младшего исполняющим обязанности министра торговли16 июня 1933 г.
1156180Изъятие земли для целевого полигона (Аризона)21 июня 1933 г.
1166181Покупка земель для национальных лесов24 июня 1933 г.
1176182Относительно управления сельскохозяйственной продукцией26 июня 1933 г.
1186183Отмена изъятия государственных земель до проведения повторного обследования (Нью-Мексико)26 июня 1933 г.
1196184Гелиевый резерв № 2 (Юта)26 июня 1933 г.
1206185Отмена изъятия государственных земель до проведения повторного обследования (Вайоминг)26 июня 1933 г.
1216186Отмена изъятия государственных земель до проведения повторного обследования (Вайоминг)26 июня 1933 г.
1226187Отмена изъятия государственных земель до проведения повторного обследования (Вайоминг)26 июня 1933 г.
1236188Объявление индекса стоимости жизни за шестимесячный период, заканчивающийся 30 июня 1928 года и 30 июня 1933 года3 июля 1933 г.
1246189Изъятие земель для строительства дока (Аляска)3 июля 1933 г.
1256190Частичная отмена изъятия определенных земель для прокладки линии электропередачи (Калифорния)3 июля 1933 г.
1266191Отмена изъятия государственных земель (Калифорния)3 июля 1933 г.
1276192Изъятие государственных земель для повторного обследования (Калифорния)3 июля 1933 г.
1286193Отмена изъятия государственных земель до проведения повторного обследования (Нью-Мексико)3 июля 1933 г.
1296194Отмена изъятия государственных земель до проведения повторного обследования (Орегон)3 июля 1933 г.
1306195Отмена изъятия государственных земель до проведения повторного обследования (Вайоминг)3 июля 1933 г.
1316196Администрация в соответствии с Законом о чрезвычайном железнодорожном транспорте, 1933 г.6 июля 1933 г.
1326197Отмена административного изъятия (Монтана)6 июля 1933 г.
1336198Разрешение на назначение Гарольда Л. Айкеса главой FEAPW8 июля 1933 г.
1346199Запрещение транспортировки в межгосударственных и внешних торговых отношениях нефти и ее продуктов, незаконно произведенных или изъятых из хранилища11 июля 1933 г.
1356200Администрация чрезвычайных работ по сохранению (указаны полномочия директора; полномочия по осуществлению расходов на социальное обеспечение гражданских лиц, входящих в Корпус охраны природы)11 июля 1933 г.
1366201Пуэрто-Рико присоединено к округу сбора внутренних доходов штата Мэриленд11 июля 1933 г.
1376201-АНазначение мисс Луизы Полк Уилсон для подписания патентов на землю11 июля 1933 г.
1386202Восстановление фосфата № 54 (Вайоминг)11 июля 1933 г.
1396202-АПриказ о создании Исполнительного совета11 июля 1933 г.
1406202-БОбеспечение порядка преемственности должностных лиц, исполняющих обязанности министра финансов11 июля 1933 г.
1416203Назначение почтмейстеров на государственной службе12 июля 1933 г.
1426204Запрещение транспортировки в межгосударственных и внешних торговых отношениях нефти и ее продуктов, незаконно добытых или изъятых из хранилища14 июля 1933 г.
1436204-АКодекс Национального управления по восстановлению для ткацкой промышленности по производству искусственного шелка14 июля 1933 г.
1446204-БКодекс Национальной администрации по восстановлению для метательной промышленности14 июля 1933 г.
1456205Резервуар участка водохранилища № 19 (Орегон)14 июля 1933 г.
1466205-АДелегирование некоторых полномочий Президента Администратору по восстановлению промышленности15 июля 1933 г.
1476205-БИсключения и изъятия из кодексов добросовестной конкуренции15 июля 1933 г.
1486205-СКодекс Национального управления по восстановлению для шелковой промышленности15 июля 1933 г.
1496206Изъятие земель в поддержку законодательства по защите водоснабжения города Лос-Анджелес16 июля 1933 г.
1506206-АКодекс Национального управления по восстановлению для хлопчатобумажной текстильной промышленности16 июля 1933 г.
1516206-БКодекс Национального управления по восстановлению для хлопчатобумажной промышленности16 июля 1933 г.
1526206-СНазначение г-жи Берты Уэзертон19 июля 1933 г.
1536207Продолжая действие полномочий, делегированных министру сельского хозяйства указом № 6182 от 26 июня 1933 г.21 июля 1933 г.
1546208Приобретение лесных земель для проведения экстренных природоохранных работ21 июля 1933 г.
1556209Делегирование президентских полномочий министру внутренних дел в отношении домовладений для собственного потребления21 июля 1933 г.
1566209-АКодекс Национального управления по восстановлению для текстильной промышленности21 июля 1933 г.
1576209-БКодекс Национального управления по восстановлению для отрасли нижнего белья и сопутствующих товаров21 июля 1933 г.
1586210Объединение Национального леса «Нэчурал Бридж» с Национальным лесом Джорджа Вашингтона22 июля 1933 г.
1596210-АКодекс Национального управления по восстановлению для окраски и печати шелка и вискозы22 июля 1933 г.
1606211Администрация общественных работ24 июля 1933 г.
1616212Изъятие государственных земель для классификации (Калифорния)25 июля 1933 г.
1626213Арендная плата и суточные для офицеров25 июля 1933 г.
1636214Освобождение Кертиса Ф. Марбута от обязательного выхода на пенсию по возрасту25 июля 1933 г.
1646214-АПоправка к Приложению B Правил государственной службы25 июля 1933 г.
1656214-БНазначение Колвина У. Брауна в Исполнительный совет25 июля 1933 г.
1666215Поправка к Приложению А Правил государственной службы26 июля 1933 г.
1676216Кодекс Национальной администрации по восстановлению для судостроительной и судоремонтной промышленности26 июля 1933 г.
1686217Назначения в Отдел секретной службы Министерства финансов26 июля 1933 г.
1696218Назначение Дэвида А. Гейтса на должность в Службе внутренних доходов Министерства финансов26 июля 1933 г.
1706219Правила практики целительских искусств в зоне канала26 июля 1933 г.
1716220Разрешение на назначение Луиса Р. Глависа на любую должность в государственной службе26 июля 1933 г.
1726221Отсрочка вступления в силу раздела 18 Указа № 6166 от 10 июня 1933 г.26 июля 1933 г.
1736221-АКодекс Национальной администрации по восстановлению для шерстяной текстильной промышленности26 июля 1933 г.
1746221-БКодекс Национальной ассоциации производителей чулочно-носочных изделий26 июля 1933 г.
1756221-СКодекс Национальной администрации по восстановлению для Международной ассоциации производителей одежды и ее подразделений26 июля 1933 г.
1766221-ДКодекс Национального управления по восстановлению для Национального совета производителей пижам26 июля 1933 г.
1776222Отсрочка вступления в силу раздела 5 Указа № 6166 от 10 июня 1933 года об Управлении по делам ветеранов27 июля 1933 г.
1786223Управление аварийно-восстановительных работ27 июля 1933 г.
1796224Отсрочка некоторых положений указа № 6166 от 10 июня 1933 г.27 июля 1933 г.
1806225Создание Центрального статистического управления27 июля 1933 г.
1816226Предоставление [Правил] для отчетов о текущих обременениях27 июля 1933 г.
1826227Сотрудники некоторых исполнительных агентств временно продолжают находиться на службе в Соединенных Штатах27 июля 1933 г.
1836227-АКодекс Национального управления по восстановлению для отрасли канатно-веревочной продукции и шпагата27 июля 1933 г.
1846228Отсрочка некоторых положений и передача некоторых положений раздела 2 Указа № 6166 от 10 июня 1933 г.28 июля 1933 г.
1856229Положение о ветеранах № 1(б): Право на пенсии28 июля 1933 г.
1866230Положение о ветеранах № 2(a): Даты вступления в силу назначений пенсий по инвалидности и в случае смерти; Положения о подаче заявлений; Рассмотрение предполагаемых заявлений специальными наблюдательными советами28 июля 1933 г.
1876231Положение о ветеранах № 3(b): График оценки инвалидности28 июля 1933 г.
1886232Положение о ветеранах № 6(a): Право на уход по месту жительства или в больнице, включая лечение28 июля 1933 г.
1896233Положение о ветеранах № 7(a): Право на медицинскую помощь28 июля 1933 г.
1906234Положение о ветеранах № 10(b): Разные положения28 июля 1933 г.
1916235Восстановление электростанции № 477 (Орегон)28 июля 1933 г.
1926236Назначение Хенери Роу Клауда на должность суперинтенданта Института Хаскелла, Лоуренс, Канзас28 июля 1933 г.
1936237Покупка земель национальных парков28 июля 1933 г.
1946237-АНаделение опекуна иностранного имущества определенными полномочиями и полномочиями30 июля 1933 г.
1956238Создание Научно-консультативного совета при Национальном исследовательском совете31 июля 1933 г.
1966239Отсрочка вступления в силу раздела 17 Указа № 6166 от 10 июня 1933 г.2 августа 1933 г.
1976240Назначение Уинфилда В. Рифлера экономическим советником Центрального статистического управления Исполнительного совета3 августа 1933 г.
1986241Проверка налоговых деклараций Специальным комитетом по расследованию иностранных и внутренних, морских и воздушных почтовых контрактов, Сенат США3 августа 1933 г.
1996242Назначение г-жи Элис М. Гроув на подписание патентов на землю4 августа 1933 г.
2006242-АКодекс Национальной администрации по восстановлению для отрасли по производству пальто и костюмов4 августа 1933 г.
2016242-БКодекс Национального управления по восстановлению для электротехнической промышленности4 августа 1933 г.
2026242-СНекоторые исключения из Кодекса Национального управления по восстановлению для хлопчатобумажной текстильной промышленности4 августа 1933 г.
2036242-ДОпределенная отсрочка подачи заявления и исключения из Кодекса Национального управления по восстановлению для хлопчатобумажной текстильной промышленности4 августа 1933 г.
2046242-ЕВ отношении заявления в Кодекс Национального управления по восстановлению для хлопчатобумажной текстильной промышленности об освобождении от уплаты налога4 августа 1933 г.
2056243Отсрочка даты вступления в силу решения о передаче Окружного суда Соединенных Штатов по зоне Панамского канала в ведение Министерства юстиции5 августа 1933 г.
2066244Отсрочка некоторых положений указа № 6166 от 10 июня 1933 г.8 августа 1933 г.
2076245Сотрудники некоторых исполнительных агентств временно продолжают находиться на службе в Соединенных Штатах9 августа 1933 г.
2086246Администрация Закона о восстановлении национальной промышленности10 августа 1933 г.
2096247Подготовка, форма, стиль и обеспечение сохранности указов и прокламаций10 августа 1933 г.
2106248Кодекс Национального управления по восстановлению для индустрии корсетов и бюстгальтеров14 августа 1933 г.
2116249Кодекс Национального управления по восстановлению для отрасли по производству кружева\14 августа 1933 г.
2126250Кодекс Национального управления по восстановлению для законной полнометражной драматической и музыкальной театральной индустрии16 августа 1933 г.
2136251Назначение Федеральной энергетической комиссии в качестве агентства по оказанию помощи Федеральному чрезвычайному администратору общественных работ19 августа 1933 г.
214625219 августа 1933 г.
215625319 августа 1933 г.
216625419 августа 1933 г.
217625519 августа 1933 г.
218625619 августа 1933 г.
219625719 августа 1933 г.
220625822 августа 1933 г.
2216258-А26 августа 1933 г.
2226258-Б26 августа 1933 г.
2236258-С26 августа 1933 г.
2246258-Д26 августа 1933 г.
2256259Поправка к Указу № 9-2 от 28 января 1873 г., касающемуся занятия федеральными должностными лицами и служащими государственных, муниципальных или других местных должностей27 августа 1933 г.
2266260Относительно накопления, экспорта и целевого назначения золотых монет, слитков или валюты, а также операций с иностранной валютой28 августа 1933 г.
2276260-ААдминистрация нефтяной промышленности28 августа 1933 г.
2286261Относительно продажи и экспорта золота, добытого из природных месторождений29 августа 1933 г.
229626229 августа 1933 г.
230626330 августа 1933 г.
231626431 августа 1933 г.
23262655 сентября 1933 г.
23362666 сентября 1933 г.
23462676 сентября 1933 г.
23562686 сентября 1933 г.
23662696 сентября 1933 г.
23762707 сентября 1933 г.
23862717 сентября 1933 г.
23962727 сентября 1933 г.
24062737 сентября 1933 г.
24162747 сентября 1933 г.
24262757 сентября 1933 г.
24362768 сентября 1933 г.
24462778 сентября 1933 г.
245627812 сентября 1933 г.
246627912 сентября 1933 г.
247628013 сентября 1933 г.
248628113 сентября 1933 г.
249628213 сентября 1933 г.
250628313 сентября 1933 г.
251628413 сентября 1933 г.
2526284-А13 сентября 1933 г.
253628514 сентября 1933 г.
254628614 сентября 1933 г.
255628714 сентября 1933 г.
256628814 сентября 1933 г.
257628918 сентября 1933 г.
2586289-А18 сентября 1933 г.
259629018 сентября 1933 г.
260629118 сентября 1933 г.
261629218 сентября 1933 г.
262629318 сентября 1933 г.
263629418 сентября 1933 г.
264629518 сентября 1933 г.
265629618 сентября 1933 г.
2666296-АГосударственные контракты22 сентября 1933 г.
267629725 сентября 1933 г.
268629829 сентября 1933 г.
269629929 сентября 1933 г.
270630030 сентября 1933 г.
271630130 сентября 1933 г.
272630230 сентября 1933 г.
273630330 сентября 1933 г.
27463043 октября 1933 г.
27563053 октября 1933 г.
27663063 октября 1933 г.
27763073 октября 1933 г.
27863083 октября 1933 г.
27963093 октября 1933 г.
28063103 октября 1933 г.
28163113 октября 1933 г.
28263123 октября 1933 г.
28363133 октября 1933 г.
28463143 октября 1933 г.
28563153 октября 1933 г.
28663163 октября 1933 г.
28763173 октября 1933 г.
28863183 октября 1933 г.
28963193 октября 1933 г.
29063203 октября 1933 г.
29163213 октября 1933 г.
29263223 октября 1933 г.
29363233 октября 1933 г.
29463245 октября 1933 г.
29563259 октября 1933 г.
29663269 октября 1933 г.
29763279 октября 1933 г.
29863289 октября 1933 г.
2996328-А9 октября 1933 г.
300632910 октября 1933 г.
301633010 октября 1933 г.
302633111 октября 1933 г.
3036331-А11 октября 1933 г.
3046331-Б11 октября 1933 г.
3056331-С11 октября 1933 г.
3066331-Д11 октября 1933 г.
3076331-Е11 октября 1933 г.
308633212 октября 1933 г.
309633313 октября 1933 г.
310633413 октября 1933 г.
311633513 октября 1933 г.
312633613 октября 1933 г.
313633714 октября 1933 г.
314633814 октября 1933 г.
315633914 октября 1933 г.
3166340Создал Корпорацию товарного кредита16 октября 1933 г.
317634117 октября 1933 г.
318634218 октября 1933 г.
319634318 октября 1933 г.
320634420 октября 1933 г.
321634520 октября 1933 г.
322634620 октября 1933 г.
323634720 октября 1933 г.
324634820 октября 1933 г.
325634920 октября 1933 г.
326635020 октября 1933 г.
327635121 октября 1933 г.
328635223 октября 1933 г.
329635323 октября 1933 г.
330635423 октября 1933 г.
3316355Ограничение влияния Национальной администрации восстановления23 октября 1933 г.
332635623 октября 1933 г.
333635723 октября 1933 г.
334635823 октября 1933 г.
3356359Относительно золота, извлеченного из природных месторождений25 октября 1933 г.
3366360Разрешение на назначение г-на Уэйда Кроуфорда25 октября 1933 г.
337636125 октября 1933 г.
338636225 октября 1933 г.
339636325 октября 1933 г.
340636426 октября 1933 г.
341636526 октября 1933 г.
342636627 октября 1933 г.
343636731 октября 1933 г.
344636831 октября 1933 г.
345636931 октября 1933 г.
346637031 октября 1933 г.
347637131 октября 1933 г.
348637231 октября 1933 г.
349637331 октября 1933 г.
350637431 октября 1933 г.
351637531 октября 1933 г.
352637631 октября 1933 г.
353637731 октября 1933 г.
354637831 октября 1933 г.
355637931 октября 1933 г.
35663801 ноября 1933 г.
35763811 ноября 1933 г.
35863821 ноября 1933 г.
35963831 ноября 1933 г.
36063841 ноября 1933 г.
36163852 ноября 1933 г.
36263862 ноября 1933 г.
36363872 ноября 1933 г.
36463882 ноября 1933 г.
36563802 ноября 1933 г.
36663903 ноября 1933 г.
36763914 ноября 1933 г.
36863924 ноября 1933 г.
36963934 ноября 1933 г.
37063944 ноября 1933 г.
37163954 ноября 1933 г.
3726396Кодекс честной конкуренции в отрасли производителей офисного оборудования4 ноября 1933 г.
3736397Кодекс честной конкуренции в отрасли производства полировальных и шлифовальных составов4 ноября 1933 г.
3746398Кодекс честной конкуренции в отрасли производства полировальных кругов и шлифовальных машин4 ноября 1933 г.
37563994 ноября 1933 г.
37664004 ноября 1933 г.
37764014 ноября 1933 г.
37864024 ноября 1933 г.
37964034 ноября 1933 г.
3806403-А4 ноября 1933 г.
38164044 ноября 1933 г.
38264054 ноября 1933 г.
38364066 ноября 1933 г.
38464076 ноября 1933 г.
3856408В целом относится к землям, зарезервированным для военной резервации Форт-Ругер на территории Гавайев7 ноября 1933 г.
38664097 ноября 1933 г.
38764108 ноября 1933 г.
38864118 ноября 1933 г.
38964128 ноября 1933 г.
39064138 ноября 1933 г.
39164148 ноября 1933 г.
39264158 ноября 1933 г.
39364168 ноября 1933 г.
3946416-А8 ноября 1933 г.
39564178 ноября 1933 г.
39664188 ноября 1933 г.
39764199 ноября 1933 г.
39864209 ноября 1933 г.
3996420-А9 ноября 1933 г.
4006420-БСоздание Федерального управления строительными работами9 ноября 1933 г.
401642110 ноября 1933 г.
402642210 ноября 1933 г.
403642310 ноября 1933 г.
4046423-А11 ноября 1933 г.
405642413 ноября 1933 г.
406642514 ноября 1933 г.
407642614 ноября 1933 г.
408642714 ноября 1933 г.
409642814 ноября 1933 г.
410642914 ноября 1933 г.
411643014 ноября 1933 г.
412643114 ноября 1933 г.
4136431-А15 ноября 1933 г.
4146431-БУтверждены положения о труде в оптовой торговле продуктами питания и бакалейными товарами15 ноября 1933 г.
415643216 ноября 1933 г.
416643317 ноября 1933 г.
4176433-АСоздание Национального чрезвычайного совета17 ноября 1933 г.
418643417 ноября 1933 г.
419643517 ноября 1933 г.
420643617 ноября 1933 г.
421643717 ноября 1933 г.
422643817 ноября 1933 г.
4236438-А17 ноября 1933 г.
424643918 ноября 1933 г.
4256440Ставки оплаты труда государственных служащих в чрезвычайных учреждениях, не подпадающих под действие Закона о классификации, и актов, вносящих в него изменения18 ноября 1933 г.
426644121 ноября 1933 г.
4276441-А21 ноября 1933 г.
428644222 ноября 1933 г.
4296443Разрешение на изменение или внесение исключений в президентское соглашение о восстановлении на работе с целью избежания трудностей22 ноября 1933 г.
430644425 ноября 1933 г.
4316444-А26 ноября 1933 г.
432644527 ноября 1933 г.
433644627 ноября 1933 г.
434644727 ноября 1933 г.
435644827 ноября 1933 г.
436644927 ноября 1933 г.
437645027 ноября 1933 г.
438645127 ноября 1933 г.
439645227 ноября 1933 г.
440645327 ноября 1933 г.
441645427 ноября 1933 г.
442645527 ноября 1933 г.
443645627 ноября 1933 г.
444645727 ноября 1933 г.
445645827 ноября 1933 г.
446645927 ноября 1933 г.
447646027 ноября 1933 г.
448646127 ноября 1933 г.
449646227 ноября 1933 г.
450646327 ноября 1933 г.
451646427 ноября 1933 г.
452646527 ноября 1933 г.
453646627 ноября 1933 г.
454646727 ноября 1933 г.
4556467-А27 ноября 1933 г.
4566468В целом относится к землям, зарезервированным для военной резервации Форт-Ругер на территории Гавайев29 ноября 1933 г.
457646929 ноября 1933 г.
4586470Создание Корпорации по обеспечению экстренного жилья общественными работами29 ноября 1933 г.
459647129 ноября 1933 г.
4606471-А2 декабря 1933 г.
4616472Распределение частот правительственным радиостанциям2 декабря 1933 г.
46264734 декабря 1933 г.
4636473-А4 декабря 1933 г.
4646474Создание Федерального управления по контролю за алкоголем4 декабря 1933 г.
46564754 декабря 1933 г.
46664764 декабря 1933 г.
46764776 декабря 1933 г.
46864786 декабря 1933 г.
46964797 декабря 1933 г.
47064807 декабря 1933 г.
47164817 декабря 1933 г.
47264827 декабря 1933 г.
47364837 декабря 1933 г.
47464847 декабря 1933 г.
47564857 декабря 1933 г.
47664867 декабря 1933 г.
47764877 декабря 1933 г.
4786487-А9 декабря 1933 г.
4796487-Б9 декабря 1933 г.
480648811 декабря 1933 г.
481648911 декабря 1933 г.
482649012 декабря 1933 г.
483649112 декабря 1933 г.
484649212 декабря 1933 г.
485649312 декабря 1933 г.
486649414 декабря 1933 г.
487649514 декабря 1933 г.
488649614 декабря 1933 г.
4896497Поправка к указу № 6247 от 10 августа 1933 г.15 декабря 1933 г.
4906498Продление периода доверительного управления индейскими землями, истекающего в 1934 году15 декабря 1933 г.
4916499Изъятие государственных земель для повторного обследования (Нью-Мексико)15 декабря 1933 г.
4926500Частичная отмена указа № 5462 от 14 октября 1930 г. «Об изъятии государственных земель для целей таможенной и иммиграционной инспекции» (Аризона)15 декабря 1933 г.
4936501Кодекс честной конкуренции в индустрии производства шляп15 декабря 1933 г.
4946502Кодекс честной конкуренции в отрасли производства консервных банок15 декабря 1933 г.
4956503Кодекс добросовестной конкуренции в отрасли производства клапанов и фитингов15 декабря 1933 г.
4966504Кодекс честной конкуренции в отрасли производства металлических резервуаров15 декабря 1933 г.
4976505Кодекс добросовестной конкуренции для ацетилено-кислородной промышленности15 декабря 1933 г.
4986506Кодекс добросовестной конкуренции в резиновой промышленности15 декабря 1933 г.
4996507Кодекс честной конкуренции в отрасли производства волосяных полотенец15 декабря 1933 г.
5006508Кодекс добросовестной конкуренции в отрасли машин и оборудования для обработки камня15 декабря 1933 г.
5016509Кодекс честной конкуренции в отрасли производства сухих и полировальных швабр15 декабря 1933 г.
5026510Поправки к Кодексу добросовестной конкуренции в индустрии мужской одежды15 декабря 1933 г.
5036510-АКодекс честной конкуренции в отрасли подрядчиков по добыче пушного зверя15 декабря 1933 г.
5046511Расширены полномочия Национального совета по труду16 декабря 1933 г.
5056512Поправка к указу № 6433-А от 17 ноября 1933 г.; отсрочка до 16 января 1934 г. упразднения добровольческих полевых агентств16 декабря 1933 г.
5066512-АНазначение Чарльза Брентона Барнса на должность президента-члена Совета по труду в угольной промышленности, для дивизиона I, Юг16 декабря 1933 г.
5076513Включение членов Специального совета по восстановлению промышленности в состав Национального чрезвычайного совета18 декабря 1933 г.
5086513-АКодекс честной конкуренции для отрасли по производству бумажных коробок18 декабря 1933 г.
5096513-БКодекс честной конкуренции в отрасли производства верхней трикотажной одежды18 декабря 1933 г.
5106513-СКодекс честной конкуренции в отрасли производства вощеной бумаги18 декабря 1933 г.
5116513-ДКодекс добросовестной конкуренции в сфере внутренних грузоперевозок18 декабря 1933 г.
5126513-ЕКодекс добросовестной конкуренции в оптовой торговле автомобилями18 декабря 1933 г.
5136513-ФКодекс добросовестной конкуренции в литейной промышленности цветных металлов18 декабря 1933 г.
5146513-ГКодекс добросовестной конкуренции в огнеупорной промышленности18 декабря 1933 г.
5156513-НКодекс добросовестной конкуренции, меховая промышленность и меховая крашение18 декабря 1933 г.
5166513-ИКодекс добросовестной конкуренции в отрасли производства чугунных канализационных труб (поправка № I)18 декабря 1933 г.
5176513-JПоправки к Кодексу добросовестной конкуренции для хлопчатобумажной швейной промышленности18 декабря 1933 г.
5186513-КВнесение поправок в Кодекс добросовестной конкуренции в автомобильной промышленности18 декабря 1933 г.
5196514Разрешение на электроснабжение жилых домов и ферм19 декабря 1933 г.
5206515Продление президентского соглашения о восстановлении на работе до 30 апреля 1934 г.19 декабря 1933 г.
5216515-АПредоставление полномочий Чарльзу Э. Визански-младшему на должность министра труда19 декабря 1933 г.
5226516Освобождение федеральных служащих в округе Колумбия от исполнения служебных обязанностей 23 и 30 декабря 1933 г.20 декабря 1933 г.
5236517Поправка к Указу президента № 6516 от 20 декабря 1933 г. «Об освобождении федеральных служащих в округе Колумбия от исполнения служебных обязанностей 23 и 30 декабря 1933 г.»21 декабря 1933 г.
5246518Отмена положений Указа № 9 от 17 января 1873 года, запрещающего федеральным должностным лицам и служащим занимать государственные или муниципальные должности, в отношении Мартина Конбоя21 декабря 1933 г.
5256519Кодекс добросовестной конкуренции для сберегательных, строительных и кредитных ассоциаций21 декабря 1933 г.
5266520Кодекс честной конкуренции в отрасли производства шлифовальных кругов21 декабря 1933 г.
5276521Кодекс честной конкуренции в отрасли производства рулонных стальных дверей21 декабря 1933 г.
5286522Кодекс добросовестной конкуренции в отрасли окраски и печати вискозы и шелка21 декабря 1933 г.
5296523Кодекс добросовестной конкуренции для предприятий, занимающихся выплавкой и переработкой вторичных металлов в латунные и бронзовые сплавы в форме слитков21 декабря 1933 г.
5306524Кодекс добросовестной конкуренции в отрасли производства резиновых шин21 декабря 1933 г.
5316525Изменения в Кодексе добросовестной конкуренции для отрасли производства бензиновых насосов21 декабря 1933 г.
5326526Отклонение заявки Ассоциации производителей плугов Юга и компании Blount Plough Works на некоторые исключения из Кодекса добросовестной конкуренции в отрасли сельскохозяйственного оборудования (и поправки к Кодексу)21 декабря 1933 г.
5336527Предоставление уведомления о процедурах и вопросах в администрации Закона о восстановлении национальной промышленности (создание официальной доски объявлений NRA; последствия размещения уведомления)21 декабря 1933 г.
5346527-АДополнения и изменения в Кодекс добросовестной конкуренции в нефтяной промышленности21 декабря 1933 г.
5356528Отмена части указа № 5603 от 20 апреля 1931 г. об изъятии государственных земель, Вайоминг23 декабря 1933 г.
5366529Кодекс добросовестной конкуренции в отрасли производства текстильных сумок, Изменения Кодекса23 декабря 1933 г.
5376530Кодекс честной конкуренции, отрасль производства ювелирных изделий средней и низкой ценовой категории23 декабря 1933 г.
5386531Кодекс честной конкуренции, отрасль производства столового серебра23 декабря 1933 г.
5396532Кодекс честной конкуренции в сфере фотогравировки23 декабря 1933 г.
5406533Кодекс честной конкуренции в сфере электротипирования и стереотипирования23 декабря 1933 г.
5416534Кодекс добросовестной конкуренции в сфере торговли бумажной продукцией23 декабря 1933 г.
5426535Кодекс честной конкуренции в отрасли коммерческих холодильников23 декабря 1933 г.
5436536Кодекс честной конкуренции в отрасли производства корпусов часов23 декабря 1933 г.
5446537Назначение членов Временного органа по кодексу для торговли хранением и стоянкой автотранспортных средств23 декабря 1933 г.
5456538Кодекс Управления, Индустрия игрушек и игрушек23 декабря 1933 г.
5466539Утверждение поправок к Кодексу добросовестной конкуренции в сфере производства кружев23 декабря 1933 г.
5476539-АУтверждение Кодекса добросовестной конкуренции в винодельческой отрасли27 декабря 1933 г.
5486539-БУтверждение Кодекса добросовестной конкуренции для коммерческой и племенной птицеводческой отрасли27 декабря 1933 г.
5496539-СВосстановление в должности бывших сотрудников дипломатической службы27 декабря 1933 г.
5506540Отсрочка некоторых положений указа № 6166 от 10 июня 1933 г. (общая отсрочка реорганизации до 30 июня 1934 г.)28 декабря 1933 г.
5516541Изъятие некоторых описанных государственных земель в целях борьбы с наводнениями, Невада28 декабря 1933 г.
5526542Разрешение на покупку земли для проведения срочных природоохранных работ28 декабря 1933 г.
5536543Кодекс добросовестной конкуренции в розничной торговле продуктами питания и бакалейными товарами30 декабря 1933 г.
5546543-АДелегирование дополнительных функций и полномочий администратору по восстановлению промышленности (полномочия утверждать кодексы для всех отраслей, кроме основных; утверждать поправки и т. д.)30 декабря 1933 г.
5556543-БКодекс честной конкуренции в отрасли бытовых холодильников для льда30 декабря 1933 г.
5566543-СКодекс честной конкуренции в отрасли производства обуви и кожи, полироли и цемента30 декабря 1933 г.
5576543-ДКодекс добросовестной конкуренции в отрасли производства бетонных труб30 декабря 1933 г.
5586543-ЕКодекс честной конкуренции в отрасли производства торцевых деревянных блоков30 декабря 1933 г.
5596543-ФКодекс честной конкуренции в отрасли производства хлопчатобумажных перчаток30 декабря 1933 г.
5606543-ГКодекс честной конкуренции в бархатной промышленности30 декабря 1933 г.
5616543-НКодекс честной конкуренции в отрасли производства абразивных материалов30 декабря 1933 г.
5626543-ИКодекс добросовестной конкуренции в отрасли производства бумажных канцелярских товаров и планшетов30 декабря 1933 г.
5636543-JКодекс честной конкуренции в торговле золой, пеплом и отходами30 декабря 1933 г.
5646543-ККодекс честной конкуренции в отрасли производства чугунных напорных труб30 декабря 1933 г.
5656543-ЛКодекс честной конкуренции в отрасли производства складных бумажных коробок30 декабря 1933 г.
5666543-МКодекс честной конкуренции в отрасли производства блузок и юбок30 декабря 1933 г.
5676543-НКодекс честной конкуренции, Американская спичечная промышленность30 декабря 1933 г.
5686543-ОУтверждение поправок к Кодексу добросовестной конкуренции в отрасли производства обоев30 декабря 1933 г.
5696544Изъятие государственных земель для размещения площадок для наблюдения за лесными пожарами и т.п., Калифорния30 декабря 1933 г.


Относительный номерАбсолютное Нет.Название/ОписаниеДата подписания
5706545Изменение названия таможенного порта Ньяндо, штат Нью-Йорк2 января 1934 г.
5716546Резервирование определенных общественных земель на Аляске для целей кладбищ2 января 1934 г.
5726547Поправка к Положению о ветеранах № 2(а)2 января 1934 г.
57365483 января 1934 г.
57465493 января 1934 г.
5756549-А4 января 1934 г.
57665506 января 1934 г.
57765518 января 1934 г.
57865528 января 1934 г.
57965539 января 1934 г.
580655410 января 1934 г.
581655512 января 1934 г.
5826556Поправка к Указу № 6260 от 28 августа 1933 г., касающемуся приобретения золотых монет и золотых слитков12 января 1934 г.  
5836557Отказ от правила IX о государственной службе, разрешающий восстановление г-жи Мари Э. Саммерс в правительственной типографии12 января 1934 г.
5846557-АКодекс добросовестной конкуренции в оптовой и дистрибьюторской торговле12 января 1934 г.
5856557-БКодекс добросовестной конкуренции в отрасли производства ковров и ковровых изделий12 января 1934 г.
5866557-СУтверждение Кодекса добросовестной конкуренции в отрасли переработки сырого арахиса12 января 1934 г.
5876558Относительно приема золота на консигнацию монетными дворами и пробирными палатами15 января 1934 г.
5886559Поправка к Указу правительства № 6073 от 10 марта 1933 г. и Прокламации № 2070 от 30 декабря 1933 г. о деятельности банков15 января 1934 г.
5896560Регулирование операций по переводу кредита в иностранной валюте, а также экспорт монет и валюты15 января 1934 г.
5906560-АНазначение г-на Ф.Е. Берквиста членом Национального совета по угольной промышленности15 января 1934 г.
5916560-БНазначение г-на Джона Л. Льюиса членом Национального совета по угольной промышленности15 января 1934 г.
5926561Поправка к указу № 6433-А от 17 ноября 1933 г. и к указу № 6512 от 16 декабря 1933 г. об отсрочке упразднения добровольческих полевых агентств16 января 1934 г.
5936562Установление дополнительной компенсации военнослужащим за особые навыки владения оружием18 января 1934 г.
5946563Отмена указа № 5805 от 23 февраля 1932 г. «Об изъятии государственных земель в Нью-Мексико»18 января 1934 г.
5956564Отмена части указа № 5098 от 23 апреля 1929 г. об изъятии государственных земель, Вайоминг18 января 1934 г.
5966564-АОтставка Альфреда Т. Бурри, сотрудника дипломатической службы18 января 1934 г.
5976565Поправка к Положению о ветеранах № 1(а): Право на пенсии19 января 1934 г.
5986566Поправка к Положению о ветеранах № 6(a): Право на уход на дому или в больнице, включая лечение19 января 1934 г.
5996567Поправка к Положению о ветеранах № 9(a): Оплата расходов на погребение умерших ветеранов войны19 января 1934 г.
6006568Поправка к Положению о ветеранах № 10(b): Разные положения19 января 1934 г.
601656920 января 1934 г.
602657020 января 1934 г.
603657123 января 1934 г.
604657224 января 1934 г.
605657324 января 1934 г.
606657424 января 1934 г.
607657624 января 1934 г.
6086575-А24 января 1934 г.
609657624 января 1934 г.
610657725 января 1934 г.
6116577-А31 января 1934 г.
612657831 января 1934 г.
6136578-А31 января 1934 г.
61465791 февраля 1934 г.
61565801 февраля 1934 г.
6166581Создание Экспортно-импортного банка Вашингтона, округ Колумбия.2 февраля 1934 г.
61765823 февраля 1934 г.
61865833 февраля 1934 г.
61965846 февраля 1934 г.
6206585Отсрочка вступления в силу раздела 18 Указа № 6166 от 10 июня 1933 г.6 февраля 1934 г.
6216586Отмена раздела 18 Указа № 6166 от 10 июня 1933 г.6 февраля 1934 г.
62265876 февраля 1934 г.
62365886 февраля 1934 г.
62465896 февраля 1934 г.
62565908 февраля 1934 г.
6266590-А8 февраля 1934 г.
6276590-Б8 февраля 1934 г.
6286591Приказ армии доставлять почту воздушным транспортом9 февраля 1934 г.
6296592Резервирование определенных описанных земель в Орегоне в ожидании принятия закона9 февраля 1934 г.
6306593Разрешение Комитету по сахарной свекле принять добровольные услуги У. Льюиса Эббота9 февраля 1934 г.
6316594Передача под контроль и юрисдикцию Министерства финансов части территории военно-морской резервации Эдиз-Хук, Порт-Анджелес, штат Вашингтон9 февраля 1934 г.
6326595Предоставление директору Службы занятости США разрешения принимать определенные добровольные услуги9 февраля 1934 г.
6336596Предоставление полномочий Уиллису Р. Греггу на должность министра сельского хозяйства9 февраля 1934 г.
6346507Кодекс добросовестной конкуренции в химической промышленности10 февраля 1934 г.
635659810 февраля 1934 г.
636659910 февраля 1934 г.
637660010 февраля 1934 г.
638660114 февраля 1934 г.
6396601-А14 февраля 1934 г.
640660215 февраля 1934 г.
641660315 февраля 1934 г.
6426603-А15 февраля 1934 г.
643660416 февраля 1934 г.
6446604-А16 февраля 1934 г.
6456604-Б16 февраля 1934 г.
646660517 февраля 1934 г.
6476606Дальнейшие поправки к Положению о ветеранах № 2(а)17 февраля 1934 г.
6486606-А17 февраля 1934 г.
6496606-Б17 февраля 1934 г.
6506606-С17 февраля 1934 г.
6516606-Д17 февраля 1934 г.
6526606-Е17 февраля 1934 г.
6536606-Ф17 февраля 1934 г.
6546606-Г17 февраля 1934 г.
655660720 февраля 1934 г.
656660820 февраля 1934 г.
657660921 февраля 1934 г.
658661021 февраля 1934 г.
6596611Разрешение на передачу Горного бюро Министерству внутренних дел22 февраля 1934 г.
660661222 февраля 1934 г.
6616612-А23 февраля 1934 г.
662661324 февраля 1934 г.
6636613-А24 февраля 1934 г.
664661426 февраля 1934 г.
665661526 февраля 1934 г.
666661626 февраля 1934 г.
6676617Изъятие государственных земель для использования в связи с индейским ирригационным проектом реки Уокер26 февраля 1934 г.
668661826 февраля 1934 г.
669661926 февраля 1934 г.
670662026 февраля 1934 г.
6716620-А26 февраля 1934 г.
6726620-Б26 февраля 1934 г.
673662128 февраля 1934 г.
67466221 марта 1934 г.
6756623Создание Управления по стабилизации занятости в Министерстве торговли1 марта 1934 г.
67666241 марта 1934 г.
67766255 марта 1934 г.
67866265 марта 1934 г.
67966275 марта 1934 г.
68066285 марта 1934 г.
68166295 марта 1934 г.
68266306 марта 1934 г.
68366316 марта 1934 г.
6846631-А6 марта 1934 г.
6856632Создание Национального совета по рассмотрению восстановления7 марта 1934 г.
68666337 марта 1934 г.
68766347 марта 1934 г.
68866357 марта 1934 г.
68966368 марта 1934 г.
69066379 марта 1934 г.
6916638Второе разрешение для Экспортно-импортного банка Вашингтона, округ Колумбия.9 марта 1934 г.
692663910 марта 1934 г.
693664012 марта 1934 г.
694664112 марта 1934 г.
695664214 марта 1934 г.
696664314 марта 1934 г.
6976644Изъятие государственных земель, Колорадо14 марта 1934 г.
698664514 марта 1934 г.
6996646Предписание мер по соблюдению кодексов Национального закона о восстановлении14 марта 1934 г.
700664717 марта 1934 г.
7016647-А17 марта 1934 г.
7026647-Б17 марта 1934 г.
703664820 марта 1934 г.
704664923 марта 1934 г.
705665023 марта 1934 г.
7066651Создание Управления специального советника президента по внешней торговле23 марта 1934 г.
707665223 марта 1934 г.
708665323 марта 1934 г.
709665423 марта 1934 г.
710665527 марта 1934 г.
7116656Постоянный Исполнительный комитет по коммерческой политике27 марта 1934 г.
7126657Никогда не распространялся и был немедленно заменен указом EO 6657-A, который внес определенные изменения в его формулировку.27 марта 1934 г.
7136657-АУстановление правил, регулирующих выплату убытков, понесенных государственными служащими за рубежом из-за повышения курса иностранной валюты27 марта 1934 г.
714665827 марта 1934 г.
715665927 марта 1934 г.
716666027 марта 1934 г.
7176661Дальнейшая поправка к Положению о ветеранах № 1(а): Право на пенсии27 марта 1934 г.
7186662Поправка к Положению о ветеранах № 12: Презумпция права на пенсии для ветеранов испанской войны и некоторых вдов, детей и родителей-иждивенцев умерших ветеранов мировой войны27 марта 1934 г.
719666331 марта 1934 г.
720666431 марта 1934 г.
721666531 марта 1934 г.
72266665 апреля 1934 г.
7236667Изъятие государственных земель для повторного обследования, Колорадо5 апреля 1934 г.
7246668Дальнейшие поправки к Положению о ветеранах № 1(d) – Право на пенсии6 апреля 1934 г.
7256669Дальнейшие поправки к Положению о ветеранах № 12 — Презумпция права на пенсии для ветеранов испанской войны и некоторых вдов, детей и родителей-иждивенцев умерших ветеранов мировой войны6 апреля 1934 г.
7266670Передача функций Управления по делам ветеранов по вопросам увольнения на пенсию государственных гражданских служащих Комиссии по делам государственной службы7 апреля 1934 г.
7276671Изъятие некоторых описанных земель в Аризоне в ожидании повторного обследования7 апреля 1934 г.
7286672Изъятие государственных земель для использования в целях сохранения и развития природных ресурсов; Вайоминг7 апреля 1934 г.
72966739 апреля 1934 г.
730667413 апреля 1934 г.
731667513 апреля 1934 г.
7326675-АУтверждение Кодекса добросовестной конкуренции в птицеводческой отрасли столичного региона в городе Нью-Йорке и его окрестностях13 апреля 1934 г.
733667614 апреля 1934 г.
734667714 апреля 1934 г.
735667814 апреля 1934 г.
7366678-А14 апреля 1934 г.
737667916 апреля 1934 г.
7386680Относительно единообразного использования географической номенклатуры и орфографии на всей территории федерального правительства17 апреля 1934 г.
739668117 апреля 1934 г.
740668217 апреля 1934 г.
741668319 апреля 1934 г.
742668419 апреля 1934 г.
7436684-А19 апреля 1934 г.
7446684-Б19 апреля 1934 г.
7456684-С19 апреля 1934 г.
7466684-Д19 апреля 1934 г.
7476684-Е19 апреля 1934 г.
7486684-Ф19 апреля 1934 г.
749668520 апреля 1934 г.
750668620 апреля 1934 г.
7516686-А21 апреля 1934 г.
752668723 апреля 1934 г.
753668823 апреля 1934 г.
754668924 апреля 1934 г.
755669025 апреля 1934 г.
756669125 апреля 1934 г.
7576692Относится к исправлению/установлению печати Министерства юстиции, перепечатано в приказе Министерства юстиции № 2400.3 (6 августа 1998 г.)27 апреля 1934 г.
7586693Создание Комитета по национальным земельным проблемам28 апреля 1934 г.
75966941 мая 1934 г.
7606694-А1 мая 1934 г.
7616695Поправка к Положению о ветеранах № 9(b) – Оплата расходов на погребение умерших ветеранов войны2 мая 1934 г.
76266962 мая 1934 г.
76366972 мая 1934 г.
76466982 мая 1934 г.
76566993 мая 1934 г.
76667004 мая 1934 г.
76767017 мая 1934 г.
76867027 мая 1934 г.
76967037 мая 1934 г.
77067048 мая 1934 г.
77167058 мая 1934 г.
77267069 мая 1934 г.
77367079 мая 1934 г.
774670811 мая 1934 г.
775670914 мая 1934 г.
776671015 мая 1934 г.
777671115 мая 1934 г.
7786711-А15 мая 1934 г.
7796711-Б15 мая 1934 г.
780671221 мая 1934 г.
781671321 мая 1934 г.
7826713-А22 мая 1934 г.
783671423 мая 1934 г.
7846715Предписание о подаче функциональных организационных схем директору Бюджетного бюро23 мая 1934 г.
785671623 мая 1934 г.
786671725 мая 1934 г.
787671825 мая 1934 г.
788671925 мая 1934 г.
789672025 мая 1934 г.
790672125 мая 1934 г.
791672226 мая 1934 г.
792672326 мая 1934 г.
793672428 мая 1934 г.
794672528 мая 1934 г.
7956725-А28 мая 1934 г.
796672629 мая 1934 г.
797672729 мая 1934 г.
798672829 мая 1934 г.
799672929 мая 1934 г.
800673030 мая 1934 г.
80167315 июня 1934 г.
8026731-А6 июня 1934 г.
80367327 июня 1934 г.
80467337 июня 1934 г.
8056733-А7 июня 1934 г.
80667348 июня 1934 г.
8076734-А9 июня 1934 г.
808673511 июня 1934 г.
809673611 июня 1934 г.
810673714 июня 1934 г.
811673814 июня 1934 г.
812673914 июня 1934 г.
813674015 июня 1934 г.
814674115 июня 1934 г.
815674215 июня 1934 г.
816674315 июня 1934 г.
817674419 июня 1934 г.
8186744-А19 июня 1934 г.
8196744-Б19 июня 1934 г.
820674521 июня 1934 г.
821674621 июня 1934 г.
822674723 июня 1934 г.
823674826 июня 1934 г.
824674927 июня 1934 г.
8256750Установление порядка уведомления и слушания по любому предлагаемому взаимному торговому соглашению27 июня 1934 г.
8266750-А27 июня 1934 г.
8276750-Б27 июня 1934 г.
8286750-ССоздание Федерального комитета по ученичеству27 июня 1934 г.
829675128 июня 1934 г.
830675228 июня 1934 г.
831675328 июня 1934 г.
832675428 июня 1934 г.
833675528 июня 1934 г.
834675628 июня 1934 г.
8356756-А28 июня 1934 г.
8366756-Б28 июня 1934 г.
8376756-С29 июня 1934 г.
8386756-Д29 июня 1934 г.
8396756-Е29 июня 1934 г.
8406756-Ф29 июня 1934 г.
8416756-Г29 июня 1934 г.
8426757Приказ о начале исследований для достижения программы национальной социальной и экономической безопасности29 июня 1934 г.
843675829 июня 1934 г.
844675929 июня 1934 г.
845676029 июня 1934 г.
846676129 июня 1934 г.
847676229 июня 1934 г.
8486763Создание Национального совета по трудовым отношениям29 июня 1934 г.
849676429 июня 1934 г.
850676529 июня 1934 г.
8516766Предписание защиты и сохранения дикой природы путем предоставления подходящих убежищ29 июня 1934 г.
852676729 июня 1934 г.
853676830 июня 1934 г.
854676930 июня 1934 г.
8556770Создание Национального чрезвычайного совета30 июня 1934 г.
856677130 июня 1934 г.
857677230 июня 1934 г.
858677330 июня 1934 г.
859667430 июня 1934 г.
8606775Дальнейшая поправка к Положению о ветеранах № 6(a) — Право на уход на дому или в больнице, включая лечение30 июня 1934 г.
861667630 июня 1934 г.
8626777Создание Национального совета по ресурсам и упразднение Комитета по национальным земельным проблемам30 июня 1934 г.
8636778Делегирование полномочий председателю и директору Федерального управления по контролю за оборотом алкоголя30 июня 1934 г.
8646779Поправка к Указу № 3513 от 9 июля 1921 г., касающемуся заявлений на получение лицензий на прокладку подводных кабелей30 июня 1934 г.
8656780Поправка к Указу № 6657-А от 27 марта 1934 г.30 июня 1934 г.
8666781Изъятие государственных земель для повторного обследования; Аризона30 июня 1934 г.
8676782Восстановление общественного водоснабжения № 78; Монтана30 июня 1934 г.
8686783Создание Комитета Кветико-Супериор30 июня 1934 г.
869678430 июня 1934 г.
870678530 июня 1934 г.
871678630 июня 1934 г.
8726786-А30 июня 1934 г.
873678730 июня 1934 г.
874678830 июня 1934 г.
875678930 июня 1934 г.
876679030 июня 1934 г.
87767916 июля 1934 г.
878679211 июля 1934 г.
8796793Определение земельной политики, программы и процедуры в отношении проекта создания защитных полос11 июля 1934 г.
880679411 июля 1934 г.
881679526 июля 1934 г.
882679627 июля 1934 г.
883679727 июля 1934 г.
884679827 июля 1934 г.
885679927 июля 1934 г.
886680027 июля 1934 г.
887680127 июля 1934 г.
8886801-А27 июля 1934 г.
8896801-Б27 июля 1934 г.
89068024 августа 1934 г.
89168034 августа 1934 г.
89268044 августа 1934 г.
89368054 августа 1934 г.
89468064 августа 1934 г.
89568074 августа 1934 г.
89668084 августа 1934 г.
89768094 августа 1934 г.
89868104 августа 1934 г.
8996810-А4 августа 1934 г.
90068114 августа 1934 г.
90168124 августа 1934 г.
90268139 августа 1934 г.
9036814Приказ, предписывающий доставку всего серебра в Соединенные Штаты для чеканки монет9 августа 1934 г.
904681510 августа 1934 г.
905681610 августа 1934 г.
906681710 августа 1934 г.
907681811 августа 1934 г.
908681911 августа 1934 г.
909682011 августа 1934 г.
910682111 августа 1934 г.
911682213 августа 1934 г.
912682316 августа 1934 г.
9136824Отмена положений указа от 17 января 1873 года, запрещающего федеральным должностным лицам и служащим занимать государственные или муниципальные должности, в отношении Роберта Х. Джексона16 августа 1934 г.
914682520 августа 1934 г.
915682621 августа 1934 г.
916682721 августа 1934 г.
917682821 августа 1934 г.
918682921 августа 1934 г.
919683023 августа 1934 г.
920683123 августа 1934 г.
921683223 августа 1934 г.
922683328 августа 1934 г.
923683429 августа 1934 г.
924683529 августа 1934 г.
925683631 августа 1934 г.
926683731 августа 1934 г.
92768381 сентября 1934 г.
92868393 сентября 1934 г.
9296840Создание Комиссии по расследованию деятельности хлопчатобумажной текстильной промышленности5 сентября 1934 г.
930684111 сентября 1934 г.
931684211 сентября 1934 г.
932684311 сентября 1934 г.
933684411 сентября 1934 г.
934684511 сентября 1934 г.
935684611 сентября 1934 г.
936684711 сентября 1934 г.
9376847-А14 сентября 1934 г.
938684815 сентября 1934 г.
939684915 сентября 1934 г.
940685018 сентября 1934 г.
941685122 сентября 1934 г.
942685222 сентября 1934 г.
9436853Изъятие государственных земель для использования в связи с проектом орошения индейцев в долине реки Дак22 сентября 1934 г.
944685422 сентября 1934 г.
945685525 сентября 1934 г.
946685625 сентября 1934 г.
947685725 сентября 1934 г.
9486858В целом (в связи с упразднением Комиссии по расследованию в хлопчатобумажной текстильной промышленности)26 сентября 1934 г.
9496859Создание Национального совета по восстановлению промышленности в рамках Национального совета по чрезвычайным ситуациям27 сентября 1934 г.
950686027 сентября 1934 г.
9516860-А27 сентября 1934 г.
952686128 сентября 1934 г.
953686230 сентября 1934 г.
95468633 октября 1934 г.
95568643 октября 1934 г.
95668654 октября 1934 г.
95768665 октября 1934 г.
95868675 октября 1934 г.
95968689 октября 1934 г.
960686910 октября 1934 г.
961687010 октября 1934 г.
9626870-А11 октября 1934 г.
963687112 октября 1934 г.
964687212 октября 1934 г.
965687316 октября 1934 г.
966687416 октября 1934 г.
967687516 октября 1934 г.
968687616 октября 1934 г.
9696877Создание Совета по распределению работ в области шерстяного текстиля16 октября 1934 г.
970687816 октября 1934 г.
971687917 октября 1934 г.
972688022 октября 1934 г.
973688122 октября 1934 г.
974688222 октября 1934 г.
975688322 октября 1934 г.
9766883-А22 октября 1934 г.
9776883-Б22 октября 1934 г.
978688423 октября 1934 г.
979688523 октября 1934 г.
9806885-А25 октября 1934 г.
981688627 октября 1934 г.
982688729 октября 1934 г.
983688829 октября 1934 г.
984688929 октября 1934 г.
9856889-АПриказ об объединении Национального чрезвычайного совета, Исполнительного совета и Комитета по чрезвычайным ситуациям в промышленности29 октября 1934 г.
986689030 октября 1934 г.
987689130 октября 1934 г.
988689230 октября 1934 г.
9896892-А30 октября 1934 г.
990689331 октября 1934 г.
99168941 ноября 1934 г.
99268952 ноября 1934 г.
9936895-А2 ноября 1934 г.
99468967 ноября 1934 г.
99568977 ноября 1934 г.
99668988 ноября 1934 г.
99768998 ноября 1934 г.
99869008 ноября 1934 г.
999690113 ноября 1934 г.
1000690213 ноября 1934 г.
1001690314 ноября 1934 г.
1002690415 ноября 1934 г.
1003690515 ноября 1934 г.
1004690619 ноября 1934 г.
1005690719 ноября 1934 г.
10066908Изъятие государственных земель для использования в целях сохранения и развития природных ресурсов; Аляска21 ноября 1934 г.
1007690921 ноября 1934 г.
10086910Изъятие государственных земель для использования в целях сохранения и развития природных ресурсов26 ноября 1934 г.
10096910-А1 декабря 1934 г.
10106910-Б1 декабря 1934 г.
101169113 декабря 1934 г.
101269123 декабря 1934 г.
101369134 декабря 1934 г.
101469144 декабря 1934 г.
101569156 декабря 1934 г.
101669167 декабря 1934 г.
10176917Creating a Body Corporate to be Known as Federal Prison Industries, Inc.December 11, 1934
10186918December 12, 1934
10196919December 12, 1934
10206920December 13, 1934
10216920-ADecember 14, 1934
10226920-BDecember 14, 1934
10236920-CDecember 14, 1934
10246921December 15, 1934
10256922December 15, 1934
10266923December 18, 1934
10276924December 18, 1934
10286925December 18, 1934
10296925-ADecember 19, 1934
10306926Extension of Trust Period on Indian Lands in Oklahoma Expiring During the Year 1935December 20, 1934
10316927December 21, 1934
10326927-ADecember 21, 1934
10336928December 24, 1934
10346929December 26, 1934
10356929-ADecember 26, 1934
10366930December 27, 1934
10376931December 27, 1934
10386932December 28, 1934
10396933December 28, 1934
10406934December 29, 1934
10416935Placing Wake Island, Kingman Reef, Johnston Island and Sand Island in the Pacific Ocean under the Control and Jurisdiction of the Secretary of the NavyDecember 29, 1934
10426935-AApproving Agreement between Members of the Division of the Painting, Paperhanging and Decorating Division of the Construction Industry and Painter Employees in the Region of St. Paul, Minnesota and VicinityDecember 29, 1934


Relative No.Absolute No.Title / DescriptionDate signed
10436936Announcing the Index Figures for the Cost of Living for the 6 Months' Periods Ending June 30, 1928, and December 31, 1934January 4, 1935
10446937January 4, 1935
10456938January 4, 1935
10466939Extension of Trust Period on Allotments Made to Indians of the Spokane ReservationJanuary 7, 1935
10476940Extension of Trust Period on Lands of the Pala Band of Mission IndiansJanuary 7, 1935
10486941January 8, 1935
10496942Relates to the List of unhealthful Posts Established by Executive Order No. 5640 of June 8, 1931January 8, 1935
10506943January 9, 1935
10516944January 9, 1935
10526945January 10, 1935
10536945-AJanuary 10, 1935
10546946January 11, 1935
10556946-AJanuary 11, 1935
10566947January 12, 1935
10576947-AJanuary 16, 1935
10586948January 17, 1935
10596948-AJanuary 18, 1935
10606948-BJanuary 19, 1935
10616949January 22, 1935
10626949-AJanuary 22, 1935
10636950January 23, 1935
10646951January 24, 1935
10656952January 24, 1935
10666952-AJanuary 24, 1935
10676953January 25, 1935
10686953-AJanuary 28, 1935
10696953-BJanuary 29, 1935
10706954January 31, 1935
10716955January 31, 1935
10726955-AFebruary 1, 1935
10736956February 4, 1935
10746957February 4, 1935
10756958February 4, 1935
10766959February 4, 1935
10776960February 4, 1935
10786961Extension of Trust Periods on Allotments Made to Indians of the Klamath ReservationFebruary 4, 1935
10796962Extension of Trust Periods on Allotments Made to Indians of the Colville ReservationFebruary 4, 1935
10806963Veterans Regulation No. 10 (d), Miscellaneous Provisions [9]February 5, 1935
10816964February 5, 1935
10826964-AFebruary 5, 1935
10836964-BFebruary 5, 1935
10846965February 7, 1935
10856966February 8, 1935
10866967Veterans Regulation No. 1 (f), Entitlement to Pensions[10]February 8, 1935
10876967-AFebruary 8, 1935
10886968Extension of Trust Period on Allotments Made to Indians of the Crow Creek Band of SiouxFebruary 9, 1935
10896969Code of Fair Competition for the Cigarette, Snuff, Chewing, and Smoking Tobacco Manufacturing IndustryFebruary 9, 1935
10906970February 15, 1935
10916971February 19, 1935
10926972February 19, 1935
10936973February 19, 1935
10946973-AFebruary 20, 1935
10956973-BFebruary 20, 1935
10966974February 21, 1935
10976974-AFebruary 21, 1935
10986975February 26, 1935
10996976February 26, 1935
11006977February 28, 1935
11016978February 28, 1935
11026979Designating the Secretary of the Interior to Carry out Oil RegulationFebruary 28, 1935
11036980March 1, 1935
11046980-AMarch 1, 1935
11056980-BMarch 1, 1935
11066980-CMarch 1, 1935
11076981March 2, 1935
11086982March 5, 1935
11096983March 6, 1935
11106984March 7, 1935
11116984-AMarch 7, 1935
11126985March 8, 1935
11136985-AMarch 8, 1935
11146986March 9, 1935
11156987March 9, 1935
11166988March 11, 1935
11176988-AMarch 16, 1935
11186989Veterans Regulation No. 1 (g), Entitlement to PensionsMarch 19, 1935
11196990Veterans Regulation No. 2 (d), Effective Dates of Awards of Disability and Death Pensions; Provisions for Filing Claims; Review of Presumptive Claims by Special Review BoardsMarch 19, 1935
11206991March 19, 1935
11216992Veterans Regulation No. 10 (e), Miscellaneous provisionsMarch 19, 1935
11226992-AMarch 20, 1935
11236992-BMarch 20, 1935
11246993March 21, 1935
11256994March 21, 1935
11266995March 21, 1935
11276996March 21, 1935
11286996-AMarch 22, 1935
11296997March 25, 1935
11306998March 25, 1935
11316999March 30, 1935
11327000April 5, 1935
11337001Extension of Trust Periods on Allotments Made to Indians of the Crow ReservationApril 5, 1935
11347002April 5, 1935
11357003April 8, 1935
11367004April 10, 1935
11377005April 10, 1935
11387006April 10, 1935
11397007April 10, 1935
11407008April 10, 1935
11417009Extension of Trust Period on Lands of the Torres-Martinez Band of Mission IndiansApril 10, 1935
11427010April 10, 1935
11437010-AApril 10, 1935
11447010-BApril 10, 1935
11457010-CApril 10, 1935
11467010-DApril 10, 1935
11477010-EApril 10, 1935
11487010-FApril 10, 1935
11497010-GApril 10, 1935
11507010-HApril 11, 1935
11517010-IApril 12, 1935
11527011April 15, 1935
11537012Amendment of Instructions to Diplomatic Officers and of Consular RegulationsApril 15, 1935
11547013April 16, 1935
11557014April 19, 1935
11567015April 19, 1935
11577016April 19, 1935
11587017April 19, 1935
11597018April 19, 1935
11607019April 19, 1935
11617020April 19, 1935
11627021April 19, 1935
11637022April 20, 1935
11647023April 22, 1935
11657024April 22, 1935
11667024-AApril 24, 1935
11677024-BApril 25, 1935
11687025April 29, 1935
11697025-AApril 29, 1935
11707026April 30, 1935
11717027Establishing the Resettlement AdministrationApril 30, 1935
11727028Transferring the Land Program of F.E.R.A. to the Resettlement AdministrationApril 30, 1935
11737029April 30, 1935
11747030April 30, 1935
11757031May 1, 1935
11767032May 1, 1935
11777033May 1, 1935
11787033-AMay 1, 1935
11797034Creating Machinery for the Works Progress AdministrationMay 6, 1935
11807035May 6, 1935
11817035-AMay 7, 1935
11827035-BMay 7, 1935
11837035-CMay 7, 1935
11847035-DMay 7, 1935
11857036Extension of Trust Periods on Allotments Made to Indians of the Yakima ReservationMay 8, 1935
11867036-AMay 9, 1935
11877036-BMay 9, 1935
11887036-CMay 9, 1935
11897036-DMay 10, 1935
11907037Establishing the Rural Electrification AdministrationMay 11, 1935
11917038May 13, 1935
11927039May 14, 1935
11937040May 15, 1935
11947041Transferring Subsistence Homesteads Activities to the Resettlement AdministrationMay 15, 1935
11957042May 15, 1935
11967043May 15, 1935
11977044May 15, 1935
11987045May 15, 1935
11997046May 20, 1935
12007047May 20, 1935
12017048May 20, 1935
12027049May 21, 1935
12037050May 21, 1935
12047051May 21, 1935
12057052May 21, 1935
12067053May 23, 1935
12077054May 23, 1935
12087055May 28, 1935
12097056May 28, 1935
12107057Establishing the Puerto Rico Reconstruction AdministrationMay 28, 1935
12117058May 29, 1935
12127059May 31, 1935
12137059-AChanging the Name of the Luquillo National Forest, Puerto RicoJune 4, 1935
12147060June 5, 1935
12157061June 5, 1935
12167062Relates to the List of Unhealthful Posts Established by Executive Order No. 5644 of June 8, 1931June 5, 1935
12177063June 5, 1935
12187064Continuing the Powers of the Administrator of Public Works Under N.I.R.A.June 7, 1935
12197065The National Resources Committee is CreatedJune 7, 1935
12207066June 7, 1935
12217067June 7, 1935
12227068June 8, 1935
12237069June 11, 1935
12247070June 12, 1935
12257071June 12, 1935
12267072June 12, 1935
12277073Reestablishing the National Emergency CouncilJune 13, 1935
12287074Reestablishing the National Labor Relations BoardJune 15, 1935
12297075Reorganizing the N.R.A.June 15, 1935
12307076Extending the Activities of the N.R.A.June 15, 1935
12317077June 15, 1935
12327078June 17, 1935
12337079Withdrawal of Public Lands for the Use of the Department of the Interior 1939June 17, 1935
12347080June 19, 1935
12357081Revocation of Executive Order No. 6497, December 15, 1933June 20, 1935
12367082June 23, 1935
12377083June 24, 1935
12387084June 24, 1935
12397085June 24, 1935
12407085-AJune 25, 1935
12417086Establishing the National Youth AdministrationJune 26, 1935
12427087June 27, 1935
12437088June 27, 1935
12447089June 29, 1935
12457090June 29, 1935
12467091June 29, 1935
12477092July 3, 1935
12487093July 8, 1935
12497094July 8, 1935
12507095July 8, 1935
12517096July 9, 1935
12527097July 9, 1935
12537098July 12, 1935
12547099July 12, 1935
12557100July 15, 1935
12567100-AJuly 15, 1935
12577101July 16, 1915
12587102July 18, 1935
12597103July 18, 1935
12607104July 18, 1935
12617105July 18, 1935
12627106July 19, 1935
12637107July 19, 1935
12647108July 19, 1935
12657109July 19, 1935
12667110July 22, 1935
12677111July 22, 1935
12687112July 24, 1935
12697113July 25, 1935
12707114July 25, 1935
12717115July 25, 1935
12727116July 26, 1935
12737117July 29, 1935
12747118July 29, 1935
12757119July 30, 1935
12767120Reorganizing the Consumers' Agencies[11]July 30, 1935
12777120-AJuly 30, 1935
12787121July 31, 1935
12797122July 31, 1935
12807123August 1, 1935
12817124August 5, 1935
12827125August 5, 1935
12837126Placing Additional Agencies Under the Supervision of the Bureau of the BudgetAugust 5, 1935
12847126-AAugust 5, 1935
12857127August 6, 1935
12867128August 6, 1935
12877129August 6, 1935
12887129-AAugust 6, 1935
12897130August 7, 1935
12907131August 7, 1935
12917132August 7, 1935
12927133August 7, 1935
12937134August 8, 1935
12947135August 9, 1935
12957136August 12, 1935
12967137August 12, 1935
12977138August 12, 1935
12987139Extending the Jurisdiction of the Electric Home and Farm AuthorityAugust 12, 1935
12997140August 13, 1935
13007141August 13, 1935
13017142August 14, 1935
13027143August 19, 1935
13037144August 19, 1935
13047145August 19, 1935
13057146August 19, 1935
13067147August 19, 1935
13077148August 19, 1935
13087149August 19, 1935
13097150Placing Additional Agencies under the Supervision of the Bureau of the BudgetAugust 19, 1935
13107151August 21, 1935
13117152August 21, 1935
13127153August 21, 1935
13137154August 22, 1935
13147154-AAugust 22, 1935
13157155August 23, 1935
13167156August 23, 1935
13177157August 23, 1935
13187158August 23, 1935
13197158-AAugust 23, 1935
13207159August 24, 1935
13217160August 26, 1935
13227161August 27, 1935
13237162August 27, 1935
13247163August 29, 1935
13257164August 29, 1935
13267165August 29, 1935
13277166August 29, 1935
13287167August 29, 1935
13297168September 4, 1935
13307169September 4, 1935
13317170Opened the Lower Souris River National Wildlife RefugeSeptember 4, 1935
13327171September 4, 1935
13337172September 4, 1935
13347173September 4, 1935
13357174Placing Additional Agencies Under the Supervision of the Bureau of the Budget[12]September 4, 1935
13367175September 6, 1935
13377176September 6, 1935
13387177September 6, 1935
13397178September 6, 1935
13407179September 6, 1935
13417180September 6, 1935
13427181September 6, 1935
13437182September 7, 1935
13447183September 12, 1935
13457183-ASeptember 12, 1935
13467184September 13, 1935
13477185September 20, 1935
13487186September 21, 1935
13497187September 24, 1935
13507188September 24, 1935
13517189September 25, 1935
13527190September 25, 1935
13537191September 25, 1935
13547192September 26, 1935
13557193Coordinator for Industrial CooperationSeptember 26, 1935
13567194September 26, 1935
13577195September 26, 1935
13587196September 26, 1935
13597197September 26, 1935
13607198September 26, 1935
13617199September 26, 1935
13627200September 26, 1935
13637201September 26, 1935
13647202September 28, 1935
13657203October 1, 1935
13667204October 1, 1935
13677205October 14, 1935
13687206Extension of Trust Periods on Indian LandsOctober 14, 1935
13697207October 14, 1935
13707208October 19, 1935
13717209October 19, 1935
13727210October 24, 1935
13737211October 24, 1935
13747212October 24, 1935
13757213October 24, 1935
13767214October 24, 1935
13777215October 26, 1935
13787216October 28, 1935
13797217October 30, 1935
13807218October 30, 1935
13817219October 30, 1935
13827220October 30, 1935
13837221October 31, 1935
13847221-AOctober 31, 1935
13857222November 1, 1935
13867223November 9, 1935
13877224November 13, 1935
13887224-ANovember 14, 1935
13897225November 15, 1935
13907226November 15, 1935
13917227November 18, 1935
13927228November 18, 1935
13937229November 19, 1935
13947230November 20, 1935
13957231November 20, 1935
13967232November 23, 1935
13977233November 23, 1935
13987234November 25, 1935
13997235November 26, 1935
14007236November 27, 1935
14017237November 27, 1935
14027238November 28, 1935
14037239December 3, 1935
14047240December 4, 1935
14057241December 4, 1935
14067242December 6, 1935
14077243December 6, 1935
14087244December 10, 1935
14097245December 10, 1935
14107246December 10, 1935
14117247December 10, 1935
14127248December 10, 1935
14137249December 12, 1935
14147250December 16, 1935
14157251Assignment of Frequencies to Government Radio StationsDecember 19, 1935
14167252Terminating the National Recovery AdministrationDecember 21, 1935
14177253December 21, 1935
14187254December 21, 1935
14197255December 21, 1935
14207256December 21, 1935
14217257December 26, 1935
14227258December 28, 1935
14237259December 28, 1935
14247260December 31, 1935
14257261Postponement of Effective Date of Certain Provisions of Executive Order No. 6166, June 10, 1933December 31, 1935
14267261-AAmendment to the Instructions to Diplomatic Officers of the United StatesDecember 31, 1935


Relative No.Absolute No.Title / DescriptionDate signedFR Citation
14277262Amendment of Executive Order No. 3206 of December 30, 1919, Establishing the Board of Surveys and MapsJanuary 4, 1936
14287263January 4, 1936
14297264January 4, 1936
14307265January 4, 1936
14317266January 4, 1936
14327267January 6, 1936
14337268January 6, 1936
14347269January 7, 1936
14357270January 7, 1936
14367271January 9, 1936
14377272January 10, 1936
14387273January 10, 1936
14397274January 14, 1936
14407275January 15, 1936
14417276January 17, 1936
14427277January 17, 1936
14437278January 23, 1936
14447279January 25, 1936
14457280January 28, 1936
14467280-AFebruary 1, 1936
14477280-BFebruary 1, 1936
14487281February 3, 1936
14497282February 3, 1936
14507283February 3, 1936
14517284February 3, 1936
14527284-AFebruary 6, 1936
14537284-BFebruary 6, 1936
14547285Prescribing the Official Flag of the Vice President of the United StatesFebruary 7, 1936
14557286February 8, 1936
14567287February 10, 1936
14577288February 11, 1936
14587289February 14, 1936
14597290February 14, 1936
14607291February 14, 1936
14617292February 14, 1936
14627293February 14, 1936
14637294February 14, 1936
14647295February 14, 1936
14657296February 15, 1936
14667297February 16, 1936
14677298Regulations Governing the Preparation, Presentation, Filing, and Distribution of Executive Orders and ProclamationsFebruary 18, 1936
14687299February 20, 1936
14697300February 21, 1936
14707301February 21, 1936
14717302February 21, 1936
14727303February 25, 1936
14737304February 27, 1936
14747305February 28, 1936
14757306February 28, 1936
14767307February 28, 1936
14777308February 28, 1936
14787309February 28, 1936
14797310February 28, 1936
14807311February 29, 1936
14817312March 9, 1936
14827313March 10, 1936
14837314March 11, 1936
14847315March 11, 1936
14857316Enlarging Cape Romain Migratory Bird Refuge, South CarolinaMarch 13, 19361
14867317Exemption of Milton L. Leffler from Compulsory Retirement for AgeMarch 14, 1936
14877318Authorizing Louis Hunter Gwinn for Appointment as Customs Agent in the Treasury Department Without Regard to Civil Service RulesMarch 18, 1936
14887319Amendment of Executive Order No. 7164 of August 29, 1935, Prescribing Rules and Regulations Relating to Student-Aid Projects and to Employment of Youth on Other Projects under the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935March 18, 193643
14897320Establishing Kellys Slough Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, North DakotaMarch 19, 193651
14907321March 21, 1936
14917322March 21, 1936
14927323Creating a Committee to Complete the Summary of the Results and Accomplishments of the National Recovery Administration and Report ThereonMarch 21, 193681
14937324March 30, 1936101
14947325March 30, 1936101
14957326March 30, 1936101
14967327March 30, 1936101
14977328March 30, 1936102
14987329March 30, 1936102
14997330March 30, 1936102
15007331April 3, 1936149
15017332April 3, 1936149
15027333April 3, 1936149
15037334April 3, 1936149
15047335April 3, 1936150
15057336Exemption of Frank Hahn from Compulsory Retirement for AgeApril 9, 1936
15067337April 9, 1936186
15077338April 10, 1936186
15087339April 10, 1936186
15097340April 10, 1936187
15107341April 10, 1936187
15117342April 10, 1936
15127343April 10, 1936187
15137344April 11, 1936193
15147345April 15, 1936243
15157346April 15, 1936
15167347April 15, 1936243
15177348April 15, 1936
15187349April 18, 1936
15197350April 20, 1936
15207351April 21, 1936
15217352April 23, 1936309
15227353April 23, 1936309
15237354April 30, 1936367
15247355Colorado, Revocation of EO 6054, Withdrawing Public LandsApril 30, 1936367
15257356Camp Eagle Pass, Texas, Portion Transferred to Treasury DepartmentMay 4, 1936397
15267357Arizona, Partial Revocation of EO of Sept. 23, 1912, Withdrawing Public LandsMay 4, 1936397
15277358Reinstatement of Certain Former Foreign Service OfficersMay 5, 1936
15287359Nicolet National Forest, Wis., Lands Included InMay 5, 1936397
15297360New Mexico, Partial Revocation of EO 6076, Withdrawing Public LandsMay 5, 1936397
15307361Carson National Forest, N. Mex., Amendment of EO 4929, Withdrawing Certain Lands Within the Rio Pueblo de Taos Watershed from Entry or Other DispositionMay 5, 1936398
15317362Wyoming, Partial Revocation of EO's 5323 and 6473, Withdrawing Public LandsMay 5, 1936398
15327363Amendment of EO 6964, Withdrawing All Public Land in Certain StatesMay 6, 1936407
15337364Charles Sheldon Wildlife Refuge, Nev., EnlargementMay 6, 1936407
15347365Second Export-Import Bank of Washington, D.C., DissolvedMay 7, 1936431
15357366Social Security Board, Initial Appointments to Certain Positions Without Compliance With the Civil Service Act and RulesMay 7, 1936
15367367Sweeney, (Mrs.) Eva, Appointment to Classified Position in the Department of Agriculture Without Regard to the Civil Service Act and RulesMay 9, 1936
15377368Jarvis, Baker and Howland Islands in the Pacific Ocean, Placed Under the Control and Jurisdiction of the Secretary of the InteriorMay 13, 1936469
15387369Amendment of Executive Order No. 9 of January 17, 1873, Relating to the Holding of State or Local Offices by Federal Officers and EmployeesMay 13, 1936469
15397370Civil Service Rules, Amendment of Paragraph 10 (a), Section IV, Schedule A of Civil Service Rules; U.S. Military AcademyMay 13, 1936
15407371Emergency Conservation Work, Amendment of EO 6160, Prescribing Rules and Regulations Relating to the Administration ofMay 18, 1936491
15417372Civil Service Rules, Amendment of Schedule AMay 18, 1936
15427373Desert Game Range, Nevada, EstablishmentMay 20, 1936501
15437374New Mexico, Revocation of EO 6499, Withdrawing Public LandsMay 20, 1936501
15447375Arizona, Revocation of EO 4289, Withdrawing Land for Use as Emergency Airplane Landing FieldMay 20, 1936502
15457376May 20, 1936502
15467377May 20, 1936502
15477378May 22, 1936523, 621
15487379May 26, 1936575
15497380May 27, 1936  
15507381June 3, 1936637
15517382June 4, 1936653
15527383June 5, 1936653
15537384June 8, 1936667
15547385June 8, 1936
15557386June 8, 1936667
15567387June 15, 1936703
15577388June 15, 1936703
15587389June 15, 1936703
15597390June 15, 1936
15607391Modifying Boundaries of Savannah River Wild Life Refuge, Georgia and South CarolinaJune 17, 1936713
15617392June 19, 1936754
15627393June 19, 1936
15637394June 19, 1936
15647395June 19, 1936
15657396June 22, 1936761
15667397Federal Fire CouncilJune 20, 1936
15677398June 23, 1936765
15687399June 23, 1936765
15697400June 23, 1936767
15707401June 23, 1936
15717402June 26, 1936801
15727403June 26, 1936
15737404July 1, 1936837
15747405July 6, 1936863
15757406July 6, 1936863
15767407July 6, 1936863
15777408July 6, 1936
15787409July 9, 1936898
15797410July 9, 1936899
15807411July 9, 1936913
15817412July 10, 1936914
15827413July 10, 1936
15837414July 10, 1936
15847415July 17, 1936993
15857416July 17, 1936993
15867417July 17, 1936993
15877418July 20, 19361009
15887419July 20, 1936
15897420July 20, 1936
15907421The President Places Postmasters Under Civil Service RegulationJuly 20, 19361017
15917422July 23, 19361033
15927423July 26, 19361033
15937424July 26, 19361033
15947425August 1, 19361089
15957426August 6, 19361179
15967427August 6, 19361179
15977428August 11, 1936
15987429August 17, 19361299
15997430August 17, 19361299
16007431August 17, 1936
16017432August 18, 1936
16027433August 18, 19361335
16037434August 18, 19361335
16047435August 19, 19361335
16057436August 21, 19361391
16067437August 21, 19361391
16077438August 21, 1936
16087439August 24, 1936
16097440August 25, 1936
16107441August 29, 19361451
16117442August 31, 19361513
16127443August 31, 19361513
16137444September 7, 1936
16147445September 8, 1936
16157446September 11, 19361563
16167447September 11, 19361563
16177448September 12, 19361575
16187449September 16, 1936
16197450September 17, 19361631
16207451Transferring Certain Lands to the Control and Jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Navy (California)September 17, 19361631
16217452Addition to Upper Mississippi River Wild-Life and Fish Refuge, Minnesota and WisconsinSeptember 19, 19361631
16227453Withdrawal of Public Land for Lookout Station (California)September 23, 19361697
16237454Revocation of Executive Order Nos. 6671 and 6781 of April 7, 1934, and June 30, 1934, Respectively, Withdrawing Public Lands (Arizona)September 23, 19361697
16247455Exemption of Henry W. Langheim from Compulsory Retirement for AgeSeptember 25, 1936
16257456Exemption of Lemuel W. Bean from Compulsory Retirement for AgeSeptember 25, 1936
16267457Exemption of Bernard H. Lane from Compulsory Retirement for AgeSeptember 25, 1936
16277458Transferring to the Rural Electrification Administration Established by the Rural Electrification Act of 1936 the Functions, Property, and Personnel of the Rural Electrification Administration Established by Executive Order No. 7037 of May 11, 1933September 26, 19361709
16287459Amendment of Paragraph 7, Subdivision III, Schedule A, Civil Service Rules (Public Health Service Employees)September 26, 19361709
16297460Designating the Chairman of the United States Maritime Commission (Henry A. Wiley)September 26, 19361725
16307461Placing Certain Lands Under the Control of the Secretary of the Interior (Alabama)September 26, 19361725
16317462Placing Certain Land Under the Control of the Secretary of the Interior (Florida)September 26, 19361725
16327463Abolishing Fort Pierce, Florida, as a Customs Port of EntrySeptember 29, 19361737
16337464Extending Certain Periods of Trust on Indian LandsSeptember 30, 19361743
16347465Designation of Under Secretary, Assistant Secretary, and Chief of the Weather Bureau, Department of Agriculture, to Act as Secretary of AgricultureOctober 6, 19361785
16357466Authorizing the Purchase of Certain Lands in the Jefferson National Forest and Allocating Funds Therefor (Virginia)October 7, 19361803
16367467Transferring Certain Lands to the Control and Jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Navy (California)October 7, 19361803
16377468Exemption of James W. Sims from Compulsory Retirement for AgeOctober 8, 1936
16387469Increasing the Amounts Available for Public Projects Under Clauses (F) and (G) of the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1936. (Increasing Amounts for Educational, Professional and Clerical Persons and for Women's Projects)October 13, 19361833
16397470Regulations Governing the Authentication of Certified Copies of the Foreign Public Records, the Manner of Executing and Returning Commissions by Consular and Diplomatic Officers in Criminal Cases, and Schedules of Fees and Compensation Allowable in Such CasesOctober 15, 19361881
16407471Gaging Station Site Reserve No. 2, Santa Ysabel Creek, CaliforniaOctober 15, 19361884
16417472Modification of Executive Order No. 7140 of August 13, 1935, to Permit Mrs. Ruth Hampton, Assistant Director, Division of Territories and Island Possessions, Department of the Interior, to Acquire a Classified Civil Service StatusOctober 15, 1936
16427473Exemption of Harry Planert from Compulsory Retirement for AgeOctober 15, 1936
16437474Extending the Limits of Customs Port of Entry of Brownsville, TexasOctober 17, 19361901
16447475Exemption of George G. Hedgcock from Compulsory Retirement for AgeOctober 19, 1936
16457476Establishing Long Tail Point Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, WisconsinOctober 23, 19361927
16467477Exemption of William McNeir from Compulsory Retirement for AgeOctober 24, 1936
16477478Exemption of Adrian J. Pieters from Compulsory Retirement for AgeOctober 24, 1936
16487479Designation of the Director of the Geological Survey to Act as Secretary of the InteriorOctober 27, 19361959
16497480Exemption of Adolph Kress from Compulsory Retirement for AgeOctober 27, 1936
16507481Interdepartmental Committee to Coordinate Health and Welfare ActivitiesOctober 27, 1936
16517482Designating Morehead City, North Carolina, as a Customs Port of EntryOctober 30, 19361977
16527483Authorizing the Special Committee to Investigate Production, Transportation, and Marketing of Wool, United States Senate to Inspect Income, Profits and Capital Stock Tax ReturnsNovember 2, 19362041
16537484Addition to Cedar Keys Bird Refuge (Florida)November 6, 19362041
16547485Revocation of Executive Order No. 2124 of January 20, 1915, Establishing Ediz Hook Reservation (Washington)November 6, 19362042
16557486Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 4539 of November 6, 1926, Withdrawing Public Lands (Utah)November 6, 19362042
16567487Amendment of Paragraph 6, Subdivision VII, Schedule A, Civil Service Rules (Temporary Clerks, Etc., in the Postal Service)November 6, 19362043
16577487-ADesignation of R. Walton Moore, Assistant Secretary of State to Act as Secretary of StateNovember 6, 19362337
16587488Designation of Louis N. Robinson as Chairman of the Prison Industries Reorganization BoardNovember 12, 1936
16597489Enlarging Elk Refuge (Wyoming)November 14, 19362159
16607490Reservoir Site Restoration No. 16, Revoking in Part the Executive Order of June 8, 1926, Creating Reservoir Site Reserve No. 17November 14, 19362160
16617491Withdrawal of Public Lands for use of War Department as Target Range (Wyoming)November 14, 19362160
16627492Exemption of Albert F. Wood from Compulsory Retirement for AgeNovember 14, 1936
16637493Placing the Administrative Acts of the Puerto Rico Reconstruction Administration Under the Control and Supervision of the Secretary of the Interior Until Further OrderNovember 14, 19362160
16647494Exemption of Davis B. Lewis from Compulsory Retirement for AgeNovember 14, 1936
16657495Designating Orange, Texas, as a Customs Port of EntryNovember 14, 19362161
16667496Transfer of Property, Functions, Funds, Etc., Pertaining to Recreational Demonstration Projects from the Resettlement Administration to the Secretary of the InteriorNovember 14, 19362243
16677497Amending the Instructions to Diplomatic Officers and the Consular Regulations (Marriages of Foreign Service Officers)November 17, 19362385
16687498Authorizing the Alaska Railroad to Engage in Ocean-Going and Coastwise TransportationNovember 17, 19362277
16697499Excusing Federal Employees from Duty on December 24 and 26, 1936, and January 2, 1937November 27, 19362471
16707500Amending Executive Order No. 5952 of November 23, 1932, Relating to Army RationDecember 3, 19362471
16717501Changing the Name of the Santa Barbara National Forest, California, to Los Padres National ForestDecember 3, 19362471
16727502Withdrawal of Public Land for Administrative Site (California)December 3, 19362471
16737503Amending and Correcting Description of Boundaries of Kuwaaohe Military Reservation, HawaiiDecember 3, 19362472
16747504Withdrawal of Public Land for Experiment Station (Arizona)December 11, 19362481
16757505Withdrawal of Public Lands (California)December 11, 19362481
16767506Revocation of Executive Orders No. 6122 of May 2, 1933, and No. 6266 of September 6, 1933, Withdrawing Public Lands (Colorado)December 11, 19362482
16777507Revocation of Executive Order No. 6075 of March 15, 1933, Withdrawing Public Lands (Colorado)December 11, 19362482
16787508Designating Carrabelle, Florida, as a Customs Port of EntryDecember 11, 19362482
16797509Establishing the Fort Peck Game Range (Montana)December 11, 19362482
16807510Establishing Lenore Lake Migratory Bird Refuge (Washington)December 11, 19362483
16817511Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 5603 of April 20, 1931, Withdrawing Public Lands (Wyoming)December 11, 19362484
16827512Increasing the Amounts Available for Public Projects Under Clause (J) of the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1936 (Amounts for Rural Rehabilitation, Etc.)December 16, 19362495
16837513Transfer of Lands from the Roosevelt and Pike National Forests to the Arapaho National Forest in the State of ColoradoDecember 16, 19362495
16847514Establishing Patuxent Research Refuge (Maryland)December 16, 19362495
16857515Withdrawal of Public Land for Use of the War Department for the Enlargement of a Target Range (Arizona)December 16, 19362497
16867516Exemption of Elton A. Gongwer from Compulsory Retirement for AgeDecember 16, 1936
16877517Exemption of Andre Fourchy from Compulsory Retirement for AgeDecember 16, 1936
16887518Exemption of Frank E. Singleton from Compulsory Retirement for AgeDecember 16, 1936
16897519Exemption of Herbert A. Smith from Compulsory Retirement for AgeDecember 16, 1936
16907520Withdrawal of Public Land for Use of the War Department as a Target Range for the Arizona National Guard, ArizonaDecember 18, 19362511
16917521Use of Vessels for Ice-Breaking Operations in Channels and HarborsDecember 21, 19362527
16927522Charles Sheldon Antelope Range, Nevada (Establishment)December 21, 19362527
16937523Hart Mountain Antelope Refuge - Oregon (Establishment)December 21, 19362528
16947524Establishing Chautauqua Migratory Waterfowl Refuge (Illinois)December 23, 19362557
16957525Exemption of Robert W. Shumate from Compulsory Retirement for AgeDecember 28, 1936
16967526Postponement of Effective Date of Certain Provisions of Executive Order No. 6166 of June 10, 1933 (Delaying Effect of Section 4 Relating to Disbursement Functions Until June 30, 1937)December 29, 1936
16977527Modification of Executive Order No. 1030 of February 24, 1909, Reserving Public Lands for Educational and Agricultural Experiment Station Purposes (Alaska)December 29, 19364
16987528Revocation of Executive Order No. 5328 of April 15, 1930, Withdrawing Public Lands (Colorado)December 29, 19364
16997529Revocation of Executive Order No. 5343 of May 6, 1930, Withdrawing Public Lands (Nevada)December 29, 19365
17007530Transfer of the Functions, Funds, Property, Etc., of the Resettlement Administration to the Secretary of AgricultureDecember 31, 19369
17017531Exemption of Charles Earle from Compulsory Retirement for Age\December 31, 1936


Relative No.Absolute No.Title / DescriptionDate signedFR Citation
17027532Establishing Shinnecock Migratory Bird Refuge, New YorkJanuary 8, 193763
17037533Exemption of James E. Tibbitts From Compulsory Retirement for AgeJanuary 11, 1937
17047534Excluding Land From Sitgreaves National Forest and Reserving it for Townsite Purposes, ArizonaJanuary 12, 193787
17057535Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 6110 of May 2, 1933, Withdrawing Public Lands, CaliforniaJanuary 12, 193788
17067536Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 5687 of August 18, 1931, Withdrawing Public Lands, WyomingJanuary 12, 193788
17077537Authorizing the Leasing of Certain Reserved Lands, AlaskaJanuary 14, 1937107
17087538Enlarging the Delta Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, LouisianaJanuary 19, 1937141
17097539Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 4914 of June 23, 1928, Withdrawing Public Lands, WyomingJanuary 19, 1937141
17107540Revocation of Executive Order No. 6550 of January 6, 1934, Requiring Reports as to Allocation and Obligation of Emergency FundsJanuary 22, 1937
17117541Establishing Willapa Harbor Migratory Bird Refuge, WashingtonJanuary 22, 1937168
17127542Transfer of Certain Records of the Railroad Administration to the General Accounting Office, the Interstate Commerce Commission, and the United States Civil Service CommissionJanuary 27, 1937
17137543Amendment of Instructions to Diplomatic Officers and of Consular RegulationsJanuary 29, 1937263
17147544Withdrawal of Land for Forest Administrative Site, New MexicoJanuary 29, 1937268
17157545Exemption of William H. Ramsey From Compulsory Retirement for AgeJanuary 29, 1937
17167546Transfer of Certain Property and Functions From the Department of Agriculture to the Department of the InteriorFebruary 1, 1937277
17177547Amendment of Executive Order No. 6928 of December 24, 1934, Prescribing Regulations for Payment of Losses, etc.February 1, 1937
17187548Enforcement of the Convention for Safety of Life at Sea, 1929February 5, 1937307
17197549Designating Vessels To Patrol Waters Frequented by Seal Herds and Sea OtterFebruary 6, 1937321
17207550Revocation of Paragraph 9, Subdivision III, Schedule A, Civil Service RulesFebruary 10, 1937345, 381
17217551Amendment of Paragraph 1, Subdivision VI, Schedule A, Civil Service RulesFebruary 11, 1937381
17227552Exemption of William H. Long From Compulsory Retirement for AgeFebruary 13, 1937
17237553Increasing Amounts Available for Public Projects Under Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1936February 17, 1937403
17247554Amendment of Section 1 of Executive Order No. 7180 of September 6, 1935, Prescribing Rules and Regulations Governing the Making of Loans by the Puerto Rico Reconstruction Administration Under the Emergency Relief Appropriations Act of 1935February 17, 1937403
17257555Withdrawal of Land for Forest Administrative Site, CaliforniaFebruary 17, 1937403
17267556Excluding Certain Tracts of Land From Tongass National Forest and Restoring Them to Entry, AlaskaFebruary 18, 1937404
17277557Amendment of Executive Order No. 7530 of December 31, 1936, Transferring Functions, Funds, Property, etc., of the Resettlement Administration to the Secretary of AgricultureFebruary 19, 1937411
17287558Withdrawal of Public Lands for Erosion Control Demonstrations, NevadaFebruary 23, 1937434
17297559Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 5603 of April 20, 1931, Withdrawing Public Lands, WyomingFebruary 23, 1937434
17307560Revocation of Executive Order No. 6082 of March 25, 1933, Withdrawing Public Lands, WyomingFebruary 23, 1937434
17317561Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 6288 of September 14, 1933, Withdrawing Public Lands, WyomingFebruary 23, 1937434
17327562Establishing Sacramento Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, CaliforniaFebruary 27, 1937537
17337563Establishing Swan Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, MissouriFebruary 27, 1937537
17347564Extending the Limits of Customs Port of Entry of Saint Paul, MinnesotaFebruary 27, 1937537
17357565Exemption of Joseph W. Austin From Compulsory Retirement for AgeFebruary 27, 1937
17367566Exemption of William M. Beaman From Compulsory Retirement for AgeFebruary 27, 1937
17377567Exemption of Charles J. Evans From Compulsory Retirement for AgeFebruary 27, 1937
17387568Exemption of Clarence W. Perley From Compulsory Retirement for AgeFebruary 27, 1937
17397569Exemption of Carl F. Jeansen From Compulsory Retirement for AgeMarch 3, 1937
17407570Modification of Executive Order No. 7070 of June 12, 1935, Prescribing Regulations Governing Appointments of Employees Paid from Emergency FundsMarch 4, 1937589
17417571Exemption of John G. Honey From Compulsory Retirement for AgeMarch 6, 1937
17427572Modification of Executive Order No. 7513 of December 16, 1936, Transferring Lands from the Roosevelt and Pike National Forests to the Arapaho National Forest in ColoradoMarch 9, 1937607
17437573Designation the Honorable Adolph G. Wolff as Acting Judge of the District Court of the United States for Puerto RicoMarch 9, 1937607
17447574Exemption of Edward M. Kennard From Compulsory Retirement for AgeMarch 9, 1937
17457575Limiting the Importation of Red Cedar Shingles From CanadaMarch 13, 1937619
17467576Restoring Lands to Territory of Hawaii for Road Purposes and Reserving Lands for Military Purposes, Schofield Barracks, HawaiiMarch 15, 1937629
17477577Amending the Instructions to Diplomatic Officers and the Consular RegulationsMarch 19, 1937671
17487578Excluding Certain Tracts of Land From Tongrass National Forest and Restoring Them to Entry, AlaskaMarch 19, 1937671
17497579Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 5165 of July 26, 1929, Withdrawing Public Land, ColoradoMarch 19, 1937671
17507580Exemption of Frank Hahn From Compulsory Retirement for AgeMarch 19, 1937671
17517581Exemption of Louis A. Simon From Compulsory Retirement for AgeMarch 19, 1937
17527582Exemption of George W. Hutchinson From Compulsory Retirement for AgeMarch 20, 1937
17537583Establishing Mud Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, MinnesotaMarch 23, 1937685
17547584Designating Ajo, Arizona, as a Customs Port of EntryMarch 24, 1937685
17557585Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 6473 of December 4, 1933, Withdrawing Public Lands, WyomingMarch 24, 1937685
17567586Exemption of William Gerig From Compulsory Retirement for AgeMarch 24, 1937
17577587Authorizing Certain Employees of the National Labor Relations Board To Acquire a Competitive Classified Civil Service StatusMarch 27, 1937719
17587588Restoring to the Territory of Hawaii a Portion of the Fort Shafter Military ReservationMarch 27, 1937720
17597589Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 4914 of June 23, 1928, Withdrawing Public Lands, WyomingMarch 27, 1937720
17607590Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 6119 of May 2, 1933, Withdrawing Public Lands, CaliforniaMarch 29, 1937721
17617591Exemption of Reinhardt Thiessen From Compulsory Retirement for AgeMarch 29, 1937
17627592Authorizing the Appointment of Mrs. Etta May Gilley to a Position in the Postal Service Without Regard to the Civil Service RulesMarch 29, 1937
17637593Establishing Okefenokee Wildlife Refuge, GeorgiaMarch 30, 1937739
17647594Establishing Jones Island Migratory Bird Refuge, WashingtonMarch 30, 1937739
17657595Establishing Matia Island Migratory Bird Refuge, WashingtonMarch 30, 1937741
17667596Withdrawal of Public Lands for Use of the War Department, AlaskaMarch 31, 1937741
17677597Exemption of Harry O. Bailey From Compulsory Retirement for AgeMarch 31, 1937
17687598Exemption of Harry M. Reynolds From Compulsory Retirement for AgeMarch 31, 1937
17697599Amendment of Executive Orders No. 6910 of November 26, 1934, as Amended, and No. 6964 of February 5, 1935, as Amended, Withdrawing Public Lands in Certain StatesApril 1, 1937747
17707600Amendment of Tariff of United States Consular FeesApril 7, 1937795
17717601Withdrawal of Public Lands to Provide Material for the Construction and Maintenance of Public Roads and Other Public Project, OregonApril 7, 1937795
17727602Revocation of Executive Order No. 7261-A of December 31, 1935, Amending the Instruction to Diplomatic Officers of the United StatesApril 9, 1937803
17737603Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 6795 of July 26, 1934, Withdrawing Public Lands, WyomingApril 14, 1937835
17747604Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 6473 of December 4, 1933, Withdrawing Public Lands, WyomingApril 14, 1937835
17757605Revocation of Executive Order No. 6807 of August 4, 1934, and No. 6863 of October 3, 1934, Withdrawing Public Lands, New MexicoApril 15, 1937839
17767606Designating the Chairman of the United States Maritime CommissionApril 16, 1937839
17777607Transfer of Lands from Dixie National Forest to Nevada National Forest, NevadaApril 19, 1937851
17787608Revocation of Executive Order No. 5596 of April 9, 1931, Withdrawing Public Lands, NevadaApril 22, 1937885
17797609Amendment of Executive Order No. 7070 of June 12, 1935, Prescribing Regulations Governing Appointments of Employees Paid From Emergency FundsApril 23, 1937885
17807610Amendment of Executive Order No. 6966 of February 8, 1935, Excluding Certain Tracts of Land From the Chugach National Forest and Restoring Them to EntryApril 23, 1937885
17817611Exemption of Harry C. Armstrong From Compulsory Retirement for AgeApril 26, 1937
17827612Exemption of Charles H. Pierce From Compulsory Retirement for AgeApril 26, 1937
17837613Exemption of James Robertson From Compulsory Retirement for AgeApril 27, 1937
17847614Excluding Certain Tracts of Land From Tongass National Forest and Restoring Them to EntryMay 11, 1937989
17857615Revocation of Executive Order No. 6258 of August 22, 1933, Withdrawing Public Lands, New MexicoMay 13, 1937997
17867616Withdrawal of Public Lands for the Use of the Agriculture Department, WyomingMay 13, 1937997
17877617Increasing the Amounts Available for Public Projects Under Clauses (F), (G), and (H) of the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1936May 13, 1937997
17887618Abolishing Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts, as a Customs Port of EntryMay 18, 19371021
17897619Authorizing the Appointment of J.V. Taylor to the Position of Senior Soil Conservationist in the Soil Conservation Service, Department of Agriculture Without Regard to the Civil Service RulesMay 20, 1937
17907620Power Site Restoration No. 484, Revocation of Executive Order of June 8, 1909, Creating Temporary Power Site Withdrawal No. 17, and Partial Revocation of Executive Order of July 2, 1910, Creating Power Reserve No. 17May 24, 19371069
17917621Power-Site Restoration No. 485. Partial Revocation of Executive Order of March 31, 1911, Creating Power-Site Reserve No. 178May 24, 19371069
17927622Withdrawal of Public Land for the Use of the United States Indian Service Hospital, AlaskaMay 29, 19371119
17937623Withdrawal of Public Land for the Use of the Department of Agriculture as Addition to Agriculture Field Station, OregonMay 29, 19371119
17947624Enlarging the Tongass National Forest, AlaskaMay 29, 19371119
17957625Revocation of Executive Order No. 5144 of June 25, 1929, Withdrawing Public LandsMay 29, 19371119
17967626Reinstatement of Former Foreign Service Officer - Robert F. Kelley, Class IIIJune 3, 1937
17977627Revocation of Executive Order No. 6120 of May 2, 1933, Withdrawing Public Lands, CaliforniaJune 8, 19371191
17987628Withdrawal of Public Lands, ArkansasJune 8, 19371191
17997629Exemption of William T. Marshall From Compulsory Retirement for AgeJune 8, 1937
18007630Authorizing the Extension of Appointments of Certain Employees of the General Accounting OfficeJune 8, 1937
18017631Power-Site Restoration No. 483. Partial Revocation of Executive Order of October 23, 1914, Creating Power-Site Reserve No. 451June 9, 19371191
18027632Certain Places Designated as Customs Ports of EntryJune 15, 19371245
18037633Authorizing the Appointment of William B. Benham to a Classified Position in the Department of Justice Without Regard to Civil Service RulesJune 15, 1937
18047634Reinstatement of Certain Former Foreign Service Officers - Class V, John W. Bailey, Junior and George Gregg FullerJune 16, 1937
18057635Exemption of Edward M. Weeks From Compulsory Retirement for AgeJune 16, 1937
18067636Amendment of Executive Order No. 9 of January 17, 1873, Relating to the Holding of State or Local Offices by Federal Officers and EmployeesJune 17, 19371259
18077637Exemption of John H. Thomas From Compulsory Retirement for Age, Interior DepartmentJune 19, 1937
18087638Exemption of William F. Staley From Compulsory Retirement for AgeJune 19, 1937
18097639Postponement of Effective Date of Certain Provisions of Executive Order No. 6166 of June 10, 1933June 19, 1937
18107640Promulgating the Effective Date of the Code of Provided for the Bituminous Coal Act of 1937 and of Section 3 of Said ActJune 21, 19371265
18117641Transferring to the Secretary of the Treasury the Functions Delegated to the Secretary of Labor by Executive Order No. 2889 of June 18, 1918June 22, 19371295
18127642Exemption of Burton Smith From Compulsory Retirement for AgeJune 22, 1937
18137643Establishing Bombay Hook Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, DelawareJune 22, 19371305
18147644Authorizing Transfer of Certain Employees of the Government-Operated Star Route Service Bureau, Post Office Department, to Positions in the Postal ServiceJune 23, 1937
18157645Exemption of George G. Hedgcock From Compulsory Retirement for AgeJune 24, 1937
18167646Exemption of Hoffman Philip From Compulsory Retirement for AgeJune 28, 1937
18177647Withdrawal of Public Land for Use as a Rifle Range Under the Supervision of the War Department, IdahoJune 28, 19371315
18187648Waving Provisions of Executive Order No. 9 of January 17, 1873, Prohibiting Federal Employees from Holding any Office Under any State, Territorial or Municipal Government, as to Douglas Armstrong, Director of Police, Virgin IslandsJune 28, 1937
18197649Making Applicable to the Emergency Relief Appropriations Act of 1937 Certain Executive Orders, Rules, and Regulations Issued Under Authority of the Emergency Relief Appropriation Acts of 1935 and 1936June 29, 19371359
18207650Establishing Moosehorn Migratory Bird Refuge, MaineJuly 1, 19371377
18217651Modifying Executive Order of June 8, 1926, Creating Reservoir Site Reserve No. 17, Pacific Slope Basins, CaliforniaJuly 1, 19371379, 1581
18227652Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 6361 of October 25, 1933, Withdrawing Public Lands, CaliforniaJuly 2, 19371379
18237653Revocation of Executive Order No. 5603 of April 20, 1931, Withdrawing Public Lands, WyomingJuly 9, 19371419
18247654Authorizing the Appointment of Jacob Oblock to the Position of Elevator Operator in the Custodial Service, Post Office Department, Without Regard to the Civil Service RulesJuly 9, 1937
18257655Establishing Deer Flat Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, IdahoJuly 12, 19371453, 1665
18267656Modification of Executive Order of June 8, 1929, Creating Potash Reserve No. 7, New MexicoJuly 13, 19371461
18277657Exemption of George C. DeHart From Compulsory Retirement for AgeJuly 14, 1937
18287658Restoring to the Territory of Hawaii a Portion of the Fort De Russy Military ReservationJuly 15, 19371475
18297659Exemption of Walter B. Luna From Compulsory Retirement for AgeJuly 15, 1937
18307660Exempting Certain Positions From Salary ClassificationJuly 17, 19371497
18317661Amendment of Subdivision XI, Schedule B, Civil Service RulesJuly 17, 19371497
18327662Withdrawal of Public Lands for the Use of the Department of Agriculture, ArkansasJuly 17, 19371497
18337663Enlarging Uinta National Forest, UtahJuly 17, 19371498, 1641
18347664Modifying the Seney Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, MichiganJuly 17, 19371499
18357665Correcting Descriptions of Boundaries of Kawaihae Lighthouse Reservation, Territory of HawaiiJuly 17, 19371499
18367666Exemption of Albert F. Woods From Compulsory Retirement for AgeJuly 17, 1937
18377667Exemption of William H. Griffin From Compulsory Retirement for AgeJuly 17, 1937
18387668Reinstatement of Foreign Service Officer, George T. Summerlin, Class IJuly 19, 1937
18397669Withdrawal of Public Lands for the Use of the Department of Agriculture, ColoradoJuly 19, 19371509
18407670Withdrawal of Public Lands for the Use of the Department of Agriculture, ArkansasJuly 19, 19371509
18417671Withdrawal of Public Lands for the Use of the Department of Agriculture, South DakotaJuly 19, 19371510, 1622
18427672Withdrawal of Public Lands for the Use of the Department of Agriculture, OregonJuly 19, 19371511, 1622
18437673Withdrawal of Public Lands for the Use of the Department of Agriculture, North DakotaJuly 19, 19371512
18447674Withdrawal of Public Lands for the Use of the Department of Agriculture, North DakotaJuly 19, 19371512, 1622
18457675Withdrawal of Public Lands for the Use of the Department of Agriculture, New MexicoJuly 19, 19371535
18467676The Canal Zone JudiciaryJuly 26, 19371579
18477677Withdrawal of Public Lands for the Use of the Department of Agriculture, ColoradoJuly 27, 19371581
18487677-ACivilian Conservation CorpsJuly 26, 19371605
18497678Establishing Apache Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, ArizonaJuly 27, 19371581
18507679Amendment of Subdivision II, Schedule A of the Civil Service RulesJuly 30, 19371621
18517680Enlarging the Elk Refuge, WyomingJuly 30, 19371621
18527681Establishing the Turnbull Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, WashingtonJuly 30, 19371622
18537682Exemption of Milton F. Colburn From Compulsory Retirement for AgeJuly 30, 1937
18547683Revocation of Executive Order No. 6192 of July 3, 1933, Withdrawing Public Lands, CaliforniaAugust 5, 19371641
18557684Revocation of Executive Order No. 6288 of September 14, 1933, Withdrawing Public Lands, WyomingAugust 5, 19371641
18567685Revocation of Executive Order No. 4699 of August 1, 1927, Withdrawing Public Lands, CaliforniaAugust 5, 19371641
18577686Amendment of Executive Order No. 7302 of February 21, 1936, Transferring Certain Lands in the Virgin Islands to the Control and Jurisdiction of the Secretary of the NavyAugust 5, 19371641
18587687Extending the Provisions of the Civil Service Retirement Act to Certain Federal Employees on the Isthmus of PanamaAugust 10, 19371665
18597688Amendment of Executive Order No. 3206 of December 30, 1919, as Amended, Creating the Federal Board of Surveys and MapsAugust 10, 19371665
18607689Appointment of Secretary of the Interior as Administrator of the Puerto Rico Reconstruction AdministrationAugust 12, 19371679
18617690Exemption of Stephen B. Soulé From Compulsory Retirement for AgeAugust 13, 1937
18627691Establishing the Snake River Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, IdahoAugust 17, 19371701
18637692Exemption of Robert C. Merritt From Compulsory Retirement for AgeAugust 17, 1937
18647693Withdrawal of Public Lands for the Use of the Department of Agriculture, WashingtonAugust 19, 19371713
18657694Revocation of Executive Order No. 5667 of August 18, 1931, Withdrawing Public Lands, WyomingAugust 23, 19371727
18667695Withdrawal of Public Lands for the Use of the War Department for Military Purposes, WashingtonAugust 23, 19371727
18677696Regulations Governing the Grades and Ratings of Enlisted Men of the Regular Army for the Fiscal Year 1938August 23, 19371727
18687697Interchange of Land Between the Army and the Navy at Bolling Field, District of ColumbiaAugust 23, 19371727
18697698Excluding Certain Lands From the Carson National Forest, New MexicoAugust 26, 19372071
18707699Abolishing Nome, Alaska, as a Customs Port of EntryAugust 28, 19372093
18717700Excusing Federal Employees from Duty on September 17, 1937August 31, 19372103
18727700-AInspection of Income, Profit, and Capital Stock Tax Returns by the Committee on Interstate Commerce, U.S. SenateAugust 31, 19372215
18737701Limiting the Importation of Red Cedar Shingles from Canada During the Last Six Months of 1937September 3, 19372113
18747702Amendment of Paragraph 6, Subdivision IX, Schedule A of Civil Service Rules (Office of Secretary of Agriculture)September 6, 19372139
18757703Designation of Joanne Kavanagh To Sign Land PatentsSeptember 10, 19372147
18767704Exemption of George C. Havenner From Compulsory Retirement for AgeSeptember 10, 1937
18777705Public Water Reserve No. 159, CaliforniaSeptember 11, 19372167
18787706Extending the Limits of Customs Port of Entry of Chester, PennsylvaniaSeptember 11, 19372167
18797707Withdrawal of Public Land for Use of the War Department for Military Purposes, CaliforniaSeptember 11, 19372167
18807708Exempting Roger John Traynor From the Provisions of the Executive Order No. 9 of January 17, 1873September 11, 19372167
18817709Exemption of Lee C. Corbett From Compulsory Retirement for AgeSeptember 16, 1937
18827709-AAbolishing the National Emergency CouncilSeptember 16, 19372195
18837710Authorizing the Appointment of Dr. Winfred Overholser as Superintendent of St. Elizabeths Hospital Without Regard to Civil Service RulesSeptember 17, 19372195
18847711Designating John D. Biggers Administrator of an Unemployment CensusSeptember 22, 19372221
18857712Amending the Tariff of United States Consular FeesSeptember 23, 19372281
18867713Establishing Lake Thibadeau Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, MontanaSeptember 23, 19372281
18877714Exemption of Charles R. Torbet From Compulsory Retirement for AgeSeptember 23, 1937
18887715Prescribing Regulations for Carrying Into Effect in the Virgin Islands Certain Provisions of the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937September 26, 19372347
18897716Extension of Trust Periods on Indian Lands Expiring During Calendar Year 1938September 29, 19372417
18907717Amending Executive Order No. 7677-A, of July 26, 1937, Entitled Civilian Conservation CorpsSeptember 29, 19372435
18917718Authorizing the Inspection of Certain Income Tax Returns by the Department of National Revenue, Ottawa, CanadaOctober 2, 19372435
18927719Enlarging Ouachita National Forest, ArkansasOctober 8, 19372465
18937720Establishing Camas Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, IdahoOctober 8, 19372465
18947721Enlarging Willapa Harbor Migratory Bird Refuge, WashingtonOctober 8, 19372465
18957722Withdrawal of Public Land for the Use, Possession, and Control of the Tennessee Valley Authority, AlabamaOctober 8, 19372466
18967723Withdrawing Public Land for Classification, New MexicoOctober 8, 19372466
18977724Establishing Bitter Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, New MexicoOctober 8, 19372467
18987725Exemption of Matthew J. Munster From Compulsory Retirement for AgeOctober 12, 1937
18997726Exemption of George T. Summerlin From Compulsory Retirement for AgeOctober 12, 1937
19007727Exemption of Harry D. Myers From Compulsory Retirement for AgeOctober 12, 1937
19017728Exemption of Miss Mary M. O'Reilly From Compulsory Retirement for AgeOctober 14, 1937
19027729Amending the Instructions to Diplomatic Officers and the Consular RegulationsOctober 16, 19372601
19037730Exemption of Marvin M. McLean From Compulsory Retirement for AgeOctober 19, 1937
19047731Designating the Honorable Martin Travieso as Acting Judge of the District Court of the United States for Puerto Rico for the Trial of the Case United States v. Julio Pinto Gandia, et al.October 22, 19372631
19057732Transferring to the United States Housing Authority Federal Housing Projects, Funds, Property and Employees of the Federal Emergency Administration of Public WorksOctober 27, 19372707
19067733Exemption of Robert Dickens From Compulsory Retirement for Age, Navy YardOctober 27, 1937
19077733-AExemption of Margaret M. Hanna From Compulsory Retirement for AgeOctober 27, 1937
19087734Withdrawal of Public Land for the Use of the Department of Agriculture, New MexicoNovember 1, 19372803
19097735Exemption of Mrs. Olive H. Jarrett From Compulsory Retirement for AgeNovember 5, 1937
19107736Amendment of Executive Order No. 9 of January 17, 1873, To Permit Any Officer or Employee of the Municipality of St. Thomas and St. John or the Municipality of St. Croix, Virgin Islands, To Be Appointed as Immigration Inspector for the Virgin IslandsNovember 6, 19372819
19117737Authorizing the Appointment of Mrs. Mary G. Bird to a Position in the Farm Credit Administration Without Regard to Civil Service RulesNovember 6, 1937
19127738Amendment of Paragraph 6, Subdivision VII, Schedule A, Civil Service RulesNovember 11, 19372867
19137739Revocation of Executive Order No. 6752 of June 28, 1934, Amending Subdivision XVIII of Schedule A of the Civil Service RulesNovember 15, 19372895
19147740Withdrawal of Public Land for Use of the War Department for Military Purposes, CaliforniaNovember 15, 19372895
19157741Reservoir Site Restoration No. 17 Partial Revocation of Executive Order of June 8, 1926, Creating Reservoir Site Reserve No. 17, CaliforniaNovember 15, 19372896
19167742Enlarging Tongass National Forest, AlaskaNovember 19, 19372935
19177743Transferring the Control and Jurisdiction Over Lands in Dona Ana County, New Mexico, From the Department of Agriculture to the Department of the InteriorNovember 19, 19372935
19187744Authorizing the Solicitor of the Department of Labor To Act as Secretary of LaborNovember 19, 19372935
19197745Exemption of Arthur Snow from Compulsory Retirement for AgeNovember 19, 1937
19207746Amending Paragraph 7, Subdivision I, Schedule A of the Civil Service RulesNovember 20, 19372947
19217747Establishing a Defensive Sea Area Off the Coast of San Clemente Island, CaliforniaNovember 20, 19372947
19227748Withdrawal of Area for Use of the Navy Department for Present and Prospective Naval Purposes, AlaskaNovember 20, 19372947
19237749Enlarging St. Marks Migratory Bird Refuge, FloridaNovember 22, 19372947
19247750Exemption of Adrian J. Pieters From Compulsory Retirement for AgeNovember 23, 1937
19257751Exemption of Wendell W. Mischler From Compulsory Retirement for AgeNovember 23, 1937
19267752Transferring Certain Lands from the Department of Agriculture to the Department of Commerce and Reserving Them as the Arcadia Fish HatcheryNovember 24, 19372957
19277753Exemption of Frank L. Boyd From Compulsory Retirement for AgeNovember 26, 1937
19287754Exemption of Luther S. Cannon From Compulsory Retirement for AgeNovember 26, 1937
19297755Exemption of Charles H. Hastings from Compulsory Retirement for AgeNovember 26, 1937
19307756Delegating to the Secretary of the Interior Certain Powers and Functions Vested in the President by the Act of February 22, 1935, Ch. 18, 49 Stat. 30, as Amended, and Authorizing the Establishment of a Petroleum Conservation DivisionDecember 1, 19373091
19317757Regulations Under the Act of February 22, 1935 as Amended by the Act of June 14, 1937December 1, 19373091
19327758Constituting Designated Area, and Establishing Federal Tender Board No. 1December 1, 19373096
19337759Revoking Executive Order Nos. 7024-B and 7129-ADecember 1, 19373097
19347760Withdrawal of Public Lands for the Use of the Department of AgricultureDecember 3, 19373107
19357761Extending Limits of Customs Port of Entry of Wilmington, North CarolinaDecember 3, 19373107
19367762Exemption of John W. Woermann From Compulsory Retirement for AgeDecember 3, 1937
19377763Excusing Federal Employees from Duty on December 24, 1937December 6, 19373115
19387764Establishing the Sabine Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, LouisianaDecember 6, 19373183
19397765Restoring Certain Lands to the Control of the Secretary of the Interior, WashingtonDecember 6, 19373184
19407766Amendment of Executive Order No. 6928 of December 24, 1934, as AmendedDecember 10, 1937
19417767Extending the Limits of the Customs Port of Entry of Buffalo, New YorkDecember 11, 19373213
19427768Revocation of Executive Order No. 6124 of May 2, 1933, Withdrawing Public Lands, ColoradoDecember 11, 19373213
19437769Exemption of Walter H. Beal From Compulsory Retirement for AgeDecember 13, 1937
19447770Establishing Hazen Bay Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, AlaskaDecember 14, 19373279
19457771Excluding Certain Tracts of Land From Tongass National Forest and Restoring Them to Entry, AlaskaDecember 14, 19373279
19467772Revocation of Executive Order No. 5711 of September 14, 1931, Withdrawing Land for Classification and in Aid of Legislation, MontanaDecember 14, 19373279
19477773Modification of Executive Order No. 6957 of February 4, 1935, Withdrawing Certain Public Lands, AlaskaDecember 21, 19373415
19487774Postponement of Effective Date of Certain Provisions of Executive Order No. 6166 of June 10, 1933December 21, 1937
19497775Transferring Certain Lands From the Department of Agriculture to the Department of Commerce and Reserving them as the McKinney Lake Fish Hatchery, North CarolinaDecember 27, 19373431
19507776Modification of Executive Order No. 7709-A of September 16, 1937, Abolishing the National Emergency CouncilDecember 27, 19373437
19517777Exemption of Charles Earle from Compulsory Retirement for AgeDecember 28, 1937
19527778Waiver of the Examination Requirements of Civil Service Rule IX To Permit the Appointment of Bernard J. Kinnahan to a Classified Position in the Post Office DepartmentDecember 28, 1937
19537779Amendment of Executive Order No. 5643 of June 8, 1931, Prescribing Regulations Governing Representation and Post AllowancesDecember 28, 1937
19547780Establishing the Lacassine Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, LouisianaDecember 30, 19371
19557781Amending Executive Order No. 5517 of December 17, 1930, Excluding a Tract of Land From the Chugach National Forest, AlaskaDecember 30, 19371
19567782Exemption of Harry C. Dorsey From Compulsory Retirement for AgeDecember 30, 1937
19577783Modifying Executive Order No. 1919½ of April 21, 1914, and Setting Apart Certain Lands for the Use of the Alaska Road Commission for Aviation Field Purposes, AlaskaDecember 31, 193713
19587784Establishing the Aransas Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, TexasDecember 31, 1937


Relative No.Absolute No.Title / DescriptionDate signedFR Citation
19597784-ADesignating the Architect of the Capitol as a Member of the Alley Dwelling AuthorityJanuary 5, 193865
19607785Amendment of Executive Order No. 6928 of December 24, 1934January 8, 1938
19617786Amendment of Executive Order No. 4601 of March 1, 1927, Prescribing Regulations Pertaining to the Award of the Distinguished Flying CrossJanuary 8, 193849
19627787Power-Site Restoration No. 487. Partial Revocation of Executive Order of June 8, 1909, Creating Temporary Power-Site Withdrawal No. 20 and Executive Order of July 2, 1910, Creating Power-Site Reserve No. 20, MontanaJanuary 10, 193863
19637788Exemption of Joseph J. McGuigan from Compulsory Retirement for AgeJanuary 11, 1938
19647789Exemption of David H. Hahn from Compulsory Retirement for AgeJanuary 11, 1938
19657790Amendment of Executive Order No. 7302 of February 21, 1936, Transferring Certain Lands to the Control and Jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Navy, Virgin IslandsJanuary 12, 193899
19667791Exemption of Edward B. Russ from Compulsory Retirement for AgeJanuary 13, 1938
19677792Transfer of Jurisdiction Over Certain Lands From the Secretary of Agriculture to the Secretary of the Interior, New MexicoJanuary 18, 1938161
19687793Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 6644 of March 14, 1934, Withdrawal of Public Lands, ColoradoJanuary 20, 1938225
19697794Correcting Description of Parcel of Land Contained in Executive Order No. 6050 of February 27, 1933January 20, 1938225
19707795Establishing the Huron Migratory Bird Refuge, MichiganJanuary 21, 1938225
19717796Amending Executive Order No. 9 of January 17, 1873 to Permit Certain Employees of Department of the Interior to Hold State, Territorial, and Municipal Offices, etc.January 21, 1938226
19727797Documents Required of Bona Fide Alien Seamen Entering the United StatesJanuary 26, 1938253
19737798Transferring a Portion of the Boise Barracks Military Reservation, Idaho, to the Control and Jurisdiction of the Veteran's AdministrationJanuary 26, 1938253
19747799Enlarging Lower Souris Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, North DakotaJanuary 27, 1938261
19757800Transferring Certain Lands to the Control and Jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Navy, CubaJanuary 27, 1938262
19767801Establishing Black Coulee Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, MontanaJanuary 28, 1938271
19777802Exemption of Nathan C. Grover from Compulsory Retirement for AgeJanuary 29, 1938
19787803Withdrawing Public Land for Forest Lookout Station, WashingtonFebruary 2, 1938307
19797804Reserving Public Land for the Use of the Lighthouse Service, Department of Commerce, HawaiiFebruary 2, 1938307
19807805Correcting Description of Lands Contained in Executive Order No. 6897 of November 7, 1934February 5, 1938327
19817806Fort William D. Davis Military ReservationFebruary 5, 1938327
19827807Power-Site Restoration No. 486, Oregon. Partial Revocation of Executive Order of April 28, 1917, Creating Power-Site Reserve No. 621February 8, 1938379
19837808Power-Site Restoration No. 488, Oregon. Partial Revocation of Executive Order of December 12, 1917, Creating Power-Site Reserve No. 661February 8, 1938379
19847809Amending Paragraph 13, Subdivision III, Schedule A of the Civil Service RulesFebruary 8, 1938379
19857810Revoking the Establishment of Baird Fish Hatchery on McCloud River, CaliforniaFebruary 8, 1938379
19867811Amendment of Regulation VIII of Regulations Governing Appointment of Unclassified LaborersFebruary 9, 1938393
19877812Revocation of Executive Order No. 6179 of June 16, 1933, Withdrawing Public LandsFebruary 14, 1938443
19887813Amendment of Rule 16 of Executive Order No. 4314 of September 25, 1925, Establishing Rules Governing Navigation of the Panama Canal and Adjacent WatersFebruary 14, 1938443
19897814Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 4430 of April 23, 1926, as Modified Withdrawing Public LandsFebruary 15, 1938447
19907815Amending Paragraph 10(a), Subdivision IV, Schedule A of the Civil Service RulesFebruary 15, 1938447
19917816Transferring Portions of Amaknak Island to Control and Jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Navy, AlaskaFebruary 15, 1938448
19927817Designating Honorable Martin Travieso as Acting Judge of the District Court of the United States of Puerto RicoFebruary 16, 1938489
19937818Designating Port St. Joe as a Customs Port of Entry, FloridaFebruary 17, 1938503
19947819Exemption of George W. Patterson from Compulsory Retirement Age, U.S. Naval Power FactoryFebruary 17, 1938
19957820Exemption of Dr. J. Davis Bradfield from Compulsory Retirement for AgeFebruary 17, 1938
19967821Designating Emory S. Land as Chairman of the United States Maritime CommissionFebruary 18, 1938503
19977822Limiting the Importation of Red Cedar Shingles From Canada During the First Six Months of 1938February 25, 1938547
19987823Amending the Order to Permit Joseph M. Watkins to Hold a Federal and State OfficeFebruary 25, 1938
19997824Exemption of Louis A. Simon from Compulsory Retirement for AgeFebruary 25, 1938
20007825Exemption of Harry H. Little from Compulsory Retirement for AgeFebruary 26, 1938
20017826Amendment of the Consular RegulationsFebruary 28, 1938561
20027827Appointing Thomas D. Quinn Administrative Assistant to the Attorney General Without Regard to Civil Service RulesMarch 2, 1938
20037828Placing Certain Islands in the Pacific Ocean Under the Control and Jurisdiction of the Secretary of the InteriorMarch 3, 1938609
20047829Revocation of Executive Order No. 5428 of August 20, 1930, Withdrawing Land for Classification and in Aid of LegislationMarch 7, 1938641
20057830Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 5341 of May 2, 1930, Withdrawing Public LandsMarch 7, 1938641
20067831Amendment of Executive Order No. 7293 of February 14, 1936, Prescribing Regulations Concerning the Granting of Allowances for Quarters and Subsistence to Enlisted MenMarch 7, 1938641
20077832Revocation of Executive Order No. 5923 of September 20, 1932, Withdrawing of Public LandsMarch 7, 1938641
20087833Establishing the Hewitt Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, MontanaMarch 7, 1938641
20097834Exemption of Charles W. Franks from Compulsory Retirement for AgeMarch 8, 1938
20107835Revocation of Executive Order No. 2184 of April 27, 1915, Withdrawing Public LandsMarch 11, 1938655
20117836Public Water Restoration No. 80March 11, 1938655
20127837Cash Relief for Certain Employees of the Panama CanalMarch 12, 1938667
20137838Establishment of a Supply Fund for the Works Progress Administration, Supply Fund for the Procurement, Distribution, and Use of Materials, Supplies, and Equipment for Projects Under the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1937March 12, 1938667
20147839Transferring Certain Housing or Slum-Clearance Projects to the Puerto Rico Reconstruction AdministrationMarch 12, 1938668
20157840Extending the Limits of the Customs Port of Entry of Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaMarch 15, 1938687
20167841Withdrawal of Public Lands for Use of the Alaska Railroad, AlaskaMarch 15, 1938687
20177842Exemption of James Robertson From Compulsory Retirement for AgeMarch 15, 1938
20187843Exemption of William J. Marlee from Compulsory Retirement for AgeMarch 16, 1938
20197844Exemption of John G. Honey from Compulsory Retirement for AgeMarch 18, 1938
20207845Prescribing Regulations Relating to Annual Leave of Government EmployeesMarch 21, 1938715
20217846Prescribing Regulations Relating to Sick Leave of Government EmployeesMarch 21, 1938717
20227847Withdrawal of Public Lands for Use of the Navy DepartmentMarch 21, 1938719
20237848Designating the Secretary of the Treasury as the Official to Receive Certain Capital Stock From the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, the Secretary of Agriculture, and the Governor of the Farm Credit AdministrationMarch 22, 1938739
20247849Authorizing the Inspection of Income, Excess Profits and Capital Stock Tax Returns, Estate and Gift Tax Returns Filed After June 16, 1933, and Returns Under Title IX of the Social Security ActMarch 25, 1938751
20257850Revocation of Executive Order No. 6087 of March 28, 1933, Withdrawing Public LandsMarch 26, 1938751
20267851Designation of Charles V. McLaughlin as Member of Interdepartmental Committee to Coordinate Health and Welfare ActivitiesMarch 26, 1938
20277852Amending Paragraph 5, Subdivision XI, Schedule A of the Civil Service RulesMarch 29, 1938777
20287853Amending Paragraph 4, Subdivision III, Schedule B of the Civil Service RulesMarch 29, 1938777
20297854Revocation of Executive Order No. 6055 of February 28, 1933, Withdrawing Public LandsMarch 30, 1938799
20307855Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 5089 of April 9, 1929, Withdrawing Public Lands for Classification and in Aid of Proposed LegislationMarch 30, 1938799
20317856Rules Governing the Granting and Issuing of Passports in the United StatesMarch 31, 1938799
20327857Transferring to the People of Puerto Rico Certain Lands No Longer Needed for the Purposes of the United StatesMarch 31, 1938806
20337858Authorizing the Attorney General to Reject Bids for Certain Property Offered for Sale at Savannah, Georgia, Pursuant to the Trading With the Enemy Act, as AmendedMarch 31, 1938806
20347859Exemption of Edward M. Kennard from Compulsory Retirement for AgeApril 5, 1938
20357860Reservation of Land for River and Harbor Purposes, MinnesotaApril 6, 1938855
20367861Exemption of Clarence E. Alderman From Compulsory Retirement for AgeApril 6, 1938
20377862Modification of Executive Order No. 7387 of June 15, 1936, Reserving Naval Station, Balboa, Canal ZoneApril 7, 1938863
20387863Exemption of Frank B. Bourn From Compulsory Retirement for AgeApril 7, 1938
20397864Establishing Pea Island Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; North CarolinaApril 8, 1938863
20407865Documents Required of Aliens Entering the United StatesApril 12, 1938885
20417866Withdrawal of Public Land for Use of the Department of Agriculture; ArkansasApril 14, 1938899
20427867Withdrawal of Public Land for Use of the Department of Agriculture; LouisianaApril 15, 1938903
20437868Transfer of Jurisdiction Over Certain Lands From the Secretary of Agriculture to the Secretary of the InteriorApril 15, 1938903
20447869Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, and Capital Stock Tax Returns by the Special Committee to Investigate Lobbying Activities, United States SenateApril 18, 1938921
20457870Revocation of Executive Order No. 3345 of October 23, 1920, Withdrawing Public Lands for National Monument Classification; ArizonaApril 19, 1938931
20467871Exemption of Thomas G. Shearman From Compulsory Retirement for AgeApril 19, 1938
20477872Amendment of Subdivision I, Schedule B, Civil Service RulesApril 20, 1938939
20487873Exemption of Edwin C. E. Lord From Compulsory Retirement for AgeApril 21, 1938
20497874Waiver of Time Limitations Contained in Civil Service Rule IX to Permit the Reinstatement of Mrs. Jessie Scott Arnold to a Position in the Classified ServiceApril 22, 1938
20507875Transferring Certain Land to the Control and Jurisdiction of the Treasury Department; New MexicoApril 22, 1938965
20517876Exemption of Charles J. Carlton From Compulsory Retirement for AgeApril 22, 1938
20527877Revocation of Executive Order No. 6814, Dated August 9, 1934, and Executive Order No. 6895-A, Dated November 2, 1934April 28, 1938998
20537878Amending Paragraph 7, Subdivision III, Schedule A of the Civil Service RulesApril 29, 19381005
20547879Amending Section 6 of Executive Order No. 7845 of March 21, 1938, Prescribing Regulations Relating to Annual Leave of Government EmployeesMay 9, 19381075
20557880Amending Section 9 of Executive Order No. 7846 of March 21, 1938, Prescribing Regulations Relating to Sick Leave of Government EmployeesMay 9, 19381075
20567881Power Site Restoration No. 489, Partial Revocation of Executive Order of June 30, 1916, Creating Power Site Reserve No. 533; WashingtonMay 9, 19381084
20577882Establishing the Tybee Migratory Bird Refuge; GeorgiaMay 9, 19381084
20587883Withdrawal of Public Lands to Provide Material for the Construction and Maintenance of Public Roads and Other Public Projects; CaliforniaMay 9, 19381085
20597884Reestablishing the Toiyabe National Forest; NevadaMay 9, 19381085
20607885Placing Certain Land Under the Control and Jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Treasury; AlaskaMay 11, 19381099
20617886Revocation of Executive Order No. 4061 of August 12, 1924, and Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 4844 of March 23, 1928, Withdrawing Public Lands; New MexicoMay 16, 19381131
20627887Extending the Provisions of the Civil Service Retirement Act to Employees Appointed Under Authority of Section 10 of Civil Service Rule IIMay 16, 19381131
20637888Withdrawal of Public Land for Classification, Etc.; AlaskaMay 16, 19381131
20647889Revocation of Executive Order No. 7520 of December 18, 1936, Withdrawing Lands for Use of the War Department as a Target Range for the Arizona National Guard; ArizonaMay 16, 19381131
20657890Exemption of Stanley Searles From Compulsory Retirement for AgeMay 16, 1938
20667891Restoring Certain Lands to the Territory of Hawaii for Highway PurposesMay 18, 19381159
20677892Exemption of George F. Bowerman From Compulsory Retirement for AgeMay 18, 1938
20687893Restoring Land to Territory of Hawaii for Aeronautical Purposes and Reserving Land for Military Purposes; Territory of HawaiiMay 21, 19381177
20697894Delegating Certain Powers to the Attorney General Under the Trading With the Enemy ActMay 23, 19381189
20707895Enlarging the Hart Mountain Antelope Refuge; OregonMay 23, 19381189
20717896Amendment of Executive Order No. 9 of January 17, 1873, to Permit Officers and Employees of the Police or Prison Departments of the Territorial and Municipal Governments of the Virgin Islands to Be Appointed as Deputies or Employees in the Office of the United States Marshal for the Virgin IslandsMay 24, 19381199
20727897Partial Revocation of the Executive Order No. 5894 of July 26, 1932, Withdrawing Public Lands; ColoradoMay 24, 19381199
20737898Withdrawal of Public Land Authorities to Be Added to the Yosemite National Park; CaliforniaMay 26, 19381224
20747899Authorizing the Appointment of Miss Amy G. Maher to a Position on the Social Security Board Without Regard to Civil Service RulesMay 26, 1938
20757900Designating John Monroe Johnson and Richard C. Patterson, Jr., to Act as Secretary of CommerceMay 28, 1938
20767901Authorizing the Attorney General to Sell Upon Public Exchanges Without Prior Advertisement Certain Property Held Under the Trading With the Enemy ActMay 31, 19381255
20777902Establishing the Tamarac Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; MinnesotaMay 31, 19381255
20787903Transfer of Jurisdiction Over Certain Lands From the Secretary of Agriculture to the Secretary of the Interior; Rhode IslandMay 31, 19381257
20797904Exemption of Charles H. Hastings From Compulsory Retirement for AgeMay 31, 1938
20807905Authorizing the Appointment of Mrs. Lucile Ensminger to a Classified Position in the Navy Department Without Regard to the Civil Service RulesMay 31, 1938
20817906Further Modification of Executive Order No. 7709-A of September 16, 1937, Abolishing the National Emergency CouncilJune 6, 19381358
20827907Establishing the Back Bay Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; VirginiaJune 6, 19381358
20837908Transferring Certain Lands to the Secretary of Agriculture for Use, Administration, and Disposition Under Title III of the Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant ActJune 9, 19381389
20847909Terminating the Powers, Rights, and Duties of the Special Mexican Claims CommissionJune 15, 19381422
20857910Establishing an Airspace Reservation Over a Portion of the District of ColumbiaJune 16, 19381437
20867911Transferring to the Territory of Hawaii Title to Certain Public LandsJune 16, 19381437
20877912Exemption of John H. Thomas From Compulsory Retirement for AgeJune 16, 1938
20887913Authorizing the Extension of Appointments of Certain Employees of the General Accounting OfficeJune 16, 1938
20897914Exemption of David A. Brodie From Compulsory Retirement for AgeJune 16, 1938
20907915Amendment of Civil Service RulesJune 24, 19381519
20917916Extending the Competitive Classified Civil ServiceJune 24, 19381526
20927917Postponement of Effective Date of Certain Provisions of Executive Order No. 6166 of June 10, 1933June 25, 1938
20937918Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 7181 of September 6, 1935, Excepting From Competitive Civil Service Requirements the Initial Appointments to Certain Positions in the Bureau of Motor Carriers, Interstate Commerce CommissionJune 25, 1938
20947919Appointment of Mrs. Eleanor J. Townsend to a Classified Position Without Regard to Civil Service RulesJune 25, 1938
20957920Appointment of Mrs. Irene M. Mort to a Classified Position Without Regard to Civil Service RulesJune 29, 1938
20967921Extending the Existence of the Quetico-Superior Committee, Created by Executive Order No. 6783 of June 30, 1934June 30, 19381625
20977922Directing the Secretary of the Treasury to Assemble Annually a Coast Guard Personnel BoardJune 30, 1938
20987923Establishing Ruby Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; NevadaJuly 2, 19381639
20997924Revocation of Executive Order No. 6908 of November 21, 1934, Withdrawing Public Lands; AlaskaJuly 5, 19381639
21007925Enlarging the Salt Plains Wildlife Refuge; OklahomaJuly 5, 19381639
21017926Establishing Wheeler Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; AlabamaJuly 7, 19381669
21027927Foreign Service Regulations of the United StatesJuly 14, 19381749
21037928Designating St. Petersburg, Florida, as a Customs Port of EntryJuly 14, 19381749
21047929Exemption of Ernest P. Rands From Compulsory Retirement for AgeJuly 14, 1938
21057930Exemption of William H. Griffin From Compulsory Retirement for AgeJuly 14, 1938
21067931Exemption of Marlon C. Hargrove From Compulsory Retirement for AgeJuly 14, 1938
21077932Exemption of Ulysses Shewmaker From Compulsory Retirement for AgeJuly 14, 1938
21087933Transferring Funds From the Department of Commerce to the Civil Aeronautics AuthorityJuly 14, 1938
21097933-AInspection of Income, Excess-Profits, and Capital Stock Tax Returns by the Special Committee on Un-American Activities, House of RepresentativesJuly 14, 19381943
21107934Transferring to the United States Housing Authority Custodial and Maintenance Employees in the Field Service of the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works Engaged on Federal Housing ProjectsJuly 16, 1938
21117935Exemption of J. Humbird Smith From Compulsory Retirement for AgeJuly 16, 1938
21127936Exemption of Thomas A. Jaggar, Jr., From Compulsory Retirement for AgeJuly 30, 1938
21137937Establishing West Sister Island Migratory Bird Refuge; OhioAugust 2, 19381943
21147938Correcting Description of Land Reserved by Executive Order No. 3406 of February 13, 1921, for Lighthouse PurposesAugust 2, 19381944
21157939Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 5886 of July 12, 1932, Withdrawing Public Lands; WyomingAugust 2, 19381944
21167940Transferring Certain Lands Within the Coronado National Forest to the Control and Jurisdiction of the Treasury DepartmentAugust 2, 19381944
21177941Establishing the Fort Tyler Migratory Bird Refuge; New YorkAugust 2, 19381945
21187942Authorizing the Employment of Certain Examiners and Other Experts Paid From Funds Authorized by Public Resolution No. 113, 75th Congress, Without Compliance With the Civil Service RulesAugust 2, 19381945
21197943Certain Persons Continued in Positions in the National Bituminous Coal Commission Without Regard to Civil Service RulesAugust 2, 1938
21207944Amendment of the Executive Order No. 9 of January 17, 1873, Relating to the Holding of State or Local Offices by Federal Officers and EmployeesAugust 4, 19381945
21217945Exemption of Edward M. Weeks From Compulsory Retirement for AgeAugust 4, 1938
21227946Limiting the Importation of Red Cedar Shingles From Canada During the Last Six Months of 1938August 9, 19381965
21237947Designating Del Bonita, Montana, as a Customs Port of EntryAugust 9, 19381965
21247948Exemption of Charles L. Parker From Compulsory Retirement for AgeAugust 9, 1938
21257949Exemption of Stephen W. Hamilton From Compulsory Retirement for AgeAugust 9, 1938
21267950Exemption of William H. Egberts From Compulsory Retirement for AgeAugust 9, 1938
21277951Withdrawal of Public Land for Lookout Station; ArkansasAugust 12, 19381995
21287952Revocation of Executive Order No. 5341 of May 2, 1930, Withdrawing Public Lands; ArizonaAugust 12, 19381995
21297953Establishing Lake Isom Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; TennesseeAugust 12, 19381995
21307954Exemption of Frank S. Smith From Compulsory Retirement for AgeAugust 12, 1938
21317955Amendment of Executive Order No. 6928 of December 24, 1934August 13, 19382015
21327956Authorizing the Employment Until February 1, 1939, of Personnel With Funds Allotted Under the Public Works Administration Appropriation Act of 1938 Without Compliance With the Requirements of the Civil Service RulesAugust 19, 19382047
21337957Establishing Cap Meares Migratory Bird Refuge; OregonAugust 19, 19382047
21347958Exemption of Samuel J. Gompers From Compulsory Retirement for AgeAugust 19, 1938
21357959Transferring Certain Personnel, Property, and Appropriations From the Department of Commerce and the Interstate Commerce Commission to the Civil Aeronautics AuthorityAugust 22, 19382071
21367960Reservoir-Site Reserve No. 20; Tongue River, MontanaAugust 22, 19382072
21377961Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 1919½ of April 21, 1914, as Amended, Withdrawing Public Lands; AlaskaAugust 22, 19382072
21387962Executive Order No. 4601 Amended to Authorize Award of D.F.C. to Lt. Richard L. BurkeAugust 22, 1938
21397963Authorizing Initial Appointments to Certain Executive Positions in the Wage and Hour Division in the Department of Labor Without Compliance With the Civil Service RulesAugust 29, 19382105
21407964Instruction of Citizens of the American Republics at Educational Institutions and Schools Maintained and Administered by the Government of the United StatesAugust 29, 19382105
21417965Regulations to Give Effect to Articles I and II of the Convention Providing for the Recovery and Return of Stolen or Embezzled Motor Vehicles, Trailers, Airplanes or Component Parts of Any of Them, Concluded on October 6, 1936, Between the United States of America and the United Mexican StatesAugust 29, 19382106
21427966Establishing the Kentucky Woodlands Wildlife Refuge; KentuckyAugust 30, 19382137
21437967Enlarging the Moosehorn Migratory Bird Refuge; MaineAugust 30, 19382138
21447968Amending the Foreign Service Regulations of the United StatesSeptember 3, 19382185
21457969Partial Revocation of Executive Order of February 19, 1920, Creating Power Site Reserve No. 730; Oregon [Power Site Restoration No. 490]September 10, 19382233
21467970Regulations Governing the Grades and Ratings of Enlisted Men of the Regular Army for the Fiscal Year 1939September 12, 19382235
21477971Establishing Montezuma Migratory Bird Refuge; New YorkSeptember 12, 19382235
21487972Prescribing Regulations Governing Payment of Losses Sustained by Officers, Enlisted Men, and Employees of the United States While in Service in Foreign Countries on Account of Appreciation of Foreign Currencies in Their Relation to the American DollarSeptember 15, 19382249
21497973Exemption of Alfred R. Wheat From Compulsory Retirement for AgeSeptember 15, 1938
21507974Exemption of Alfred R. Gould From Compulsory Retirement for AgeSeptember 16, 1938
21517975Transfer of Jurisdiction Over Certain Lands From the Secretary of Agriculture to the Secretary of the InteriorSeptember 16, 19382252
21527975-ADesignation of Independent Establishments and Agencies Under Section 6 of Executive Order No. 7916 of June 4, 1938September 16, 19382271
21537976Establishing the Union Slough Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; IowaSeptember 19, 19382261
21547977Enlarging the St. Marks Migratory Bird Refuge; FloridaSeptember 19, 19382262
21557978Exemption of George Middleton From Compulsory Retirement for AgeSeptember 19, 1938
21567979Cerro Pelado Ammunition Depot Military Reservation; Canal ZoneSeptember 26, 19382322
21577980Postponement of Effective Date of Certain Provisions of Executive Order No. 6166 of June 10, 1933September 29, 19382359
21587981Amendment of Subdivision IV, Schedule B, Civil Service RulesSeptember 29, 19382359
21597982Exemption of Herman G.A. Brauer From Compulsory Retirement for AgeSeptember 30, 1938
21607983Establishing the Breton Bird Refuge; LouisianaOctober 4, 19382389
21617984Extension of Trust Periods on Indian Lands Expiring During Calendar Year 1939October 7, 19382435
21627985Establishing an Airspace Reservation Over Certain Areas in MarylandOctober 8, 19382435
21637986Transfers of National-Forest Lands; IdahoOctober 8, 19382435
21647987Designating Dr. Thomas Parran as Member of Interdepartmental Committee to Coordinate Health and Welfare ActivitiesOctober 11, 1938
21657988Exemption of Miss Ada Tanner From Compulsory Retirement for AgeOctober 12, 1938
21667989Exemption of Francis T. Leahy From Compulsory Retirement for AgeOctober 15, 1938
21677990Designating Aubrey Williams as Member of Interdepartmental Committee to Coordinate Health and Welfare ActivitiesOctober 19, 1938
21687991Exemption of P. Julian Latham From Compulsory Retirement for AgeOctober 21, 1938
21697992Revocation of Executive Order No. 3674 of May 17, 1922, Withdrawing Lands for the Use and Occupancy of the DuBois Rifle Club for Rifle PracticeOctober 25, 19382567
21707993Establishing Great White Heron Refuge; FloridaOctober 27, 19382581
21717994Modification of Okefenokee Wildlife Refuge; GeorgiaOctober 27, 19382581
21727995Exemption of William S. Garland From Compulsory Retirement for AgeOctober 28, 1938
21737996Exemption of Wallace Streater From Compulsory Retirement for AgeOctober 28, 1938
21747997Exemption of Andrew M. Smith From Compulsory Retirement for AgeOctober 28, 1938
21757998Establishing the Interdepartmental Committee on Printing and Processing \October 29, 19382603
21767999Transferring to the Secretary of Commerce the Records and Property of the Office of the Administrator of the Census of Partial Employment, Unemployment and Occupations, and Authorizing the Employees of That Office Without Regard to the Competitive Requirements of the Civil Service RulesOctober 31, 19382603
21778000Correcting and Amending Description of Boundaries of Molokai Lighthouse Reservation; Territory of HawaiiNovember 1, 19382615
21788001Transferring Certain Lands from the Department of Agriculture to the Department of Commerce and Reserving Them as the Welaka Fish Hatchery; FloridaNovember 2, 19382633
21798002Exemption of Harry Peale From Compulsory Retirement for AgeNovember 7, 1938
21808003Partial Revocation of Executive Orders of December 5, 1913, January 13, 1915, and February 23, 1928; Wyoming, Arizona and California [Public Water Restoration No. 81]November 10, 19382679
21818004Withdrawal of Public Lands for Use of the Navy Department for Naval Purposes; CaliforniaNovember 12, 19382679
21828005Authorizing the Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, and Capital Stock Tax Returns, Estate and Gift Tax Returns Filed After June 16, 1933, and Returns Under Title IX of the Social Security ActNovember 12, 19382679
21838006Inspection of Income and Excess-Profits Tax Returns by the Special Joint Congressional Committee to Make an Investigation of the Tennessee Valley AuthorityNovember 14, 19382680
21848007Amendment of Paragraph 6, Subdivision VII, Schedule A, Civil Service RulesNovember 15, 19382733
21858008Changing the Name of the Big Lake Reservation to Big Lake Migratory Bird Refuge, and Adding Certain Lands Thereto; ArkansasNovember 17, 19382747
21868009Withdrawal of Public Lands; California, Idaho, Oregon, and Wyoming [Public Water Reserve No. 160]November 18, 19382755
21878010Withdrawal of Public Lands, Reservoir-Site Reserve No. 21; Cache Creek, CaliforniaNovember 18, 19382756
21888011Exemption of Arthur H. Chase From Compulsory Retirement for AgeNovember 19, 1938
21898012Appointment of Miss Sarah Wilson Reed to a Classified Position in the Navy DepartmentNovember 25, 1938
21908013Enlarging the Waubay Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; South DakotaNovember 25, 19382783
21918014Placing Certain Land Under the Control of the Secretary of the Interior; AlaskaNovember 26, 19382800
21928015Correcting the Description of Lands Reserved as Union Slough Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, IowaNovember 30, 19382821
21938016Amending the Foreign Service Regulations of the United StatesDecember 1, 19382847
21948017Revocation of Executive Order No. 6672 of April 7, 1934, Withdrawing Public Lands; WyomingDecember 2, 19382861
21958018Amendment of Executive Order No. 7972 of September 15, 1938December 2, 19382861
21968019Exemption of George M. Lewis From Compulsory Retirement for AgeDecember 2, 1938
21978020Withdrawal of Public Land in Aid of Flood ControlDecember 2, 19382861
21988021Withdrawal of Public Land for Forest Lookout Station; WyomingDecember 5, 19382883
21998022Excusing Federal Employees From Duty on December 24 and 31, 1938December 6, 19382883
22008023Modification of Executive Order No. 4683 of July 4, 1927, Withdrawing Public Lands for Town-Site Purposes; AlaskaDecember 6, 19382883
22018024Exemption of Percy A. Baker From Compulsory Retirement for AgeDecember 9, 1938
22028025Exemption of Cloyd A. McIlvaine From Compulsory Retirement for AgeDecember 17, 1938
22038026Postponement of Effective Date of Certain Provisions of Executive Order No. 6166 of June 10, 1933December 23, 1938
22048027Authorizing Initial Appointments to Certain Executive and Policy Forming Positions in the Wage and Hour Division in the Department of Labor Without Compliance With the Civil Service RulesDecember 23, 1938
22058028Changing the Title of Executive Director of the National Youth Administration to Administrator of the National Youth AdministrationDecember 24, 19383161
22068029Documents Required of Aliens Entering the United StatesDecember 27, 19383177
22078030Transfer of Lands From the Cochetopa National Forest to the Rio Grande National Forest; ColoradoDecember 29, 19383187


Relative No.Absolute No.Title / DescriptionDate signedFR Citation
22088031Revocation of Executive Order No. 4130 of January 22, 1925, Withdrawing Public Land for Fish Hatchery; OregonJanuary 9, 1939193
22098032Exemption of Mrs. Cora M. Armstrong from Compulsory Retirement for AgeJanuary 10, 1939
22108033Designating the Director of Planning of the National Capital Park and Planning Commission as a Member of the Alley Dwelling AuthorityJanuary 11, 1939223
22118034Establishing the Federal Real Estate BoardJanuary 14, 1939249
22128035Amendment of Paragraph 5, Subdivision IV, Schedule B, Civil Service RulesJanuary 16, 1939271
22138036Amending the Foreign Service Regulations of the United StatesJanuary 18, 1939377
22148037Establishing the Piedmont Wildlife Refuge; GeorgiaJanuary 18, 1939391
22158038Establishing the Cabeza Prieta Game Range; ArizonaJanuary 25, 1939437
22168039Establishing the Kofa Game Range; ArizonaJanuary 25, 1939438
22178040Regulations Governing the Payment of Additional Compensation to Enlisted Men of the Navy Specially Qualified in the Use of ArmsJanuary 25, 1939438
22188041Exemption of Henry Clarke Hill from Compulsory Retirement for AgeJanuary 25, 1939
22198042Authorizing Initial Appointments to Certain Positions in the Air Safety Board, Civil Aeronautics Authority, Without Compliance With the Civil Service RulesJanuary 30, 1939481
22208043Amending Schedules A and B of the Civil Service RulesJanuary 31, 1939493
22218044Postponing the Effective Date of Executive Order No. 7916 of June 24, 1938, With Respect to Certain Positions and Providing for a Committee to Investigate and Report Methods for Selecting and Promoting Certain Personnel in Civil ServiceJanuary 31, 1939497
22228045Authorizing the Appointment of Frederick Morgan Davenport to a Classified Position in the Civil Service Commission and Designating Him as a Member and Chairman of the Council of Personnel AdministrationFebruary 8, 1939695
22238046Exemption of Louis A. Simon from Compulsory Retirement for AgeFebruary 11, 1939
22248047Exemption of Edward B. Russ from Compulsory Retirement for AgeFebruary 11, 1939
22258048Exemption of John G. Crane from Compulsory Retirement for AgeFebruary 14, 1939
22268049Exemption of George W. Patterson from Compulsory Retirement for AgeFebruary 15, 1939
22278050Exemption of Robert F. Whitehead from Compulsory Retirement for AgeFebruary 15, 1939
22288051Limiting the Importation of Red Cedar Shingles from Canada During the First Six Months of 1939February 15, 1939959
22298052Designating the Honorable Angel R. de Jesus as Acting Judge of the District Court of the United States for Puerto RicoFebruary 23, 19391023
22308053Partial Revocation of Executive Orders of January 24, 1914; California and OregonFebruary 23, 19391023
22318054Placing Certain Land Under the Control and Jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Treasury; AlaskaFebruary 23, 19391023
22328055Transfer of Jurisdiction Over Certain Lands from the Secretary of Agriculture to the Secretary of the InteriorFebruary 23, 19391024
22338056Amendment of Paragraph 4, Subdivision IV, Schedule B, Civil Service RulesFebruary 23, 19391025
22348057Transfer of Certain Lands from the Secretary of Agriculture to the Secretary of the Interior; VirginiaFebruary 23, 19391025
22358058Exemption of Alex Hrdlicka from Compulsory Retirement for AgeFebruary 23, 1939
22368059Transferring the Use, Possession, and Control of Certain Lands to the Tennessee Valley Authority; AlabamaMarch 3, 19391119
22378060Exemption of Fred C. Bailey from Compulsory Retirement for AgeMarch 7, 1939
22388061Transferring Certain Land to the Control and Jurisdiction of the Treasury Department; Virgin IslandsMarch 7, 19391181
22398062Tariff of Fees of Officers of United States Court for ChinaMarch 7, 19391181
22408063Authorizing Initial Appointments to Certain Executive Positions in the Railroad Retirement Board Without Compliance With the Civil Service RulesMarch 7, 19391183
22418064Designating Fairbanks, Alaska, as a Customs Port of Entry, and Discontinuing Seward, Alaska, as a Customs Port of EntryMarch 9, 19391191
22428065Establishing the Necedah Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; WisconsinMarch 14, 19391241
22438066Ratification of Appointments of Walter Kearney and Stanley D. Zaveckas to State DepartmentMarch 17, 1939
22448067Establishing the Carolina Sandhills Wildlife Refuge; South CarolinaMarch 17, 19391257
22458068Amendment of Rules 17 and 18 of Executive Order No. 4314 of September 25, 1925, Establishing Rules Governing Navigation of the Panama Canal and Adjacent WatersMarch 20, 19391258
22468069Revoking the Designation of Gateway, Montana, as a Customs Port of EntryMarch 20, 19391259
22478070Exemption of Sims Ely from Compulsory Retirement for AgeMarch 21, 1939
22488071Establishing the Federal Interdepartmental Safety CouncilMarch 21, 19391291
22498072Withdrawal of Public Land for Use of the Navy Department for Naval Aviation Purposes; WashingtonMarch 21, 19391291
22508073Exemption of Newton C. Lammond from Compulsory Retirement for AgeMarch 23, 1939
22518074Exemption of George K. Larrison from Compulsory Retirement for AgeMarch 25, 1939
22528075Exemption of Glenn S. Smith from Compulsory Retirement for AgeApril 4, 1939
22538076Amending the Foreign Service Regulations of the United StatesApril 4, 19391473
22548077Amending the Foreign Service Regulations of the United StatesApril 4, 19391474
22558078Amending the Foreign Service Regulations of the United StatesApril 4, 19391475
22568079Changing the Name of the Customs Port of Entry of Mars Hill, Maine, to Bridgewater, MaineApril 4, 19391475
22578080Revoking the Designation of Fair Haven, New York, as a Customs Port of EntryApril 4, 19391475
22588081Establishing the Anclote Migratory Bird Refuge; FloridaApril 5, 19391475
22598082Appointment of Mrs. Esther H. Soter to a Classified Position in Federal Trade CommissionApril 8, 1939
22608083Extending the Provisions of the Civil Service Retirement Act to Certain Federal Employees, and Amending Civil Service Rule IIApril 10, 19391577
22618084Amending the Foreign Service Regulations of the United StatesApril 11, 19391595
22628085Withdrawal of Public Land for Forest Ranger Station; ColoradoApril 11, 19391597
22638086Establishing the Morgan Farm Wildlife Refuge; VermontApril 11, 19391611
22648087Excluding Certain Tracts of Land from the Chugach and Tongass National Forests and Restoring Them to Entry; AlaskaApril 12, 19391612
22658088Revocation of Executive Order No. 5789 of February 2, 1932, and Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 5792 of February 2, 1932, Withdrawing Public Lands; California and NevadaApril 12, 19391612
22668089Withdrawal of Public Lands for Use of the War Department for Flood Control Purposes; OklahomaApril 13, 19391619
22678090Restoring to the Commonwealth of the Philippines a Part of the Military Reservation of NozaledaApril 15, 19391641
22688091Modifying Executive Order No. 2224 of July 19, 1915, and Reserving Certain Lands for Use of the Department of Agriculture; AlaskaApril 15, 19391641
22698092Amendment of Schedule B of the Civil Service RulesApril 17, 19391642
22708093Revocation of Executive Order No. 6119 of May 2, 1933, Withdrawing Public Lands; CaliforniaApril 17, 19391649
22718094Exemption of Zeke Johnson from Compulsory Retirement for AgeApril 19, 1939
22728095Transfer of Jurisdiction Over Certain Lands from the Secretary of Agriculture to the Secretary of the Interior, and Withdrawal of Lands from the Public Domain for the Use of the Department of Agriculture; New MexicoApril 19, 19391662
22738096Exemption of William C. Shambaugh from Compulsory Retirement for AgeApril 21, 1939
22748097Exemption of Charles J. Carlton from Compulsory Retirement for AgeApril 24, 1939
22758098Revocation of Executive Order No. 5538 of January 23, 1931, Withdrawing Public Lands; ColoradoApril 24, 19391697
22768099Administration of Benefits Provided by Act of Congress Approved April 3, 1939April 24, 19391725
22778100Enlarging the Homochitto National Forest; MississippiApril 28, 19391725
22788101Withdrawal of Public Land for Use of the War Department as a Target Range for the Wyoming National Guard; WyomingApril 28, 19391725
22798102Withdrawal of Public Lands for Use as a Military Reservation; AlaskaApril 29, 19391726
22808103Amendment of Executive Order No. 7302 of February 21, 1936, Transferring Certain Lands to the Control and Jurisdiction of the Secretary of the NavyMay 2, 19391771
22818104Establishing the Little Pend Oreille Wildlife Refuge; WashingtonMay 2, 19391771
22828105Exemption of Herbert E. Lucas from Compulsory Retirement for AgeMay 3, 1939
22838106Exemption of Frank B. Bourn from Compulsory Retirement for AgeMay 3, 1939
22848107Amendment of Executive Order No. 7293 of February 14, 1936, as Amended by Executive Order No. 7831 of March 7, 1938, Prescribing Regulations Governing the Granting of Allowances for Quarters and Subsistence to Enlisted MenMay 3, 19391903
22858108Revocation of Executive Order No. 6644 of March 14, 1934, Withdrawing Public Lands; ColoradoMay 3, 19391903
22868109Connecting the Description of the Walanae-Kai Military Reservation and Restoring a Part Thereof to the Territory of HawaiiMay 3, 19391903
22878110Establishing the Appert Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; North DakotaMay 10, 19391993
22888111Establishing Billings Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; North DakotaMay 10, 19391993
22898112Establishing Bone Hill Creek Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; North DakotaMay 10, 19391993
22908113Establishing Buffalo Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; North DakotaMay 10, 19391994
22918114Establishing the Camp Lake Migratory Waterfowl RefugeMay 10, 19391994
22928115Establishing Canfield Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; North DakotaMay 10, 19391995
22938116Establishing Charles Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; North DakotaMay 10, 19391955
22948117Establishing Dakota Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; North DakotaMay 10, 19391955
22958118Establishing the Flickertail Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; North DakotaMay 10, 19391955
22968119Establishing Florence Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; North DakotaMay 10, 19391995
22978120Establishing the Half-Way Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; North DakotaMay 10, 19391996
22988121Establishing the Hutchinson Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; North DakotaMay 10, 19391996
22998122Establishing the Johnson Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; North DakotaMay 10, 19391996
23008123Establishing the Lake Moraine Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; North DakotaMay 10, 19391996
23018124Establishing the Lake Oliver Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; North DakotaMay 10, 19391996
23028125Establishing the Little Goose Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; North DakotaMay 10, 19391997
23038126Establishing the Little Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; North DakotaMay 10, 19391997
23048127Establishing Lords Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; North DakotaMay 10, 19391997
23058128Establishing Lost Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; North DakotaMay 10, 19391997
23068129Establishing Minnewastena Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; North DakotaMay 10, 19391997
23078130Transfer of Lands from the Cache National Forest to the Caribou National Forest; IdahoMay 11, 19392017
23088131Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, and Capital Stock Tax Returns by the Special Committee on Un-American Activities, House of RepresentativesMay 11, 19392025
23098132Exemption of Lilian M. Lamb from Compulsory Retirement for AgeMay 12, 1939
23108133Further Amending Executive Order No. 7677-A of July 26, 1937, as Amended, Entitled "Civilian Conservation Corps"May 15, 19392043
23118134Modification of Executive Order No. 6746 of June 21, 1934, as Modified, Prescribing Rates of Compensation of Government Employees in Emergency Agencies, Etc.May 15, 19392043
23128135Appeals from Decisions of the Auditor General of the Philippines to the President of the United StatesMay 15, 19392043
23138136Delegating Certain Powers to the Attorney General and Directing the Secretary of the Treasury to Sell Certain SecuritiesMay 15, 19392044
23148137Authorizing the Extension of Appointments of Certain Employees of the General Accounting OfficeMay 17, 1939
23158138Partial Revocation of Executive Order of July 9, 1910, Creating Coal Land Withdrawal, Montana No. 1May 17, 19392067
23168139Exemption of James E. Harper from Compulsory Retirement for AgeMay 19, 1939
23178140Restoring Lands to Territory of Hawaii for Road Purposes and Reserving Lands for Military Purposes, Punchbowl Hill Military ReservationMay 22, 19392099
23188141Transferring the Use, Possession, and Control of Certain Lands to the Tennessee Valley Authority; AlabamaMay 23, 19392127
23198142Exemption of Thomas A. Jaggar, Jr., from Compulsory Retirement for AgeMay 25, 1939
23208143Establishing a Defensive Sea Area in and About Pearl Harbor; HawaiiMay 26, 19392179
23218144Partial Revocation of Executive Order of July 2, 1910, Creating Petroleum Reserve No. 7, Utah No. 1. Petroleum Restoration No. 61; UtahMay 26, 19392179
23228145Changing the Name of the Nine-Pipe Reservation to Nine-Pipe Migratory Waterfowl Refuge and Adding Certain Lands TheretoMay 31, 19392201
23238146Reinstatement of Former Foreign Service Officer Paul H. AllingJune 12, 1939
23248147Establishing the Ardoch Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; North DakotaJune 12, 19392405
23258148Establishing the Brumba Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; North DakotaJune 12, 19392405
23268149Establishing the Cottonwood Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; North DakotaJune 12, 19392405
23278150Establishing the Hiddenwood Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; North DakotaJune 12, 19392406
23288151Establishing the Hobart Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; North DakotaJune 12, 19392406
23298152Establishing Lake Elsie Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; North DakotaJune 12, 19392406
23308153Establishing Lake George Migratory Waterfowl RefugeJune 12, 19392407
23318154Establishing Lake Ilo Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; North DakotaJune 12, 19392407
23328155Establishing the Lake Nettie Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; North DakotaJune 12, 19392407
23338156Establishing Lake Patricia Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; North DakotaJune 12, 19392407
23348157Establishing the Lake Susie Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; North DakotaJune 12, 19392408
23358158Establishing the Lake Zahl Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; North DakotaJune 12, 19392408
23368159Establishing the Lambs Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; North DakotaJune 12, 19392408
23378160Establishing Legion Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; North DakotaJune 12, 19392408
23388161Enlarging the Long Lake Migratory Bird Refuge; North DakotaJune 12, 19392408
23398162Establishing the Maple River Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; North DakotaJune 12, 19392409
23408163Establishing Pioneer Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; North DakotaJune 12, 19392409
23418164Establishing the Pleasant Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; North DakotaJune 12, 19392409
23428165Establishing Rock Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; North DakotaJune 12, 19392409
23438166Establishing Shell Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; North DakotaJune 12, 19392410
23448167Establishing the Sibley Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; North DakotaJune 12, 19392410
23458168Transferring from the Department of Agriculture to the Department of Commerce Certain Lands at Sitka, Alaska, for Use as a Magnetic and Seismological Observatory Site by the Bureau of Coast and Geodetic SurveyJune 14, 19392415
23468169Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 6153 of June 3, 1933, Withdrawing Public Lands; ColoradoJune 14, 19392415
23478170Appointment of A. Sidney Johnson to a Classified Position in the Treasury DepartmentJune 15, 1939
23488171Transfer of Jurisdiction Over Certain Lands from the Secretary of Agriculture to the Secretary of WarJune 15, 19392443
23498172Excluding Certain Tracts of Land from the Chugach and Tongass National Forests and Restoring Them to EntryJune 15, 19392443
23508173Establishing the Talcot Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge; MinnesotaJune 15, 19392454
23518174Amending Executive Order No. 6901 of November 13, 1934 Withdrawing Public Land as a Wildlife Administrative Site; AlaskaJune 15, 19392455
23528175Partial Revocation of Executive Order of March 21, 1914; WyomingJune 21, 19392467
23538176Regulations Governing the Grades and Ratings of Enlisted Men of the Regular Army for the Fiscal Year 1940June 21, 19392467
23548177Amending the Foreign Service Regulations of the United StatesJune 21, 19392467
23558178Partial Revocation of Executive Order of August 2, 1875, Withdrawing Public Land; FloridaJune 21, 19392468
23568179Amending Certain Provisions of the Civil Service RulesJune 21, 19392468
23578180Effective Date of Election by Retired Foreign Service Officers to Receive Reduced AnnuitiesJune 21, 19392475
23588181Amending the Foreign Service Regulations of the United StatesJune 22, 19392491
23598182Postponement of Effective Date of Certain Provisions of Executive Order No. 6166 of June 10, 1933June 28, 1939
23608183Excusing Federal Employees from Duty on July 3, 1939June 28, 19392699
23618184Amending Executive Order No. 7532 of January 8, 1937, Establishing the Shinnecock Migratory Bird RefugeJune 28, 19392699
23628185Administration of the Foreign Service Under Reorganization Plan No. IIJune 29, 19392749
23638186Transferring to the Federal Works Administrator the Functions Transferred to the Secretary of the Treasury by Executive Order No. 7641 of June 22, 1937June 29, 19392749
23648187Amendment of Subdivision VI, Schedule A. of the Civil Service RulesJune 29, 19392749
23658188Revocation of Executive Order No. 4539 of November 6, 1926, Withdrawing Public Lands; UtahJune 29, 19392749
23668189Amending the Foreign Service Regulations of the United StatesJuly 5, 19392783
23678190Placing the Committee for Reciprocity Information Under the Jurisdiction and Control of the Department of StateJuly 5, 19392785
23688191Placing the Goethals Memorial Commission Under the Jurisdiction and Control of the War DepartmentJuly 5, 19392785
23698192Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 2608 of May 4, 1917, and Rewithdrawal for Use by the Forest as an Addition to an Existing Administrative Site; AlaskaJuly 5, 19392785
23708193Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 5894 of July 26, 1932, Withdrawing Public Land; ColoradoJuly 5, 19392786
23718193-AAssignment of Frequencies to Government Radio StationsJuly 5, 19392897
23728194Placing the Federal Fire Council Under the Federal Works AgencyJuly 6, 19392786
23738195Exemption of Frederick S. Jackson from Compulsory Retirement for Age \July 7, 1939
23748196Amending the Foreign Service Regulations of the United StatesJuly 8, 19392911
23758197Regulations Pertaining to the Administration of the Act of May 3, 1939, Public No. 63, 76th Congress, 1st SessionJuly 11, 19392953
23768198Suspension of Eight-Hour Law as to Construction of Certain Emergency Air BasesJuly 11, 19392954
23778199Partial Revocation of Executive Orders of July 9, 1910, May 18, 1911, August 25, 1915, and May 22, 1917, Creating, Respectively, Coal Land Withdrawals Nos. 1, 6, 8, and 10July 11, 19392954
23788200Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 5886 of July 12, 1932, Withdrawing Public Lands; WyomingJuly 11, 19392955
23798201Amendment of Executive Order No. 7302 of February 21, 1936, Transferring Certain Lands to the Control and Jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Navy; Virgin IslandsJuly 11, 19392955
23808282Authorizing and Requesting the Federal Power Commission to Perform Certain Functions Relating to the Transmission of Electric Energy Between the United States and Foreign Countries and to the Exportation and Importation of Natural Gas from and Into the United StatesJuly 13, 19393243
23818203Transfer of Jurisdiction Over Certain Lands from the Secretary of Agriculture to the Secretary of WarJuly 13, 19393243
23828204Exemption of Michael E. Gorman from Compulsory Retirement for AgeJuly 14, 1939
23838205Authorizing the Initial Appointment of the Assistant Administrator of the Federal Security Agency and One Private Secretary to the Assistant Administrator Without Compliance With the Civil Service Rules, and Amending Schedule A of the Civil Service RulesJuly 14, 19393313
23848206Revocation of Executive Order No. 6432 of November 16, 1933, Withdrawing Public Lands; WyomingJuly 14, 19393313
23858207Exemption of Dr. George F. Bowerman from Compulsory Retirement for AgeJuly 17, 1939
23868208Exemption of Mrs. Frances S. Nichols from Compulsory Retirement for AgeJuly 17, 1939
23878209Exemption of William M. Smith from Compulsory Retirement for AgeJuly 17, 1939
23888210Amending the Foreign Service Regulations of the United StatesJuly 17, 19393367
23898211Revocation of Executive Order No. 5633 of May 28, 1931, Withdrawing Public LandsJuly 19, 19393395
23908212Reinstatement of Former Foreign Service Officer James J. Murphy, Jr.July 25, 1939
23918213Exemption of Erastus S. Hawkins from Compulsory Retirement for AgeJuly 25, 1939
23928214Providing Additional Time-Eligibility for Reinstatement Under Civil Service Rules of Certain Former Federal EmployeesJuly 25, 19393429
23938215Amendment of Section 15 of Executive Order No. 1888 of February 2, 1914, Prescribing General Conditions of Employment for Employees of the Panama Canal and the Panama Railroad Company on the Isthmus of PanamaJuly 25, 19393430
23948216Withdrawing Public Land and Water for Naval Purposes; AlaskaJuly 25, 19393430
23958217Exemption of George Middleton from Compulsory Retirement for AgeAugust 7, 1939
23968218Exemption of Herbert Vansant from Compulsory Retirement for AgeAugust 7, 1939
23978219Designating the Secretary of Agriculture as the Officer to Exercise the Rights of the United States Arising Out of the Ownership of the Capital Stock of the Commodity Credit CorporationAugust 7, 19393565
23988220Partial Revocation of Certain Executive Orders Creating Temporary Power-Site Withdrawals and Power-Site Reserves; OregonAugust 7, 19393565
23998221Further Amending Executive Order No. 7677-A, of July 26, 1937, as Amended, Entitled "Civilian Conservation Corps"August 21, 19393715
24008222Exempting Certain Positions from Salary ClassificationAugust 21, 19393715
24018223Modifying Executive Order No. 1919½ of April 21, 1914, and Reserving Certain Lands for Use of the Alaska Road Commission for Aviation Field Purposes; AlaskaAugust 21, 19393716
24028224Exemption of John P. Dunlop from Compulsory Retirement for AgeAugust 24, 1939
24038225Abolishing Customs Collection District Number 44 (Iowa); Extending Limits of Customs Collection District Number 39 (Chicago) to Include the State of Iowa; and Revoking the Designations of Des Moines, Iowa, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and Tulsa, Oklahoma, as Customs Ports of EntryAugust 24, 19393721
24048226Amending Section 15 of Executive Order No. 7845 of March 21, 1938, Prescribing Regulations Relating to Annual Leave of Government EmployeesAugust 24, 19393722
24058227Amending Section 18 of Executive Order No. 7846 of March 21, 1938, Prescribing Regulations Relating to Sick Leave of Government EmployeesAugust 24, 19393722
24068228Exemption of William T. Andrews from Compulsory Retirement for AgeAugust 24, 1939
24078229Promotion of Lieutenant Harry R. Lohman, District of Columbia Police Force, Without Regard to Civil Service RulesAugust 26, 1939
24088230Authorizing the Inspection of Certain Returns Made Under the Internal Revenue CodeAugust 28, 19393777
24098231Exemption of Edward M. Weeks from Compulsory Retirement for AgeAugust 31, 1939
24108232Control of the Panama Canal and the Canal ZoneSeptember 5, 19393812
24118233Prescribing Regulations Governing the Enforcement of the Neutrality of the United StatesSeptember 5, 19393822
24128234Prescribing Regulations Governing the Passage and Control of Vessels Through the Panama Canal in Any War in Which the United States is NeutralSeptember 5, 19393823
24138235Appointment of Mrs. Coey Custer Jones to Public Health Service Without Regard to Civil Service RulesSeptember 6, 1939
24148236Authorizing the Inspection of Certain Income Tax Withholding Returns by the Department of National Revenue, Ottawa, CanadaSeptember 6, 19393835
24158237Amending Subdivision XVI of Schedule A of the Civil Service RulesSeptember 6, 19393835
24168238Extending the Limits of the Customs Port of Entry of Baltimore, Maryland, in Customs Collection District Number 13 (Maryland), to Include Sparrows Point, MarylandSeptember 6, 19393835
24178239Power Site Restoration No. 492, Partial Revocation of Executive Orders of December 19, 1910, Creating Power Site Reserve No. 165 and of January 23, 1912, Creating Power Site Reserve No. 241September 6, 19393836
24188240Construction of Executive Order of September 16, 1889, Enlarging Fort Meade Wood and Timber Military Reservation; South DakotaSeptember 6, 19393836
24198241Revocation of Executive Order No. 6774 of June 30, 1934, Withdrawing Public Lands; WashingtonSeptember 6, 19393837
24208242Transfer of Miss Charlotta Gallap to Federal Communications Commission Without Regard to Civil Service RulesSeptember 7, 1939
24218243Prescribing Regulations Governing the Enforcement of the Neutrality of the United StatesSeptember 8, 19393863
24228244Authorizing an Increase in the Strength of the ArmySeptember 8, 19393863
24238245Authorizing Increases in the Enlisted Strengths of the Navy and the Marine CorpsSeptember 8, 19393863
24248246Making Funds Available for the Protection of American Citizens in Foreign Countries During the Existing EmergencySeptember 8, 19393863
24258247Authorizing Increases in the Personnel of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of JusticeSeptember 8, 19393864
24268248Establishing the Divisions of the Executive Office of the President and Defining Their Functions and DutiesSeptember 8, 19393864
24278249Prescribing Regulations Governing the Enforcement of the Neutrality of the United StatesSeptember 10, 19393889
24288250Revocation of Executive Order No. 2006 of July 30, 1914, Placing Certain Land Under the Jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Navy for Use as a Naval Radio StationSeptember 11, 19393890
24298251Regulations Governing the Entrance of Foreign and Domestic Aircraft Into the Canal Zone, and Navigation ThereinSeptember 12, 19393899
24308252Exemption of Samuel J. Gompers from Compulsory Retirement for AgeSeptember 14, 1939
24318253Exemption of Walter I. Swanton from Compulsory Retirement for AgeSeptember 18, 1939
24328254Authorizing Increases in the Personnel and Facilities of the United States Coast Guard, Treasury DepartmentSeptember 18, 19393983
24338255Transfer of Control and Jurisdiction Over Certain Lands from the Secretary of Agriculture to the Secretary of the InteriorSeptember 18, 19393983
24348256Exemption of Maurice C. Latta from Compulsory Retirement for AgeSeptember 20, 1939
24358257Authorizing Excepted Appointments to Meet Public ExigencySeptember 21, 19394023
24368258Amending Paragraph 7, Subdivision I, Schedule A of the Civil Service RulesSeptember 21, 19394023
24378259Exemption of Harry T. Edwards from Compulsory Retirement for AgeSeptember 21, 1939
24388260Exemption of James L. Hughes from Compulsory Retirement for AgeSeptember 21, 1939
24398261Amendment of Executive Order No. 7972 of September 15, 1938September 21, 19394043
24408262Exemption of Samuel A. Cottrell from Compulsory Retirement for AgeSeptember 26, 1939
24418263Exemption of William F. Mackenzie from Compulsory Retirement for AgeSeptember 26, 1939
24428264Appointment of Master Sergeant Morris Swett, United States Army Retired, as Librarian Without Compliance With Civil Service RulesSeptember 30, 1939
24438265Designation of the Director of the Bureau of Mines to Act as Secretary of the Interior, or as Under Secretary, First Assistant Secretary, or Assistant Secretary of the InteriorSeptember 30, 19394108
24448266Exempting Certain Positions from Salary ClassificationOctober 4, 19394167
24458267Amendment of Executive Order No. 7242 of December 6, 1935, Prescribing Regulations Governing Highways, Vehicles, and Vehicular Traffic in the Canal ZoneOctober 5, 19394183
24468268Exemption of George W. Stone from Compulsory Retirement for AgeOctober 9, 1939
24478269Amendment of Basic Exchange Rates Prescribed by Section 4 of Executive Order No. 7972 of September 15, 1938October 11, 19394241
24488270Exemption of Edward M. Neville from Compulsory Retirement for AgeOctober 16, 1939
24498271Amendment of Section 6 of Executive Order No. 8251 of September 12, 1939, Prescribing Regulations Governing the Entrance of Foreign and Domestic Aircraft Into the Canal Zone, and Navigation ThereinOctober 16, 19394277
24508272Amendment of Subdivision VII, Schedule A, Civil Service RulesOctober 16, 19394277
24518273Excepting Appointments in the United States Coronado Exposition Commission from the Requirements of the Civil Service Act and RulesOctober 21, 19394321
24528274Exemption of Edward A. Neill from Compulsory Retirement for AgeOctober 26, 1939
24538275Exemption of Harvey J. Zimmerman from Compulsory Retirement for AgeOctober 26, 1939
24548276Extension of Trust Periods on Indian Lands Expiring During Calendar Year 1940October 28, 19394444
24558277Transfer of Jurisdiction Over Certain Lands from the Secretary of Agriculture to the Secretary of War; OklahomaOctober 28, 19394444
24568278Withdrawing Public Land and Water for Naval Purposes; AlaskaOctober 28, 19394444
24578279Designation of the Director of the Bureau of Mines to Act as Secretary of the Interior, or as Under Secretary, First Assistant Secretary, or Assistant Secretary of the InteriorOctober 28, 19394445
24588280Amendment of Paragraph 4, Subdivision IV, Schedule B of the Civil Service RulesOctober 31, 19394453
24598281Amendment of Executive Order No. 8176 of June 21, 1939, Prescribing Regulations Governing the Grades and Ratings of Enlisted Men of the Regular Army for the Fiscal Year 1940November 1, 19394453
24608282Exemption of John S. Biggs from Compulsory Retirement for AgeNovember 9, 1939
24618283Amendment of Section 6 of Civil Service Rule IINovember 9, 19394565
24628284Prescribing the Duties of the Librarian Emeritus of the Library of CongressNovember 13, 19394603
24638285Appointment of George K. Briggs Without Regard to Civil Service RulesNovember 16, 1939
24648286Exemption of Hugh J. Murray from Compulsory Retirement for AgeNovember 16, 1939
24658287Exemption of Arthur H. Chase from Compulsory Retirement for AgeNovember 18, 1939
24668288Making Certain Changes in the Field Organization of the Customs Service in the State of TexasNovember 22, 19394691
24678289Establishing the Bosque del Apache National Wildlife RefugeNovember 22, 19394691
24688290Retirement of Foreign Service Officer Franklin B. AtwoodNovember 30, 1939
24698291Excusing Federal Employees from Duty on December 23 and 30, 1939November 30, 19394761
24708292Amending the Foreign Service Regulations of the United StatesNovember 30, 19394761
24718293Suspension of Eight-Hour Law as to Persons Employed by the Government in the Construction of Certain Emergency Air BasesNovember 30, 19394762
24728294Appointment of Admiral William D. Leahy, Governor of the Territory of Puerto Rico, as Administrator of the Puerto Rico Reconstruction AdministrationNovember 30, 19394763
24738295Partial Revocation of Executive Order of January 3, 1917, and June 16, 1925November 30, 19394763
24748296Changing the Name of the Pathfinder Wildlife Refuge and Adding Certain Lands TheretoNovember 30, 19394763
24758297Amending the Foreign Service Regulations of the United StatesDecember 4, 19394779
24768298Regulations Governing the Manner of Executing and Returning Commissions by Officers of the Foreign Service in Criminal Cases, and Schedule of Fees and Compensation in Such CasesDecember 4, 19394781
24778299Withdrawal of Public Lands; ColoradoDecember 4, 19394782
24788300Amendment of Section 2 (b) of Civil Service Rule VIIDecember 12, 19394847
24798301Authorizing and Directing Carroll L. Wilson, Special Assistant to the Secretary of Commerce, to Act as Director of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce During the Sickness or Absence of the DirectorDecember 12, 19394847
24808302Exemption of Frank Burke from Compulsory Retirement for AgeDecember 12, 1939
24818303Waiver of E.O. of Jan. 17, 1873, to Permit Huntington Cairns to Hold State OfficeDecember 13, 1939
24828304Revocation of Executive Order No. 2552 of March 21, 1917, Withdrawing Public Lands for Lighthouse Purposes; AlaskaDecember 19, 19394909
24838305Reserving Certain Public Lands for the Use of the War Department for Military Purposes; AlaskaDecember 19, 19394909
24848306Taxes and Licenses in the Canal ZoneDecember 19, 19394909
24858307Amending the Foreign Service Regulations of the United StatesDecember 19, 19394910
24868308Exemption of Gerrit S. Miller, Jr., from Compulsory Retirement for AgeDecember 19, 1939
24878309Exemption of Harry J. Morrison from Compulsory Retirement for AgeDecember 19, 1939
24888310Exemption of Louis C. Vogt from Compulsory Retirement for AgeDecember 19, 1939
24898311Exemption of Alexander McKeon from Compulsory Retirement for AgeDecember 19, 1939
24908312Exemption of David D. Caldwell from Compulsory Retirement for AgeDecember 21, 1939
24918313Appointment of Henry Schneider to Treasury Department Without Regard to Civil Service RulesDecember 22, 1939
24928314Exemption of John Kieley from Compulsory Retirement for AgeDecember 22, 1939
24938315Making Certain Changes in Customs Collection District No. 38; MichiganDecember 22, 19394941
24948316Authorizing the Initial Appointment to a Certain Position in the Wage and Hour Division, Department of Labor, Without Compliance With the Civil Service Rules, and Revoking in Part Executive Order No. 8027 of December 23, 1938December 27, 19394979


Relative No.Absolute No.Title / DescriptionDate signedFR Citation
24958317Amendment of Schedule B of the Civil Service RulesJanuary 10, 1940165
24968318Authorization of Committee on Education and Labor, United States Senate, to Inspect Income, Profits, and Capital Stock Tax Returns and Returns of Employment Tax on EmployersJanuary 10, 1940194
24978319Changing the Name of the Necedah Migratory Waterfowl Refuge and Adding Certain Lands Thereto; WisconsinJanuary 15, 1940207
24988320Amending the Description of the Aiea Military Reservation; Territory of HawaiiJanuary 15, 1940207
24998321Establishing the Battery Cove Military Reservation; VirginiaJanuary 15, 1940208
25008322Exemption of John M. Terwilliger from Compulsory Retirement for AgeJanuary 15, 1940
25018323Abolishing Customs Collection District No. 43 (Tennessee), Revoking the Designations of Memphis, Chattanooga, and Nashville, Tennessee, as Customs Ports of Entry, and Extending the Limits of Customs Collection District No. 42 (Kentucky) and Customs Collection District No. 45 (Saint Louis)January 22, 1940271
25028324Abolishing Customs Collection District No. 48 (Utah and Nevada), Revoking the Designation of Salt Lake City, Utah, as a Customs Port of Entry, and Extending the Limits of Customs Collection District No. 28 (San Francisco) to Include the States of Utah and NevadaJanuary 22, 1940271
25038325Withdrawal of Public Land for Use of the War Department; AlaskaJanuary 22, 1940271
25048326Exemption of William S. Garland from Compulsory Retirement for AgeJanuary 22, 1940
25058327Exemption of Dr. Mary B. Harris from Compulsory Retirement for AgeJanuary 22, 1940
25068328Exemption of Henry Clarke Hill from Compulsory Retirement for AgeJanuary 22, 1940
25078329Waiver of Time Limitation to Permit Reinstatement of Rural Carrier Van C. BrodrickJanuary 22, 1940
25088330Withdrawal of Public Land in Aid of Flood Control; AlaskaJanuary 24, 1940314
25098331Enlarging the Upper Mississippi River Wildlife and Fish Refuge; Minnesota and WisconsinJanuary 24, 1940314
25108332Withdrawal of Public Land for the Improvement of the Flood Channel of the Big Black River; MississippiJanuary 25, 1940315
25118333Amending Executive Order No. 5952 of November 23, 1932, Prescribing the Army RationJanuary 25, 1940315
25128334Authorizing the Archivist of the United States to Effect Initial Appointments to Certain Positions in the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library Without Regard to the Requirements of the Civil Service Act and RulesJanuary 25, 1940
25138335Extending the Limits of the Customs Port of Entry of Charleston, South Carolina, in Customs Collection District Number 16; South CarolinaJanuary 31, 1940429
25148336Revocation of Executive Order No. 3355 of November 19, 1920, Withdrawing Land for Use as an Administrative Site; AlaskaFebruary 3, 1940594
25158337Placing Certain Lands Under the Control and Jurisdiction of the Navy Department, the War Department, and the United States Public Health Service; Puerto RicoFebruary 3, 1940594
25168338Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 6795 of July 26, 1934, Withdrawing Public LandsFebruary 6, 1940625
25178339Authorizing the Civil Service Commission to Confer a Competitive Classified Civil-Service Status Upon Certain Employees Assigned to the Wage and Hour Division of the Department of LaborFebruary 6, 1940625
25188340Exemption of Frank E. Gass from Compulsory Retirement for AgeFebruary 8, 1940
25198341Revocation of Executive Order No. 8323 of January 22, 1940, Abolishing Customs Collection District No. 43 (Tennessee), Revoking the Designations of Memphis, Chattanooga, and Nashville, Tennessee, as Customs Ports of Entry, and Extending the Limits of Customs Collection District No. 42 (Kentucky) and Customs Collection District No. 45 (St. Louis)February 8, 1940643
25208342Withdrawal of Public Land in Aid of Flood Control; OklahomaFebruary 9, 1940653
25218343Withdrawal of Public Lands for Military Purposes; AlaskaFebruary 10, 1940654
25228344Withdrawal of Public Land for Classification; AlaskaFebruary 10, 1940654
25238345Exemption of Fred C. Bailey from Compulsory Retirement for AgeFebruary 12, 1940
25248346Amending the Foreign Service Regulations of the United StatesFebruary 12, 1940671
25258347Transferring the Use, Possession, and Control of Certain Lands to the Tennessee Valley Authority; AlabamaFebruary 12, 1940672
25268348Exemption of John E. White from Compulsory Retirement for AgeFebruary 12, 1940
25278349Exemption of Thomas E. McElree from Compulsory Retirement for AgeFebruary 14, 1940
25288350Exemption of Alexander E. Twomey from Compulsory Retirement for AgeFebruary 14, 1940
25298351Exemption of Sims Ely from Compulsory Retirement for AgeFebruary 25, 1940
25308352Amending Chapter IX of the Foreign Service Regulations of the United StatesFebruary 25, 1940819
25318353Restoring the Possession, Use, and Control of Certain Land to the Territory of HawaiiFebruary 25, 1940819
25328354Fort Kobbe Military Reservation; Canal ZoneFebruary 25, 1940820
25338355Transfer of Lands from the Idaho National Forest to the Salmon National Forest; IdahoFebruary 25, 1940827
25348356Rules of Precedence Relating to Foreign Service Officers and Other Officers of the United States GovernmentMarch 2, 1940949
25358357Administration of the Foreign Service Under Reorganization Plan No. IIMarch 2, 1940949
25368358Revocation of Executive Order No. 4308 of September 23, 1925, Withdrawing Public Lands for Classification; ArizonaMarch 2, 1940950
25378359Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 3406 of February 13, 1921, Withdrawing Lands for Lighthouse Purposes; AlaskaMarch 2, 1940951
25388360Amendment of Paragraph 1, Subdivision VI, Schedule B of the Civil Service RulesMarch 2, 1940951
25398361Amendment of Executive Order No. 6909 of November 21, 1934, Withdrawing Public Lands for Use in Connection With a Grazing Project; South DakotaMarch 2, 1940951
25408362Appointment of Archie L. Hardy to Social Security Board Without Compliance With Civil Service RulesMarch 2, 1940
25418363Amendment of Executive Order No. 8283 of November 9, 1939, Amending Section 6 of Civil Service Rule IIMarch 4, 1940952
25428364Revocation of Executive Order No. 5346 of May 9, 1930, Withdrawing Public Lands; MinnesotaMarch 4, 1940952
25438365Appointment of Mrs. Rose S. Rutledge to a Clerical Position in Agriculture DepartmentMarch 4, 1940
25448366Designating the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve SystemMarch 5, 1940985
25458367Extending the Limits of the Customs Port of Entry of Savannah, Georgia, in Customs Collection District Number 17 (Georgia)March 5, 1940985
25468368Exemption of Ales Hrdlicka from Compulsory Retirement for AgeMarch 7, 1940
25478369Exemption of Louis A. Simon from Compulsory Retirement for AgeMarch 7, 1940
25488370Appointment of Edith M. Watkins to Department of Justice Without Regard to Civil Service RulesMarch 8, 1940
25498371Amending Section 3 of Executive Order No. 8044 of January 31, 1939, and Appointing Attorney General Robert H. Jackson a Member of the Committee to Investigate and Report Methods for Selecting and Promoting Certain Personnel in Civil ServiceMarch 9, 19401029
25508372Modification of Executive Order No. 6957 of February 4, 1935, Withdrawing Public Lands; AlaskaMarch 9, 19401029
25518373Designating the Honorable Angel R. de Jesus as Acting Judge of the District Court of the United States for Puerto RicoMarch 9, 19401029
25528374Exemption of Charles F. Markey from Compulsory Retirement for AgeMarch 13, 1940
25538375Exemption of James F. Rogers from Compulsory Retirement for AgeMarch 13, 1940
25548376Placing Certain Lands Under the Control of the Secretary of the Interior; New MexicoMarch 13, 19401077
25558377Amending Executive Order No. 8356 Entitled "Rules of Precedence Relating to Foreign Service Officers and their Officers of the United States Government"March 18, 19401113
25568378Establishing an Airspace Reservation Over a Portion of the District of ColumbiaMarch 18, 19401114
25578379Amending the Foreign Service RegulationsMarch 19, 19401114
25588380Changing the Name of the Cold Springs Reservation to Cold Springs National Wildlife Refuge and Adding Certain Lands Thereto; OregonMarch 19, 19401115
25598381Defining Certain Vital Military and Naval Installations and EquipmentMarch 22, 19401147
25608382Amendment of Executive Order No. 8234 of September 5, 1939, Prescribing Regulations Governing the Passage and Control of Vessels Through the Panama Canal in Any War in Which the United States is NeutralMarch 25, 19401185
25618383Authorizing the Civil Service Commission to Confer a Classified Civil Service Status Upon Certain Employees of the Office of Indian Affairs In Accordance With Section 3 of Executive Order No. 7916 of June 24, 1938March 28, 19401233
25628384Prescribing Regulations Relating to Annual Leave of Government EmployeesMarch 29, 19401253
25638385Prescribing Regulations Relating to Sick Leave of Government EmployeesMarch 29, 19401256
25648386Exemption of John W. Kindle from Compulsory Retirement for AgeApril 4, 1940
25658387Partial Revocation of Executive Order of December 5, 1913April 4, 19401353
25668388Restoring Certain Land to the Use of the Territory of Hawaii and Setting Aside Certain Land in Lieu Thereof for Military Purposes of the United StatesApril 5, 19401361
25678389Amendment of Executive Order No. 6560, Dated January 15, 1934, Regulating Transactions in Foreign Exchange, Transfers of Credit, and the Export of Coin and Currency[13]April 10, 19401400
25688390Amending the Executive Order No. 9 of January 17, 1873, to Permit Employees of the Federal Government to Hold Certain Positions in the Schools and Universities of Any State, Territory, or MunicipalityApril 11, 19401411
25698391Exemption of Clifton E. Johnson from Compulsory Retirement for AgeApril 12, 1940
25708392Exemption of Zeke Johnson from Compulsory Retirement for AgeApril 12, 1940
25718393Restoring Certain Lands Comprising Part of the Makua Military Reservation to the Use of the Territory of HawaiiApril 12, 19401432
25728394Partial Revocation of Executive Order of June 8, 1866, Withdrawing Public Land; OregonApril 13, 19401443
25738395Authorizing appointment of Floyd E. Julian as a Rural Letter Carrier Without Regard to Civil Service RulesApril 17, 1940
25748396Amending the Foreign Service Regulations of the United StatesApril 18, 19401461
25758397Withdrawal of Public Lands in Aid of Legislation; IdahoApril 23, 19401557
25768398Prescribing Regulations Governing the Enforcement of the Neutrality of the United StatesApril 25, 19401570
25778399Amending the Executive Order No. 9 of January 17, 1873, to Permit Officers and Employees of the Social Security Board, Federal Security Agency, to Hold State, Territorial and Municipal Offices, Etc.April 29, 19401607
25788400Amending the Foreign Service Regulations of the United StatesApril 29, 19401627
25798401Exemption of Percy Nicholls from Compulsory Retirement for AgeMay 7, 1940
25808402Exemption of Nelson S. Thompson from Compulsory Retirement for AgeMay 7, 1940
25818403Establishing Los Angeles-Long Beach Harbor Naval Defensive Sea Area; CaliforniaMay 7, 19401661
25828404Authorizing the Civil Service Commission to Reopen Under Certain Conditions Examinations from Which Appointments May Be Made to Positions in the Social Security BoardMay 7, 19401661
25838405Amendment of Executive Order No. 8389 of April 10, 1940, Amending Executive Order No. 6560, Dated January 15, 1934May 10, 19401677
25848406Prescribing Regulations Governing the Enforcement of the Neutrality of the United StatesMay 11, 19401691
25858407Withdrawal of Public Land in Aid of Flood Control; LouisianaMay 10, 19401691
25868408Exemption of Huntt P. Larcombe from Compulsory Retirement for AgeMay 15, 1940
25878409Exemption of Jacob C. Lesher from Compulsory Retirement for AgeMay 15, 1940
25888410Exemption of Harry C. Oberholser from Compulsory Retirement for AgeMay 15, 1940
25898411Withdrawal of Public Land for the Use of the Alaska Road Commission; AlaskaMay 16, 19401811
25908412Exemption of Charles M. Eichelberger from Compulsory Retirement for AgeMay 17, 1940
25918413Exemption of Hurbert K. Bishop from Compulsory Retirement for AgeMay 18, 1940
25928414Exemption of William C. Shambaugh from Compulsory Retirement for AgeMay 18, 1940
25938415Appointment of Lyman A. Fillmen to a Classified Position in the Smithsonian Institution Without Regard to Civil Service RulesMay 20, 1940
25948416Authorizing Appointment of William T. Geurts as Senior Mediator, Maritime Labor Board Without Regard to Civil Service RulesMay 22, 1940
25958417Amendment of Rule 120 of Executive Order No. 4314 of September 25, 1925, Establishing Rules Governing Navigation of the Panama Canal and Adjacent Waters and the Exclusion of Persons from the Canal Zone, as Amended by Executive Order No. 5065 of February 28, 1929May 22, 19401943
25968418Appointment of Mrs. Jeanette M. Priester as Record Clerk at Navy Yard Without Regard to Civil Service RulesMay 24, 1940
25978419Partial Revocation of Executive Order of July 7, 1910, Creating Coal Land Withdrawal, Utah No. 1May 27, 19402093
25988420Exemption of James E. Harper from Compulsory Retirement for AgeMay 28, 1940
25998421Exemption of Joseph E. Reardon from Compulsory Retirement for AgeMay 28, 1940
26008422Exemption of James E. Harper from Compulsory Retirement for AgeMay 28, 1940
26018423Amendment of Section 2(b) of Civil Service Rule VIIMay 28, 19402099
26028424Amending Paragraph 7, Subdivision I, Schedule A of the Civil Service RulesMay 28, 19402099
26038425Amendment of Section 1(a) of Civil Service Rule IXMay 29, 19402099
26048426Waiver of Age Limit for Florence S. Ellenberger to Compete in Civil Service Examination as PostmasterJune 1, 1940
26058427Prescribing Rules and Regulations for the Administration of the Interbuilding Mail and Messenger ServiceJune 3, 19402131
26068428Revoking Executive Order No. 6228 of July 28, 1933, as to Custer Battlefield National CemeteryJune 3, 19402131
26078429Documents Required of Bona Fide Alien Seamen Entering the United StatesJune 5, 19402145
26088430Documents Required of Aliens Entering the United StatesJune 5, 19402146
26098431Revocation of Executive Order No. 6845 of September 11, 1934, Withdrawing Public Lands; ColoradoJune 8, 19402193
26108432Revocation of Executive Order No. 5208 of October 12, 1929, Withdrawing Public Lands; NevadaJune 8, 19402193
26118433Prescribing Regulations Governing the Enforcement of the Neutrality of the United StatesJune 10, 19402193
26128434Transferring the Control and Jurisdiction Over a Certain Tract of Land to the Federal Works Agency for Use of the Bureau of Customs, Treasury Department; TexasJune 10, 19402210
26138435Modifying Executive Order of November 21, 1916, Creating Power Site Reserve No. 565June 10, 19402211
26148436Appointment of Baird Snyder III to position of Deputy Administrator, Wage and Hour Division, Department of LaborJune 11, 19402211
26158437Power Site Restoration No. 493. Partial Revocation of Executive Order of November 22, 1924, Creating Power Site Reserve No. 759June 11, 19402221
26168438Extending the Provisions of the Civil Service Retirement Act to Employees of the Office of Legal Adviser, Department of StateJune 11, 1940
26178439Amending the Foreign Service Regulations of the United StatesJune 12, 19402221
26188440Amendment of Executive Order No. 7293 of February 14, 1936, as Amended, Prescribing Regulations Governing the Granting of Allowances for Quarters and Subsistence to Enlisted MenJune 12, 19402221
26198441Amendment of Paragraph 6, Subdivision VI, Schedule A of the Civil Service RulesJune 12, 19402222
26208442Revoking in Part Executive Order No. 6039 of February 20, 1933, and Reserving Certain Lands for Town Site Purposes; AlaskaJune 12, 19402222
26218443Directing the Secretary of the Treasury to Assemble Annually a Coast Guard Personnel BoardJune 14, 1940
26228444Establishing the Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge; MississippiJune 14, 19402251
26238445Amending Executive Order No. 8135 of May 15, 1939, Relating to Appeals from Decisions of the Auditor General of the Philippines to the President of the United StatesJune 15, 19402279
26248446Amendment of Executive Order No. 8389 of April 10, 1940, as AmendedJune 17, 19402279
26258447Authorizing the Civil Service Commission to Confer a Competitive Classified Civil-Service Status Upon Certain Employees of the Department of LaborJune 17, 19402301
26268448Exemption of Maitland S. Wright from Compulsory Retirement for AgeJune 18, 1940
26278449Amendment of Subdivision VIII, Schedule A of the Civil Service RulesJune 19, 19402315
26288450Withdrawal of Public Lands for Use of the War Department as a Bombing and Gunnery Range; CaliforniaJune 20, 19402329
26298451Appointment of Russell Sturgis to a Position in the Wage and Hour Division, Department of LaborJune 20, 19402329
26308452Exemption of Albert Clyde-Burton from Compulsory Retirement for AgeJune 20, 1940
26318453Exemption of Burnett Booker from Compulsory Retirement for AgeJune 21, 1940
26328454Regulations Governing the Allowance of Travel Expenses of Claimants and Beneficiaries of the Veterans' Administration, and Their AttendantsJune 26, 19402397
26338455Designating Additional Construction Agencies and Providing for the Planning and Programming of Construction Undertaken or Aided by the Federal GovernmentJune 26, 19402420
26348456Authorizing the Extension of Appointments of Certain Employees of the General Accounting OfficeJune 27, 1940
26358457Authorizing Certain Employees of the General Accounting Office to Acquire a Classified Civil-Service StatusJune 27, 1940
26368458Directing the Civil Service Commission to Establish a Replacement List of Non-Civil Service Employees for Use for Temporary Appointments to National Defense PositionsJune 27, 19402435
26378459Withdrawal of Public Lands for the Use of the Department of Agriculture; New MexicoJune 27, 19402435
26388460Modifying Executive Order of February 7, 1913, Creating Power Site Reserve No. 339June 27, 19402436
26398461Amendment of Executive Order No. 8099 of April 28, 1939, Relating to Administration of Benefits Provided by Act of Congress Approved April 3, 1939June 28, 19402436
26408461-AAuthorizing the Archivist of the United States to Make Certain Appointments to the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library without Regard to the Provisions of Civil-Service LawJune 28, 1940
26418462Appointment of Wilford S. Alexander as District Supervisor, Alcohol Tax Unit, Bureau of Internal RevenueJune 29, 1940
26428463Appointment of Charles Leo Milroy and James E. Spratt to Classified Positions Federal Works Agency Without Regard to Civil Service RulesJune 29, 1940
26438464Appointment of Mrs. Gertrude S. Cooper as Superintendent of Vanderbilt Mansion, National Park Service, Without Regard to Civil Service RulesJune 29, 1940
26448465Regulations Governing Certifications of the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy With Respect to Special Additional Equipment and Facilities Required to Facilitate Construction of Naval Vessels and Army and Navy AircraftJune 29, 19402453
26458466Appointment of Leland L. Tolman and H. Fred Martin, Jr., to Legal Positions in Administrative Office, U.S. Courts, Without Regard to Civil Service RulesJuly 1, 1940
26468467Amending Section 7 of Executive Order No. 7916 of June 24, 1938, Extending the Competitive Classified Civil ServiceJuly 1, 19402468
26478468Withdrawal of Public Lands for Classification and in Aid of Legislation; LouisianaJuly 1, 19402468
26488469Appointment of John F. Harry as Regional Director, Social Security Board, Without Regard to Civil Service RulesJuly 3, 1940
26498470Accepting a Conveyance of Certain Lands on Government Island from the City of Alameda, California, and Placing Such Lands Under the Jurisdiction and Control of the Federal Works AgencyJuly 8, 19402519
26508471Transfer of Jurisdiction Over Certain Lands from the Secretary of Agriculture to the Secretary of the InteriorJuly 8, 19402519
26518472Amendment of Executive Order No. 7975 of September 16, 1938, Transferring Jurisdiction Over Certain Lands from the Secretary of Agriculture to the Secretary of the InteriorJuly 8, 19402520
26528473Transfer of Jurisdiction Over Certain Lands from the Secretary of Agriculture to the Secretary of the InteriorJuly 8, 19402520
26538474Appointment of Newton B. Drury as Director of National Park Service Without Regard to Civil Service RulesJuly 9, 1940
26548475Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 924 of August 8, 1908, Establishing the Klamath Lake Reservation; OregonJuly 10, 19402541
26558476Waiver of Time Limitations in Civil Service Rule IX to Permit Reinstatement of Mrs. Martha Overstreet as Clerk in Post OfficeJuly 10, 1940
26568477Exemption of Samuel Cohn from Compulsory Retirement for AgeJuly 10, 1940
26578478Authorizing Certain Appointments to Positions in the Welfare Unit, Public Buildings Administration, Without Regard to Civil Service RulesJuly 10, 1940
26588479Transferring Certain Lands from the Secretary of Agriculture to the Secretary of the Interior and Reserving Them as a Part of the Necedah National Wildlife RefugeJuly 11, 19402557
26598480Excluding Certain Land from the Chugach National Forest and Reserving it for Townsite Purposes; AlaskaJuly 12, 19402558
26608481Exemption of Ernest G. Dodge from Compulsory Retirement for AgeJuly 12, 1940
26618482Appointment of Norman H. Stevens As a Rural Letter Carrier Without Regard to Civil Service RulesJuly 13, 1940
26628483Exemption of Louis Loebl from Compulsory Retirement for AgeJuly 16, 1940
26638484Amendment of Executive Order No. 8389 of April 10, 1940, as AmendedJuly 15, 19402586
26648485Appointment of Peres D. Ziegler as a Rural Letter Carrier Without Regard to Civil Service RulesJuly 16, 1940
26658486Modification of Executive Order No. 7515 of December 16, 1936, Withdrawing Public Land for Use of the War Department; ArizonaJuly 16, 19402607
26668487Designating the Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve SystemJuly 18, 19402629
26678488Appointment of Walter Kuhn as Guard in Public Buildings Administration Without Regard to Civil Service RulesJuly 18, 1940
26688489Exemption of William M. Smith from Compulsory Retirement for AgeJuly 18, 1940
26698490Authorizing the Inspection by Certain Officials of the District of Columbia, Alaska, Hawaii, the Philippine Islands, and Puerto Rico of Certain Returns Made Under the Internal Revenue Code and of Income, Excess-Profits, and Capital Stock Tax Returns Filed Under the Revenue Act of 1938 or Prior Revenue Acts, Estate and Gift Tax Returns Filed After June 16, 1933, and Returns Under Title IX of the Social Security ActJuly 20, 19402645
26708491Exemption of William F. Yates from Compulsory Retirement for AgeJuly 23, 1940
26718492Withdrawal of Public Land for Fire Lookout Station; CaliforniaJuly 23, 19402667
26728493Amendment of Executive Order No. 8389 of April 10, 1940, as AmendedJuly 25, 19402668
26738494Authorizing the Civil Service Commission to Confer a Competitive Classified Civil Service Status on Five Employees in the Disbursing Office of the Division of Disbursement of the Treasury at Honolulu, Territory of HawaiiJuly 25, 19402681
26748495Designation of Agencies for the Purpose of Carrying Out the Provisions of Section 40 of the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act, Fiscal Year 1941July 26, 19402682
26758496Modifying Executive Order of March 28, 1924, Creating Reservoir Site Reserve No. 16July 26, 19402682
26768497Exemption of Maurice C. Latta from Compulsory Retirement for AgeJuly 26, 1940
26778498Transferring to the Control and Jurisdiction of the Treasury Department the Remaining Part of the Site of the Naval Reservation on Ediz Hook, Port Angeles, WashingtonJuly 27, 19402699
26788499Modifying Executive Order of September 5, 1914, Creating Power Site Reserve No. 454July 30, 19402713
26798500Modifying Executive Order of December 12, 1917, Creating Power Site Reserve No. 661July 30, 19402713
26808501Transferring the Fort Howard Military Reservation, Maryland, to the Control and Jurisdiction of the Veterans AdministrationAugust 2, 19402753
26818502Regulations Governing the Grades and Ratings of Enlisted Men of the Regular Army for the Fiscal Year 1941August 3, 19402767
26828503Exemption of Zebedee La Pelle from Compulsory Retirement for AgeAugust 3, 1940
26838504Exemption of James E. Amos from Compulsory Retirement for AgeAugust 7, 1940
26848505Excluding Certain Land from the Chugach National Forest and Withdrawing the Unreserved Portion for Townsite Purposes; AlaskaAugust 7, 19402806
26858506Excluding Certain Tracts of Land from the Chugach and Tongass National Forests and Restoring Them to Entry; AlaskaAugust 8, 19402817
26868507Withdrawal of Public Lands for the War Department; CaliforniaAugust 8, 19402817, 3652
26878508Withdrawal of Public Land for the War Department; FloridaAugust 8, 19402818
26888509Establishing the Missouri Wildlife Management Area; MissouriAugust 8, 19402818
26898510Establishing the Carolina Sandhills Wildlife Management Area; South CarolinaAugust 8, 19402819
26908511Transferring Jurisdiction and Control Over Certain Land on the Island of St. Croix, Virgin Islands, from the Department of the Interior to the War DepartmentAugust 9, 19402819
26918512Regulations Pertaining to Budgetary Administration and Financial ReportingAugust 13, 19402850
26928513Authorizing Appointments of Neal Smith, William T. Bie, Charles L. Milroy, William S. De Groff, and Cornelius Lynch to Positions in the Public Buildings AdministrationAugust 12, 1940
26938514Authorizing the Civil Service Commission to Permit Transfers During Probation to Appropriate Positions Directly Concerned With the National Defense ProgramAugust 13, 19402857
26948515Setting Aside an Area Within the Canal Zone to Preserve and Conserve Its Natural Features for Scientific Observation and InvestigationAugust 13, 19402857
26958516Suspending and Making Inoperative the Executive Order No. 9 of January 17, 1873, as Amended, Insofar as the United States Civil Service Commission Shall, by Regulation, Authorize Appointments to Positions Directly Concerned with National DefenseAugust 15, 19402881
26968517Changing the Name of the Delta Migratory Waterfowl Refuge to Delta National Wildlife Refuge and Adding Certain Lands; LouisianaAugust 16, 19402882
26978518Modification of Executive Order No. 2123 of January 20, 1915, Reserving Certain Public Land as a Native Bird Refuge; WashingtonAugust 16, 19402882
26988519Certain Townsite Lots for the Use of the Forest Service; WyomingAugust 16, 19402882
26998520Exemption of George F. McDade from Compulsory Retirement for AgeAugust 20, 1940
27008521Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 4203 of April 14, 1925; CaliforniaAugust 20, 19402955
27018522Authorizing Appointment of Anna F. Smith to a Custodial Position in the Post Office Without Regard to Civil Service RulesAugust 22, 1940
27028523Regulations Governing the Payment of Additional Compensation to Enlisted Men of the Coast Guard Specially Qualified in the Use of ArmsAugust 22, 19403173
27038524Exemption of J. Brent Clarke from Compulsory Retirement for AgeAugust 26, 1940
27048525Exemption of Harry T. Edwards from Compulsory Retirement for AgeAugust 26, 1940
27058526Coordinating the Electrical Facilities of Grand Coulee Dam Project and Bonneville ProjectAugust 26, 19403390
27068527Transferring from the War Department to the Treasury Department Certain Land Comprising a Part of Sand Island Military Reservation, Territory of HawaiiAugust 27, 19403403
27078528Extending the Limits of the Customs Port of Entry of Kansas City, Missouri, in Customs Collection District Number 45 (St. Louis)August 27, 19403403
27088529Revocation of Executive Order No. 4901 of June 4, 1928, Withdrawing Public Land for Classification and in Aid of Legislation; New MexicoAugust 27, 19403403
27098530Ordering Certain Units and Members of the National Guard of the United States Into the Active Military Service of the United StatesAugust 31, 19403501
27108531Amending Executive Order No. 7908 of June 9, 1938, Transferring Certain Lands to the Secretary of Agriculture for Use, Administration, and Disposition Under Title III of the Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant ActAugust 31, 19403539
27118532Amending Paragraph 1 of Executive Order No. 8458 of June 27, 1940, Directing the Civil Service Commission to Establish a Replacement List of Non-Civil Service Employees for Use for Temporary Appointments to National-Defense PositionsSeptember 4, 19403589
27128533Designating the Secretary of the Treasury to Act in Respect of Any Bonds, Notes, or Other Securities Acquired on Behalf of the United States Under the Provisions of the Transportation Act, 1920, as AmendedSeptember 6, 19403601
27138534Amending Schedules A and B of the Civil Service RulesSeptember 6, 19403601
27148535Amending the Foreign Service Regulations of the United StatesSeptember 6, 19403606
27158536Establishing San Clemente Island Naval Defensive Sea Area; CaliforniaSeptember 6, 19403606
27168537Appointment of Certain Experts to Antitrust Division, Justice Department, Without Regard to Civil Service RulesSeptember 11, 1940
27178538Exemption of Z. Lewis Dalby from Compulsory Retirement for AgeSeptember 12, 1940
27188539Exemption of Herbert A. Howell from Compulsory Retirement for AgeSeptember 14, 1940
27198540Revoking in Part Executive Order No. 8344 of February 10, 1940, and Reserving Public Land for Use as an Air Navigation Site; AlaskaSeptember 14, 19403700
27208541Designation of the Assistant Secretary of Commerce and the Solicitor of Commerce to Act as Secretary of CommerceSeptember 17, 19403745
27218542Appointment of Harold Ambrose to a Classified Position in the Post Office Department Without Regard to Civil Service RulesSeptember 18, 1940
27228543Exemption of Samuel J. Gompers from Compulsory Retirement for AgeSeptember 18, 1940
27238544Transfer of Lands from the Lolo National Forest to the Helena National Forest; MontanaSeptember 19, 19403761
27248545Selective Service RegulationsSeptember 23, 19403779
27258546Creating the Defense Communications Board and Defining Its Functions and DutiesSeptember 24, 19403817, 3827
27268547Amending the Foreign Service Regulations of the United StatesSeptember 24, 19403818
27278548Establishing the North Carolina Wildlife Management Area; North CarolinaSeptember 24, 19403819
27288549Designating the Secretary of the Treasury to Accept on Behalf of the United States a Certain Tract of Land Authorized to be Conveyed to the United States by the Legislature of Puerto RicoSeptember 24, 19403820
27298550Modification of Executive Order No. 3271 of May 11, 1920, Withdrawing Public Lands; UtahSeptember 24, 19403820
27308551Ordering Certain Units and Members of the National Guard of the United States Into the Active Military Service of the United StatesSeptember 25, 19403820
27318552Exemption of George W. Stose from Compulsory Retirement for AgeSeptember 25, 1940
27328553Designating Lieutenant Colonel Lewis B. Hershey to Perform Certain Duties Under the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940September 28, 19403887
27338554Exemption of William T. Andrews from Compulsory Retirement for AgeSeptember 28, 1940
27348555Exemption of Samuel A. Cottrell from Compulsory Retirement for AgeSeptember 28, 1940
27358556Transferring the Use, Possession, and Control of Certain Lands to the Tennessee Valley Authority; AlabamaSeptember 28, 19403869
27368557Prescribing Regulations Governing the Payment of Expenses Incurred in Connection With the Death of Certain Civilian Officers and Employees of the United StatesSeptember 30, 19403888
27378558Transferring Certain Lands to the Secretary of Agriculture for Use, Administration, and Disposition Under Title III of the Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant ActOctober 1, 19403898
27388559Designating Colonel Lewis B. Hershey to Perform Certain Duties Under the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940October 4, 19403923
27398560Selective Service Regulations, Volume 3October 4, 19403923
27408561Selective Service Regulations, Volume 5October 4, 19403935
27418562Exemption of James L. Hughes from Compulsory Retirement for AgeOctober 8, 1940
27428563Amendment of Subdivision VII, Schedule A, Civil Service RulesOctober 8, 19404049
27438564Amendment of Executive Order No. 8257 of September 21, 1939, Authorizing Excepted Appointments to Meet Public ExigencyOctober 8, 19404049
27448565Amendment of Executive Order No. 8389 of April 10, 1940, as AmendedOctober 10, 19404062
27458566Amending the Foreign Service Regulations of the United StatesOctober 15, 19404107
27468567Providing for the Administration of the Act Entitled "An Act to Authorize the President to Requisition Certain Articles and Materials for the Use of the United States, and for Other Purposes"October 15, 19404121
27478568Establishing the St. Lawrence Advisory Committee and Providing for a Preliminary Investigation of International Rapids Section, St. Lawrence RiverOctober 16, 19404121
27488569Designating the Director of Selective Service to Perform Certain Duties and Functions Under the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940October 17, 19404121
27498570Selective Service Regulations, Volume 6October 18, 19404164
27508571Transfer of Control and Jurisdiction Over Certain Lands from the Secretary of Agriculture to the Secretary of the Interior; OklahomaOctober 19, 19404187
27518572Authorizing the Priorities Board and the Administration of Priorities to Perform Certain Functions Under Section 2 (a) of the Act of June 28, 1940October 21, 19404199
27528573Reserving Public Land for Town-Site Purposes; AlaskaOctober 21, 19404199
27538574Selective Service Regulations, Volume 4October 22, 19404209
27548575Establishing the Thief Valley National Wildlife Refuge; OregonOctober 22, 19404213
27558576Labor RegulationsOctober 29, 19404311
27568577Withdrawing Public Land for Use of the War Department; AlaskaOctober 29, 19404313
27578578Withdrawal of Public Land for Use of the War Department as an Aerial Bombing and Gunnery Range; NevadaOctober 29, 19404313
27588579Withdrawal of Public Land for Use of the War Department as an Aerial Bombing and Gunnery Range; UtahOctober 29, 19404314
27598580Extension of Trust Periods on Indian Lands Expiring During Calendar Year 1941October 29, 19404314
27608581Exemption of Andrew McClellan from Compulsory Retirement for AgeOctober 31, 1940
27618582Exemption of Hervey G. Mooney from Compulsory Retirement for AgeOctober 31, 1940
27628583Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 5836 of July 12, 1932, Withdrawing Public LandsNovember 1, 19404343
27638584Exemption of Frank Burke from Compulsory Retirement for AgeNovember 7, 1940
27648585Amending Paragraph 7, Subdivision I, Schedule A of the Civil Service RulesNovember 7, 19404425
27658586Authorizing the Inspection by Receivers, and Trustees in Bankruptcy, and Their Duly Constituted Attorneys in Fact, of Certain Returns Made Under the Internal Revenue Code and of Income, Excess-Profits, and Capital Stock Tax Returns Filed Under the Revenue Act of 1938 or Prior Revenue Acts, Gift Tax Returns Filed After June 16, 1933, and Returns Under Title IX of the Social Security ActNovember 7, 19404444
27668587Amending Certain Provisions of the Civil Service RulesNovember 7, 19404445
27678588Prescribing Regulations Governing the Payment of Expenses of Transportation of Household Goods and Personal Effects of Certain Civilian Officers and Employees of the United StatesNovember 7, 19404448
27688589Modifying Executive Order of October 27, 1914, Creating Power Site Reserve No. 461November 7, 19404449
27698590Fixing the Number of Men to Be Inducted Into the Land Forces of the United States Prior to July 1, 1941, and Directing Their Selection and InductionNovember 8, 19404449
27708591Withdrawal of Public Land in Aid of Flood Control; ArkansasNovember 8, 19404450
27718592Changing the Name of the Lake Bowdoin Migratory Waterfowl Refuge to Bowdoin National Wildlife Refuge and Adding Certain Lands Thereto; MontanaNovember 12, 19404478
27728593Prescribing Regulations Governing the Enforcement of the Neutrality of the United StatesNovember 15, 19404525
27738594Ordering Certain Units and Members of the National Guard of the United States Into the Active Military Service of the United StatesNovember 16, 19404557
27748595Amendment of Executive Order No. 8502 of August 3, 1940, Prescribing Regulations Governing the Grades and Ratings of Enlisted Men of the Regular Army for the Fiscal Year 1941November 18, 19404558
27758596Modifying Executive Order No. 3825 of April 14, 1923, and Setting Apart Certain Lands for Aviation Field Purposes; AlaskaNovember 18, 19404558
27768597Establishing Sitka Naval Airspace Reservation and Kodiak Naval Airspace Reservation; AlaskaNovember 18, 19404559
27778598Reserving Certain Public Lands as Administrative Sites for the Cabeza Prieta Game Range and the Kofa Game Range; ArizonaNovember 18, 19404559
27788599Transferring the Use, Possession, and Control of Certain Property to the Tennessee Valley Authority; MississippiNovember 18, 19404559
27798600Changing the Name of the Minidoka Wildlife Refuge to Minidoka National Wildlife Refuge and Adding Certain Lands Thereto; IdahoNovember 20, 19404623
27808601Enlarging the Mud Lake National Wildlife Refuge; MinnesotaNovember 20, 19404623
27818602Extending the Period of Eligibility on Civil Service Registers of Persons Who Serve in the Armed Forces of the United StatesNovember 25, 19404673
27828603Exemption of James C. Wynde from Compulsory Retirement for AgeNovember 26, 1940
27838604Partial Revocation of Certain Executive Orders Creating Public Water ReservesNovember 30, 19404771
27848605Ordering Certain Units and Members of the National Guard of the United States Into the Active Military Service of the United StatesNovember 30, 19404795
27858606Definition of Noncombatant Training and ServiceDecember 6, 19404887
27868606-AAmendment of Executive Order No. 7972 of September 15, 1938, Prescribing Currency Exchange Rates in LuxembergDecember 6, 1940
27878607Prescribing Regulations Governing the Exportation of Articles and Materials Designated in the President's Proclamation of December 10, 1940, Issued Pursuant to the Provisions of Section 6 of the Act of Congress Approved July 2, 1940December 10, 19404903
27888608Appointment of Mary Elizabeth Huber to Franklin D. Roosevelt Library Without Regard to Civil Service RulesDecember 11, 1940
27898609Exemption of Arthur W. Exline from Compulsory Retirement for AgeDecember 11, 1940
27908610Exemption of Roberta L. Lindsey from Compulsory Retirement for AgeDecember 11, 1940
27918611Exemption of Acheson F. Hassan from Compulsory Retirement for AgeDecember 15, 1940
27928612Amendment of Executive Order No. 8572 of October 21, 1940, Authorizing the Priorities Board and the Administrator of Priorities to Perform Certain Functions Under Section 2(a) of the Act of June 28, 1940December 15, 19405143
27938613Excusing Federal Employees from Duty on December 24, 1940December 16, 19405143
27948614Authorizing Initial Appointments to the Positions of Director and Assistant Director of the Bureau of Water Carriers of the Interstate Commerce Commission Without Compliance With the Service RulesDecember 18, 19405143
27958615Exemption of Maurice A. Emerson from Compulsory Retirement for AgeDecember 19, 1940
27968616Placing Palmyra Island, Territory of Hawaii, Under the Control and Jurisdiction of the Secretary of the NavyDecember 19, 19405215
27978617Prescribing Regulations Governing the Exportation of Articles and Materials Designated in the President's Proclamation of December 20, 1940, Issued Pursuant to the Provisions of Section 6 of the Act of Congress Approved July 2, 1940December 20, 19405230
27988618Ordering Certain Units and Members of the National Guard of the United States Into the Active Military Service of the United StatesDecember 23, 19405255
27998619Designating the Director of Selective Service to Perform Certain Functions and Duties Under the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940December 23, 19405255
28008620Amending Subdivision IX of Schedule A of the Civil Service Rules \December 23, 19405256
28018621Revoking in Part Proclamation No. 1519 of April 16, 1919, and Reserving Certain Lands for Aviation Purposes; AlaskaDecember 27, 19405275
28028622Reserving Certain Public Lands in Connection With the Squaw Creek Antelope Range and Wildlife Refuge; WashingtonDecember 27, 19405275
28038623Suspension of Eight-Hour Law as to Persons Employed by the Government in the Construction of Certain Army and Navy Bases in British Possessions in the Atlantic OceanDecember 31, 194013
28048624Making Certain Changes in the Organization of Customs Collection District No. 26 (Arizona)December 31, 194013


Relative No.Absolute No.Title / DescriptionDate signedFR Citation
28058625Exemption of Frank Frayser from Compulsory Retirement for Age[14]January 4, 1941
28068626Exemption of Henry L. Schmidt from Compulsory Retirement for AgeJanuary 4, 1941
28078627Ordering Certain Units and Members of the National Guard of the United States Into the Active Military Service of the United StatesJanuary 4, 1941117
28088628Exemption of Walter C. Mendenhall from Compulsory Retirement for AgeJanuary 4, 1941
28098629Establishing the Office of Production Management in the Executive Office of the President and Defining Its Functions and DutiesJanuary 7, 1941191
28108630Exemption of David D. Caldwell from Compulsory Retirement for AgeJanuary 7, 1941
28118631Prescribing Regulations Governing the Exportation of Articles and Materials Designated in the President's Proclamation of January 10, 1941, Issued Pursuant to the Provisions of Section 6 of the Act of Congress Approved July 2, 1940, and Amending Regulations of July 2, 1940, Covering the Exportation of Certain Articles and MaterialsJanuary 10, 1941293
28128632Coordination of National Defense HousingJanuary 11, 1941295
28138633Ordering Certain Units and Members of the National Guard of the United States Into the Active Military Service of the United StatesJanuary 14, 1941415, 729
28148634Authorizing Certain Employees in the Public Buildings Administration, Federal Works Agency, to Acquire a Classified Civil Service Status, or an Unclassified Status Under the Labor RegulationsJanuary 14, 1941416
28158635Partial Revocation of Executive Order of July 9, 1910, Creating Coal Land Withdrawal, Montana No. 1January 14, 1941417
28168636Withdrawal of Public Lands for the Use of the War Department; NevadaJanuary 14, 1941417, 729
28178637Exemption of Joshua G. Hefty from Compulsory Retirement for AgeJanuary 14, 1941
28188638Authorizing Certain Employees of the Rural Electrification Administration to Acquire a Competitive Classified StatusJanuary 14, 1941455
28198639Revoking the Designation of Unalaska, Alaska, as a Customs Port of EntryJanuary 14, 1941455
28208640Additional Regulations Governing the Exportation of Articles and Materials Described in Certain Proclamations of the PresidentJanuary 15, 1941455
28218641Amending Section VIII, Volume One of the Selective Service RegulationsJanuary 18, 1941563
28228642Modification of Executive Order No. 8442 of June 12, 1940, Reserving Certain Public Lands for Town-site Purposes; AlaskaJanuary 21, 1941564, 582
28238643Amendment of Executive Order No. 7302 of February 21, 1936, Transferring Certain Lands to the Control and Jurisdiction of the Secretary of the NavyJanuary 21, 1941581
28248644Establishing the Evanston National Wildlife Refuge; WyomingJanuary 21, 1941582
28258645Establishing the Kit Carson National Wildlife Refuge; ColoradoJanuary 22, 1941591
28268646Establishing the San Andres National Wildlife Refuge; New MexicoJanuary 22, 1941592
28278647Establishing the Havasu Lake National Wildlife Refuge; Arizona and CaliforniaJanuary 22, 1941592, 771
28288648Changing the Name of the Killcohook Migratory Bird Refuge to Killcohook National Wildlife Refuge and Adding Certain Lands Thereto; Delaware and New JerseyJanuary 23, 1941599
28298649Withdrawing Public Land for the Use of the Department of State; New MexicoJanuary 23, 1941599
28308650Changing the Name of the Kellys Slough Migratory Waterfowl Refuge to Kellys Slough National Wildlife Refuge and Adding Certain Lands TheretoJanuary 23, 1941599
28318651Withdrawal of the Public Lands for the Use of the War Department; OregonJanuary 23, 1941600
28328652Reserving Public Lands for the Use of the War Department; UtahJanuary 28, 1941655
28338653Mrs. Florence Bankhead Appointed Chief of National Memorials and Historic Sites, National Park ServiceJanuary 28, 1941
28348654Revoking the Designation of Molson, Washington, as a Customs Port of EntryJanuary 29, 1941705
28358655Revoking in Part Executive Order No. 8344 of February 10, 1940, and Reserving Public Land for Use as an Addition to an Air Navigation Site; Alaska727
28368656Exemption of Ovilup H. George from Compulsory Retirement for AgeFebruary 3, 1941
28378657Extending the Classification Act of 1923, as Amended, to Certain Positions in the Navy Department and Establishing a Salary Differential ThereforeFebruary 3, 1941769
28388658Establishing the Prairie Lake National Wildlife Refuge; North DakotaFebruary 3, 1941769
28398659Establishing the Pretty Rock National Wildlife Refuge; North DakotaFebruary 3, 1941770
28408660Establishing the Snyder Lake National Wildlife Refuge; North DakotaFebruary 3, 1941770
28418661Establishing the Springwater National Wildlife Refuge; North DakotaFebruary 3, 1941770
28428662Establishing the Stewart Lake National Wildlife Refuge; North DakotaFebruary 3, 1941770
28438663Establishing Stoney Slough National Wildlife Refuge; North DakotaFebruary 3, 1941771
28448664Establishing the Sunburst Lake National Wildlife Refuge; North DakotaFebruary 3, 1941771
28458665Establishing Tomahawk National Wildlife Refuge; North DakotaFebruary 3, 1941771
28468666Establishing White Lake National Wildlife Refuge; North DakotaFebruary 3, 1941771
28478667Establishing the Wintering River National Wildlife Refuge; North DakotaFebruary 3, 1941771
28488668Prescribing Regulations Governing the Exportation of Articles and Materials Designated in the President's Proclamation of February 4, 1941, Issued Pursuant to Section 6 of the Act of Congress Approved July 2, 1940, and Amending Regulations of January 15, 1941, Covering the Exportation of Certain Articles and MaterialsFebruary 4, 1941781
28498669Prescribing Regulations Governing the Exportation of Articles and Materials Designated in Proclamation No. 2449 of December 10, 1940February 4, 1941782, 937
28508670Exemption of Clarence E. Ingling from Compulsory Retirement for AgeFebruary 4, 1941
28518671Authorizing the Procurement Division to Use Tungsten Ore Acquired Pursuant to the Act of June 7, 1939February 4, 1941805
28528672Amending the Foreign Service Regulations of the United StatesFebruary 4, 1941805
28538673Designating the Robert Fechner Memorial Forest; VirginiaFebruary 5, 1941831
28548674Amendment of Executive Order No. 7293 of February 14, 1936, as Amended, Prescribing Regulations Governing the Granting of Allowances for Quarters and Subsistence to Enlisted MenFebruary 6, 1941831
28558675Authorizing the Director of Selective Service to Establish or Designate Work of National Importance Under Civilian Direction for Persons Conscientiously Opposed to Combatant and Non-Combatant Service in the Land or Naval Forces of the United StatesFebruary 6, 1941831
28568676Exemption of Alexander W. Weddel from Compulsory Retirement for AgeFebruary 7, 1941
28578677Employment of the Land and Naval Forces in the Control of Vessels in the Territorial Waters of the United States and the Canal ZoneFebruary 11, 1941935
28588678Placing Certain Lands Under the Control and Jurisdiction of the Navy Department, the War Department, and the United States Public Health Service; Puerto RicoFebruary 11, 1941935
28598679Authorizing Initial Appointments to the Positions of Assistant Director of the Naval Civilian Police Corps of the Navy Department Without Compliance With the Civil Service RulesFebruary 13, 1941959
28608680Establishing Naval Defensive Sea Areas Around and Naval Airspace Reservations Over the Islands of Kiska and Unalaska; AlaskaFebruary 14, 19411014
28618681Establishing Kaneohe Bay Naval Defensive Sea Area and Kaneohe Bay Naval Airspace Reservation; HawaiiFebruary 14, 19411014
28628682Establishing Naval Defensive Sea Areas Around and Naval Airspace Reservations Over the Islands of Palmyra, Johnston, Midway, Wake, and Kingman Reef; Pacific OceanFebruary 14, 19411015
28638683Establishing Naval Defensive Sea Areas Around and Naval Airspace Reservations Over the Islands of Rose, Tutuila, and Guam; Pacific OceanFebruary 14, 19411015
28648684Establishing Culebra Island Naval Defensive Sea Area and Culebra Island Naval Airspace Reservation; Puerto RicoFebruary 14, 19411016
28658685Establishing the Imperial National Wildlife Refuge; Arizona and CaliforniaFebruary 14, 19411016
28668686Certain Personnel Transferred from U.S. Maritime Commission to Interstate Commerce CommissionFebruary 17, 1941
28678687Amending Subdivision XIX of Schedule A of the Civil Service RulesFebruary 17, 19411063
28688688Prescribing Regulations Governing the Granting of Allowances for Quarters to Certain Enlisted Men of the Army of the United StatesFebruary 19, 19411083
28698689Amending the Foreign Service Regulations of the United StatesFebruary 19, 19411083
28708690Exemption of John M. Terwilliger from Compulsory Retirement for AgeFebruary 19, 1941
28718691Withdrawal of Public Land for Forest Lookout Station; OregonFebruary 20, 19411111
28728692Exemption of Edgar M. Cohee from Compulsory Retirement for AgeFebruary 21, 1941
28738693Prescribing Regulations Governing the Exportation of Articles and Materials Designated in the President's Proclamation 2460 of February 25, 1941, Issued Pursuant to Section 6 of the Act of Congress Approved July 2, 1940, and Amending Regulations of January 15, 1941, Covering the Exportation of Certain Articles and MaterialsFebruary 25, 19411156
28748694Prescribing Regulations Governing the Exportation of Articles and Materials Designated in the President's Proclamation 2461 of February 25, 1941, Issued Pursuant to Section 6 of the Act of Congress Approved July 2, 1940, and Amending Regulations of January 15, 1941, Covering the Exportation of Certain Articles and MaterialsFebruary 25, 19411157
28758695Extending the Limits of the Customs Port of Entry of Jonesport, Maine, in Customs Collection District No. 1 (Maine and New Hampshire)February 25, 19411187
28768696Transfer of Certain Lands from the Secretary of Agriculture to the Secretary of the Interior; New MexicoFebruary 28, 19411229
8697Transfer of Certain Lands from the Secretary of the Interior to the Secretary of Agriculture; New MexicoFebruary 28, 19411230
8698Exemption of Harry L. Mickey from Compulsory Retirement for AgeMarch 1, 1941−N/P−
8699Covering Certain Positions in the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Into the Competitive Classified Civil Service, and Authorizing Certain Employees of That Corporation to Acquire a Classified Civil Service StatusMarch 1, 19411285
8700Revocation of Executive Order No. 6667 of April 5, 1934, Withdrawing Public Lands; Colorado, 1941March 3, 19411285
8701Amendment of Executive Order No. 8389 of April 10, 1940, as Amended, 1941March 4, 19411285
8702Prescribing Regulations Governing the Exportation of Articles and Materials Designated in the President's Proclamation 2463 of March 4, 1941, Issued Pursuant to Section 6 of the Act of Congress Approved July 2, 1940, and Amending Regulations of January 15, 1941, Covering the Exportation of Certain Articles and Materials, 1941, 1941, 1941March 4, 19411301
8703Prescribing Regulations Governing the Exportation of Articles and Materials Designated in the President's Proclamation 2464 of March 4, 1941, Issued Pursuant to Section 6 of the Act of Congress Approved July 2, 1940, and Amending Regulations of January 15, 1941, Covering the Exportation of Certain Articles and Materials, 1941, 1941, 1941March 4, 19411302
8704Regulations Governing the Granting of Allowances for Quarters and Subsistence to Enlisted MenMarch 4, 19411302
8705Amending Certain Provisions of the Civil Service RulesMarch 5, 19411313
8706Amending Paragraph 12 of Executive Order No. 5865 of June 27, 1932, Prescribing Regulations Relating to Aerial Flights by Personnel of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and National Guard, 1941March 6, 19411333
8707Amending Certain Provisions of the Civil Service RulesMarch 10, 19411399
8708Reserving Certain Public Lands in Connection With the Independence County Wildlife Refuge; ArkansasMarch 10, 19411399
8709Changing the Name of the Wyoming National Forest to Bridger National Forest; WyomingMarch 10, 19411400
8710Exemption of Ales Hrdlicka from Compulsory Retirement for AgeMarch 12, 1941−N/P−
8711Amendment of Executive Order No. 8389 of April 10, 1940, as Amended, 1941March 13, 19411443
8712Prescribing Regulations Governing the Exportation of Articles and Materials Designated in Proclamations Issued Pursuant to the Provisions of Section 6 of the Act of Congress Approved July 2, 1940, 1941March 15, 19411501
8713Prescribing Regulations Governing the Exportation of Articles and Materials Designated in Proclamation No. 2465 of March 4, 1941, Issued Pursuant to the Provisions of Section 6 of the Act of Congress Approved July 2, 1940, 1941, 1941March 15, 19411502
8714Designating Certain Officers to Act as Secretary of the Treasury in Case of Absence or Sickness of the SecretaryMarch 18, 19411517
8715Amendment of Chapter XIII of Executive Order No. 4314 of September 25, 1925, Establishing Rules Governing Navigation of the Panama Canal and Adjacent Waters, 1941March 18, 19411531
8716Establishment of National Defense Mediation BoardMarch 19, 19411532
8717Establishing Kodiak Island Naval Defensive Sea Area; AlaskaMarch 22, 19411621
8718Establishing Subic Bay Naval Defensive Sea Area and Subic Bay Naval Airspace Reservation; Philippine IslandsMarch 22, 19411621
8719Suspending Certain Statutory Provisions Relating to Employment in the Canal ZoneMarch 22, 19411622
8720Appointment of Watson B. Miller as Assistant Administrator of Federal Security Agency Without Regard to Civil Service RulesMarch 22, 1941−N/P−
8721Amendment of Executive Order No. 8389 of April 10, 1940, as Amended, 1941March 24, 19411622
8722Modifying Executive Order of December 12, 1917, Creating Power Site Reserve No. 659, Coast Streams in Western Oregon, 1941March 28, 19411704
8723Power Site Restoration No. 494, Partial Revocation of Executive Order of December 12, 1917, Creating Power Site Reserve No. 659; Oregon, 1941March 28, 19411705
8724Restoring Lands of the Homestead Field Military Reservation to the Use of the Territory of HawaiiMarch 29, 19411765
8725Withdrawing Public Land for Use of the War Department; FloridaMarch 29, 19411765
8726Exemption of Harry U. Wagner from Compulsory Retirement for AgeMarch 29, 1941−N/P−
8727Amending Paragraphs 104b and 104c, Manual for Courts-Martial, United States Army, Relating to Limitations on PunishmentsApril 1, 19411765
8728Exemption of Ernest C. Steward from Compulsory Retirement for AgeApril 2, 1941−N/P−
8729Correcting Executive Order Nos. 8680, 8682, and 8683 of February 14, 1941, Establishing Certain Naval Defensive Sea Areas and Naval Airspace Reservations, 1941April 2, 19411792
8730Amendment of Subdivision IX, Schedule B, Civil Service RulesApril 2, 19411792
8731Amending Executive Order No. 8716 to Provide for the Appointment of Alternate Members of the National Defense Mediation BoardApril 4, 19411809
8732Withdrawing Public Land in Aid of Flood Control; ArkansasApril 8, 19411906
8733Withdrawing Public Land in Aid of Flood Control, OklahomaApril 10, 19411906
8734Establishing the Office of Price Administration and Civilian Supply in the Executive Office of the President and Defining Its Functions and DutiesApril 11, 19411917
8735Authorizing Certain Employees of Federal Security Agency to Acquire a Competitive Classified Status Without Regard to Civil Service RulesApril 14, 1941−N/P−
8736Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 5214 of October 30, 1929, Withdrawing Public Lands for Naval Purposes; Alaska, 1941April 14, 19411984
8737Fort Gulick Military Reservation; Canal ZoneApril 16, 19412012
8738Allocating the Quota Under the Inter-American Coffee Agreement for Countries Not Signatories of the AgreementApril 21, 19412047
8739Revoking Executive Order No. 6802 of August 4, 1934, and Withdrawing the Land Described Therein for the Use of the Alaska Game Commission; Alaska, 1941April 21, 19412047
8740Covering Certain Positions Into the Competitive Classified Civil Service and Amending Schedule A of the Civil Service RulesApril 22, 19412116
8741Revocation of Executive Order No. 5623 of May 15, 1931, Withdrawing Public Lands; California, 1941April 23, 19412116
8742Partial Revocation of Executive Order of July 9, 1910, Creating Coal Land Withdrawal, Montana No. 93, 1941April 23, 19412116
8743Extending the Classified Civil ServiceApril 23, 19412117
8744Authorizing Certain Employees of the Government to Acquire a Classified Civil Service StatusApril 24, 19412118
8745Exemption of Charley R. Davis from Compulsory Retirement for AgeApril 24, 1941−N/P−
8746Amendment of Executive Order No. 8389 of April 10, 1940, as Amended, 1941April 28, 19412187
8747Exemption of Louis A. Simon from Compulsory Retirement for AgeApril 28, 1941−N/P−
8748Approving Regulations of the Civil Service Commission Relating to Efficiency-Rating Boards of ReviewMay 1, 19412251
8749Establishing Guantanamo Bay Naval Defensive Sea Area and Guantanamo Bay Naval Airspace Reservation; CubaMay 1, 19412252
8750Exemption of Alphonso L. Graham from Compulsory Retirement for AgeMay 2, 1941−N/P−
8751Establishing the Division of Defense Aid Reports in the Office for Emergency Management of the Executive Office of the PresidentMay 2, 19412301
8752Amendment of Executive Order No. 8712 of March 15, 1941, Prescribing Regulations Governing the Exportation of Articles and Materials Designated in Proclamations Issued Pursuant to the Provisions of Section 6 of the Act of Congress Approved July 2, 1940, 1941, 1941May 6, 19412333
8753Amendment of Section 60 of the Regulations Governing Highways, Vehicles, and Vehicular Traffic in the Canal ZoneMay 13, 19412439
8754Exemption of Frederick A. Sterling from Compulsory Retirement for AgeMay 14, 1941−N/P−
8755Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the War Department as a Demolition and Practice Bombing Range; AlaskaMay 16, 19412473
8756Amendment of Executive Order No. 8633 of January 14, 1941, Ordering Certain Units and Members of the National Guard of the United States Into the Active Military Service of the United States, 1941May 17, 19412474
8757Establishing the Office of Civilian Defense in the Office for Emergency Management of the Executive Office of the PresidentMay 20, 19412517
8758Establishing Conversion Factors for Use in Administering Quotas on Imports of CoffeeMay 21, 19412535
8759Amendment of Executive Order No. 8704 of March 4, 1941, Prescribing Regulations Governing the Granting of Allowances for Quarters and Subsistence to Enlisted Men, 1941May 24, 19412600
8760Restricting the Eligibility of Federal Employees to Take Civil Service Examinations and to be CertifiedMay 27, 19412618
8761Exemption of Edward P. Davis from Compulsory Retirement for AgeMay 27, 1941−N/P−
8762Exemption of Frank L. Hess from Compulsory Retirement for AgeMay 27, 1941−N/P−
8763Establishing the Necedah Wildlife Management Area; WisconsinMay 28, 19412674
8764Appointment of John H. Dillon as Junior Administrative Officer to Secretary of the NavyJune 3, 1941−N/P−
8765Appointment of Alexander H. Knauss as Junior Historical Aide, Vanderbilt Mansion, National Park ServiceJune 3, 1941−N/P−
8766Documents Required of Aliens Entering the United StatesJune 3, 19412741
8767Directing Certain Personnel of the Coast Guard to Operate as a Part of the Navy, Subject to the Orders of the Secretary of the NavyJune 3, 19412743
8768Amendment of Paragraph 6, Subdivision VI, Schedule A of the Civil Service RulesJune 3, 19412743
8769Transfers of Lands Between the Department of Agriculture and the Department of the Interior; FloridaJune 3, 19412743
8770Establishing the Lake Mason National Wildlife Refuge; MontanaJune 3, 19412743
8771Authorizing the United States Maritime Commission to Take Over Certain Foreign Merchant VesselsJune 6, 19412759
8772Exemption of Clarence H. Branscombe from Compulsory Retirement for AgeJune 7, 1941−N/P−
8773Authorizing and Directing the Secretary of War to Take Possession of and Operate the Inglewood Plant of North American Aviation, Inc.June 9, 19412777
8774Modifying Executive Order No. 8738 of April 21, 1941, Allocating by Types the Coffee Quota for Countries Not Signatories of the Inter-American Coffee Agreement, 1941June 10, 19412845
8775Amendment of Executive Order No. 7302 of February 21, 1936, Transferring Certain Lands to the Control and Jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Navy; Virgin Islands, 1941June 10, 19412846
8776Withdrawal of Public Land for Radio Relay Station for Use in Forest Protection; CaliforniaJune 10, 19412846
8777Appointment of Dr. Harold C. Bryant as Superintendent, Grand Canyon National Park, Interior DepartmentJune 11, 1941−N/P−
8778Exemption of Percy Nicholls from Compulsory Retirement for AgeJune 11, 1941−N/P−
8779Excluding a Tract of Land from the Tongass National Forest and Restoring it to Entry; AlaskaJune 11, 19412867
8780Withdrawing Public Lands for the Use of the Department of State; New MexicoJune 11, 19412867
8781Requiring Employees in the Executive Civil Service to be FingerprintedJune 12, 19412895
8782Establishing a Military Reservation on Certain Islands in Gatun Lake, Canal ZoneJune 12, 19412896
8783Withdrawal of Public Lands: Public Water Reserve No. 162; CaliforniaJune 12, 19412897
8784Partial Revocation of Certain Executive Orders Creating Public Water Reserves: Public Water Restoration No. 88; California and New MexicoJune 13, 19412897
8785Regulating Transactions in Foreign Exchange and Foreign-Owned Property, Providing for the Reporting of All Foreign-Owned Property, and Related MattersJune 14, 19412897
8786Withdrawal of Public Lands for the Use of the Navy Department for Naval Aviation Purposes; AlaskaJune 14, 19412941
8787Revoking Executive Order No. 3151 of August 16, 1919, and Restoring the Land Affected Thereby to Its Former Status; Alaska, 1941June 14, 19412941
8788Withdrawing Public Land for Use of the War Department; AlaskaJune 14, 19412941
8789Revoking in Part Executive Order No. 8344, of February 10, 1940, and Reserving Public Lands for the Use of the War Department; Alaska, 1941June 14, 19412942
8790Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the Department of the Navy; CaliforniaJune 14, 19412942
8791Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the Department of the Navy; CaliforniaJune 14, 19412943
8792Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the War Department; FloridaJune 14, 19412943
8793Withdrawing Public Lands for the Use of the War Department; OklahomaJune 14, 19412943
8794Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the War Department; OregonJune 14, 19412943
8795Modifying Executive Order of December 12, 1917, Creating Power Site Reserve No. 661; Willamette River Tributaries, Oregon, 1941June 16, 19412943
8796Exemption of George Cook from Compulsory Retirement for AgeJune 18, 1941−N/P−
8797Suspension of Eight-Hour Law as to Mechanics and Laborers Employed by the War Department in the Construction of Public Works Necessary for the National Defense in the Canal Zone, Puerto Rico, and the Territory of AlaskaJune 18, 19413019
8798Transferring Certain Vessels Between the Navy Department and the Department of Commerce, Coast and Geodetic SurveyJune 19, 19413049
8799Enlarging the Volunteer Participation Committee of the Office of Civilian DefenseJune 20, 19413049
8800Amendment of Regulations Concerning Foreign Service Pay AdjustmentJune 22, 19413097
8801Exemption of Archie W. Davis from Compulsory Retirement for AgeJune 24, 1941−N/P−
8802Reaffirming Policy of Full Participation in the Defense Program by All Persons, Regardless of Race, Creed, Color, or National Origin, and Directing Certain Action in Furtherance of Said PolicyJune 25, 19413109
8803Amending Schedule A of the Civil Service RulesJune 25, 19413109
8804Exemption of James E. Harper from Compulsory Retirement for AgeJune 25, 1941−N/P−
8805Exemption of Samuel A. Cottrell from Compulsory Retirement for AgeJune 25, 1941−N/P−
8806Fixing the Number of Men to be Inducted Into the Land Forces of the United States Between July 1, 1941, and June 30, 1942, and Directing Their Selection and Induction, 1941, 1941June 28, 19413207
8807Establishing the Office of Scientific Research and Development in the Executive Office of the President and Defining Its Functions and DutiesJune 28, 19413207
8808American Defense Service MedalJune 28, 19413209
8809Good Conduct MedalJune 28, 19413209
8810Exemption of Hurbert K. Bishop from Compulsory Retirement for AgeJune 30, 1941−N/P−
8811Authorizing the Continuance in Employment of Persons Employed by the Office of Government Reports on June 30, 1941, and the Conferring of a Competitive Classified Civil Service Status Upon Such Employees, 1941June 30, 19413223
8812Suspending Certain Statutory Provisions Relating to Employment in the Canal ZoneJune 30, 19413223
8813Power Site Restoration No. 495. Partial Revocation of Executive Order of November 22, 1924, Creating Power Site Reserve No. 759; New Mexico, 1941July 1, 19413253
8814Directing the Secretary of War to Relinquish Possession of the Inglewood Plant of North American Aviation, Inc.July 2, 19413253
8815Revoking the Designation of Lancaster, Minnesota, as a Customs Port of EntryJuly 5, 19413265
8816Suspending the Provisions of the Saturday Half-Holiday Act of March 3, 1931, as to Certain Employees of the Government, 1941July 5, 19413265
8817Prescribing Regulations Governing Vacation Pay for Field Service Employees of the War Department, the Navy Department, the Coast Guard, and the Panama Canal Who Forego Vacations During the EmergencyJuly 5, 19413265
8818Amending the Foreign Service Regulations of the United StatesJuly 5, 1941−N/P−
8819Excluding Land from the Humboldt National Forest and Reserving it for Townsite Purposes; NevadaJuly 5, 19413313
8820Amending the Foreign Service Regulations of the United StatesJuly 11, 19413421
8821Reserving Public Land for Use of the Department of the Navy for Naval Aviation Purposes; NevadaJuly 16, 19413529
8822Amendment of Executive Order No. 8757 of May 20, 1941, Establishing the Office of Civilian Defense, 1941July 16, 19413529
8823Providing for an Additional Member of the Committee on Fair Employment Practice in the Office of Production Management, Established by Section 3 of Executive Order No. 8802 of June 25, 1941, 1941July 18, 19413577
8824Prescribing Regulations Governing the Grades and Ratings of Enlisted Men of the Regular Army for the Fiscal Year 1942July 18, 19413577
8825Exemption of Bernard S. Kroger from Compulsory Retirement for AgeJuly 18, 1941−N/P−
8826Civil Service Retirement Act Extended to James Edgar Smith, Patrick J. Farrell, and John McChord of ICCJuly 18, 1941−N/P−
8827Exemption of Harry T. Edwards from Compulsory Retirement for AgeJuly 24, 1941−N/P−
8828Exemption of Louis Loebl from Compulsory Retirement for AgeJuly 24, 1941−N/P−
8829Exemption of William D. Terrell from Compulsory Retirement for AgeJuly 24, 1941−N/P−
8830Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the War Department as a Training Center; CaliforniaJuly 24, 19413716
8831Withdrawing Public Land for Use of the War Department for Military Purposes; FloridaJuly 24, 19413716
8832Amendment of Executive Order No. 8389 of April 10, 1940, as Amended, 1941July 26, 19413751
8833Authorizing Certain Employees of the Government to Acquire a Classified Status and Permitting Certain Positions to be Filled by Promotion, Transfer, or Assignment of Certain EmployeesJuly 26, 19413761
8834Designating the Honorable Robert H. Todd, Jr., as Acting Judge of the District Court of the United States for Puerto RicoJuly 26, 19413761
8835Exemption of Charles A. Appel from Compulsory Retirement for AgeJuly 29, 1941−N/P−
8836Exemption of Paul Bartsch from Compulsory Retirement for AgeJuly 29, 1941−N/P−
8837Prescribing Regulations Governing Overtime Compensation of Certain Civilian Employees of the War Department, the Navy Department, the Coast Guard, and the Panama CanalJuly 30, 19413824
8838Amendment of Executive Order No. 8798 of June 19, 1941, Transferring Certain Vessels Between the Navy Department and the Department of Commerce, 1941July 30, 19413825
8839Establishing the Economic Defense BoardJuly 30, 19413823
8840Establishing the Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs in the Executive Office of the President and Defining Its Functions and DutiesJuly 30, 19413857
8841Restoring Public Lands to Their Former Status of Being Withdrawn Under Executive Order No. 6964 of February 5, 1935, 1941July 31, 19413877
8842Regulations Pertaining to Within-Grade Salary Advancements for Employees Classified Under the Salary Schedule of Executive Order No. 6746 of June 21, 1934, 1941August 1, 19413877
8843Regulation of Consumer CreditAugust 9, 19414035
8844Amendment of Exemption of Harry T. Edwards from Compulsory Retirement for AgeAugust 8, 1941−N/P−
8845Revoking the Designation of Grand Rapids, Michigan, as a Customs Port of EntryAugust 8, 19414069
8846Revoking the License Issued on December 16, 1910, Authorizing the Construction, Maintenance, and Operation of an Electric Street Railway System in the Canal Zone, 1941August 8, 19414070
8847Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the War Department as an Aerial Bombing and Gunnery Range; AlaskaAugust 8, 19414070
8848Suspension of Eight-Hour Law as to Laborers and Mechanics Employed by the War Department in the Construction Within the United States of Public Works Which Are Necessary for the National DefenseAugust 8, 19414069
8849Appointment of Margaret Patterson as Assistant Historical Aide, Andrew Johnson MonumentAugust 16, 1941−N/P−
8850Authorizing the Commandant of the Coast Guard to Take Over Certain Foreign Merchant Marine Training ShipsAugust 16, 19414179
8851Transferring United States Coast Guard Ship Redwing from the United States Coast Guard to the United States NavyAugust 16, 19414179
8852Transferring the United States Coast Guard for the District of Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, Together With Its Organization, Personnel, and Equipment, to the Service and Jurisdiction of the Secretary of the NavyAugust 16, 19414180
8853Establishing Manila Bay Defensive Sea AreaAugust 16, 19414180
8854Revoking Executive Order No. 8168 of June 14, 1939, and Withdrawing the Land Released Thereby and Other Land for Use of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, Department of Commerce, as a Magnetic and Seismological Observatory Site; Alaska, 1941August 16, 19414181
8855Exempting Certain Positions from Salary ClassificationAugust 16, 19414181
8856Authorizing the Appointment of Certain Employees in the Postal Service Without Regard to the Civil Service RulesAugust 16, 19414181
8857Establishing the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge; AlaskaAugust 19, 19414287
8858Transferring the Control and Jurisdiction Over Certain Land from the Secretary of the Interior to the Secretary of War; Virgin IslandsAugust 19, 19414288
8859Suspension of Eight-Hour Law as to Mechanics and Laborers Employed by the War Department in the Construction of Public Works in the Territory of Hawaii Necessary for the National DefenseAugust 20, 19414289
8860Suspending the Provisions of the Saturday Half-Holiday Act of March 3, 1931, as to Certain Employees of the Federal Government in the Territory of Hawaii, 1941August 20, 19414289
8861Revocation of Executive Order Nos. 4109, 4262, and 4430 of December 8, 1924, July 3, 1925, and April 23, 1926, Respectively, Withdrawing Public Lands; Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Michigan, and Wisconsin, 1941, 1941, 1941August 20, 19414289
8862Extending the Periods of Training and Service, Active Military Service, and Enlistment of Persons in or Subject to Training and Service or Active Military ServiceAugust 21, 19414319
8863Allocating the Quota Under the Inter-American Coffee Agreement for Countries Not Signatories of the AgreementAugust 21, 19414320
8864Placing Certain Public Lands Under the Control of the Secretary of the Interior; AlaskaAugust 21, 19414320
8865Withdrawing Public Land for Use of the War Department for Combat Firing Ranges and Maneuver Purposes; CaliforniaAugust 21, 19414320
8866Exemption of J.B. Clarke from Compulsory Retirement for AgeAugust 22, 1941−N/P−
8867Transferring to the Control and Jurisdiction of the Treasury Department a Certain Portion of the Military Reservation at “La Puntilla”, San Juan, Puerto RicoAugust 22, 19414351
8868Secretary of Navy Authorized to Take Possession of Federal Shipbuilding and Drydock CompanyAugust 23, 19414349
8869Waiving Compliance With Provisions of Law Relating to Masters, Officers, Members of the Crew, and Crew Accommodations on Certain VesselsAugust 23, 19414351
8870Restoring Certain Lands Comprising Part of the Waimanalo Military Reservation to the Use of the Territory of HawaiiAugust 25, 19414397
8871Authorizing the United States Maritime Commission to Issue Warrants With Respect to VesselsAugust 26, 19414469
8872Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the War Department as an Aerial Gunnery and Bombing Range; AlaskaAugust 27, 19414470
8873Exemption of Fred E. Edwards from Compulsory Retirement for AgeAugust 27, 1941−N/P−
8874Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the War Department as a Practice Bombing Range; New MexicoAugust 28, 19414485
8875Delegation and Coordination of Priority AuthorityAugust 28, 19414483
8876Suspending the Provisions of the Saturday Half-Holiday Act of March 3, 1931, to Certain Employees of the War Department and of the Coast Guard, 1941August 29, 19414503
8877Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the War Department for Military Purposes; AlaskaAugust 29, 19414504
8878Amendment of Executive Order No. 5643 of June 8, 1931, Prescribing Regulations Governing Representation and Post Allowances, 1941August 29, 19414506
8879Prescribing Regulations Governing the Payment of Interest on Postal-Savings Certificates Issued by the Canal Zone Postal ServiceAugust 30, 19414551
8880Amendment of Executive Order No. 9 of January 17, 1873, to Permit an Officer or Employee of the Federal Government to Hold the Office of Chancellor of the University of Puerto Rico, 1941August 30, 19414551
8881Amending Executive Order No. 8771 of June 6, 1941 Entitled, “Authorizing the United States Maritime Commission to Take Over Certain Foreign Merchant Vessels”, 1941September 2, 19414551
8882Regulations Governing Within-Grade Salary RequirementsSeptember 3, 19414583
8883Withdrawing Public Land for Use of the Department of the Navy as an Aircraft Bombing Site; CaliforniaSeptember 3, 19414585
8884Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the War Department; CaliforniaSeptember 3, 19414585
8885Revoking the Designation of Peskan, Montana, as a Customs Port of EntrySeptember 3, 19414585
8886Authorizing a Classified Civil Service Status to be Conferred Upon Certain Civilian Employees of the Coast Guard Who Were Transferred from the Bureau of Lighthouses of the Department of Commerce Under Reorganization Plan No. IISeptember 3, 19414585
8887Exemption of Certain Plate Printers at Bureau of Engraving from Compulsory Retirement for AgeSeptember 3, 1941−N/P−
8888Appointment of Guy J. Swope, Director, Division of Territories and Island Possessions, Department of the Interior, as Administrator of the Puerto Rico Reconstruction AdministrationSeptember 3, 19414601
8889Amending Regulations Governing the Exportation of Articles and Materials Designated in Proclamations Issued Pursuant to the Provisions of Section 6 of the Act of Congress Approved July 2, 1940, 1941September 2, 19414601
8890Establishing the Office of Defense Health and Welfare Services in the Executive Office of the President and Defining Its Functions and DutiesSeptember 3, 19414625
8891Establishing the Division of Contract Distribution in the Office of Production Management and Defining Its Functions and DutiesSeptember 4, 19414623
8892Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the War Department; ArizonaSeptember 5, 19414625
8893Appointment of S. Roydon Burch to Position in Department of Agriculture Without Regard to Civil Service RulesSeptember 8, 1941−N/P−
8894Amending Certain Provisions of the Civil Service RulesSeptember 8, 19414681
8895Directing Certain Units, Vessels and Personnel of the Coast Guard to Operate as Part of the Navy, Subject to the Orders of the Secretary of the NavySeptember 11, 19414723
8896Exemption of Nelson S. Thompson from Compulsory Retirement for AgeSeptember 12, 1941−N/P−
8897Exemption of Augusta F. Johnston from Compulsory Retirement for Age, 1941September 12, 1941−N/P−
8898Appointment of Soulis Newman to a Classified Position in the Public Buildings Administration Without Regard to Civil Service RulesSeptember 12, 1941−N/P−
8899Exemption of Edward D. Anderson from Compulsory Retirement for AgeSeptember 15, 1941−N/P−
8900Amending the Executive Order Establishing the Economic Defense BoardSeptember 15, 19414795
8901Exemption of Samuel Thomas from Compulsory Retirement for AgeSeptember 17, 1941−N/P−
8902Prescribing Regulations Pertaining to the Entry of Coffee Into the United States from Countries Signatories of the Inter-American Coffee AgreementSeptember 17, 19414809
8903Exemption of Jules A. Rodier from Compulsory Retirement for AgeSeptember 22, 1941−N/P−
8904Exemption of Maurice C. Latta from Compulsory Retirement for AgeSeptember 22, 1941−N/P−
8905Exemption of Z. Lewis Dalby from Compulsory Retirement for AgeSeptember 22, 1941−N/P−
8906Transfer of Lands from the Ouachita National Forest to the Ozark National Forest; ArkansasSeptember 23, 19414877
8907Exemption of William C. Alden from Compulsory Retirement for AgeSeptember 24, 1941−N/P−
8908Restoring to the Government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines Lands Comprising the United States Chromite Reservation Situate in the Province of Zambales, Island of Luzon, Philippine IslandsSeptember 25, 19414913
8909Authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to Permit the Entry of Bonafide Samples of Coffee Without Regard to Quota RestrictionsSeptember 26, 19414929
8910Transfer of Jurisdiction Over Certain Lands from the Secretary of Agriculture to the Secretary of the Navy; IndianaSeptember 27, 19414963
8911Withdrawal of Public Lands for Use in Connection With the Squaw Butte Experimental Station; OregonSeptember 27, 19414963
8912Transfer of Certain Lands from the Secretary of the Interior to the Secretary of Agriculture; New MexicoSeptember 27, 19414963
8913Exemption of Rutherford H. Baker from Compulsory Retirement for AgeSeptember 30, 1941−N/P−
8914Amending Executive Order No. 8781 of June 12, 1941, Requiring the Fingerprinting of Employees in the Executive Civil Service, to Permit the Civil Service Commission to Exempt Any Group or Groups of Temporary Employees from the Requirements Thereof, 1941October 1, 19415027
8915Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the War Department as a Practice Bombing and Gunnery Range; WashingtonOctober 11, 19415247
8916Revoking Executive Order No. 1030 of February 24, 1909, and Withdrawing Certain Public Lands for Use of the Alaska Road Commission, Department of the Interior, for Aviation Purposes; Alaska, 1941October 11, 19415247
8917Exemption of James E. Amos from Compulsory Retirement for AgeOctober 16, 1941−N/P−
8918Exemption of Wladimir Ayvazoglou from Compulsory Retirement for AgeOctober 21, 1941−N/P−
8919Exemption of David D. Caldwell from Compulsory Retirement for AgeOctober 21, 1941−N/P−
8920Reserving Certain Public Lands in Connection With the Sinlahekin Deer Winter Range and Wildlife Refuge; WashingtonOctober 22, 19415442
8921Withdrawing Public Land for Use of the United States Coast Guard, Treasury Department; CaliforniaOctober 23, 19415463
8922Establishing an Office of Facts and Figures in the Office for Emergency Management in the Executive Office of the PresidentOctober 24, 19415477
8923Withdrawing Public Lands for the Use of the War Department as a National Guard Rifle Range; New MexicoOctober 24, 19415477
8924Establishing the Creedman Coulee National Wildlife Refuge; MontanaOctober 25, 19415507
8925Exemption of Dr. Lawrence W. White from Compulsory Retirement for AgeOctober 25, 1941−N/P−
8926Establishing the Office of Lend-Lease Administration in the Office for Emergency Management of the Executive Office of the PresidentOctober 28, 19415519
8927Withdrawal of Public Lands for National Defense Purposes; NevadaOctober 29, 19415549
8928Secretary of War Authorized to Take Possession of the Bendix, New Jersey, Plants of Air Associates, IncorporatedOctober 30, 19415559
8929Directing the Coast Guard to Operate as Part of the NavyNovember 1, 19415581
8930Establishing a National Indian Institute in the Department of the InteriorNovember 1, 19415613
8931Amendment of Paragraph 24 of Executive Order No. 1888 of February 2, 1914, as Amended, Relating to Conditions of Employment in the Panama Canal Service, 1941November 1, 19415614
8932Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the War Department; IdahoNovember 5, 19415657
8933Exemption of Hans Schjeveland from Compulsory Retirement for AgeNovember 5, 1941−N/P−
8934Exemption of Miss Laura L. Tracy from Compulsory Retirement for AgeNovember 5, 1941−N/P−
8935Exemption of William H. Tietgen from Compulsory Retirement for AgeNovember 5, 1941−N/P−
8936Exemption of Dr. Arthur R. Butler from Compulsory Retirement for AgeNovember 5, 1941−N/P−
8937Extending the Period of Eligibility on Civil Service Registers or Lists of Persons Who Serve in the Armed Forces of the United StatesNovember 7, 19415708
8938Vesting Certain Powers in Warrant Officers of the ArmyNovember 10, 19415743
8939Permitting Certain Positions in the Farm Security Administration to be Filled by Promotion, Transfer, or Assignment of Certain Employees to Acquire a Classified StatusNovember 13, 19415799
8940Amending Section 2 of Executive Order No. 8833 Dated July 26, 1941, 1941November 14, 19415823
8941Amending Subdivision IV of Schedule A of the Civil Service RulesNovember 17, 19415891
8942Providing for the Administration of the Requisitioning of Property Required for National DefenseNovember 19, 19415910
8943Amending Executive Order No. 8495 of July 26, 1940, Designating Agencies for the Purpose of Carrying Out the Provisions of Section 40 of the Emergency Relief Act, Fiscal Year 1941, 1941November 19, 19415911
8944Directing the Federal Works Administration to Take Possession of and Operate a Certain Project of the Grand River Dam CompanyNovember 19, 19415947
8945Exemption of John A. Newlin from Compulsory Retirement for AgeNovember 22, 1941−N/P−
8946Appointment of J.M. Bayles, J.J. Bowe, J.P. Boyce, A.E. Kelly, J.F. Leganey, and C.W. Moore to Classified Positions in Public Buildings AdministrationNovember 22, 1941−N/P−
8947Revocation of Executive Order No. 1474 of February 16, 1912, Withdrawing Public Land; Colorado, 1941November 24, 19415987
8948Exemption of James J. Goutchey from Compulsory Retirement for AgeNovember 25, 1941−N/P−
8949Exemption of Burt W. Andrews from Compulsory Retirement for AgeNovember 25, 1941−N/P−
8950Establishing an Airspace Reservation Over a Portion of the District of ColumbiaNovember 26, 19416101
8951Modification of Executive Order No. 7070 of June 12, 1935, as Amended, Prescribing Regulations Governing Appointments of Employees Paid from Emergency Funds, 1941November 26, 19416101
8952Revoking Executive Order No. 8458 of June 27, 1940, as Amended by Executive Order No. 8532 of September 4, 1940, and Authorizing Persons Appointed from the Emergency Replacement List Established Pursuant to Such Orders to Acquire a Classified Civil Service Status, 1941, 1941November 27, 19416122
8953Establishing Los Angeles-Long Beach Harbor Naval Defensive Sea Area; CaliforniaNovember 27, 19416122
8954Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the War Department; NevadaNovember 27, 19416123
8955Extending the Classification Act of 1923, as Amended, to Certain Positions in the War Department and in the Navy Department and Establishing a Salary Differential ThereforeDecember 1, 19416201
8956Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 4411 of April 1, 1926, Withdrawing Public Lands for Classification and in Aid of Legislation; Montana, 1941December 3, 19416255
8957Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the War Department as Camp Sites; ColoradoDecember 3, 19416255
8958Exemption of Nicholas W. Dorsey from Compulsory Retirement for AgeDecember 3, 1941−N/P−
8959Designation of Mrs. Ruth W. Talley to Sign Land PatentsDecember 4, 19416265
8960Amending Executive Order No. 8546 of September 24, 1940, Creating the Defense Communications Board and Defining Its Functions and Duties, 1941December 6, 19416325
8961Revocation of All Executive Orders or Parts Thereof Establishing Airspace Reservations Within the Continental Limits of the United States, Except the District of ColumbiaDecember 6, 19416325
8962Amending Executive Order No. 7676 of July 26, 1937, Entitled “The Canal Zone Judiciary”, 1941December 6, 19416326
8963Amendment of Executive Order No. 8389 of April 10, 1940, 1941December 9, 19416348
8964Prescribing Regulations Governing the Use, Control and Closing of Radio Stations and the Preference or Priority of CommunicationDecember 10, 19416367
8965Extension of Trust Periods on Indian Lands Expiring During Calendar Year 1942December 10, 19416368
8966Exemption of Bart W. Butler from Compulsory Retirement for AgeDecember 11, 1941−N/P−
8967Exemption of Arthur W. Exline from Compulsory Retirement for AgeDecember 11, 1941−N/P−
8968Exemption of Mrs. Ethel A. Barnes from Compulsory Retirement for AgeDecember 11, 1941−N/P−
8969Exemption of Joshua G. Hefty from Compulsory Retirement for AgeDecember 11, 1941−N/P−
8970Establishing Defensive Sea Areas at Portland, Maine; Portsmouth, New Hampshire; Boston, Massachusetts; Narragansett Bay; San Diego, California; San Francisco, California; Columbia River Entrance; and Strait of Juan de Fuca and Puget SoundDecember 11, 19416419
8971Authorizing the Director of Selective Service to Provide for the Physical Rehabilitation of Registrants for Training and Service in the Armed Forces of the United StatesDecember 12, 19416419
8972Authorizing the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy to Establish and Maintain Military Guard and Patrols, and to Take Other Appropriate Measures, to Protect Certain National-Defense Material, Premises, and Utilities from Injury or DestructionDecember 12, 19416420
8973Transfer of Employees Possessing Qualifications for National-Defense WorkDecember 12, 19416420
8974Control of Civil AviationDecember 13, 19416441
8975Authorizing the Attorney General to Make Appointments in the Alien Property Division Without Regard to the Requirements of the Civil Service Act and RulesDecember 13, 1941−N/P−
8976Authorizing the Secretary of Commerce to Waive Compliance With the Navigation and Vessel Inspection Laws for War PurposesDecember 12, 19416441
8977Establishing the National Patent Planning CommissionDecember 12, 19416441
8978Establishing New York Harbor, New London, Delaware Bay and River, Chesapeake-Norfolk, and Charleston Harbor Defensive Sea Areas and Prescribing Regulations for the Control ThereofDecember 16, 19416469
8979Establishing the Kenai National Moose Range; AlaskaDecember 16, 19416471
8980Amendment of Executive Order No. 9 of January 17, 1873, to Permit Persons Holding State, Territorial, and Municipal Offices to be Appointed as Members of Alien Enemy Hearing Boards, 1941December 16, 19416471
8981Navy Hospital Area, Coco Solo, Canal ZoneDecember 17, 19416529
8982Changing the Name of the Economic Defense Board, Established by Executive Order No. 8839 of July 30, 1941, to the Board of Economic Welfare, 1941December 17, 19416530
8983Appointing a Commission to Investigate the Japanese Attack of December 7, 1941, on Hawaii, 1941December 18, 19416569
8984Prescribing the Duties of the Commander in Chief of the United States Fleet and the Co-operative Duties of the Chief of Naval OperationsDecember 18, 19416569
8985Establishing the Office of Censorship and Prescribing Its Functions and DutiesDecember 19, 19416625
8986Authorizing the Governor of the Panama Canal to Increase the Compensation of Certain EmployeesDecember 19, 19416625
8987Establishing Honolulu Defensive Sea AreaDecember 20, 19416675
8988Directing That Certain Commissioned Officers of the Public Health Service Shall Constitute a Part of the Naval Forces of the United StatesDecember 23, 19416725
8989Establishing the Office of Defense Transportation in the Executive Office of the President and Defining Its Functions and DutiesDecember 18, 19416725
8990Appointment of State Employment Security Personnel to Positions in the Social Security Board, Federal Security AgencyDecember 23, 19416727
8991Coordinating Civil Meteorological Facilities and Services for War PurposesDecember 26, 19416785
8992Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the War Department as a Practice Bombing Range; WashingtonDecember 26, 19416785
8993Exemption of Victor H. Boyden from Compulsory Retirement for AgeDecember 26, 1941−N/P−
8994Exemption of Frank Shoenfield from Compulsory Retirement for AgeDecember 26, 1941−N/P−
8995Exemption of Roberta L. Lindsey from Compulsory Retirement for AgeDecember 26, 1941−N/P−
8996Exemption of Alvin M. Rankin from Compulsory Retirement for AgeDecember 26, 1941−N/P−
8997Exemption of Certain Employees in the Field Service of the Post Office Department from Compulsory Retirement for AgeDecember 26, 1941−N/P−
8998Amendment of Executive Order No. 8389 of April 10, 1940, as Amended, 1941December 26, 19416785
8999Withdrawing Public Land for Use of the War Department for Military Purposes; OregonDecember 26, 19416786
9000Withdrawing Public Land for Use of the War Department for Military Purposes; OregonDecember 26, 19416787
9001Authorizing the War Department, the Navy Department, and the United States Maritime Commission to Perform the Functions and Exercise the Powers Described in Title II of an Act Approved December 18, 1941, Entitled “An Act to Expedite the Prosecution of the War Effort”, and Prescribing Regulations for the Exercise of Such Functions and Powers, 1941December 27, 19416787
9001-AAuthorizing and Directing the United States Maritime Commission to Resell the S.S. “Normandie” to the Former Owners ThereofDecember 27, 1941801
9002Exemption of Frank Burke from Compulsory Retirement for AgeDecember 29, 1941−N/P−
9003Exemption of Joseph Tombrink from Compulsory Retirement for AgeDecember 30, 1941−N/P−
9004Amending Schedules A and B of the Civil Service RulesDecember 30, 19412
9005Permitting Certain Positions to be Filled by Promotion, Transfer, or Assignment of Certain Employees and Authorizing Such Employees to Acquire a Classified StatusDecember 30, 194110


Relative No.Absolute No.Title / DescriptionDate signed
9006Certifying the Territory of Hawaii as a Distressed Emergency Area1942-01-02
9007Transfer of Certain Officers From the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey to the Navy Department1942-01-02
9008Amending Executive Order No. 8990 of December 23, 1941, Relating to Appointment of State Employment Security Personnel to Positions in the Social Security Board1942-01-02
9009Exemption of Maurice A. Emerson From Compulsory Retirement for Age1942-01-03
9010Exemption of John W. Mays From Compulsory Retirement for Age1942-01-03
9011Prescribing Regulations Governing the Manner of Expending and Accounting for Funds Appropriated for the Army of the Philippines1942-01-03
9012Possession Relinquished of Plant of Federal Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Company1942-01-05
9013Walter M. Brucher Permitted To Compete in Examination for Postmaster1942-01-06
9014Withdrawing Public Land for Use of the War Department; Washington1942-01-06
9015Exemption of Charles Gregg From Compulsory Retirement for Age1942-01-12
9016Exemption of Henry L. Schmidt From Compulsory Retirement for Age1942-01-12
9017Establishment of the National War Labor Board1942-01-12
9018Suspension of the Provisions of the Act of March 3, 1931, as to the War and Navy Departments and the Coast Guard1942-01-12
9019Revoking in Part and Modifying Executive Order No. 8578 of October 29, 1940, and Reserving Public Land for Use of the War Department as an Aerial Machine-Gun Range; Nevada1942-01-12
9020Transferring Control of the Airport Near Tonopah, Nevada, to War Department1942-01-12
9021Modifying Certain Executive Orders To Permit the Leasing of Certain Lands for Airport Purposes; Wyoming1942-01-12
9022Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 6957 of February 4, 1935, Withdrawing Certain Public Lands; Alaska1942-01-13
9023Extension of the Provisions of Executive Order No. 9001 of December 27, 1941, to Contracts of the Treasury Department, the Department of Agriculture, the Federal Works Agency, the Panama Canal, the Government Printing Office, and the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics1942-01-14
9024Establishing the War Production Board in the Executive Office of the President and Defining its Functions and Duties1942-01-16
9025Appointment of George Howe to a Position in Public Buildings Administration Without Regard to Civil Service Rules1942-01-16
9026Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the War Department as a Cantonment Site; Alaska1942-01-16
9027Amending Subdivision XL of Schedule A of the Civil Service Rules1942-01-16
9028Withdrawal of Public Lands for Lookout Station for Use in Cooperative Forest Protection; California1942-01-20
9029Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the War Department as a General Bombing Range; New Mexico1942-01-20
9030Exemption of Walter C. Mendenhall From Compulsory Retirement for Age1942-01-20
9031Exemption of Edgar M. Cohee From Compulsory Retirement for Age1942-01-20
9032Exemption of Lawrence V. Bateman From Compulsory Retirement for Age1942-01-20
9033Exemption of Abraham Strauss From Compulsory Retirement for Age1942-01-21
9034Exemption of Thomas A. Haigh From Compulsory Retirement for Age1942-01-21
9035Withdrawal of Public Land for Use as an Administrative Site in Connection With the Palmer-Richardson Highway; Alaska1942-01-21
9036Reserving a Tract of Land for Use by the Department of Commerce as a Beacon Site; Washington1942-01-22
9037Exemption of Clarence E. Ingling From Compulsory Retirement for Age1942-01-23
9038Amending Executive Order No. 9017 of January 12, 1942, To Provide for the Appointment of Associate Members of the National War Labor Board1942-01-24
9039Authorizing Sick and Rest Leave for Alien Employees of the Panama Canal and the Panama Railroad Company1942-01-24
9040Defining Additional Functions and Duties of the War Production Board1942-01-24
9041Prescribing Regulations Governing the Grades and Ratings of Enlisted Men of the Army of the United States1942-01-26
9042Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the War Department for Aviation Purposes; Oregon1942-01-26
9043Exemption of Edward F. Ruggles From Compulsory Retirement for Age1942-01-27
9044Exemption of William A. Holt From Compulsory Retirement for Age1942-01-28
9045Exemption of Richard J. Barrett From Compulsory Retirement for Age1942-01-28
9046Amending Executive Order No. 8771 of June 6, 1941, Entitled "Authorizing the United States Maritime Commission To Take Over Certain Foreign Merchant Vessels"1942-01-28
9047Exempting Certain Officers and Employees in the Executive Branch of the Government From Automatic Separation From the Service1942-01-30
9048Suspending the Limitations Upon Punishments for Violations of Articles of War 58, 59 and 861942-02-03
9049Ordering Certain Organizations and Units of the Organized Reserves Into the Active Military Service of the United States1942-02-06
9050Authorizing and Directing the Secretary of the Navy To Issue Citations in the Name of the President to Naval and Marine Corps Units for Outstanding Performance in Action1942-02-06
9051Amending Executive Order No. 8099 of April 28, 1939, as Amended, Relating to Administration of Benefits Provided by Act of Congress Approved April 3, 19391942-02-06
9052Amending Subdivision VIII of Schedule A of the Civil Service Rules1942-02-06
9053Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the War Department as a Chemical Warfare Range; Utah1942-02-06
9054Establishing a War Shipping Administration in the Executive Office of the President and Defining Its Functions and Duties1942-02-07
9055Extension of the Provisions of Executive Order No. 9001 of December 27, 1941, to Contracts of the Interior Department1942-02-10
9056Exemption of August G. Ahfont From Compulsory Retirement for Age1942-02-10
9057Amending Regulations Concerning Foreign Service Pay Adjustment1942-02-11
9058Extension of the Provisions of Executive Order No. 9001 of December 27, 1941, to Contracts of the Tennessee Valley Authority1942-02-12
9059Excluding Certain Tracts of Land From the Chugach and Tongass National Forests and Restoring Them to Entry; Alaska1942-02-12
9060Including Certain Lands in the Fremont National Forest; Oregon1942-02-12
9061Placing Certain Lands Within the Fremont National Forest Under the Administration of the Department of the Interior; Oregon1942-02-12
9062Exemption of Michael Conley From Compulsory Retirement for Age1942-02-16
9063Authorizing the Civil Service Commission To Adopt Special Procedures Relating to Recruitment, Placement, and Changes in Status of Personnel for the Federal Service1942-02-16
9064Authorizing the Governor of the Panama Canal To Furnish Certain Transportation to Persons Engaged for Service on the Isthmus of Panama1942-02-16
9065Amendment of Section 11 of the Regulations Governing Highways, Vehicles, and Vehicular Traffic in the Canal Zone1942-02-17
9066Established areas in the U.S. from which any or all persons may be excluded - Japanese-American internment1942-02-19
9067Providing for the Transfer of Personnel to War Agencies1942-02-20
9068Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 6795 of July 26, 1934, Withdrawing Public Lands; Wyoming1942-02-20
9069Consolidating Certain Agencies Within the Department of Agriculture1942-02-23
9070Consolidating the Housing Agencies and Functions of the Government Into the National Housing Agency1942-02-24
9071Transferring Functions of the Federal Loan Agency to the Department of Commerce1942-02-24
9072Transfer of the Pioneer (ex Argus), Guide (ex Andradite) and Pratt (ex YP-96) and certain personnel from the Coast and Geodetic Survey to the War and Navy Departments1942-02-24
9073Extending the Limits of the Customs Port of Entry of Detroit, Michigan, in Customs Collection District Number 38 (Michigan)1942-02-25
9074Directing the Secretary of the Navy To Take Action Necessary To Protect Vessels, Harbors, Ports, and Waterfront Facilities1942-02-25
9075Authorizing and Directing the Secretary of War To Issue Citations in the Name of the President of the United States to Army Units for Outstanding Performance in Action1942-02-26
9076Authorizing Inspection by the Office of Price Administration of Corporation Statistical Transcript Cards Prepared From Income and Declared-Value Excess-Profits Tax Returns1942-02-26
9077Exemption of Gustave R. A. Elmgren From Compulsory Retirement for Age1942-02-26
9078Establishing the Army Specialist Corps1942-02-26
9079Making Certain Public Health Service Hospitals Available for the Care and Treatment of Insane Persons1942-02-26
9080Joint Mexican-United States Defense Commission1942-02-27
9081Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the War Department for Aviation Purposes; Arizona1942-02-27
9082Reorganization of the Army of the United States and Transfer of Functions Within the War Department1942-02-28
9083Redistribution of Maritime Functions1942-02-28
9084Amending Executive Order No. 8512 of August 13, 1940, Prescribing Regulations Pertaining to Budgetary Administration and Financial Reporting1942-03-03
9085Withdrawal of Public Land for Use as an Administrative Site by the Alaskan Fire Control Service; Alaska1942-03-04
9086Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the War Department as a General Bombing Range; Nevada1942-03-04
9087Transfer of Jurisdiction Over Certain Lands Containing Oil and Gas Deposits From the War Department to the Department of the Interior1942-03-05
9088Prescribing Regulations Concerning Civilian Defense1942-03-06
9089Prescribing Regulations Governing the Use, Control, and Closing of Stations and Facilities for Wire Communications1942-03-06
9090Establishing an Airspace Reservation Over Portions of Ulster and Dutchess Counties, New York1942-03-06
9091Establishing the Beltrami Wildlife Management Area; Minnesota1942-03-06
9092Designating the Honorable A. Cecil Snyder as Acting Judge of the District Court of the United States for Puerto Rico1942-03-06
9093Certifying the Island of Puerto Rico as a Distressed Emergency Area1942-03-10
9094Abolishing the Board of Surveys and Maps and Authorizing the Director of the Bureau of the Budget To Perform Its Functions1942-03-10
9095Establishing the Office of Alien Property Custodian and Defining Its Functions and Duties1942-03-11
9096Reorganization of the Navy Department and the Naval Service Affecting the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations and the Commander in Chief, United States Fleet1942-03-12
9097Power Site Restoration No. 496. Partial Revocation of Executive Order of March 27, 1913, Creating Power Site Reserve No. 348, and of Executive Order of December 20, 1916, Creating Power Site Reserve No. 563; Wyoming1942-03-13
9098Modification of Executive Order No. 8507 of August 8, 1940, Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the War Department as an Anti-Aircraft Firing Range1942-03-14
9099Excluding Certain Lands From the Manistee National Forest; Michigan1942-03-14
9100Exemption of August Thomas From Compulsory Retirement for Age1942-03-16
9101Withdrawing Public Lands in Aid of Legislation; California1942-03-16
9102Establishing the War Relocation Authority in the Executive Office of the President and Defining Its Functions and Duties1942-03-18
9103Providing Uniform Control Over the Publication and Use of Federal Statistical Information Which Would Give Aid and Comfort to the Enemy1942-03-18
9104Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the War Department as an Aerial Gunnery Range; Arizona1942-03-18
9105Amendment of Executive Order No. 8704 of March 4, 1941, Prescribing Regulations Governing the Granting of Allowances for Quarters and Subsistence to Enlisted Men1942-03-20
9106Excepting Certain Persons From the Classification of "Alien Enemy" for the Purpose of Permitting Them To Apply for Naturalization1942-03-20
9107Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the War Department for Military Purposes; California1942-03-20
9108Directing the Director of the Office of Defense Transportation To Take Control of the Toledo, Peoria, and Western Railroad Company1942-03-21
9109Revoking in Part Executive Order No. 6583 of February 3, 1934, and Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the War Department for Military Purposes; New Mexico1942-03-21
9110Enlarging the Fort Gulick Military Reservation; Canal Zone1942-03-24
9111Amendment of Section 3 of Executive Order No. 8802 of June 25, 1941, Establishing the Committee on Fair Employment Practice1942-03-25
9112Authorizing Financing Contracts To Facilitate the Prosecution of the War1942-03-26
9113Transfer of the Oceanographer and the Hydrographer and Certain Personnel From the Coast and Geodetic Survey to the War and Navy Departments1942-03-28
9114Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the War Department for Military Purposes; Alaska1942-03-28
9115Withdrawing Public Lands for the Use of the Department of State; New Mexico1942-03-28
9116Extension of the Provisions of Executive Order No. 9001 of December 27, 1941, to Contracts of the Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, the Civil Aeronautics Administration, the National Housing Agency, the Veterans' Administration, and the Federal Communications Commission1942-03-30
9117Prescribing Regulations Governing Overtime Compensation of Certain Employees of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics1942-03-31
9118Exemption of Harry L. Mickey From Compulsory Retirement for Age1942-04-01
9119Enlarging the St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge; Florida1942-04-01
9120Revocation of Executive Order No. 1023, Reserving Land for the Use of the Department of Agriculture; Alaska1942-04-01
9121Transfer of Jurisdiction Over Certain Lands From the Secretary of Agriculture to the Secretary of War; Illinois1942-04-01
9122To Amend the Provisions of Executive Order No. 8588 Entitled "Prescribing Regulations Governing the Payment of Expenses of Transportation of Household Goods and Personal Effects of Certain Civilian Officers and Employees of the United States"1942-04-06
9123Authorizing the Procurement Division To Use Quartz Crystals Acquired Pursuant to the Act of June 7, 19391942-04-07
9124Transfer of Lands From the Cache National Forest to the Caribou National Forest; Idaho and Utah1942-04-07
9125Defining Additional Functions, Duties and Powers of the War Production Board and the Office of Price Administration1942-04-07
9126Transferring Cognizance of the Duties and Functions of the Hydrographic Office and the Naval Observatory From the Bureau of Navigation, Navy Department, to the Chief of Naval Operations1942-04-08
9127Designating the Departments and Agencies To Inspect the Plants and Audit the Books and Records of Defense Contractors Under Title XIII of the Second War Powers Act, 19421942-04-10
9128Defining Additional Functions and Duties of the Board of Economic Warfare1942-04-13
9129Authorizing the United States Maritime Commission To Acquire and Dispose of Property1942-04-13
9130Reserving Certain Public Lands in Connection With the Randolph County State Game Refuge; Arkansas1942-04-13
9131Exemption of Leo A. McIntire From Compulsory Retirement for Age1942-04-13
9132Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the War Department in Connection With the Fort Peck Dam and Reservoir Project; Montana1942-04-13
9132-AAssignment of Frequencies to Government Radio Stations (Confidential)1942-04-13
9133Transferring Certain Motor Repair Shops With Their Personnel and Property and the Functions of Operations and Maintenance Thereof From the Civilian Conservation Corps to the War Department1942-04-14
9134Amendment of Executive Order No. 8757 of May 20, 1941 Establishing the Office of Civilian Defense1942-04-15
9135Establishing the Interdepartmental Committee for the Voluntary Pay Roll Savings Plan for the Purchase of War Savings Bonds1942-04-16
9136Modifying Executive Orders No. 1919 1/2 of April 21, 1914, No. 2728 of October 8, 1917, and No. 3672 of May 8, 1922, and Reserving Public Lands for the Use of the War Department; Alaska1942-04-16
9137Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the War Department for Flood Control Purposes; Arkansas1942-04-16
9138Providing Further for the Administration of the Requisitioning of Property Required for the Prosecution of the War1942-04-17
9139Establishing the War Manpower Commission in the Executive Office of the President and Transferring and Coordinating Certain Functions To Facilitate the Mobilization and Utilization of Manpower1942-04-18
9140Establishing the Safford National Wildlife Refuge; Arizona1942-04-20
9141Possession and Operation of Plans of Brewster Aeronautical Corporation1942-04-18
9142Transferring Certain Functions, Property, and Personnel From the Department of Justice to the Alien Property Custodian1942-04-21
9143Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the War Department for Holding, Reconsignment, and Quartermaster Depots; California1942-04-21
9144Exemption of Herbert H. Evans From Compulsory Retirement for Age1942-04-24
9145Reserving Public Lands for the Use of the Public Road Commission in Connection With the Construction, Operation and Maintenance of the Palmer-Richardson Highway; Alaska1942-04-23
9146Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior To Withdraw and Reserve Public Lands1942-04-24
9147Revocation of Executive Order No. 2987 of November 4, 1918, Placing Certain Land and Water Areas Under the Jurisdiction of the Secretary of Navy for Use as a Naval Air Station1942-04-25
9148Transferring Credit Union Functions, Records, Property, and Personnel From the Farm Credit Administration to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation1942-04-27
9149Amendment of Executive Order 5643 of June 8, 1931, Prescribing Regulations Governing Representation and Post Allowances1942-04-27
9150Authorizing the Federal Public Housing Commissioner, National Housing Agency, To Acquire and Dispose of Property1942-04-28
9151Transfer of Certain Public Land From Public Buildings Administration, Federal Works Agency, to the War Department; Florida1942-04-28
9152Directions and Regulations Concerning Census Reports1942-04-29
9153Amending Executive Order No. 8950 of November 26, 1941, Establishing an Airspace Reservation Over a Portion of the District of Columbia1942-04-30
9153-AWithdrawing Public Lands for Use of the War Department for Military Purposes (Unalaska - Dutch Harbor)1942-04-30
9154Authorizing Certain Exclusions From the Operation of the Civil Service Retirement Act of May 29, 1930, as Amended1942-05-01
9155Approving Regulations of the Civil Service Commission Relating to Efficiency-Rating Boards of Review1942-05-01
9156Further Defining the Functions and Duties of the Office of Defense Transportation1942-05-02
9157Regulations With Respect to the Making Available of Records, Schedules, Reports, Returns and Other Information by the Secretary of Commerce, and With Respect to the Use Thereof After the Same Have Been Made Available1942-05-09
9158Air Medal1942-05-11
9159Amendment of Executive Order No. 7126, on Submission of Certain Estimates to the Bureau of the Budget1942-05-11
9160Amendment of Executive Order No. 8910 of September 27, 1941, Transferring Jurisdiction Over Certain Lands From the Secretary of Agriculture to the Secretary of the Navy; Indiana1942-05-11
9161Revoking Executive Order No. 8975 of December 13, 19411942-05-13
9162Designating the Ports of Guayanilla, Puerto Rico, and Jobos, Puerto Rico, as Customs Ports of Entry in Customs Collection District No. 49 (Puerto Rico)1942-05-13
9163Establishing a Women's Army Auxiliary Corps and Providing for Its Organization Into Units1942-05-15
9164Amending Section 1 of Executive Order No. 8986 of December 19, 1941, Authorizing the Governor of the Panama Canal To Increase the Compensation of Certain Employees1942-05-18
9165Providing for the Protection of Essential Facilities From Sabotage and Other Destructive Acts1942-05-19
9166Establishing the Lamesteer National Wildlife Refuge; Montana1942-05-19
9167Establishing the Halfbreed Lake National Wildlife Refuge; Montana1942-05-19
9168Establishing Matagorda Bay Defensive Sea Area1942-05-20
9169Possession Relinquished of Plants of Brewster Aeronautical Corporation1942-05-20
9170Making Certain Navigation Laws of the United States Applicable to the Virgin Islands1942-05-21
9171Enlarging the Naval Radio Station, Summit, Canal Zone1942-05-21
9172Establishing a Panel for the Creation of Emergency Boards for the Adjustment of Railway Labor Disputes1942-05-22
9173Transferring the Control and Jurisdiction Over Certain Property Located at Juneau, Alaska, From the Department of the Interior to the Navy Department; Alaska1942-05-23
9174Exemption of Harry P. Hoby from Compulsory Retirement for Age1942-05-28
9175Amendment of Section 23 of the Regulations Governing Highways, Vehicles, and Vehicular Traffic in the Canal Zone1942-05-28
9176Transferring the Administration of the Act of June 8, 1938, as Amended, Requiring the Registration of Agents of Foreign Principals, From the Secretary of State to the Attorney General1942-05-29
9177Defining Additional Functions, Duties and Powers of the Secretary of War, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Agriculture, and the Reconstruction Finance Corporation1942-05-30
9178Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior To Acquire and Dispose of Property Deemed Necessary in Connection With the Helium Development and Production Program of the Department of the Interior1942-05-30
9179Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Roads, Federal Works Agency, To Acquire and Dispose of Property1942-06-05
9180Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior To Enter Into Contracts for the Disposal of Yucca Growing on the Public Domain1942-06-05
9181Administration of the Federal Government Services in Alaska1942-06-11
9182Consolidating Certain War Information Functions Into an Office of War Information1942-06-13
9183Changing the Name of the Defense Communications Board to Board of War Communications1942-06-15
9184Amending Executive Order No. 9139 of April 18, 1942, To Provide for the Appointment of Additional Members to the War Manpower Commission1942-06-22
9185Establishing the Susquehanna National Wildlife Refuge; Maryland1942-06-23
9186Authorizing the Federal Works Administration To Acquire and Dispose of Property1942-06-27
9187Transfer of Certain Personnel From the Coast and Geodetic Survey to the War and Navy Departments1942-06-30
9188Suspending Certain Statutory Provisions Relating to Employment in the Canal Zone1942-06-30
9189Suspending Certain Statutory Provisions Relating to Employment in the Canal Zone1942-07-02
9190Amending Executive Order No. 8197 of July 11, 1939, Prescribing Regulations Pertaining to the Administration of the Act of May 3, 19391942-07-02
9191Amending the Foreign Service Regulations of the United States1942-07-03
9192Amending Executive Order No. 9140 of April 20, 1942, Establishing the Safford National Wildlife Refuge; Arizona1942-07-03
9193Amending Executive Order No. 9095 Establishing the Office of Alien Property Custodian and Defining the Functions and Duties and Related Matters1942-07-06
9194Transferring Duties and Functions with Respect to Acquisition and Disposition of Real Estate from the Office of the Judge Advocate General of the Navy to the Chief of the Bureau of Yards and Docks1942-07-07
9195Regulations Relating to Aerial Flights by Personnel of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and National Guard1942-07-07
9196Government Purchases of Prison-Made Goods1942-07-09
9197Transferring Certain Lands from the Secretary of Agriculture to the Secretary of War for Military Purposes - South Dakota1942-07-09
9198Transfer of Merchant Marine Training Functions1942-07-11
9199Exemption of Dr. Howard K. Tuttle From Compulsory Retirement for Age1942-07-16
9200Amending Subdivision II of Schedule A of the Civil Service Rules1942-07-16
9201Exemption of Morris B. Hostetter From Compulsory Retirement for Age1942-07-17
9202Exemption of Oscar L. Moritz From Compulsory Retirement for Age1942-07-17
9203Authorizing the Procurement Division To Use Manila Fiber Acquired Pursuant to Act of June 7, 19391942-07-20
9204Coordination of Federal Activities Affecting the Fishery Industry1942-07-21
9205Establishing the President's War Relief Control Board and Defining its Functions and Duties1942-07-25
9206Prescribing Regulations Governing the Granting of Allowances for Quarters and Subsistence to Enlisted Men1942-07-27
9207Extending the Limits of the Customs Port of Entry of Salem, Massachusetts, in Customs Collection District Number 4 (Massachusetts)1942-07-29
9208Exemption of John F. Phillips From Compulsory Retirement for Age1942-08-01
9209Regulations Governing the Payment of Additional Compensation to Enlisted Men of the Marine Corps Specially Qualified in the Use of Arms1942-08-01
9210Regulations Governing the Payment of Additional Compensation to Enlisted Men of the Navy and Coast Guard Specially Qualified in the Use of Arms1942-08-01
9211Authorizing the Division of Central Administrative Services in the Office for Emergency Management, Executive Office of the President, To Acquire and Dispose of Property1942-08-01
9212Transportation to the United States of Certain Employees Terminating Service With the Panama Canal or the Panama Railroad Company on the Isthmus of Panama1942-08-01
9213Extending the Existence of the Quetico-Superior Committee1942-08-04
9214Extending the Authority of the Office of Defense Transportation to Domestic Transportation Within the Territories and Possessions of the United States1942-08-05
9215Authorizing the Secretary of War To Assume Full Control of Certain Airports1942-08-06
9216Authorizing the Adjutant General To Execute Certificates of Facts or Events Officially Recorded When it is Contrary to Public Policy to Divulge the Source of Official Knowledge or the Text of the Official Record1942-08-07
9217Authorizing the Reconstruction Finance Corporation To Acquire and Dispose of Property Deemed Necessary for Military, Naval, or Other War Purposes1942-08-07
9218Authorizing the Office of Scientific Research and Development in the Office for Emergency Management To Acquire and Dispose of Property1942-08-11
9219Extension of Provisions of Executive Order No. 9001 of December 27, 1941, to the Office of Scientific Research and Development in the Office for Emergency Management1942-08-11
9220Authorizing the Secretary of the Navy To Take Possession and Operate the Plant of the General Cable Company at Bayonne, New Jersey1942-08-13
9221Extension of the Provisions of Executive Order No. 9001 of December 27, 1941, to Contracts of Federal Prison Industries, Inc.1942-08-15
9222Authorizing the Payment of Monetary Allowances in Lieu of Transportation in Kind for Dependents of Officers, Warrant Officers, and Enlisted Men Above the Fourth Grade of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Coast and Geodetic Survey, and the Public Health Service Upon Permanent Change of Station1942-08-15
9223Changing Effective Date of a Provision of Regulations Governing Payment of Expenses of Transportation of Household Goods and Personal Effects of Certain Civilian Officers and Employees of the United States1942-08-15
9224Transferring Jurisdiction Over Certain Lands From the Secretary of Agriculture to the Secretary of War for Military Purposes1942-08-15
9225Authorizing the Secretary of War To Take Possession of and Operate the Plant of the S.A. Woods Machine Company at South Boston, Massachusetts1942-08-19
9226Regulations Governing the Furnishing of Clothing in Kind or Payment of Cash Allowances in Lieu Thereof to Enlisted Men of the Navy, the Coast Guard, the Naval Reserve, and the Coast Guard Reserve1942-08-19
9227Amendment of Executive Order No. 4314 of September 25, 1925, Establishing Rules Governing the Navigation of the Panama Canal and Adjacent Waters1942-08-19
9228Amendment of Executive Order No. 4314 of September 25, 1925, Establishing Rules Governing the Navigation of the Panama Canal and Adjacent Waters1942-08-19
9229Possession Relinquished of Bayonne Plant of General Cable Corporation1942-08-20
9230Amending Section 3 of Executive Order No. 8743 of April 23, 1941, Extending the Classified Civil Service1942-08-20
9231Suspension of Eight-Hour Law as to Mechanics and Laborers Employed by the Department of the Interior or the Federal Works Agency in Construction and Reconditioning of Highways Necessary for the National Defense in the Territory of Alaska1942-08-20
9232Transferring the Functions of the Sample Surveys Section of the Work Projects Administration to the Bureau of the Census1942-08-20
9233Extension of the Provisions of Executive Order 9001 of December 27, 1941, to the Board of Economic Warfare1942-08-22
9234Establishing Ten Wildlife Management Areas1942-08-31
9235Providing for the Effective Utilization of Supplies and Equipment by Government Agencies1942-08-31
9236Transfer of the Survey Ship Pathfinder to the Navy Department and Transfer of Certain Personnel Among the Coast and Geodetic and the War and Navy Departments1942-09-03
9237Authorizing the Appointment of Certain Employees in the Postal Service Without Regard to the Civil Service Rules1942-09-03
9238Exemption of Rudolph Forster and Maurice C. Latta from Compulsory Retirement for Age1942-09-03
9239Amending Subdivision XI of Schedule A and Revoking Paragraph 2 of Subdivision III of Schedule B of the Civil Service Rules1942-08-08
9240Regulations Relating to Overtime Wage Compensation1942-09-09
9241Extension of the Provisions of Executive Order No. 9001 of December 27, 1941, to the Office of Strategic Services, United States Joint Chiefs of Staff1942-09-01
9242Authorizing the Procurement Division To Use Optical Glass Acquired Pursuant to the Act of June 7, 19391942-09-11
9242-AAmending Executive Order No. 9158 of May 11, 1942, To Provide That the Air Medal May Be Awarded to Persons Serving With the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard of the United States1942-09-11
9243Providing for the Transfer and Release of Federal Personnel1942-09-12
9244Amending Executive Order No. 9054 Entitled Establishing a War Shipping Administration in the Executive Office of the President and Defining its Functions and Duties1942-09-16
9245Transferring to the Secretary of Interior the Functions of the United States High Commissioner to the Philippine Islands1942-09-16
9246Providing for the Coordination and Control of the Rubber Program1942-09-17
9247Transferring Certain Employment Service and Training Functions to the War Manpower Commission1942-09-17
9248Amending Executive Order No. 9240 Entitled Regulations Relating to Overtime Wage Compensation1942-09-17
9249Authorizing the Secretary of Agriculture To Acquire and Dispose of Property1942-10-01
9250Providing for the Stabilizing of the National Economy1942-10-03
9251Suspension of Eight-Hour Law as to Laborers and Mechanics Employed by the Civil Aeronautics Administration in the Construction of Public Works Which are Necessary for the Successful Prosecution of the War1942-10-03
9252Approving Regulations of the Civil Service Commission Relating to Efficiency-Rating Boards of Review1942-10-09
9253Extension of the Provisions of Executive Order No. 9001 of December 27, 1941, to Contracts of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, Department of Justice1942-10-09
9254Possession and Operations of Plants of Triumph Explosives, Inc. and Affiliates1942-10-12
9255Prescribing Regulations Governing the Payment of Rental Allowances to Officers1942-10-13
9256Termination and Liquidation of the Electric Home and Farm Authority1942-10-13
9257Enlarging Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 11942-10-15
9258Inspection by the Office of Price Administration of Corporation Statistical Transcript Cards Prepared From Income and Declared Value Excess-Profits Tax Returns1942-10-26
9259Authorizing the Civil Service Commission To Confer a Classified Civil-Service Status on Certain Government Employees1942-10-26
9260Legion of Merit1942-10-29
9261Amending Regulations Concerning Foreign Service Pay Adjustment1942-10-31
9262Authorizing the Secretary of Navy To Perform and Exercise Certain Additional Functions, Duties, and Powers1942-11-05
9263Revoking the Designations of Cordova, Alaska, and Mahukona, Hawaii, as Customs Ports of Entry1942-11-05
9264Extension of the Provisions of Executive Order No. 9001 of December 27, 1941, to Contracts of the Department of Commerce1942-11-05
9265American, European-African-Middle Eastern and Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medals1942-11-06
9266Establishing Buzzards Bay and Vineyard Sound Defensive Sea Area1942-11-06
9267Suspending Until Further Order the Maximum Limitations of Punishment for Violation of Article of War 611942-11-09
9268Suspending in Part the Provisions of Section 12 of the Naval Aviation Cadet Act of 19421942-11-09
9269Modifying the Limitation on Fixed Fees With Respect to Contracts of the Treasury Department for Architectural and Engineering Services1942-11-11
9270Correcting Executive Order No. 9257 of October 15, 1942, Enlarging Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 11942-11-13
9271Exemption from Compulsory Retirement for Age of George T. Summerlin1942-11-17
9272Extension of Trust Periods on Indian Lands Expiring During Calendar Year 19431942-11-17
9273Amendment of Executive Order No. 8910 of September 27, 1941, and Executive Order No. 9160 of May 11, 1941, Transferring Jurisdiction Over Certain Lands From the Secretary of Agriculture to the Secretary of the Navy1942-11-18
9274Authorizing an Increase in the Number of Units and Members of the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps1942-11-19
9275Prescribing Additional Regulations Governing Persons and Vessels in Defensive Sea Areas1942-11-23
9276Establishing the Petroleum Administration for War and Defining its Functions and Duties1942-12-02
9277Award of the Purple Heart to Persons Serving with Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard of the United States1942-12-03
9278Appointment of Benjamin W. Thoron, Director, Division of Territories and Island Possessions, Department of the Interior, as the Administrator of the Puerto Rico Reconstruction Administration1942-12-04
9279Providing for the Most Effective Mobilization and Utilization of the National Manpower and Transferring the Selective Service System to the War Manpower Commission1942-12-05
9280Delegating Authority With Respect to the Nation's Food Program1942-12-05
9281Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, Declared Value, Excess-Profits, and Capital Stock Tax Returns by the Special Committee on Un-American Activities, House of Representatives1942-12-09
9282Transferring Jurisdiction Over Certain Lands From the Secretary of Agriculture to the Secretary of War for Military Purposes1942-12-15
9283Amendment of Executive Order No. 9226 of August 19, 1942, Prescribing Regulations Governing the Furnishing of Clothing in Kind or Payment of Cash Allowances in Lieu Thereof to Enlisted Men of the Navy, the Coast Guard, the Naval Reserve, and the Coast Guard Reserve1942-12-18
9284Transferring Certain Personnel of the Coast and Geodetic Survey to the Navy Department1942-12-22
9285Establishing the United States of America Typhus Commission1942-12-24
9286Medal for Merit1942-12-24
9287Transferring Certain Functions From the Council of National Defense to the Secretary of the Interior1942-12-24
9288Transferring the Control and Jurisdiction Over Certain Tracts of Land From the Secretary of the Interior to the Secretary of Agriculture for Administrative Purposes1942-12-24
9289Regulations Governing the Payment of Overtime Compensation to Employees of the Executive Departments and Agencies1942-12-26
9290Suspension of Eight-Hour Law as to Laborers and Mechanics Employed by the War Department on Public Works Within the United States1942-12-28
9291Authorizing the Procurement Division of the Department of the Treasury To Use Block Mica Acquired Pursuant to the Act of June 7, 19391942-12-29
9292Establishing the Hailstone National Wildlife Refuge1942-12-31


Relative No.Absolute No.Title / DescriptionDate signed
9293Quarry Heights Military Reservation, Canal Zone1943-01-02
9294Further Defining the Functions and Duties of the Office of Defense Transportation1943-01-04
9295Amending Executive Order No. 9206 of July 27, 1942, Prescribing Regulations Governing the Granting of Allowances for Quarters and Subsistence to Enlisted Men1943-01-09
9296Amending Paragraph 1 of Title II of Executive Order No. 9001 of December 27, 1941 Concerning Reports of Contracts and Purchases Made Under Authority of Title II of the First War Powers Act, 19411943-01-30
9297Making Certain Changes in the Customs Field Organization1943-02-01
9298Amending Subdivisions VII and XVI of Schedule A of the Civil Service Rules1943-02-02
9299Prescribing Regulations and Procedures With Respect to Wage and Salary Adjustments for Employees Subject to the Railway Labor Act1943-02-04
9300Establishing the Interdepartmental Committee to Consider Cases of Subversive Activity on the Part of Federal Employees1943-02-05
9301Establishing a Minimum Wartime Work-Week of Forty-Eight Hours1943-02-09
9302Transferring to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue Certain Functions Relating to Taxes and Penalties Imposed for Violations of the National Prohibition Act1943-02-09
9303Amending the Foreign Service Regulations of the United States1943-02-11
9304Designating the Honorable Martin Travieso as Acting Judge of the District Court of the United States for Puerto Rico1943-02-23
9305Transfer of Certain Personnel Among the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the War and Navy Departments1943-02-23
9306Possession Relinquished of Plants of Triumph Explosives, Inc., Located at Elkton, Maryland1943-02-27
9307Amending Executive Order No. 8384 of March 29, 1940, Prescribing Regulations Relating to Annual Leave of Government Employees1943-03-03
9308Revoking the Designation of Gastonia, North Carolina, as a Customs Port of Entry in Customs Collection District Number 15 (North Carolina)1943-03-03
9309Controlling Government Requests for the Selective Service Deferment of Federal Employees1943-03-06
9310Transferring the Nutrition Functions of the Office of Defense Health and Welfare Services to the Department of Agriculture1943-03-06
9311Enlarging the Squaw Creek National Wildlife Refuge1943-03-06
9312Defining the Foreign Information Activities of the Office of War Information1943-03-09
9313Extension of the Provisions of Executive Order No. 9231 of August 20, 1942, to the Construction of Red Mountain Chromite Road in the Territory of Alaska1943-03-12
9314Revoking Executive Order No. 8955 of December 1, 1941, Extending the Classification Act of 1923, as Amended, to Certain Positions in the War Department and in the Navy Department and Establishing a Salary Differential Therefore1943-03-15
9315Transferring Certain Functions From the President to the Secretary of Agriculture1943-03-15
9316Amending Section 8 of Executive Order No. 8942 of November 19, 1941, Entitled Providing for the Administration of the Requisitioning of Property Required for National Defense1943-03-19
9317Making Available for the Use of the Army and Navy Quinine Sulfate Acquired by the Procurement Division of the Treasury Department Pursuant to the Act of June 7, 19391943-03-20
9318Reinstatement of Former Foreign Service Officer Maxwell M. Hamilton1943-03-20
9319Amending Executive Order No. 9276 Entitled Establishing the Petroleum Administration for War and Defining its Functions and Duties1943-03-23
9320Amending Executive Order No. 9108 of March 21, 1942, Directing the Director of the Office of Defense Transportation To Take Control of the Toledo, Peoria and Western Railroad Company1943-03-24
9321Authorizing the Attorney General To Acquire and Dispose of Property1943-03-25
9322Centralizing and Delegating Authority With Respect to the Production and Distribution of Food1943-03-26
9323Amendment of Executive Order No. 8809 of June 28, 1941, Establishing the Good Conduct Medal1943-03-21
9324Amending the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States Army (1928)1943-03-31
9325Payment of Expenses of the Office of Alien Property Custodian1943-04-07
9326Transfer of Jurisdiction Over Certain Land Containing Oil and Gas Deposits From the War Department to the Department of the Interior1943-04-07
9327Providing for the More Effective Handling of Governmental Problems in Congested Production Areas in Order To Further the Successful Prosecution of the War1943-04-07
9328Stabilization of Wages, Prices, and Salaries1943-04-08
9329Designating the Chairman of the United States Maritime Commission1943-04-16
9330Transfer of Certain Central Administrative Services of the Office for Emergency Management1943-04-16
9331Medal for Merit1943-04-19
9332Establishing the Solid Fuels Administration for War1943-04-19
9333Amending Subdivision XXIX of Schedule A of the Civil Service Rules1943-04-19
9334War Food Administration1943-04-19
9335Providing Additional Members of the War Production Board1943-04-19
9336Authorizing Financing Arrangements To Facilitate the Prosecution of the War1943-04-24
9337Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior To Withdraw and Reserve Lands of the Public Domain and Other Lands Owned or Controlled by the United States1943-04-24
9338Abolishing the Office of Defense Health and Welfare Services and Transferring its Functions to the Federal Security Agency1943-04-29
9339Transfer of Civil Air Patrol From the Office of Civilian Defense to the Department of War1943-04-29
9340Possession and Operation of Coal Mines1943-05-01
9341Directing the Director of the Office of Defense Transportation To Take Control of the Properties of the American Railroad Company of Porto [sic] Rico1943-05-13
9342Amending Executive Order No. 8970 of December 11, 1941, Establishing Certain Defensive Sea Areas1943-05-19
9343Transferring Jurisdiction and Control Over Certain Lands on Government Island, California, to the Navy Department1943-05-19
9344Changing the Name of the Alley Dwelling Authority to National Capital Housing Authority1943-05-21
9345Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, and Declared Value Excess-Profits Tax Returns by the Naval Affairs Investigating Committee, House of Representatives1943-05-27
9346Further Amending Executive Order No. 8802 by Establishing a New Committee on Fair Employment Practice and Defining its Powers and Duties1943-05-27
9347Providing for the Establishment of an Office of War Mobilization1943-05-27
9348Amending Section 9 of Executive Order No. 8588 Entitled Prescribing Regulations Governing the Payment of Expenses of Transportation of Household Goods and Personal Effects of Certain Civilian Officers and Employees of the United States1943-06-03
9349Possession Relinquished of Plants of Milford Ordnance Company, Inc., and Sussex Ordnance Company1943-06-04
9350Conferring Certain Additional Authority Upon the Administrator of the War Shipping Administration1943-06-10
9351Authorizing the Secretary of War To Take Possession of and Operate the Plant of the Howarth Pivoted Bearings Company at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania1943-06-14
9352Entry of Alien Seamen into the United States1943-06-15
9353Disposal of Electric Energy Generated at the Norfork Project1943-06-19
9354Designating the Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission as Member of the Economic Stabilization Board1943-06-23
9355Amendment of Executive Order No. 9226 of August 10, 1942, Prescribing Regulations Governing the Furnishing in Kind or in Payment of Cash in Lieu Thereof to Enlisted Men in the Navy, the Coast Guard, the Naval Reserve, and the Coast Guard Reserve1943-06-24
9356Regulations Governing the Furnishing of Clothing in Kind or Payment of Cash Allowances in Lieu Thereof to Enlisted Personnel of the Navy, the Coast Guard, the Naval Reserve, and the Coast Guard Reserve1943-06-24
9357Transferring the Functions of the Public Works Administration to the Federal Works Administration1943-06-30
9358Providing for the Functions of the Board of Legal Examiners1943-07-01
9359Suspending Certain Statutory Provisions Relating to Employment in the Canal Zone1943-07-01
9360Suspension of Eight-Hour Law as to Laborers and Mechanics Employed by the Department of the Interior on Public Works Within the United States1943-07-07
9361Supplementing the Executive Order Establishing the Office of War Mobilization and Providing for the Unifying of Foreign Economic Affairs1943-07-15
9362Transferring Certain Land From the Jurisdiction of the Federal Communications Commission to the Jurisdiction of the Navy Department1943-07-21
9363Redistributing Certain Functions of the Secretary of War and the Judge Advocate General With Respect to Certain Court-Martial Cases1943-07-23
9364Prescribing the Strength of the Women's Army Corps1943-07-26
9365Women's Army Corps Service Medal1943-07-29
9366Relating to the Operation and Disposition of Electric Energy at the Dennison Dam, Grand River Dam, and Norfork Dam in the States of Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas1943-07-30
9367Prohibiting, With Certain Exceptions, Instruction of Applicants for Civil Service and Foreign Service Examinations by Officers or Employees of the Government1943-08-04
9368Suspension of the Eight-Hour Law as to Laborers and Mechanics Employed by the Department of the Interior on Public Works Within the Territory of Alaska1943-08-09
9369Providing for the Liquidation of the Affairs of the Office of the Bituminous Coal Consumers' Counsel1943-08-16
9370Authorizing the Economic Stabilization Director To Take Certain Action in Connection With the Enforcement of Directives of the National War Labor Board1943-08-16
9371Amendment of Section 9 of Executive Order No. 8384 of March 29, 1940, Prescribing Regulations Relating to Annual Leave of Government Employees1943-08-24
9372Excepting Certain Persons From the Classification of Alien Enemy for the Purposes of Permitting Them To Apply for Naturalization1943-08-27
9373Operation of, and Disposition of Electric Energy at, the Denison Dam, the Grand River Dam, and the Norfork Dam in the States of Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas1943-08-30
9374Transfer of Certain Personnel Between the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the Navy Department1943-09-03
9375Authorizing the War Shipping Administration To Take Possession of and Operate the Plant of the Atlantic Basin Iron Works, Incorporated, at Brooklyn, New York1943-09-03
9376Reinstating John W. Bailey, Jr., in the Foreign Service1943-09-18
9377Relinquishing Possession of the Plant of the Atlantic Basin Iron Works, Incorporated, at Brooklyn, New York1943-09-22
9378Amendment of Executive Order No. 9062 of February 16, 1942, Authorizing the Civil Service Commission To Adopt Special Procedures Relating to Recruitment, Placement, and Changes in Status of Personnel for the Federal Service1943-09-23
9379Establishing a Special Emergency Board To Report on the Adjustment of Wages for Employees of the Pacific Electric Railway Company of Los Angeles, California1943-09-23
9380Foreign Economic Administration1943-09-25
9381Amendment of Executive Order No. 9250, Entitled Providing for the Stabilization of the National Economy1943-09-25
9382Making Certain Changes in the Customs Field Organization1943-09-25
9383Coordination of Functions and Policies of Federal Civil Agencies in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands1943-10-05
9384Submission of Reports to Facilitate Budgeting Activities of the Federal Government1943-10-04
9385Foreign Food Procurement and Development1943-10-06
9386Regulations Governing the Granting of Allowances for Quarters and Subsistence to Enlisted Men1943-10-15
9387Establishing an Advisory Board on Just Compensation and Prescribing its Functions1943-10-15
9388Establishing a Special Emergency Board To Report on Claims for Wage Adjustments of Nonoperating Railway Employees1943-10-16
9389Amendment of Certain Paragraphs of the Executive Orders Establishing the Offices of Scientific Research and Development, Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, Defense Transportation, and Civilian Defense1943-10-18
9390Transferring the Use, Possession, and Control of Certain Lands in the Nantahala National Forest From the Department of Agriculture to the Tennessee Valley Authority1943-10-25
9391Transferring the Use, Possession, and Control of Certain Lands in the Cherokee National Forest From the Department of Agriculture to the Tennessee Valley Authority1943-10-26
9392Amendment of Executive Order 9334 Entitled War Food Administration1943-10-28
9393Possession and Operation of Coal Mines1943-11-01
9394Amending Subdivision VII of Schedule A of the Civil Service Rules1943-11-04
9395Additional Compensation of Enlisted Personnel of the Marine Corps Regularly Detailed as Messmen1943-11-08
9395-AAmending Executive Order No. 9017 of January 12, 1942, To Provide for Alternate Public Members of the National War Labor Board1943-11-20
9395-BPossession of Leather Manufacturing Plants Located in Salem, Peabody, and Danvers, Massachusetts1943-11-20
9396Authorizing the Secretary of War To Issue Citations in the Name of the President of the United States to Army Units for Outstanding Performance in Action1943-11-22
9397Numbering System for Federal Accounts Relating to Individual Persons1943-11-22
9398Extension of Trust Periods on Indian Lands Expiring During Calendar Year 19441943-11-25
9399Authorizing the Secretary of the Navy To Take Possession of and Operate Part of the Plant and Facilities of Remington Rand, Inc., in the Town of Southport, County of Chemung, State of New York1943-11-25
9400Authorizing the Secretary of the Navy To Take Possession of and Operate the Shipyard of the Los Angeles Shipbuilding and Drydock Corporation at Los Angeles, California1943-12-03
9401Suspension of Eight-Hour Law as to Laborers and Mechanics Employed by the Department of Agriculture, Including the War Food Administration1943-12-07
9402Designating Dr. R. R. Sayers, Director of the Bureau of Mines, To Act as Under Secretary, First Assistant Secretary, or Assistant Secretary of the Interior1943-12-07
9403Relinquishing Possession of Leather Manufacturing Plants Located in Salem, Peabody, and Danvers, Massachusetts1943-12-13
9404Authorizing the Governor of the Panama Canal To Acquire and Dispose of Property1943-12-17
9405Amending Subdivision IX of Schedule A of the Civil Service Rules1943-12-17
9406Transfer of Functions With Respect to Necessity Certificates From the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy to the Chairman of the War Production Board1943-12-17
9407Amending the Foreign Service Regulations of the United States1943-12-17
9408Authorizing the Secretary of War To Take Possession of and Operate the Point Breeze Plants and Facilities of the Western Electric Company, Incorporated, in and Near the City of Baltimore, Maryland1943-12-19
9409Altering the Composition of the War Manpower Commission1943-12-23
9410Delegation of Certain Functions of the President to the Director of Selective Service1943-12-23
9411Prescribing Rates for Hospitalization and Medical Care of Dependents of Naval Personnel and Others1943-12-23
9412Possession and Operation of Railroads1943-12-27


Relative No.Absolute No.Title / DescriptionDate signed
9413Establishing a Special Emergency Board To Report on the Claims for Wage Adjustments of Non-Operating Railway Employees1944-01-04
9414Regulations Relating to Annual and Sick Leave of Government Employees1944-01-13
9415Transfer of Certain Personnel of the Coast and Geodetic Survey to the War Department1944-01-20
9416Authorizing the Secretary of the Navy To Take Possession of and Operate the Plants of the York Safe & Lock Company, York County, Pennsylvania1944-01-21
9417Establishing a War Refugee Board1944-01-22
9418Authorizing the War Food Administration To Place Orders With Other Agencies for Materials or Services To Be Obtained by Contract or Otherwise1944-01-29
9419Bronze Star Medal1944-02-04
9420Authorizing the Secretary of War To Take Possession of and Operate the Plants and Facilities of Arkwright Corp., Berkshire Fine Spinning Associates, Inc., Border City Manufacturing Co., Bourne Mills, Howard Arthur Mills, Richard Borden Manufacturing Co., and Sagamore Manufacturing Co., in and About Fall River, Massachusetts1944-02-07
9421Designating the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System1944-02-08
9422Ratifying the Use by the Army Air Forces of Certain Optical Glass1944-02-09
9423Transfer of the War Relocation Authority to the Department of the Interior1944-02-16
9424Establishing in the United States Patent Office a Register of Government Interest in Patents and Applications for Patents1944-02-18
9425Establishing the Surplus War Property Administration1944-02-19
9426Authorizing the Secretary of War To Take Possession of and Operate Plants, Facilities, Installations and Other Properties in California and Nevada of the Department of Water and Power, of the City of Los Angeles, California1944-02-23
9427Establishment of the Retraining and Reemployment Administration1944-02-24
9427-AAssignment of Frequencies to Government Radio Stations1944-03-01
9428Authorizing Certain Former Employees of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Justice, To Acquire a Competitive Classified Status1944-03-01
9429Amending Executive Order 9406 of December 17, 19431944-03-02
9430Inspection by the Office of Price Administration of Corporation Statistical Transcript Cards Prepared From Income and Declared Excess Profits Tax Returns1944-03-07
9431Amending the Foreign Service Regulations of the United States1944-03-20
9432Designation of Under Secretary and Assistant Secretaries of the Interior To Act as Secretary of the Interior1944-03-28
9433Extending the Limits of Certain Customs Ports of Entry1944-04-06
9434Naval Radio Station, Summit, Canal Zone1944-04-08
9435Authorizing the Secretary of the Navy To Take Possession of and To Operate the Plants and Facilities of Jenkins Brothers, Inc., at Bridgeport, Connecticut1944-04-13
9436Authorizing the Secretary of War To Take Possession of and To Operate the Plants and Facilities of the Ken-Rad Tube and Lamp Corporation and Ken-Rad Transmitting Tube Corporation at Owensboro, Kentucky1944-04-13
9437Revocation of Executive Order No. 9165, Providing for the Protection of Certain Facilities From Sabotage and Other Destructive Acts1944-04-18
9438Authorizing the Secretary of Commerce To Take Possession of and To Operate the Plants and Facilities of Montgomery Ward and Company Located in Chicago, Illinois1944-04-25
9439Establishing a Uniform Monthly Rate of Pay for Student Nurses Transferred to Federal Hospitals1944-05-04
9440Authorizing the Reconstruction Finance Corporation To Place Orders With Other Agencies for Materials or Services To Be Obtained by Contract or Otherwise1944-05-09
9441Suspension of the Eight-Hour Law as to Laborers and Mechanics Employed by the Veterans' Administration on Public Work Within the United States1944-05-11
9442Waiving the Provisions of Executive Order of January 13, 1873, as to Eugene E. Dickerson, Postmaster at Warmsprings, Montana1944-05-15
9443Authorizing the Secretary of War To Take Possession of and To Operate the Plants and Facilities of the Hummer Manufacturing Division of Montgomery Ward & Company, Incorporated, at Springfield, Illinois1944-05-20
9444Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, Declared Value Excess-Profits, and Capital Stock Tax Returns by the Special Committee on Un-American Activities1944-05-25
9445Designation of the Honorable Harold Martin Travieso, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Puerto Rico, To Act as Acting Judge of the District Court of the United States for Puerto Rico in the Case of United States v. Julio Trinidad Geigel1944-05-29
9446Regulations Governing the Allowance of Travel Expenses of Claimants and Beneficiaries of the Veterans' Administration and of Their Attendants1944-06-08
9447Amendment of Executive Order 9356 of June 24, 1943, Prescribing Regulations Governing the Furnishing of Clothing in Kind or Payment of Cash Allowances in Lieu Thereof to Enlisted Personnel of the Navy, the Coast Guard, the Naval Reserve, and the Coast Guard Reserve1944-06-08
9448Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, and Capital Stock Tax Returns by the Select Committee To Investigate the Federal Communications Commission, House of Representatives1944-06-08
9449Amending Regulations Concerning Foreign Service Pay Adjustment1944-06-15
9450Amending Foreign Service Regulations of the United States1944-06-20
9451Revoking Paragraph 2 of Executive Order 9243 of September 12, 1942, Entitled Providing for the Transfer and Release of Federal Personnel1944-06-20
9451-AConfidential—Concerning Alloys1944-06-22
9452Authorizing the Secretary of State To Prescribe Regulations Relating to the Foreign Service of the United States1944-06-26
9453Participation by the United States in the Work of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration1944-07-06
9454Temporary Appointments as Officers in the Army of the United States of Members of the Army Nurse Corps and Female Dietetic and Physical-Therapy Personnel of the Medical Department of the Army1944-07-10
9455Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, Declared Value Excess-Profits, and Capital Stock Tax Returns by the Select Committee To Investigate the Federal Communications Commission, House of Representatives1944-07-11
9456Suspending Certain Statutory Provisions Relating to Employment in the Canal Zone1944-07-13
9457Reinstating Philip W. Bonsal in the Foreign Service of the United States1944-07-19
9458Amending Paragraphs 6 and 7 of Executive Order No. 9195 of July 7, 1942, Prescribing Regulations Relating to Aerial Flights by Personnel of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and National Guard1944-07-22
9459Philadelphia Transportation Company, Possession and Control by the Secretary of War1944-08-03
9460Regulations Relating to Glider Flights by Personnel of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard1944-08-07
9461Abolishing the Executive Committee on Commercial Policy1944-08-07
9461-AThe Honorable A. Cecil Snyder Designated as Acting Judge of the District Court of the United States for Puerto Rico1944-08-08
9462Possession and Operation of Certain Motor Carrier Transportation Systems1944-08-11
9463Authorizing the Secretary of the Navy To Take Possession of and Operate the Plants and Facilities of the Pacific Gear and Tool Works, the Federal Mogul Company, the Link-Blet Company (Pacific Division), the U.S. Pipe and Manufacturing Company, and the Enterprise Engine and Foundry Company, Located at San Francisco, California1944-08-12
9464Transferring the Use, Possession, and Control of Certain Land in the Nantahala National Forest From the Department of Agriculture to the Tennessee Valley Authority1944-08-12
9465Amendment of Executive Order 9356 of June 24, 1943, Prescribing Regulations Governing the Furnishing of Clothing in Kind or Payment of Cash Allowances in Lieu Thereof to Enlisted Personnel of the Navy, Coast Guard, Naval Reserve, and Coast Guard Reserve1944-08-12
9466Authorizing the Secretary of the Navy To Take Possession of and Operate the Plants and Facilities of Certain Machine Shop Companies1944-08-19
9467Amendment of Executive Order No. 1888 of February 2, 1914, as Amended, Relating to Conditions of Employment in the Service of the Panama Canal and the Panama Railroad Company on the Isthmus of Panama1944-08-19
9468Transfer of Certain Personnel Among the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the War and Navy Department1944-08-22
9469Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior To Take Possession of and Operate the Mines, Collieries, and Facilities of the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company in the State of Pennsylvania1944-08-23
9470Establishing a Method of Determining the Amounts of Bonds of Collectors of Customs1944-08-25
9471Disposition of the Functions and Termination of the Division of Central Administrative Services of the Office for Emergency Management1944-08-25
9472Establishing Certain Awards for the Merchant Marine1944-08-29
9473Authorizing the Secretary of War To Take Possession of and Operate the Plants and Facilities of the International Nickel Company, Inc., Located in and Around Huntington, West Virginia1944-08-29
9474Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior To Take Possession of and Operate the Mines, Collieries, and Preparation Facilities of the Ford Collieries Company of Curtisville, Pennsylvania, and Rochester and Pittsburgh Coal Company of Indiana, Pennsylvania1944-08-31
9475Transferring the Functions and Responsibilities of the Rubber Director1944-09-01
9475-AAuthorizing the Secretary of War To Take Possession of and Operate Certain Plants and Facilities of the Hughes Tool Company Located at Houston, Texas1944-09-02
9476Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior To Take Possession of and Operate the Mines, Collieries, and Preparation Facilities of Certain Coal Companies1944-09-03
9477Authorizing the Secretary of War To Take Possession of and Operate the Plants and Facilities of Cleveland Graphite Company Located at Cleveland, Ohio1944-09-05
9478Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior To Take Possession of and Operate Mines, Collieries, and Preparation Facilities of Certain Coal Companies1944-09-06
9479Amending Executive Order No. 7021 of April 19, 1935, Authorizing the Governor of the Panama Canal To Arrange for the Operation by the Panama Railroad Company of Panama Canal Piers1944-09-06
9480Authorizing the Secretary of War To Take Possession of and Operate the Plants and Facilities of the Twentieth Century Brass Works, Inc., Located at Minneapolis, Minnesota1944-09-09
9481Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior To Take Possession of and Operate Certain Mines, Collieries, and Preparation Facilities1944-09-12
9482Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior To Take Possession of and Operate Certain Mines, Collieries, and Preparation Facilities1944-09-14
9483Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior To Take Possession of and Operate Certain Mines, Collieries, and Preparation Facilities1944-09-19
9484Authorizing the Secretary of War To Take Possession of and Operate the Plants and Facilities of the Farrell Cheek Steel Company Located at Sandusky, Ohio1944-09-23
9485Relinquishing Possession of the Plant and Facilities of the Remington Rand, Inc., in the Town of Southport, County of Chemung, State of New York1944-09-30
9486Transfer of Functions With Respect to Non-Necessity Certificates From the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy to the Chairman of the War Production Board1944-09-30
9487Regulations Governing the Issuance of Non-Necessity Certificates Under Section 124 (d) of the Internal Revenue Code1944-09-30
9488Transfer of the Records, Property, Funds and Personnel of the Office of War Mobilization and Its Constituent Agencies1944-10-03
9489Authorizing and Directing the Secretary of War To designate a Military Commander for the Territory of Hawaii, and the Military Commander To Prescribe Said Territory, or Any Part Thereof, as a Military Area, and for Other Purposes1944-10-18
9490Transfer of Functions of the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy Under Section 124 of the Internal Revenue Code, to the Chairman of the War Production Board1944-10-20
9491Regulations Governing the Issuance of Payment Certificates Under Section 124 (h) of the Internal Revenue Code1944-10-21
9492Regulations Governing Non-Military and Non-Naval Transportation on Army and Navy Air Transports1944-10-24
9493Authorizing and Directing the Secretary of the Navy To Take Possession of the Plants and Facilities of Lord Manufacturing Company, Located at Erie, Pennsylvania1944-10-24
9494Authorizing the Civil Service Commission To Confer a Classified Status Upon Certain Employees of the Department of Justice1944-10-30
9495Extension of the Provisions of Executive Order No. 9177 of May 30, 1942, to the United States Maritime Commission and the Administrator of the War Shipping Administration1944-10-30
9496Authorizing the Secretary of War To Take Possession of and Operate Plants and Facilities of Certain Companies Located in or Near Toledo, Ohio1944-11-03
9497Amendment of Executive Order No. 9039 Authorizing Sick and Rest Leave for Alien Employees of the Panama Canal and the Panama Canal Company, and Correction of Section 4 of Executive Order No. 9467 Relating to Conditions of Employment in the Service of the Panama Canal and Panama Railroad Company1944-11-06
9498Amending Executive Order 9079 of February 26, 1942, Making Certain Public Health Service Hospitals Available for the Care and Treatment of Insane Persons1944-11-11
9499Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, Declared Value Excess-Profits, and Capital Stock Tax Returns by the Department of Commerce1944-11-11
9500Extension of Trust Periods on Indian Lands Expiring During Calendar Year 19451944-11-14
9501Regulations Governing the Recall to Active Duty of Retired Commissioned Officers of the Public Health Service1944-11-21
9502Establishing Special Temporary Positions in the Public Health Service1944-11-24
9503Appointment of Disabled Veterans Completing Courses of Instruction Prescribed Pursuant to the Act of March 24, 19431944-11-27
9504Revoking the Designation of Dunkirk, New York, as a Customs Port of Entry1944-11-27
9505Authorizing the Secretary of War To Take Possession of and Operate the Plants and Facilities of the Cudahy Brothers Company of Cudahay, Wisconsin1944-12-06
9506Modifying the Conditions Upon Which a Classified Status May be Granted1944-12-12
9507Amending the Foreign Service Regulations of the United States1944-12-20
9508Authorizing the Secretary of War To Take Possession of and To Operate Certain Facilities of Montgomery Ward & Co., Incorporated1944-12-27


Relative No.Absolute No.Title / DescriptionDate signed
9509Regulations With Respect to Uniforms of Commissioned Officers of the Public Health Service, and Governing the Wearing of Such Uniforms1945-01-08
9510Transfer of Certain Personnel From the Coast and Geodetic Survey to the War Department1945-01-08
9511Authorizing the Secretary of War To Take Possession of and Operate the Properties of the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company Located in and Around Cleveland, Ohio1945-01-12
9512Providing for Coordination of the Allocations of Field Positions Subject to the Classification Act of 1923, as Amended1945-01-12
9513Extending the Periods of Service or Training and Service of Persons Inducted Into or Assigned to the Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard1945-01-17
9514Amending Executive Order 9452 Authorizing the Secretary of State To Prescribe Regulations and Issue Orders and Instructions Relating to the Foreign Service of the United States1945-01-18
9515Amendment of Rule 54 of Executive Order No. 4314 of September 25, 1925, Establishing Rules Governing Navigation of the Panama Canal1945-01-18
9516Possession and Operation of the Transportation System of the Bingham and Garfield Railway Company1945-01-24
9517Returning Certain Land to the Jurisdiction of the Territory of Hawaii1945-01-31
9518Designating the Honorable A.R. de Jesus as Acting Judge of the District Court of the United States for Puerto Rico1945-01-31
9519Extension of the Provisions of Executive Order No. 9001 of December 27, 1941, to the Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion, the Office of Contract Settlement, the Surplus Property Board, and the Retraining and Reemployment Administration1945-01-31
9520Designating the Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System1945-01-31
9521Revocation of Certain Executive Orders Prescribing Regulations Relating to the Duties of Officers and Employees of the Foreign Service of the United States1945-02-13
9522Transferring the Tomah Radio School Property at Tomah, Wisconsin, to the Control and Jurisdiction of the Veterans' Administration1945-02-13
9523Authorizing the Secretary of War To Take Possession of and Operate the Plants and Facilities of the American Enka Corporation, Located at or Near Enka, North Carolina1945-02-18
9524Amending Executive Order No. 9195 of July 7, 1942, Prescribing Regulations Relating to Aerial Flights by Personnel of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and National Guard1945-02-18
9525Amendment of Executive Order 9356 of June 24, 1943, Prescribing Regulations Governing the Furnishing of Clothing in Kind or Payment of Cash Allowances in Lieu Thereof to Enlisted Personnel of the Navy, the Coast Guard, the Naval Reserve, and the Coast Guard Reserve1945-02-28
9526Amending Certain Executive and Public Land Orders Withdrawing Public Lands for Purposes Incident to the National Emergency and Prosecution of the War1945-02-28
9527Relinquishing Possession of the Plants of the York Safe and Lock Company, York County, Pennsylvania1945-02-28
9528Amending Executive Order No. 9096 To Provide a Change in the Order of Succession of Officers To Act as Secretary of the Navy1945-03-02
9529Reinstating Paul H. Alling in the Foreign Service of the United States1945-03-03
9530Exemption of Harry F. Hawley From Compulsory Retirement for Age1945-03-14
9531Making Certain Changes in the Customs Field Organization1945-03-15
9532Changing the Name of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs1945-03-23
9533Changing the Name of the Customs Port of Entry of Marshfield, Oregon, to Coos Bay, Oregon1945-03-23
9534Designating the Federal Loan Administrator and the War Food Administrator as Members of the Economic Stabilization Board1945-04-03
9535Public Members of the National War Labor Board1945-04-04
9536Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior To Take Possession of and Operate Certain Coal Mines1945-04-10
9537Amending Executive Order 8396 of April 18, 1940, Prescribing Chapter I of the Foreign Service Regulations of the United States1945-04-11

Presidential proclamations


Relative No.Absolute No.Title / DescriptionDate signed
12038Calling Congress into Extraordinary SessionMarch 5, 1933
22039Declaring Bank HolidayMarch 6, 1933
32040Bank HolidayMarch 9, 1933
42047Mediation of the Railroad Labor DisputeJune 12, 1933
52062A Thanksgiving Day Proclamation
62065Repeal of the Eighteenth AmendmentDecember 5, 1933
72067Ratifying the London Agreement on SilverDecember 21, 1933
82068Christmas Amnesty Proclamation for Certain War-Time Offenders Who Have Completed Their Prison SentencesDecember 23, 1933
92070Restoring of Non-Member Banks to the Jurisdiction of Their Own State Banking AuthoritiesDecember 30, 1933














  1. ^ Schmidt, Steffen W.; Shelley, Mack C.; Bardes, Barbara A.; Ford, Lynne E. (2013). American Government and Politics Today, 2013-2014. American and Texas Government (16th ed.). Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Company, Inc. ISBN 978-1133602132.
  2. ^ Office of the Press Secretary (January 4, 1996). "Suspending Restrictions on U.S. Relations with the Palestine Liberation Organization". Yale Law School. Yale University. White House. Retrieved February 23, 2017.
  3. ^ Hartman, Gary R. (2004). Landmark Supreme Court cases : the most influential decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States. New York: Facts on File. p. 545. ISBN 9781438110363.
  4. ^ Relyea, Harold C. (November 26, 2008). "Presidential Directives: Background and Overview" (PDF). Congressional Research Service. Washington, D.C.: United States Congress. p. 4. Order Code 98-611 GOV. Retrieved October 8, 2017.
  5. ^ "Presidential Documents Guide". National Archives and Records Administration. Washington, D.C.: United States Government. August 15, 2016. Retrieved October 8, 2017.
  6. ^ Relyea, Harold C. (February 10, 2003). "Presidential Directives: Background and Overview" (PDF). Congressional Research Service. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress. Retrieved March 24, 2017.
  7. ^ Johnson, Paul M. "Sequestration". Department of Political Science. Auburn, Alabama: Auburn University. Retrieved May 29, 2017.
  8. ^ "Executive Orders". presidency.ucsb.edu. July 20, 2024. Retrieved July 28, 2024.
  9. ^ "Executive Order 6963". Archived from the original on 2021-02-21. Retrieved 2020-03-17.
  10. ^ "Executive Order 6967". Archived from the original on 2021-02-21. Retrieved 2020-04-08.
  11. ^ "Executive Order 7120". Archived from the original on 2020-03-17. Retrieved 2020-04-08.
  12. ^ "Executive Order 7174". Archived from the original on 2020-03-17. Retrieved 2020-04-08.
  13. ^ NYFRB Archives, USSR Gold File, Draft of Memorandum presumably sent from NYFRB to USSR State Bank over disputed USSR transfer request for Baltic gold, pp 1-8 and an additional 2 pages to replace crossed out section on page 8.
  14. ^ "Major Frank Frayser Retirement, April 17, 1942". Press Releases of the United States Department of the Treasury. 41. Department of the Treasury. 7 April – 10 June 1942: 102–104. Archived from the original on 26 January 2023. Retrieved 27 January 2023. Major Frank Frayser, veteran agent of the Intelligence Unit of the Bureau of Internal Revenue, will [...be honored...] on the occasion of his retirement after thirty-nine years in the Federal service. Major Frayser was one of the original six inspectors drawn from the Postal service in 1919 to form the Intelligence Unit. [...] Major Frayser served with the nation's military forces in two wars, and maintained the vigor in his seventy-first year to serve his country in a civilian capacity in a third. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt's Executive Orders
  • Executive Orders Disposition Tables National Archives, Federal Register
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